Austin on eplodes at Goodwill

What's going on here? this is becoming ridiculous! this is too much! :mad:

March 20, 2018
Incendiary Device Goes Off At South Austin Goodwill

Here is a link to a general analysis of the situation as known so far, it includes a Time Line and also a map of the areas of each explosion.



^^^^ I have SPECIFICALLY highlighted the above for the benefit of our Black Racist in this thread and also for the Leftists who in general Hate Whitey and side with Black Racists and Black Supremacists even though they themselves are White - illustrated every time there is a shooting or in this case bombings and they all pray it's a White Conservative Male who is the perpetrator.

So March 18 which was Sunday and Bomb # 4 that was sent to a PREDOMINATELY WHITE neighbourhood and injured two White peoples and therefore whoever this deranged maniac is he is NOT targeting ONLY Blacks and Hispanics he's targeting Whites also so it CANNOT be any type of Race Hate Bombing Campaign as all races are targeted by him and not ONE specific race.


A "serial bomber" is targeting Austin: what we know
He's not black. Blacks aren't smart enough to construct those things.

I'm waiting to see if you will be attacked for your post. :rolleyes:

Why would he be attacked for Satire?
The thread isnt about satire.

The thread isn't about RACE either.
If thats true then why didnt anyone attack Marion like they did me? :rolleyes:

Nobody has attacked you, YOU decided from your first post that you wanted to make this thread about race when the OP and the Topic is not race. The thing is racists ALWAYS have to make EVERYTHING about race, everyone else is looking at the topic as it is a very disturbing situation and agreeing that the perpetrator is a deranged maniac who needs apprehending ASAP and these are the important things NOBODY obsesses about and considers the FUNDAMENTAL important number one issue to be what race the perpetrator is, unless that is they are a racist who in general must make EVERYTHING about race.
I hate mac and cheese with potato chips on top. Prove how I am now mac and cheese. Dont call me a throw back. You have more neanderthal DNA by far than I do
Sorry I never bring up skin color and am always taken a back when you libs do it.
I don't get everything that happens you must run it through your race conscious part of your brain before thinking about it...You libs are a bit hypocritical about the subject to say the least...
But you are the biggest race throwback I've encountered in a while...
Youre starting to bore me with your deflections. Whats the profile for a serial bomber?

KKK pamphlets get cold reception in South Austin

To be fair, yeah there are KKK in Austin. But to say so matter of fact that the bomber is white is not fair. Seemingly all the bombings were random but maybe they are not, we really dont know. Mexican and central american cartels and gangs are also using IEDS now and though it could be some nerdy white high school kid or White supremist, you can't just rule out everyone else. Whats the profile of a serial sniper? whats the profile of an arsonist burning black churches down? we have also seen that those are not always white people, though its true that being the largest demographic, the odds would lean towards a white person.
What's going on here? this is becoming ridiculous! this is too much! :mad:

March 20, 2018
Incendiary Device Goes Off At South Austin Goodwill

Here is a link to a general analysis of the situation as known so far, it includes a Time Line and also a map of the areas of each explosion.



^^^^ I have SPECIFICALLY highlighted the above for the benefit of our Black Racist in this thread and also for the Leftists who in general Hate Whitey and side with Black Racists and Black Supremacists even though they themselves are White - illustrated every time there is a shooting or in this case bombings and they all pray it's a White Conservative Male who is the perpetrator.

So March 18 which was Sunday and Bomb # 4 that was sent to a PREDOMINATELY WHITE neighbourhood and injured two White peoples and therefore whoever this deranged maniac is he is NOT targeting ONLY Blacks and Hispanics he's targeting Whites also so it CANNOT be any type of Race Hate Bombing Campaign as all races are targeted by him and not ONE specific race.


A "serial bomber" is targeting Austin: what we know

Two white people were targeted? I thought they were all black.
What's going on here? this is becoming ridiculous! this is too much! :mad:

March 20, 2018
Incendiary Device Goes Off At South Austin Goodwill

Here is a link to a general analysis of the situation as known so far, it includes a Time Line and also a map of the areas of each explosion.



^^^^ I have SPECIFICALLY highlighted the above for the benefit of our Black Racist in this thread and also for the Leftists who in general Hate Whitey and side with Black Racists and Black Supremacists even though they themselves are White - illustrated every time there is a shooting or in this case bombings and they all pray it's a White Conservative Male who is the perpetrator.

So March 18 which was Sunday and Bomb # 4 that was sent to a PREDOMINATELY WHITE neighbourhood and injured two White peoples and therefore whoever this deranged maniac is he is NOT targeting ONLY Blacks and Hispanics he's targeting Whites also so it CANNOT be any type of Race Hate Bombing Campaign as all races are targeted by him and not ONE specific race.


A "serial bomber" is targeting Austin: what we know

Two white people were targeted? I thought they were all black.

