Auckland goes in lockdown after 1 new Covid-19 case found

But they could have just made public announcements for those attending those events to curb their activities or go get a covid test instead of shutting down all 30 million Aussie dollars a day in city revenue...or whatever the heck the mayor says it is....
Because money is more important than Grandma. Right. Whereas the results show that looking after Grandma means the money is looked after as well.

But 'mah free dumbs'.
You have had states like Califorina and New York use similar type of lockdowns and they have considerbly more than 26 dead.
No, those states played at lockdown. Like the UK and other states in the US. People weren't paid to stay at home, public transport still ran for the public, what sort of lockdown is that?
Common sense exactly where do you get the money to pay people to stay at home? Seems to me what that might deal with one problem and create more down the line. As I said on another post here one size fits all does not work every country and state is different what works for one doesn’t necessarily work for all.
Common sense exactly where do you get the money to pay people to stay at home? Seems to me what that might deal with one problem and create more down the line. As I said on another post here one size fits all does not work every country and state is different what works for one doesn’t necessarily work for all.
The money to pay people to stay at home comes from the taxpayer. It's cheaper than throttling one's economy and killing off your population.

But we see again why the US has 4% of the world's population and 20% of COVID fatalities. That size fits it better.
Hardly re-education. And looks like the US could use a bit of it.

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