Auckland goes in lockdown after 1 new Covid-19 case found

Yeah, Europe went big-time for lockdowns and masks. Europe is approaching 900,000 deaths.
Much of Europe, the UK in particular did much the same as the US, playing at lockdown. The results are similar in the UK and the US.
I'm sure they're pleased
Well, we're not pleased with the family/people who have exacerbated this outbreak by breaking very clear instructions, but people will do people things. We're pleased with Jacinda's and the health system's attention to the outbreak.
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How free have you felt here over the past year? How free do you think New Zelanders have felt over the past year?
By sacrificing our free dumbs for short periods we've had our freedom for most of the year...we've felt this free, and will again in a short while.

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From the DTMBro link

The case that prompted the shutdown was a person who had been infectious and out in the community for a week. Two more locally transmitted cases were subsequently reported over the weekend, but no new cases were reported on Monday.

Ardern said on Monday the person who sparked the lockdown had made "multiple mistakes", after public anger at reports the person had made contact with an infected family during lockdown and had visited public venues after taking a COVID test.

"It has had devastating consequences, no question," Ardern told Newshub's "The AM Show", adding that any punishment was up to the police.

"People do dumb things but we're not going to get through this if people pillory them to the point they do not tell the truth," she said.

New Zealand has reported just over 2,000 cases of the coronavirus and 26 deaths since the start of the pandemic.
Seems excessive.
Any useful response to COVID will seem excessive. I suppose that's why we have only 26 dead up to now.
You have had states like Califorina and New York use similar type of lockdowns and they have considerbly more than 26 dead. So it seems lockdowns don't work equally.
NZ nipped it in the bud...They did not wait until the flowers bloomed, before locking down....
Seems excessive.
Any useful response to COVID will seem excessive. I suppose that's why we have only 26 dead up to now.
You have had states like Califorina and New York use similar type of lockdowns and they have considerbly more than 26 dead. So it seems lockdowns don't work equally.
NZ nipped it in the bud...They did not wait until the flowers bloomed, before locking down....
Maybe but the fact remains there is no such thing as a one size fits all policy. Every country and state are different what works for one won’t necessarily work for another.
Our lockdowns have been desperation lockdowns, when our hospitals are ready to break from all the cases....

New Zealand's lockdowns, have been to stop the virus..... ours are Willy nilly, to just slow the rapid spread of the virus....which is merely a temporary gester, from desperation....
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I don't even think there was a single case ... I think they just wanted to test if they could really make the economy stand still and everyone comply for just a single case.

Well done, Auckland.
We used to play freeze in school as well. Someone would yell "Freeze"! and the first person to move lost.

In fact, if I remember right, the kid that always won was from New Zealand.

You carried the water for the senile wreck in the White House because he wasn't the evil Orange Man...Now you pretend that your hands are clean.

I did absolutely no such thing whatsoever. Take a breath.
Our lockdowns have been desperation lockdowns, when our hospitals are ready to break from all the cases....

New Zealand's lockdowns, have been to stop the virus..... ours are Willy nilly, to just slow the rapid spread of the virus....which is merely a temporary gester, from desperation....

I want to say it's shocking and sad to me that I have to explain why it's absolute insanity to be shutting down a city of 1.5 million people over one person being sick with a virus with a less than 1% fatality rate, but honestly, given the asshattery I've seen from the general public over the past year, it really isn't.

Honest to God, you people deserve despotism.
What? No one's recommending injecting disinfectant, the goto of panicky reactionary authoritarians.

If you want to live like a serf on the Lord's manor go right ahead. I'm certainly not stopping you.
Our lockdowns have been desperation lockdowns, when our hospitals are ready to break from all the cases....

New Zealand's lockdowns, have been to stop the virus..... ours are Willy nilly, to just slow the rapid spread of the virus....which is merely a temporary gester, from desperation....

I want to say it's shocking and sad to me that I have to explain why it's absolute insanity to be shutting down a city of 1.5 million people over one person being sick with a virus with a less than 1% fatality rate, but honestly, given the asshattery I've seen from the general public over the past year, it really isn't.

Honest to God, you people deserve despotism.
I do think it's nuts!!!

Especially since this one person's actions could have been traced, and most all of the people he came in contact with in the same space for more than 10 minutes could have been notified to isolate or go get a test...

Part of their concern was that the dude also went and attended super packed venues, with lots and lots of others.....

But they could have just made public announcements for those attending those events to curb their activities or go get a covid test instead of shutting down all 30 million Aussie dollars a day in city revenue...or whatever the heck the mayor says it is....

Yes, it does seem nuts!!

But, keeping an opened mind, look at what we have had to spend on covid relief, around $6Trillon dollars!!!

It would be interesting to see how much their economy was hurt, compared to our economy, and what kind of covid relief money their taxes had to pay for, compared to ours, as a percentage.
You have had states like Califorina and New York use similar type of lockdowns and they have considerbly more than 26 dead.
No, those states played at lockdown. Like the UK and other states in the US. People weren't paid to stay at home, public transport still ran for the public, what sort of lockdown is that?
If you want to live like a serf on the Lord's manor go right ahead. I'm certainly not stopping you.
Right. This is CATO for gods' sakes...

Human Freedom Index

The jurisdictions that took the top 10 places, in order, were New Zealand, Switzerland, Hong Kong, Denmark, Australia, Canada, Ireland, Estonia, and Germany and Sweden (tied in 9th place). Selected countries rank as follows: Japan (11), the United Kingdom and the United States (tied in 17th place), Taiwan (19), South Korea (26), Chile (30), France (33), South Africa (68), Argentina (70), Mexico (86), Brazil (88), Kenya (93), India (111), Russia (115), Turkey (119), China (129), Saudi Arabia (151), Egypt (157), Iran (158), Venezuela (160), and Syria (162).
One can see on this thread why the US with 4% of the world's population has 20% of COVID fatalities. The knee jerk 'mah free dumbs' response can not be overcome.
Because of one new case...... one........

This is what happens when you put the Branch Covidians in charge. I sure hope New Zealanders are still happy with their PM choice.

That’s how you squash it quickly. New Zealand has been massless and back to normal because they didn’t have cases for a while now
They have been one of the few countries successful against covid, and people want to criticize them.

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