AUGUST: 418 cases of illegals raping kids in NC alone


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
AUGUST: 418 cases of illegals raping kids in NC alone

August has been a very busy month for illegal alien child rapers in NC.
78 confirmed and probable illegal aliens representing 418 charges of rape against NC children, in one month! All of these individuals have a court date scheduled for, or were arrested for, child rape in August.

This is the tenth month in a row we have been tracking child rape cases in NC. We are approaching 3,000 charges of sex crimes against NC’s children in 10 short months.
See the August report here!

See all the reports on our website:

Contact your NC General Assembly member and demand they enact and enforce state illegal immigration laws, before your child gets raped by these monsters.

Read more at AUGUST 418 cases of illegals raping kids in NC alone DML Daily

Thanks a lot liberals. This country is becoming a very bad place for our children because of you.
AUGUST: 418 cases of illegals raping kids in NC alone

August has been a very busy month for illegal alien child rapers in NC.
78 confirmed and probable illegal aliens representing 418 charges of rape against NC children, in one month! All of these individuals have a court date scheduled for, or were arrested for, child rape in August.

This is the tenth month in a row we have been tracking child rape cases in NC. We are approaching 3,000 charges of sex crimes against NC’s children in 10 short months.
See the August report here!

See all the reports on our website:

Contact your NC General Assembly member and demand they enact and enforce state illegal immigration laws, before your child gets raped by these monsters.

Read more at AUGUST 418 cases of illegals raping kids in NC alone DML Daily

Thanks a lot liberals. This country is becoming a very bad place for our children because of you.

There is no link to any credible news source.

The thread is bullshit. -- the source is some KKK front site in which they site on of their other sites as the source.

Why do you bigots and xenophobes insist on wasting thread space.
AUGUST: 418 cases of illegals raping kids in NC alone

August has been a very busy month for illegal alien child rapers in NC.
78 confirmed and probable illegal aliens representing 418 charges of rape against NC children, in one month! All of these individuals have a court date scheduled for, or were arrested for, child rape in August.

This is the tenth month in a row we have been tracking child rape cases in NC. We are approaching 3,000 charges of sex crimes against NC’s children in 10 short months.
See the August report here!

See all the reports on our website:

Contact your NC General Assembly member and demand they enact and enforce state illegal immigration laws, before your child gets raped by these monsters.

Read more at AUGUST 418 cases of illegals raping kids in NC alone DML Daily

Thanks a lot liberals. This country is becoming a very bad place for our children because of you.

There is no link to any credible news source.

The thread is bullshit. -- the source is some KKK front site in which they site on of their other sites as the source.

Why do you bigots and xenophobes insist on wasting thread space.

The partial phrase "confirmed and highly probable illegal aliens" should have been a clue to anyone who wasn't already suspicious about the claim based on the numbers alone.

Alas, I've become convinced that some people don't care if a story is true at all as long as it can get some kind of traction with some people somehow and somewhere. Then they can parlay that story into getting attention they otherwise wouldn't get and/or be able to make some money off the story by adding to their mailing lists or adding members to their forums who could very well find themselves on someone else's mailing list sooner or later because their info has been sold to someone else. Or perhaps they're able to make money by selling advertising that pays a fee based on Internet traffic or by embedding cookies on someone's computer.
AUGUST: 418 cases of illegals raping kids in NC alone

August has been a very busy month for illegal alien child rapers in NC.
78 confirmed and probable illegal aliens representing 418 charges of rape against NC children, in one month! All of these individuals have a court date scheduled for, or were arrested for, child rape in August.

This is the tenth month in a row we have been tracking child rape cases in NC. We are approaching 3,000 charges of sex crimes against NC’s children in 10 short months.
See the August report here!

See all the reports on our website:

Contact your NC General Assembly member and demand they enact and enforce state illegal immigration laws, before your child gets raped by these monsters.

Read more at AUGUST 418 cases of illegals raping kids in NC alone DML Daily

Thanks a lot liberals. This country is becoming a very bad place for our children because of you.

There is no link to any credible news source.

The thread is bullshit. -- the source is some KKK front site in which they site on of their other sites as the source.

Why do you bigots and xenophobes insist on wasting thread space.

The partial phrase "confirmed and highly probable illegal aliens" should have been a clue to anyone who wasn't already suspicious about the claim based on the numbers alone.

Alas, I've become convinced that some people don't care if a story is true at all as long as it can get some kind of traction with some people somehow and somewhere. Then they can parlay that story into getting attention they otherwise wouldn't get and/or be able to make some money off the story by adding to their mailing lists or adding members to their forums who could very well find themselves on someone else's mailing list sooner or later because their info has been sold to someone else. Or perhaps they're able to make money by selling advertising that pays a fee based on Internet traffic or by embedding cookies on someone's computer.

(X)hey, it could be the truth also. Can you verify that this is not so?
Hazlnut is yer typical, rabidly stupid American voter. Of which she/he/it is the majority now. So thoroughly brainwashed that she/he/it actually thinks Political Correctness is what the Founding Fathers would have wanted. What the guys who stormed the beaches at Normandy wanted.

