Atty Gen'l Holder to testify re FAST and FURIOUs


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Jun 28, 2009
ATF gunwalker update: Eric Holder to testify on Fast and Furious

CBS News has learned Attorney General Eric Holder has agreed to appear before the House Judiciary Committee regarding "Fast and Furious." The hearing will take place Dec. 8th.

Judiciary Committee member and head of the House Oversight Committee Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) had requested that Holder appear, in part to dig deeper into when-he-knew-what about ATF's so-called "gunwalking" operation Fast and Furious.

* * * *
-- ATF gunwalker update: Eric Holder to testify on Fast and Furious - - CBS News


I'm SURE that his explanation will fully support the legality and wisdom of what the Obama Administration and the Holder DoJ has done in our name.

Yes, I'm SURE that's how it will turn out.
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ATF gunwalker update: Eric Holder to testify on Fast and Furious

CBS News has learned Attorney General Eric Holder has agreed to appear before the House Judiciary Committee regarding "Fast and Furious." The hearing will take place Dec. 8th.

Judiciary Committee member and head of the House Oversight Committee Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) had requested that Holder appear, in part to dig deeper into when-he-knew-what about ATF's so-called "gunwalking" operation Fast and Furious.

* * * *
-- ATF gunwalker update: Eric Holder to testify on Fast and Furious - - CBS News


I'm SURE that his explanation will fully support the legality and wisdom of what the Obama Administration and the Holder DoJ has done in our name.

Yes, I'm SURE that's how it will turn out.
Now what i want to know if Holder kew this at the same time as his boss has professed to know?
I really do hope he ends up wearing on orange jumpsuit at some point. This is an awful crime. How many innocent Americans and Mexicans were brutally slaughtered with these weapons? We may never know. But we know one American Citizen was murdered with these weapons. Holder needs to be held accountable. What he did was criminal. They should arrest him.
I really do hope he ends up wearing on orange jumpsuit at some point. This is an awful crime. How many innocent Americans and Mexicans were brutally slaughtered with these weapons? We may never know. But we know one American Citizen was murdered with these weapons. Holder needs to be held accountable. What he did was criminal. They should arrest him.
Holder needs to go to jail as does Obama.
I am not sure that either AG Holder or the President deserve to even be charged with criminality.

But they damn well need to be held accountable.

If the President knew, shame on him. The ultimate blame then falls on him for his failure to order the termination of that MORONIC "program."

If he DIDN'T know, then what the fuck kind of Administration is that guy running?

And WTF was this AG doing, much less "thinking" about?
Does Holder know that perjury is illegal? Well, considering he doesn't think the law applies to this Administration, it's a meaningless question, I suppose.
Somebody has some "Splaining" to do.
What did they know and when did they know it....
Will Obama have to do some jail time????
This should be interesting. I hope some on the committee have their independent information on this studied. Holder is SURE to lie.

That's what he does.
Granny says Obama oughta fire his sorry butt...
Holder pushes back against GOP lawmakers over Fast and Furious
11/13/11 : Actively confronting, rebuffing the serious concerns and disparaging remarks
Attorney General Eric Holder is trying to get in front of the Fast and Furious controversy that has led to calls from conservatives for his resignation. Holder has shed the low-key persona that sought to quietly deflect a torrent of mounting congressional criticism over his role in a botched gun tracking operation. In its place, President Obama’s top law enforcement official has embraced a new strategy, actively confronting and rebuffing the serious concerns and disparaging remarks emanating from Capitol Hill while admitting mistakes made by his department, promising to hold officials accountable, and vehemently seeking to tell his side of the story.

For months Obama and his attorney general pointed to the ongoing inspector general (IG) investigation that Holder requested, saying that the unfolding information about Operation Fast and Furious was troubling, but keeping their comments to a minimum after top-ranking Republicans launched a congressional investigation into the quagmire at the beginning of the year. But amid dozens of calls for his resignation and a series of heated comments —one Republican implied that he’s an accessory to murder — Holder has stepped up his approach. “I'd like to correct some of the inaccurate, and frankly, irresponsible accusations surrounding Fast and Furious,” Holder announced at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing this week.

The hearing was Holder’s first before the committee since internal DOJ memos raised questions about whether he misled the House Judiciary Committee in May when he testified that he had first learned about Fast and Furious “over the last few weeks.” The memos launched a spate of Republican calls for his resignation as lawmakers debated whether Holder lied to Congress under oath and questioned whether he was fit to hold office. At Tuesday’s hearing Holder immediately clarified his remarks from his House testimony in May, saying that he first learned about Fast and Furious and its gun-walking tactics after news reports emerged based on the concerns of whistleblowers. He said he immediately asked for an IG investigation.

“In my testimony before the House committee, I did say ‘a few weeks,’” said Holder. “I probably could have said ‘a couple of months.’ I don’t think that what I said in terms of using the term ‘a few weeks’ was inaccurate, based on what happened.” In a push to get out ahead of the news coverage that would follow the Senate hearing, DOJ officials released excerpts of Holder’s testimony the night before. In his remarks Holder admitted that Fast and Furious “was flawed in concept, as well as in execution…and it must never happen again.” Holder’s remorseful sentiment, combined with his promise — under oath — that he would hold accountable those involved in Fast and Furious’ poor decision making once the IG investigation is completed, dominated much of the news coverage.


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