Australian baseball player murdered by 3 teens in the USA

This is what happens when you have a racist running the Nation spewing hatred from the Oval Office dividing Americans along with the Hollywood RAP artists who do nothing but promote violence pretty much. "HATE WHITEY" is perpetuated by libruls day in and day out.. These black THUGZ stated they felt this white boy was the enemy and a threat.. This lies on the DEMORACIST party's shoulders.. They have sooo enraged the black community that it's boiling over now... I'm sick of black Americans, NOT AFRICAN AMERICANS.. you're either an American or you're not - thinking they have the right to rage over whitey.. Amazing how bad race relations are now.

That's a really good point.

Aside from the three thugs themselves, if there is anyone or anything else to blame it's the progressives, not the 2nd Amendment. These professional race-baiters in the Democrat Party that egg on this victimization mentality into today's minority youth, are the ones responsible for climate of hatred.
Looks like they were out to kill more people too:

"My son called me and said, 'They're saying they're coming to kill me', so I called the police and they got here within about three minutes," Mr Johnson told the Herald Sun yesterday.

Mr Johnson said that Edwards Jr had threatened to kill his son, Christopher, 17, via Facebook.

"They threatened to kill my son because they are in a gang, the Crips, and were trying to get my son in it and I wouldn't let him do it.

"I told him he couldn't run with those boys. He's a little terrified."

Read more: No Cookies | Herald Sun

A bunch of little wanna-be gangsters. Wish we could ship them down under and have them hung in public as an apology to the Aussies.
Does anyone remember Michael McGee? He was a city councilman in Milwaukee in the late 70's. He wore black fatigues and a 9mm on his hip to council meetings. Anyway, he made a demand for I believe 100 million for whatever organization he belonged to or they would start killing white people. This went on for awhile until he went on the PBS show Tony Brown's Journal. He started his rant and Tony cut him off saying "Look, there are millions of American hoping and praying that you would do something stupid like this just to give them an excuse. My advice to you is just STFU. Never heard a word from McGee afterwards. What happened yesterday was on the same par.
And we will continue to attack your fucking gun laws. If guns were illegal, chances are these kids might not have had a gun in the first place.

These 3 little fuckers would've used something else. No gun? Then they'd probably find a knife or a baseball bat to use.

Stupid anti-gun twits.
And we will continue to attack your fucking gun laws. If guns were illegal, chances are these kids might not have had a gun in the first place.

Yup, just like making Heroin, cocaine and meth illegal has stopped people from possessing these drugs. Dumbass.

You can be arrested and taken off of the streets for possessing these drugs.

I think shooting someone will get you arrested also.
And we will continue to attack your fucking gun laws. If guns were illegal, chances are these kids might not have had a gun in the first place.
Um, I think if they ignore the law that says you can't murder somebody, they'll probably ignore the law that says you can't have a gun. DUH!

Noomi is under the impression that if we ban the technology of guns, no one will ever have them.

As if making a firearm is rocket science.....

If these kids didn't have a gun they probably just would of run him over in their car. They wanted to murder somebody, people with that kind of sick mind will find a way, no matter what. I would be nice to have a little more background on these "kids", as in whether or not they already had a criminal history.

What else would one expect from a person who thinks working as a line employee in a fast food joint is a career?
And we will continue to attack your fucking gun laws. If guns were illegal, chances are these kids might not have had a gun in the first place.

you can continue until the Second Coming.

It is not up to you to decide what we do in OUR country
It's not about the guns...
If they didn't have one they probably would have gotten out of the car and
would have beaten him to death....

I would still like know where they got the gun.
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And we will continue to attack your fucking gun laws. If guns were illegal, chances are these kids might not have had a gun in the first place.

Our laws are our business, and none of yours. If Austrailians wish to stop visiting here, or wish to call for a boycott, that's your business.

You are aware of the gun laws here, so tourists beware.
And by the way, hate crime charges should be filed. I wont hold my breath though.

Is everyone aware of the black shooters Twitter account ? He has made some really racist comments. Doesn't take a rocket science to see that the little devil was hunting for a white person to shoot.
And we will continue to attack your fucking gun laws. If guns were illegal, chances are these kids might not have had a gun in the first place.

you can continue until the Second Coming.

It is not up to you to decide what we do in OUR country

But it IS within our right to savage your country, which is responsible for the murder of one of our own citizens.
And we will continue to attack your fucking gun laws. If guns were illegal, chances are these kids might not have had a gun in the first place.

you can continue until the Second Coming.

It is not up to you to decide what we do in OUR country

But it IS within our right to savage your country, which is responsible for the murder of one of our own citizens.

Go ahead and "savage" away, just don't come here to do it, you might get shot.
^I know, which is why no one I know wants to visit America, they are likely to be murdered.

You're more likely to die in a plane crash or a car accident, but you're free to do whatever you like.

By the way, how is it playing there that the young man was no doubt gunned down by a black man because he was white ?

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