Australian baseball player murdered by 3 teens in the USA

Why do these thugs get the benefit of the doubt but Zimmerman didn't. Zimmerman had a solid case of self defense based on the scars and reliable witness.

These thugs blown this guy away for the hell of it.

If Zimmermann had posted the same kind of racial remarks on social sites, the media would have been talking about it 24/7, and calling for hate crime charges.

Well hell's bells think how crazy this is when the media goes into a feeding frenzy wanting the head of a rodeo clown who wore an Obama mask.

And the NAACP is calling for an investigation by the DOJ into the rodeo clown's actions but black teens chillingly murder a young white man in cold blood and this isn't a hate crime?

The rodeo clown has been skewered for his alleged "racist comedy routine" but the young black who blew away a white baby in it's stroller isn't charged with a hate crime?

Talk about whacked out.

I know, it makes no sense.
And we will continue to attack your fucking gun laws. If guns were illegal, chances are these kids might not have had a gun in the first place.

When are you going to realize that GUNS DO NOT KILL PEOPLE < PEOPLE KILL PEOPLE and if somone wants to kill someone there is other ways to do it as well . These kids wanted to kill some one plan in simple . In stead of blaming the gun how about blaming these kids and their parents who did not teach them RIGHT FROM WRONG.. Also these guns were probably illegal guns since they were wanna be gang members according to one parent
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And we will continue to attack your fucking gun laws. If guns were illegal, chances are these kids might not have had a gun in the first place.

Yup, just like making Heroin, cocaine and meth illegal has stopped people from possessing these drugs. Dumbass.

You can be arrested and taken off of the streets for possessing these drugs.

And as soon as your out you go right back to them dumbass
And we will continue to attack your fucking gun laws. If guns were illegal, chances are these kids might not have had a gun in the first place.

Noomi this has nothing to do with guns or gun laws.

Take a look in the mirror. Tourists in Australia from around the world have been murdered in your country by other means.

It doesn't take a gun to make someone a victim. Just recently there was this case.

Martial arts enthusiast pleads guilty over Irish backpacker murder

A MARTIAL arts enthusiast who stomped "like a crazy monster" on the heads of two unconscious Irish backpackers - killing one - was previously jailed for bashing and robbing a prostitute.

Luke James Wentholt admitted he murdered 30-year-old David Greene in the Supreme Court this morning, saying "guilty" after a long pause.

The 31-year-old also pleaded guilty to recklessly causing serious injury to Mr Greene's friend and fellow Irish traveller, David Byas.

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And you had your world renowned Backpacker serial murders. And with a strange twist of fate a young relative of that killer committed a copy cat murder just recently.

Knives, guns, martial arts, and an axe were all used in these murders.

It's not the weapon. It's the evil heart of the individual who would take any of these instruments to commit murder.

So now I guess it's OKAY for the IRISH to "SAVAGE" Australia

All bullshit aside. This is a terrible event! This kid was murdered, shot in the back by three thugs who it's being said now were gang related, so they killed just for the fun of it. WE, the US need to stop making excuses for this type of behavior and start an all out war on murder, Shorten the death sentence to no more than one year of appeal. These vermin being minors will spend the rest of their life in prison.
Nobody cares about Australia.....the country is basically irrelevant on the world scene. People think about Australia and think about fucking kangaroo's and nothing else.

Irrelevant? That would be America, lol.

What, in the name of God, are you smoking? :cuckoo:

And why aren't you sharing? :lol:

Doubly true, vis a vis Australia. :eusa_whistle:
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And we will continue to attack your fucking gun laws. If guns were illegal, chances are these kids might not have had a gun in the first place.

It was illegal for these thugs to have a gun. It was also illegal for these thugs to shoot the guy. Laws don't matter to thugs.
And we will continue to attack your fucking gun laws. If guns were illegal, chances are these kids might not have had a gun in the first place.

you can continue until the Second Coming.

It is not up to you to decide what we do in OUR country

But it IS within our right to savage your country, which is responsible for the murder of one of our own citizens.

So now you're going to blame all of America for the actions of 3 punks? Pathetic.
The problem is these thugs are now filtering into rural America now. I've been to Duncan and Lawton a few times. Plenty of blacks and Mexicans are flooding these small towns. Mainly because the urban shitholes are so bad that even they have to leave them.

They're like locusts, migrating from city to city & town to town, destroying them economically and culturally.
Tourists please choose your destinations wisely and avoid shit holes like Chicago etc. There are a lot of great things to do here that don't include NYC or DC. If you want to meet real Americans then you need to head out into nature, the sticks. Rivers, mountain and crystal blue streams.

Stay as far away as you can from the police state apparatus that runs this country now.

That poor Australian was in Oklahoma. He didn't know he was running around in an area home to Crips.

I know Duncan a little bit. My wife's family lives there. She's Choctaw. Haven't been there in 20 years, but good God, growing up in a small town I'd have never conceived of killing some kid for fun.

The Aussies have every reason to be pissed. This is senseless, black popular culture influencing the minds of already lost youth. It's a damn shame.
the fact is these monsters were looking for a white person to kill. They could not find such a person living in the shit holes they do, so they made a trip out to a nice town in search of a target rich environment. And these ACLU/NAACP types have the fucking gall to complain about police pulling over suspicious looking people who obviously do not have legitimate business in a particular town or location.
The cops are told to protect the lives and property of the people who pay their wages. Period.
Anyone who does not like this has choices. One, Stay the fuck out of places one does not belong. Two, don't be a fucking criminal.
Why would right wing news outlets, like Fox, keep saying that the three were black? One was white, one was half black, and one was black.

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Why would right wing news outlets, like Fox, keep saying that the three were black? One was white, one was half black, and one was black.

So according to you, one was like Martin, one was halfway like Martin, and the other half like Zimmerman and a third guy like Zimmerman? But then wouldn't the second look more like Obama, had Obama had a son, because, they are both white and black.

I always thought Zimmerman was hispanic, and if he was, why were liberals so intent on framing him as a white.

I also wonder why Obama and other leaders are so quiet over this INTERNATIONAL incident. