Austin a No Show

I'm sure that there will be spin on this from the usual suspects on this board.

Since there seems to be so few of the usual suspects, I'll fill in for them:

Austin: "I...uhhh...errr...had to take my cat to the vets today. I mean my dog. Yeah....that's right. My dog was rubbing his butt on the carpet, so I had to take him to the vet....sorry..."

To dumb fuck left wing communist assholes….a 1st grader hurling a spit bal lat his teacher is an INSURRECTION!

That 6 year old is taking over the school!!

All the payroll….everything….now run by a 6 year old because of the spitball!
The trump administration set the precedent of refusung to testify. The right should quit whining.
Dem chairman threatens to subpoena top Biden adviser over Afghan disaster

Dem chairman threatens to subpoena top Biden adviser over Afghan disaster

- Democrat said Pentagon's input is necessary for full examination of Afghanistan withdrawal

Biden could not have gathered a worse group of ignorant, incompetent, inept dumbasses to help plan and run his Afghanistan withdrawal disaster!

General Lloyd Austin previously served as the 12th commander of United States Central Command (CENTCOM). General McKenzie is the current CENTCOM commander. Both are far from being the sharpest utensils in the drawer, and that is being extremely kind. I ought to know, I worked for both of them. Neither one of them could be bothered with in-depth planning decisions, using 'gate-keepers' as a shield to keep planners from being able to bring problems, challenges, changes, etc... to. Planning by SMEs were often delayed past critical deadlines. Austin was a 'Yes' man with an eye on career progression....and lo and behold, look where this dumbass is now.

When asked about his failed withdrawal out of Afghanistan, Biden snapped at a reporter, declaring, 'How else can you withdraw from a war?' Austin similarly stated matter-of-factly not long ago that we had used everything we could planning and execution-wise to affect the evacuation. Biden's answer revealed he has no f*ing clue about military ops, war, strategy, and our military's capabilities. Despite his years in service, Austin demonstrated he still has no full grasp on what our military can bring to the table....meaning he should NOT have been appointed Secretary of Defense.

For Example, we have a mission called Noncombatant Evacuation Operations (NEO). NEO is the ordered (mandatory) or authorized (voluntary) departure of civilian noncombatants and nonessential military personnel from danger in an overseas country to a designated safe haven. KNOWING the US military had to leave Afghanistan and we would have to evacuate all US citizens, the 1st thing Austin, as Sect of Defense, AND USCENTCOM Commander McKenzie (Commander in charge of the Middle East AOR) should have done was to stand up a staff to focus on the withdrawal of civilians and beginning planning to execute the NEO.

Biden's refusal to listen to his ACTUAL SME military advisors (which I do not count Austin and McKenzie among) and the CIA about how swiftly the Taliban had picked up the pace and were sweeping through Afghanistan, resulted in not only there being a delay in standing up the staff and NEO but the complete failure to do so.

Austin and McKenzie SHOULD have been screaming in Biden's ear, telling him on Day 1 they needed to have a plan, which they did not have and never came up with one.

What f*ing kind of military commander would order order - or blindly follow an order - to withdraw US troops without 1st evacuating US citizens?!
- A 'YES' Man, that's who, and, again, Austin was Joe's man for that.

Who the hell would give up Bagram Air Base when you're trying to get thousands od US and allied civilians out of Afghanistan. The decision to use Bagram air field, which has 2 runways, OR the International air field in Kabul should NOT have been an 'EITHER' / 'OR' decision, especially when they saw they would not be able to get all of the Americans out of Afghanistan by the deadline Joe allowed the Talban to force on him. BOTH runways were needed to have continuous flights around the clock, if need be, to get everyone out.

Another need to hold onto Bagram for as long as we could was the prison at Bagram which contained approx 5,500 of the most hardcore Al Qaeda and ISIS prisoners who had been held for several years. The last thing you wanted to do while trying to identify, find, get, and evacuate Americans was to release thousands of violent terrorists who would love some payback....which they were allowed to get thanks to Austin, McKenzie, and the Taliban. The prison needed to be secured and kept closed until the last plane of the remaining Americans were wheels-up.

Another unbelievable strategic error was trusting the Taliban, with whom we have been at war with for 20 years, to protect US as we frantically tried to make our ESCAPE (not withdrawal). REALLY? The military should not have been taken out 1st. Once they were, more should have been brought in to secure Bagram and Kabul, not just the airport. Instead, our own Secretary of Defense and CENTCOM/CC entrusted the Taliban with out own safety, rejected the offer to secure the ciry, allowed thousands of hardcore terrorists to be unleashed on Kabul, allowed the Taliban to encircle the airport - cutting off any way for Americans to make it to the airport / allowing them to take passports & beat Americans, allowed ISIS to take up positions where they were firing at planes coming in and taking off AND lobbing rockets down into the airport.

What Austin and McKenzie did was create their own 'ALAMO'.

EVERYTHING they did from start to finish was strategically, tactically wrong...compounded every problem they faced, and resulted in an horrific , humiliating disaster.

Austin's refusal to appear before Congress is an admission of admission of being guilty of being an ignorant, inept, failed military 'leader', guilty of being a 'Yes Man', and being guilty of being part responsible for Americans still being left behind, being hunted down and many being used as hostages, as Kirby admitted yesterday.

And as far as Biden and his ass-clowns blaming the Americans they left behind, had Biden / Austin had called for a NEO operation, remember NEO is the ordered (mandatory) or authorized (voluntary) departure of civilian noncombatants and nonessential military personnel from danger. US citizens don't get a say-so.....but we all know Biden, Psaki, and others LIED about 'all Americans who wanted out were gotten out'. The rescues of Americans that continue after Biden pulled the last plane out proves Biden is a treasonous liar who vowed not to leave Afghanistan until all Americans were evacuated then betrayed, stranded, left behind hundreds.
The trump administration set the precedent of refusung to testify. The right should quit whining.
You're talking to DEMOCRATS, dawg. Even THEY know this was a clusterfu@k of the utmost magnitude that must be investigated, even if it a show trial / if its political theater. 60% of ALL Americans are pissed, and Joe's numbers nose-dived on this issue. If they don't show at least some fake concern they are afraid their 2022 chances are in danger.

This isn't one of th emany Democrat faux coup attempts / witch hunts. This is a bi-partisan attempt to figure out who is responsible for the disaster, for the US being humiliated, losing allies, losing all credibility. The Democrats don't see, like snowflakes do, this to be a partisan issue.

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