Yes that was Bomb # 4 which occur on Sunday in the predominantly White neighbourhood and if you read the article that bomb was placed by a fence and had a tripwire attached to it and two White males in their 20s were seriously injured and remain in the hospital.
It ain't just ridiculous, two people are dead and a half a dozen are injured. I see blather about the FBI solving the 18 year old "Unibomber" case but it was his own brother who turned him in and the Unibomber had a copy of Al Gore's book in his shed when he was captured. It should be noted that Obama's Chicago political mentor was a serial bomber who escaped prosecution and became a college professor.

He had a bible in his shed too, so.........
What's going on here? this is becoming ridiculous! this is too much! :mad:

March 20, 2018
Incendiary Device Goes Off At South Austin Goodwill

Here is a link to a general analysis of the situation as known so far, it includes a Time Line and also a map of the areas of each explosion.



^^^^ I have SPECIFICALLY highlighted the above for the benefit of our Black Racist in this thread and also for the Leftists who in general Hate Whitey and side with Black Racists and Black Supremacists even though they themselves are White - illustrated every time there is a shooting or in this case bombings and they all pray it's a White Conservative Male who is the perpetrator.

So March 18 which was Sunday and Bomb # 4 that was sent to a PREDOMINATELY WHITE neighbourhood and injured two White peoples and therefore whoever this deranged maniac is he is NOT targeting ONLY Blacks and Hispanics he's targeting Whites also so it CANNOT be any type of Race Hate Bombing Campaign as all races are targeted by him and not ONE specific race.


A "serial bomber" is targeting Austin: what we know

Two white people were targeted? I thought they were all black.

Also that Bomb # 4 was activated via tripwire suggests that whoever the perpetrator is has a pretty comprehensive knowledge of sophisticated bomb assembling and detonation methods, so it's not going to be some idiot making these devices.
What's going on here? this is becoming ridiculous! this is too much! :mad:

March 20, 2018
Incendiary Device Goes Off At South Austin Goodwill

Here is a link to a general analysis of the situation as known so far, it includes a Time Line and also a map of the areas of each explosion.



^^^^ I have SPECIFICALLY highlighted the above for the benefit of our Black Racist in this thread and also for the Leftists who in general Hate Whitey and side with Black Racists and Black Supremacists even though they themselves are White - illustrated every time there is a shooting or in this case bombings and they all pray it's a White Conservative Male who is the perpetrator.

So March 18 which was Sunday and Bomb # 4 that was sent to a PREDOMINATELY WHITE neighbourhood and injured two White peoples and therefore whoever this deranged maniac is he is NOT targeting ONLY Blacks and Hispanics he's targeting Whites also so it CANNOT be any type of Race Hate Bombing Campaign as all races are targeted by him and not ONE specific race.


A "serial bomber" is targeting Austin: what we know

Two white people were targeted? I thought they were all black.

Also that Bomb # 4 was activated via tripwire suggests that whoever the perpetrator is has a pretty comprehensive knowledge of sophisticated bomb assembling and detonation methods, so it's not going to be some idiot making these devices.

Pull string that is tied to switch
switch makes a spark (you ever see one of those battery powered charcoal lighters?)
package goes BOOM

Doesn't sound that complicated to me.
What's going on here? this is becoming ridiculous! this is too much! :mad:

March 20, 2018
Incendiary Device Goes Off At South Austin Goodwill

Here is a link to a general analysis of the situation as known so far, it includes a Time Line and also a map of the areas of each explosion.



^^^^ I have SPECIFICALLY highlighted the above for the benefit of our Black Racist in this thread and also for the Leftists who in general Hate Whitey and side with Black Racists and Black Supremacists even though they themselves are White - illustrated every time there is a shooting or in this case bombings and they all pray it's a White Conservative Male who is the perpetrator.

So March 18 which was Sunday and Bomb # 4 that was sent to a PREDOMINATELY WHITE neighbourhood and injured two White peoples and therefore whoever this deranged maniac is he is NOT targeting ONLY Blacks and Hispanics he's targeting Whites also so it CANNOT be any type of Race Hate Bombing Campaign as all races are targeted by him and not ONE specific race.


A "serial bomber" is targeting Austin: what we know

Two white people were targeted? I thought they were all black.

Also that Bomb # 4 was activated via tripwire suggests that whoever the perpetrator is has a pretty comprehensive knowledge of sophisticated bomb assembling and detonation methods, so it's not going to be some idiot making these devices.

Pull string that is tied to switch
switch makes a spark (you ever see one of those battery powered charcoal lighters?)
package goes BOOM

Doesn't sound that complicated to me.

Well because of Bomb # 4 the police also stating that the bomber or it says below could be bombers had a higher level of sophistication. No I have never seen a battery powered charcoal lighter, I'll have to Google.

What's going on here? this is becoming ridiculous! this is too much! :mad:

March 20, 2018
Incendiary Device Goes Off At South Austin Goodwill

Here is a link to a general analysis of the situation as known so far, it includes a Time Line and also a map of the areas of each explosion.



