Au contrare Diane, you are the one in for a rude awakening


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2013
Donald Trump can fire Rosentine, Mueller and even you, and supporters will stand steadfastly in defense of him and the constitution!

Feinstein: Trump ‘in for a rude awakening’ if he tries to shut down Russia probe

And second, if the president thinks he can fire Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein and replace him with someone who will shut down the investigation, he’s in for a rude awakening. Even his staunchest supporters will balk at such a blatant effort to subvert the law.
Pence's counsel is preparing papers and protocols for exercising the provisions of Amendment XXV.
Pence's counsel is preparing papers and protocols for exercising the provisions of Amendment XXV.

Sources said

It's sarcasm. My OP's link was real, but I was parodying Feinstein's apparent faith in the 30-35% who really like Trump. These folks see federal judges and career lawyers at the DOJ as corrupt people who act in their own self interest. Maybe I should have put it in the sarcasm board, but it is a very real story ... unfortunately.
Donald Trump can fire Rosentine, Mueller and even you, and supporters will stand steadfastly in defense of him and the constitution!

Feinstein: Trump ‘in for a rude awakening’ if he tries to shut down Russia probe

And second, if the president thinks he can fire Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein and replace him with someone who will shut down the investigation, he’s in for a rude awakening. Even his staunchest supporters will balk at such a blatant effort to subvert the law.

Nah, I'm fine with it all. AFAIC, Trump can arrest all of the House and Senate Democrats, put them in a gulag doing hard labor, stage a military coup with Mattias, take over the whole government and run it from Limousine One while smoking a Cuban Cigar. Go, Donald! Fuck all of the sewer rats! Make Nancy Pelosi the House Bitch in charge of back rubs, ball scratches and picking lint from your toes!
Nah, I'm fine with it all.

That's because you're a openly fascist shitstain.

It used to be that cockroaches like you stayed in your slimy crevices, ashamed to show yourself in the open. Then Trump encouraged you to come out and cover democracy with roach turds.

Our goal is to scare you back into your slimy crevices, by letting in some daylight. That always sends the cockroaches scuttling.
Donald Trump can fire Rosentine, Mueller and even you, and supporters will stand steadfastly in defense of him and the constitution!

Feinstein: Trump ‘in for a rude awakening’ if he tries to shut down Russia probe

And second, if the president thinks he can fire Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein and replace him with someone who will shut down the investigation, he’s in for a rude awakening. Even his staunchest supporters will balk at such a blatant effort to subvert the law.
And when Trump does not try to shut down the witch hunt will you then come back and apologize for trying to create a story that was nothing but BS?
The media, if they want to be regarded as a real network or paper with esteem has to begin naming sources or just not print/aire it.
Donald Trump can fire Rosentine, Mueller and even you, and supporters will stand steadfastly in defense of him and the constitution!

Feinstein: Trump ‘in for a rude awakening’ if he tries to shut down Russia probe

And second, if the president thinks he can fire Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein and replace him with someone who will shut down the investigation, he’s in for a rude awakening. Even his staunchest supporters will balk at such a blatant effort to subvert the law.
And when Trump does not try to shut down the witch hunt will you then come back and apologize for trying to create a story that was nothing but BS?
I didn't create jack shit. I linked a story on Fienstein's comments. And you do have Trump trying to shut this down.
When this is all wrapped up and if nothing illegal is discovered the number of liberal heads exploding simultaneously will equal the destructive power of a MOAB.
When this is all wrapped up and if nothing illegal is discovered the number of liberal heads exploding simultaneously will equal the destructive power of a MOAB.

They will have already moved on to the next fake news Trump hate topic of the week long before this wraps up.
Nah, I'm fine with it all.

That's because you're a openly fascist shitstain.

It used to be that cockroaches like you stayed in your slimy crevices, ashamed to show yourself in the open. Then Trump encouraged you to come out and cover democracy with roach turds.

Our goal is to scare you back into your slimy crevices, by letting in some daylight. That always sends the cockroaches scuttling.
but that is you looking at your slimy environment in a mirror. ooops.
They will have already moved on to the next fake news Trump hate topic of the week long before this wraps up.

That's what you snowflakes have been tearfully saying for a whole month. You all swore Trump wasn't under investigation. You and all the Trump-snowflakes have gotten every single thing wrong, and everyone is laughing at your humiliation.

So, given the perfect record of total failure among all the Trump-snowflakes, the fact that you're predicting something strongly suggests the exact opposite will happen. That's the only value you add to any discussion. People watch what you snowflakes predict, to see what won't happen.
but that is you looking at your slimy environment in a mirror. ooops.

jc, are you also a fascist shitstain who wants every Democrat arrested and democracy ended?

Or are you just kissing toobfreak's ass like this because asskissing is the only thing you do?
but that is you looking at your slimy environment in a mirror. ooops.

jc, are you also a fascist shitstain who wants every Democrat arrested and democracy ended?

Or are you just kissing toobfreak's ass like this because asskissing is the only thing you do?
well the answer to your question is quite complex. You see, not every democrat is a looney toon person, and I never advocate violence. Unless provoked. so there in lies the problem, see anyone calling to start violence ought to be shut down immediately. I don't care what party affiliation there is.

You? Or will you cough up another hairball?
Donald Trump can fire Rosentine, Mueller and even you, and supporters will stand steadfastly in defense of him and the constitution!

Feinstein: Trump ‘in for a rude awakening’ if he tries to shut down Russia probe

And second, if the president thinks he can fire Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein and replace him with someone who will shut down the investigation, he’s in for a rude awakening. Even his staunchest supporters will balk at such a blatant effort to subvert the law.

Pure speculative bullshit. Nuff said.


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