Attorney General Jeff Sessions may be facing perjury charges.

He claimed to be someone who could, once again, somebody that claims to know somebody. Regardless, it didn't happen, did it?


That's because Jeff Sessions nixed the idea.

And then claimed he didn't remember the meeting.
As you remember there were accusations that Jeff Sessions lied under oath during his senate confirmation hearing. Everyone went along well he must have misunderstood the question. We know now that he did in fact lie, and he told one lie after another ever since.

After this we found out that Jeff Sessions did meet twice with the Russian ambassador, and he was asked (after he got caught) if he had spoke about the Trump campaign. He said NO that wasn't what the meeting was about, and the Trump campaign was not discussed.
Jeff Sessions spoke twice with Russian envoy during presidential campaign: Department of Justice

Then this comes out:
"Russia’s ambassador to Washington told his superiors in Moscow that he discussed campaign-related matters, including policy issues important to Moscow, with Jeff Sessions during the 2016 presidential race, contrary to public assertions by the embattled attorney general, according to current and former U.S. officials.Ambassador Sergey Kislyak’s accounts of two conversations with Sessions — then a top foreign policy adviser to Republican candidate Donald Trump — were intercepted by U.S. spy agencies, which monitor the communications of senior Russian officials in the United States and in Russia. Sessions initially failed to disclose his contacts with Kislyak and then said that the meetings were not about the Trump campaign."
Sessions discussed Trump campaign-related matters with Russian ambassador, U.S. intelligence intercepts show

Now the SLAM DUNK.

"Sessions’s participation in the gathering was detailed in court documents released Monday by special counsel Robert S. Mueller III. The adviser who offered to set up the meeting was George Papadopoulos, who has pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI, according to the documents. Sessions had not previously disclosed the meeting, despite being asked over multiple appearances on Capitol Hill whether he or anyone on the campaign ever discussed meeting with Russians. A Sessions spokeswoman declined to comment this week on the March 31 meeting with Trump and campaign advisers, including Papadopoulos. But on Thursday, a person familiar with Sessions’s recollections said that “people who remember the conversation” believed that Papadopoulos was proposing an idea of using his Russian contacts to try to set up a meeting between Trump and Putin, “which was immediately rejected by then-Senator Sessions.”
Democrats demand that Sessions explain his meeting with Papadopoulos


March 31, 2016 meeting where George Papadopoulos, was discussing his Russian plan to meet with the Russian Professor who claimed to have 1000's of Hillary Clinton's emails--and as you can see Donald Trump is at the table also. Apparently Jeff Sessions was adamantely opposed to it, and stated that if this leaked out--all hell would break loose.

But Jeff Sessions has continually lied (under oath about this,) and I imagine he will be removed as Attorney General on perjury charges.

This is silly, it will blow over in a week other than on whine fest fake news reports....

Trump's non-stick ... y'all blew it with your 24/7 nincompoopery.

He claimed to be someone who could, once again, somebody that claims to know somebody. Regardless, it didn't happen, did it?
That's because Jeff Sessions nixed the idea.
And then claimed he didn't remember the meeting.
Then why did Carter Page go to russia? I guess Session didn't have any real power.
Carter Page was the "low level" operative they sent to Russia, because they were afraid o leaks about setting up a Trump Putin meeting.
He claimed to be someone who could, once again, somebody that claims to know somebody. Regardless, it didn't happen, did it?


That's because Jeff Sessions nixed the idea.

And then claimed he didn't remember the meeting.

Everyone nixed the idea, kind of strange to try to collude that way, ain't it? But what can you expect when some late 20's kid, that's suppose to advise on energy, brags that he knows somebody that knows somebody.

As you remember there were accusations that Jeff Sessions lied under oath during his senate confirmation hearing. Everyone went along well he must have misunderstood the question. We know now that he did in fact lie, and he told one lie after another ever since.

After this we found out that Jeff Sessions did meet twice with the Russian ambassador, and he was asked (after he got caught) if he had spoke about the Trump campaign. He said NO that wasn't what the meeting was about, and the Trump campaign was not discussed.
Jeff Sessions spoke twice with Russian envoy during presidential campaign: Department of Justice

Then this comes out:
"Russia’s ambassador to Washington told his superiors in Moscow that he discussed campaign-related matters, including policy issues important to Moscow, with Jeff Sessions during the 2016 presidential race, contrary to public assertions by the embattled attorney general, according to current and former U.S. officials.Ambassador Sergey Kislyak’s accounts of two conversations with Sessions — then a top foreign policy adviser to Republican candidate Donald Trump — were intercepted by U.S. spy agencies, which monitor the communications of senior Russian officials in the United States and in Russia. Sessions initially failed to disclose his contacts with Kislyak and then said that the meetings were not about the Trump campaign."
Sessions discussed Trump campaign-related matters with Russian ambassador, U.S. intelligence intercepts show

Now the SLAM DUNK.

