Attorney general Barr announces opening investigation into Epstein death

I'm a skeptic, don't rule out the boring conclusion that this guy knew he would spend the rest of his life in prison and took the easy way out. That said even being a skeptic I can see why it's not hard to think his death is shady as hell.

It's not hard to believe he would kill himself. What is hard to believe is that we would have allowed it.

Now those who allowed it will investigate themselves.
Well, it's not exactly a far-fetched consideration. They spent a lot of time at Epstein's little girl seraglio. Bill said he maybe went four times. Pilot records show 26.

Enough to raise a few suspicions.

Yes, Clinton was going to fuck underage girls with his Secret Service Detail watching... totally.

According to the women who accused him in the past he would have government aides with him when he did what he did.

The problem with Clinton is whether he did or didn't, it's totally believable he would. That someone it's believable about was once president. And yes, it's believable about Trump also.
Well, it's not exactly a far-fetched consideration. They spent a lot of time at Epstein's little girl seraglio. Bill said he maybe went four times. Pilot records show 26.

Enough to raise a few suspicions.

Yes, Clinton was going to fuck underage girls with his Secret Service Detail watching... totally.

Clinton is no longer president. He can ditch them at will.
who the F cares if he killed himself??? this is GOOD for everybody
If you want justice this is not a good thing. Who his fellow pedos are mioght not be found out.

Besides this 'suicide' smells to high hewaven.

I would bet my house the bastard was Arkacided.
a jackass criminal pedo is dead --that's good

It was a mob hit. Not good for the case.
what case---?
either it was suicide or it wasn't
who the F cares if he killed himself??? this is GOOD for everybody
If you want justice this is not a good thing. Who his fellow pedos are mioght not be found out.

Besides this 'suicide' smells to high hewaven.

I would bet my house the bastard was Arkacided.
a jackass criminal pedo is dead --that's good

It was a mob hit. Not good for the case.
what case---?
either it was suicide or it wasn't

Only the extremely gullible would think this was a suicide.

The case? Child sexual exploitation, and who was involved.
who the F cares if he killed himself??? this is GOOD for everybody
If you want justice this is not a good thing. Who his fellow pedos are mioght not be found out.

Besides this 'suicide' smells to high hewaven.

I would bet my house the bastard was Arkacided.
a jackass criminal pedo is dead --that's good

It was a mob hit. Not good for the case.
what case---?
either it was suicide or it wasn't

Only the extremely gullible would think this was a suicide.

The case? Child sexual exploitation, and who was involved.
so what is the evidence it is not suicide?
Well, it's not exactly a far-fetched consideration. They spent a lot of time at Epstein's little girl seraglio. Bill said he maybe went four times. Pilot records show 26.

Enough to raise a few suspicions.

Yes, Clinton was going to fuck underage girls with his Secret Service Detail watching... totally.
Part of the paper trail was the documentation of him waiving his Secret Service detail, so you are right about that!

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If you want justice this is not a good thing. Who his fellow pedos are mioght not be found out.

Besides this 'suicide' smells to high hewaven.

I would bet my house the bastard was Arkacided.
a jackass criminal pedo is dead --that's good

It was a mob hit. Not good for the case.
what case---?
either it was suicide or it wasn't

Only the extremely gullible would think this was a suicide.

The case? Child sexual exploitation, and who was involved.
so what is the evidence it is not suicide?

Coincidental at present, but I've never seen so many coincidences.

Read the link in post #10 - the whole thing.

That will cure your cough. :biggrin:

what? no seth rich???????????????????
You didn't read the link. He's there. They are listed by first letter of last name. Scroll to R >>


Seth Conrad Rich
DNC Voter Expansion Data Director
Died: July 10, 2016

Seth Conrad Rich was shot several times in the back a block from his home in D.C.'s neighborhood of Bloomingdale. The police declared it a robbery gone bad, but nothing had been taken; Seth still had his wallet, watch, and cell phone.

One possible motive for his assassination lies with the WikiLeaks dump of 20,000 DNC emails which proved the DNC was rigging the primaries to favor Hillary Clinton. The scandal forced DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Shultz to resign. Although Hillary's people tried to portray this as a hack by Russia, to cast Hillary as a victim of international intrigue, WikiLeaks, while not identifying the leak, denied it was Russia, and stated it was an "internal" leak. If Seth (who was in a perfect position to acquire the data) were the leak, that would be ample motive to murder him, as a warning to others inside the DNC not to blow any whistles.

