Australian baseball player murdered by 3 teens in the USA

And we will continue to attack your fucking gun laws. If guns were illegal, chances are these kids might not have had a gun in the first place.
And we will continue to attack your fucking gun laws. If guns were illegal, chances are these kids might not have had a gun in the first place.

Well that's where you're wrong.
When law abiding people are disarmed only criminals will possess guns.
At that point it becomes open season on the innocent.
And you can attack all you like. It's not going to make a difference.
So you can froth at the mouth and chew nails if you wish. You vitriol falls on deaf ears.
And we will continue to attack your fucking gun laws. If guns were illegal, chances are these kids might not have had a gun in the first place.
Um, I think if they ignore the law that says you can't murder somebody, they'll probably ignore the law that says you can't have a gun. DUH!
And we will continue to attack your fucking gun laws. If guns were illegal, chances are these kids might not have had a gun in the first place.
Um, I think if they ignore the law that says you can't murder somebody, they'll probably ignore the law that says you can't have a gun. DUH!

Noomi is under the impression that if we ban the technology of guns, no one will ever have them.

As if making a firearm is rocket science.....

If these kids didn't have a gun they probably just would of run him over in their car. They wanted to murder somebody, people with that kind of sick mind will find a way, no matter what. I would be nice to have a little more background on these "kids", as in whether or not they already had a criminal history.
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And we will continue to attack your fucking gun laws. If guns were illegal, chances are these kids might not have had a gun in the first place.
you think this was about guns?

i suggest you think again.
And we will continue to attack your fucking gun laws. If guns were illegal, chances are these kids might not have had a gun in the first place.

Wait what? The simple premise remains that criminals will not adhere to gun laws. They will find a way around it. So you can't actually say that with a straight face, Noomi.

Noomi also doesn't want to face the fact that gun violence in America is mostly centered around young black men, which two of these perps just happen to be.

But that's a topic I am sure she wants to avoid.
What happened was tragic and those three need to pay and pay dearly, for the rest of their lives, and hope they suffer.
And we will continue to attack your fucking gun laws. If guns were illegal, chances are these kids might not have had a gun in the first place.

Yup, just like making Heroin, cocaine and meth illegal has stopped people from possessing these drugs. Dumbass.

Same could be said about guns within cities like Chicago and Washington Dc. Hasn't stopped the criminals.

Don't you people even think through things?
My local news keeps showing pictures of the Australian victim.

But not once have they identified the 3 feral black teens charged in his murder.

I guess they are afraid it might offend the PC liberals. .. :doubt:
This is what happens when you have a racist running the Nation spewing hatred from the Oval Office dividing Americans along with the Hollywood RAP artists who do nothing but promote violence pretty much. "HATE WHITEY" is perpetuated by libruls day in and day out.. These black THUGZ stated they felt this white boy was the enemy and a threat.. This lies on the DEMORACIST party's shoulders.. They have sooo enraged the black community that it's boiling over now... I'm sick of black Americans, NOT AFRICAN AMERICANS.. you're either an American or you're not - thinking they have the right to rage over whitey.. Amazing how bad race relations are now.
My local news keeps showing pictures of the Australian victim.

But not once have they identified the 3 feral black teens charged in his murder.

I guess they are afraid it might offend the PC liberals. .. :doubt:

And it has to stop. The PC culture is over.. No one gives a shit any longer if libruls are offended.. they're fucking offended by everything so who the hell cares?! THESE THUGZ are black who acted like wild animals hell bent on slaughtering a creepy-ass cracka..

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