So long America! Was nice when it lasted but Empires don't last forever, they rot from the inside.

How do you know America is rotting? Because the average American knows more about Sports than the Government. "6th Amendment? WTF is that?"
There is no link to any credible news source.

The thread is bullshit. -- the source is some KKK front site in which they site on of their other sites as the source.

Why do you bigots and xenophobes insist on wasting thread space.

The OP's link refers to a report by NCFIRE, an immigration reform group. NCFIRE documented all of their claims, and even provides case numbers, full names, court dates, and specific charges for each offender. The OP's excerpt contains the link to this report, which in turn contains all of that information--and for the brain dead "If I didn't see it on TV, it's not real!" types, it also contains links to local news outlets such as Mecklenburg County's paper the Charlotte Observer and Wayne County's news channel ABC 11.

I must ask, did you even bother to do any source checking? Did you read the report and investigate its claims before making your post here?
People like the above don't believe the fbi murder data either. Good luck in convincing them...They're the problem.

Exactly! Did you know it would only take 26 tanker ships to take them all back to Africa?

Just saying America... just saying...

(X)That would mean that by shipping them back to Africa they would have no white people to beat up or murder in America anymore. They would have to beat and kill each other. I guess that could work.
People like the above don't believe the fbi murder data either. Good luck in convincing them...They're the problem.

Exactly! Did you know it would only take 26 tanker ships to take them all back to Africa?

Just saying America... just saying...

(X)That would mean that by shipping them back to Africa they would have no white people to beat up or murder in America anymore. They would have to beat and kill each other. I guess that could work.

Glad we're one the same page :thup:
AUGUST: 418 cases of illegals raping kids in NC alone

August has been a very busy month for illegal alien child rapers in NC.
78 confirmed and probable illegal aliens representing 418 charges of rape against NC children, in one month! All of these individuals have a court date scheduled for, or were arrested for, child rape in August.

This is the tenth month in a row we have been tracking child rape cases in NC. We are approaching 3,000 charges of sex crimes against NC’s children in 10 short months.
See the August report here!

See all the reports on our website:

Contact your NC General Assembly member and demand they enact and enforce state illegal immigration laws, before your child gets raped by these monsters.

Read more at AUGUST 418 cases of illegals raping kids in NC alone DML Daily

Thanks a lot liberals. This country is becoming a very bad place for our children because of you.

(X)Stop all third world immigration, and that should help a lot in cutting back and do the job of stopping all this violence against our children by foreigners. Geez, you give them a place of refuge, and they try and destroy it from within. Some thanks indeed. Yes, thanks marxists liberals, you brainless bunch of twits.
AUGUST: 418 cases of illegals raping kids in NC alone

August has been a very busy month for illegal alien child rapers in NC.
78 confirmed and probable illegal aliens representing 418 charges of rape against NC children, in one month! All of these individuals have a court date scheduled for, or were arrested for, child rape in August.

This is the tenth month in a row we have been tracking child rape cases in NC. We are approaching 3,000 charges of sex crimes against NC’s children in 10 short months.
See the August report here!

See all the reports on our website:

Contact your NC General Assembly member and demand they enact and enforce state illegal immigration laws, before your child gets raped by these monsters.

Read more at AUGUST 418 cases of illegals raping kids in NC alone DML Daily

Thanks a lot liberals. This country is becoming a very bad place for our children because of you.

(X)Stop all third world immigration, and that should help a lot in cutting back and do the job of stopping all this violence against our children by foreigners. Geez, you give them a place of refuge, and they try and destroy it from within. Some thanks indeed. Yes, thanks marxists liberals, you brainless bunch of twits.

Better answer: annihilate the 3rd world with our vastly superior weaponry :thup:
This is a difference in culture. The men raping these children don't think they are doing anything wrong. It's not punishable in their own country and they don't share our opinion that it should be wrong here.
This is a difference in culture. The men raping these children don't think they are doing anything wrong. It's not punishable in their own country and they don't share our opinion that it should be wrong here.

Damn right. Brown people don't care if it's a butthole or an electric socket... they'll rape it all the same :mad:

The illegal (and even legal) Hispanics don't limit rape to buttholes. They don't see rape as wrong. They imagine that it's consensual. Rape in some of these backward villages is a form of courtship. It's the culture. In their culture young girls are sold into marriage. It doesn't matter of the girl is willing.

Police Man sold teen daughter into marriage for cash beer meat -

All those involved in the case are from the western Mexican state of Oaxaca, the police chief said. In the Oaxacan community, such an agreement is "normal and honorable," he said. "In California, it's against the law."
Don't know whether the source is reliable, but I'm not, in fact, really surprised. Reading about all those teenagers confessing to the border patrol officers about their criminal background one could've predicted the outbreak of criminal activity.
Don't know whether the source is reliable, but I'm not, in fact, really surprised. Reading about all those teenagers confessing to the border patrol officers about their criminal background one could've predicted the outbreak of criminal activity.

It's only criminal activity according to our laws. According to their culture it's perfectly normal activity. That's why rape of children among hispanics, especially those from backward villages, is so hard to fight.

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