Shortly after the killing, Redditors and social media users were pursuing a "lead" saying that Rich was en route to the FBI the morning of his murder, apparently intending to speak to special agents about an "ongoing court case" possibly involving the Clinton family. Reports are that we was set to testify before the Congressional Commitee looking into Hillary's email server. According to Rich's girlfriend, Seth Rich had uncovered evidence of massive fraududing thr primaries involving a voter app he himself had written.

A reward has been offered for information on this murder.


UPDATE: FOX News is now confirming that Seth Rich was in contact with WikiLeaks prior to his assasination.

UPDATE 2: FOX News has now removed the above story.

UPDATE 3: Steven Wasserman, the US Attorney for the District of Columbia, and in charge of the Seth Rich investigation, is the brother of Debbie Wasserman Shultz.
Rightwing propaganda.
You wouldn't know, You haven't read it.

Deniers of the Clinton Body Count can only be 1 of 4 things >>

1. Ignoramuses who never read it.

2. Liars.

3. Fools.

4. Nutjobs.

No intelligent, honest, sane, person having read the link, can deny the Clinton Body Count.


Well tell me this if Clinton is murdering so many folks why aren't right wing, republicans bringing him to the Bar of Justice.
Rightwing propaganda.
You wouldn't know, You haven't read it.

Deniers of the Clinton Body Count can only be 1 of 4 things >>

1. Ignoramuses who never read it.

2. Liars.

3. Fools.

4. Nutjobs.

No intelligent, honest, sane, person having read the link, can deny the Clinton Body Count.


Well tell me this if Clinton is murdering so many folks why aren't right wing, republicans bringing him to the Bar of Justice.
The Clintons have left a wake of dead people over decades of so-called “service to the country”...
Barr needs to investigate ALL the deaths in the Clinton Body Count. Clintons are out of power now, and don't have the shields they used to have.

Go after them. Lock them up!
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Well tell me this if Clinton is murdering so many folks why aren't right wing, republicans bringing him to the Bar of Justice.
Because they've been protected by their positions of POWER ( POTUS, Senator, Sect of State). That's why Hillary went freak out bananas, when she found out she wasn't going to win the 2016 election.

And since then, the Trump admin has been bogged down with the Russian Collusion scam, and myriad of other "investigations", all designed to keep Trump from getting things done.
So if what you are sayin is true( and it is not) you realize the current administration was not able to keep it's star witness alive right! I mean how fuckinbg stupid would a president have to be to not be able to keep it's star witness against it's biggest foe alive? He would have to be in the IQ level of a rock are unable to accomplish any thing at all. It's a great deal more likely some one currently in power did the dead dumb fuck!
If you had read the
THE CLINTON BODY-COUNT | WHAT REALLY HAPPENED link that you quoted, you would know that Epstein was not a star witness, because there are hundreds of witnesses to the DOZENS of killings by the Clintons.

Read the whole link, I know it's long, but you could read it in less than 2 hours, and then at least you'll know what you're talking about, before coming in here and posting.
Rightwing propaganda.
You wouldn't know, You haven't read it.

Deniers of the Clinton Body Count can only be 1 of 4 things >>

1. Ignoramuses who never read it.

2. Liars.

3. Fools.

4. Nutjobs.

No intelligent, honest, sane, person having read the link, can deny the Clinton Body Count.


Well tell me this if Clinton is murdering so many folks why aren't right wing, republicans bringing him to the Bar of Justice.
The Clintons have left a wake of dead people over decades of so-called “service to the country”...

………..and yet they have never been charged with any of them, allegedly.
Well tell me this if Clinton is murdering so many folks why aren't right wing, republicans bringing him to the Bar of Justice.
Because they've been protected by their positions of POWER ( POTUS, Senator, Sect of State). That's why Hillary went freak out bananas, when she found out she wasn't going to win the 2016 election.

It's 2019 why haven't they been charged?

And since then, the Trump admin has been bogged down with the Russian Collusion scam, and myriad of other "investigations", all designed to keep Trump from getting things done.

What a crock of shit.

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