Aurora ~ Perhaps a National Register


May 18, 2011
Maybe we should have a National Register where people that are psychotic in the community come forward willingly and sign a national register. Maybe have two one were psychotic's declare and then one for the general public to have say in who they think are psychotic with reasoning.

Maybe we should have a National Register where people that are psychotic in the community come forward willingly and sign a national register. Maybe have two one were psychotic's declare and then one for the general public to have say in who they think are psychotic with reasoning.


This is as good a place for you to start as any

Thief breaks in, steals last pictures of youngest victim of Aurora theater shooting...
Burglary takes last pictures of youngest Aurora theater victim
10/03/2012 - A home burglary in Denver Tuesday morning took more than just a coin collection and digital cameras, it took a grandfather's keepsake photos of some of the last treasured moments with his slain granddaughter.
Six-year-old Veronica Moser-Sullivan was the youngest of the 12 people killed in the Century Aurora 16 movie theater shooting on July 20. Veronica's 25-year-old mother, Ashley Moser, was shot in the neck and stomach and continues to recover. Tuesday morning, her grandmother left home at 9 a.m. and her grandfather returned at 9:45 a.m. to find the home robbed. The burglars pried open a window to enter. They took four cameras, including a Canon digital camera with a memory card that included some of the last photos ever taken of Veronica, enjoying a cone at Bonnie Brae Ice Cream.

Her grandfather Robert Sullivan said she had graduated from grade school on that day in May, and the ice cream was part of a celebration. While Veronica and her grandmother were in the restroom a lady at another outdoor table had noticed the photos showing the overjoyed blond-haired, blue-eyed little girl through the viewfinder and told Sullivan, "You're going to really treasure those."

Sullivan does not think the burglars intended to take the photos, and he's hoping they or someone they know will contact him and return, at least, the memory cards. His phone number is 303-936-9514. "The pictures hold special significance," he said. "She was a beautiful, special little 6-year-old girl, so angelic, and just a terrible loss."

Sullivan said he had been through so much emotionally. He had empathized before with people who lost children and grandchildren, but living though it himself has been another matter. "I look at what happened here today and it's just another spike in the heart," he said, pausing for a couple of seconds. "And my heart has been torn apart."

Read more: Burglary takes last pictures of youngest Aurora theater victim - The Denver Post Burglary takes last pictures of youngest Aurora theater victim - The Denver Post

See also:

Grandfather of Aurora victim begs for photos back
— The grandfather of a 6-year-old girl killed during the Aurora theater shootings wants a thief to return pictures of the child that were stolen from his home in a burglary this week.
"They're the last photos I have of her," said Robert Sullivan, grandfather of Veronica Moser-Sullivan, the youngest person slain in the July 20 attack that left 12 dead and dozens wounded. Sullivan said Wednesday that four cameras were stolen, including one that had a memory card with more than 40 photos of Veronica at a school celebration. Other images show her at a playground. Sullivan said he still has a well-known photo of the girl licking an ice cream cone, but the rest of the shots are gone. Sullivan said he hopes whoever has the pictures will recognize the girl and return the memory cards to him or police, even if they keep the cameras.

Denver police said Wednesday they are investigating the reported thefts, which also included a coin collection and cash. Two detectives were at the scene but weren't publicly discussing any leads. "It's such an unfortunate thing. To be struck twice by a tragedy is so hard. There's somebody out there who knows something," said Lt. Matthew Murray, a police spokesman. Sullivan said the cameras were stolen early Tuesday when he and his wife were out of the house. He was on his way home from work, and his wife was out walking the dog. Sullivan said someone jimmied a window and broke in.

Former University of Colorado-Denver graduate student James Holmes is accused in the shooting spree during a midnight showing of the summer's Batman movie. Veronica's mother, Ashley Moser, was wounded during the shootings. She was left paralyzed and also miscarried. Holmes was not charged in connection with the miscarriage. Karen Steinhauser, a former prosecutor who is an adjunct professor at the University of Denver, told The Associated Press homicide charges in Colorado only apply to those "who had been born and alive."
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