"Sessions’s participation in the gathering was detailed in court documents released Monday by special counsel Robert S. Mueller III. The adviser who offered to set up the meeting was George Papadopoulos, who has pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI, according to the documents. Sessions had not previously disclosed the meeting, despite being asked over multiple appearances on Capitol Hill whether he or anyone on the campaign ever discussed meeting with Russians. A Sessions spokeswoman declined to comment this week on the March 31 meeting with Trump and campaign advisers, including Papadopoulos. But on Thursday, a person familiar with Sessions’s recollections said that “people who remember the conversation” believed that Papadopoulos was proposing an idea of using his Russian contacts to try to set up a meeting between Trump and Putin, “which was immediately rejected by then-Senator Sessions.”
Democrats demand that Sessions explain his meeting with Papadopoulos


March 31, 2016 meeting where George Papadopoulos, was discussing his Russian plan to meet with the Russian Professor who claimed to have 1000's of Hillary Clinton's emails--and as you can see Donald Trump is at the table also. Apparently Jeff Sessions was adamantely opposed to it, and stated that if this leaked out--all hell would break loose.

But Jeff Sessions has continually lied (under oath about this,) and I imagine he will be removed as Attorney General on perjury charges.

....and then Crooked Hillary becomes President
He claimed to be someone who could, once again, somebody that claims to know somebody. Regardless, it didn't happen, did it?
That's because Jeff Sessions nixed the idea.
And then claimed he didn't remember the meeting.
Then why did Carter Page go to russia? I guess Session didn't have any real power.
Carter Page was the "low level" operative they sent to Russia, because they were afraid o leaks about setting up a Trump Putin meeting.

Bullshit, he gave a prearranged speech and it wasn't the first time he spoke at the university.

Everyone nixed the idea, kind of strange to try to collude that way, ain't it? But what can you expect when some late 20's kid, that's suppose to advise on energy, brags that he knows somebody that knows somebody.

Trump was for it, Sam Clovis was for it.
Everyone nixed the idea, kind of strange to try to collude that way, ain't it? But what can you expect when some late 20's kid, that's suppose to advise on energy, brags that he knows somebody that knows somebody.

Trump was for it, Sam Clovis was for it.

Really, I read that Sam Clovis said no meetings with Russia before they spoke to our NATO allies. So I think you need a link.

He claimed to be someone who could, once again, somebody that claims to know somebody. Regardless, it didn't happen, did it?
That's because Jeff Sessions nixed the idea.
And then claimed he didn't remember the meeting.
Then why did Carter Page go to russia? I guess Session didn't have any real power.
Carter Page was the "low level" operative they sent to Russia, because they were afraid o leaks about setting up a Trump Putin meeting.

They didn't send Page. Flat out lie.
Trump was for it, Sam Clovis was for it.

Really, I read that Sam Clovis said no meetings with Russia before they spoke to our NATO allies. So I think you need a link.

So you agree Sam Clovis was for it.

No, he nixed the idea. I actually have a link.

Who the “campaign supervisor” is isn’t clear. At that point, the Trump campaign is being managed by Corey Lewandowski. In August, The Post reported that Sam Clovis, a campaign co-chairman who worked with the foreign policy team, had rejected the idea of a meeting over the short term.

“We thought we probably should not go forward with any meeting with the Russians until we have had occasion to sit with our NATO allies,” he wrote in an email.

Analysis | Timeline: How a Trump adviser tried to work with the Russian government

Trump was for it, Sam Clovis was for it.

So you agree Sam Clovis was for it.

No, he nixed the idea. I actually have a link.

Who the “campaign supervisor” is isn’t clear. At that point, the Trump campaign is being managed by Corey Lewandowski. In August, The Post reported that Sam Clovis, a campaign co-chairman who worked with the foreign policy team, had rejected the idea of a meeting over the short term.

“We thought we probably should not go forward with any meeting with the Russians until we have had occasion to sit with our NATO allies,” he wrote in an email.

Analysis | Timeline: How a Trump adviser tried to work with the Russian government

I didn't say Lewandowski, I said Sam Clovis, who was in favor of setting up the russian meeting. And Gordan, also at the meeting, backs up Papadopoulus and Clovis.

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