^^^^ I have SPECIFICALLY highlighted the above for the benefit of our Black Racist in this thread and also for the Leftists who in general Hate Whitey and side with Black Racists and Black Supremacists even though they themselves are White - illustrated every time there is a shooting or in this case bombings and they all pray it's a White Conservative Male who is the perpetrator.

So March 18 which was Sunday and Bomb # 4 that was sent to a PREDOMINATELY WHITE neighbourhood and injured two White peoples and therefore whoever this deranged maniac is he is NOT targeting ONLY Blacks and Hispanics he's targeting Whites also so it CANNOT be any type of Race Hate Bombing Campaign as all races are targeted by him and not ONE specific race.


A "serial bomber" is targeting Austin: what we know

Two white people were targeted? I thought they were all black.

Also that Bomb # 4 was activated via tripwire suggests that whoever the perpetrator is has a pretty comprehensive knowledge of sophisticated bomb assembling and detonation methods, so it's not going to be some idiot making these devices.

Pull string that is tied to switch
switch makes a spark (you ever see one of those battery powered charcoal lighters?)
package goes BOOM

Doesn't sound that complicated to me.

Well because of Bomb # 4 the police also stating that the bomber or it says below could be bombers had a higher level of sophistication. No I have never seen a battery powered charcoal lighter, I'll have to Google.

Maybe it's a reaction to the new gun law changes.

Pretty bizarro sort of reaction, sending bombs to random areas all in Austin, Texas.

Yeah, but serial bombing in itself is bizzaro eh.

Well yes and also time consuming assembling the bomb, mailing the bomb etc not as immediate as randomly shooting or stabbing etc. Of course theoretically the perpetrator might be pissed off at the city of Austin for some reason as only Austin is being targeted he's not widening his target area.
Maybe it's a reaction to the new gun law changes.

Pretty bizarro sort of reaction, sending bombs to random areas all in Austin, Texas.

Yeah, but serial bombing in itself is bizzaro eh.

Well yes and also time consuming assembling the bomb, mailing the bomb etc not as immediate as randomly shooting or stabbing etc. Of course theoretically the perpetrator might be pissed off at the city of Austin for some reason as only Austin is being targeted he's not widening his target area.

Yeah, it will be interesting to find out bombers narrative.
Maybe it's a reaction to the new gun law changes.

Pretty bizarro sort of reaction, sending bombs to random areas all in Austin, Texas.

Yeah, but serial bombing in itself is bizzaro eh.

Well yes and also time consuming assembling the bomb, mailing the bomb etc not as immediate as randomly shooting or stabbing etc. Of course theoretically the perpetrator might be pissed off at the city of Austin for some reason as only Austin is being targeted he's not widening his target area.

Yeah, it will be interesting to find out bombers narrative.

There is a logic to what they are doing it's just only they know what that logic is.


^^^^ From all the bombings so far there is only a connection between Bomb # 1 and Bomb # 2, Bomb # 1 specifically addressed to this Anthony Stephan House, Bomb # 2 killed Draylen Mason, House and Draylen knew each other, House's stepfather knows Mason's grandfather who attended a church where House's stepfather used to be a pastor.

Bomb # 3 injured Esperanza Herrera but was not meant for her it was addressed to someone else that the police have not said who that was that Bomb # 3 was supposed to target.
Sometimes people have to respond to their idiocy to stop it from spreading unchallenged.

Unless it's in the conspiracy theory forum, I can't go in there without wanting to bash my head on my keyboard.

About the only time I do go in there is when I think I have something that will make other posters...



I look at it as my contribution to the USMB by assisting people in relieving their stress.
Maybe it's a reaction to the new gun law changes.

Pretty bizarro sort of reaction, sending bombs to random areas all in Austin, Texas.

Yeah, but serial bombing in itself is bizzaro eh.

Well yes and also time consuming assembling the bomb, mailing the bomb etc not as immediate as randomly shooting or stabbing etc. Of course theoretically the perpetrator might be pissed off at the city of Austin for some reason as only Austin is being targeted he's not widening his target area.

Yeah, it will be interesting to find out bombers narrative.

There is a logic to what they are doing it's just only they know what that logic is.


^^^^ From all the bombings so far there is only a connection between Bomb # 1 and Bomb # 2, Bomb # 1 specifically addressed to this Anthony Stephan House, Bomb # 2 killed Draylen Mason, House and Draylen knew each other, House's stepfather knows Mason's grandfather who attended a church where House's stepfather used to be a pastor.

Bomb # 3 injured Esperanza Herrera but was not meant for her it was addressed to someone else that the police have not said who that was that Bomb # 3 was supposed to target.


Appears to be a person with an agenda.

The question that comes to mind is who did the people being targeted piss off?

My thought is that it's someone they know in some way.



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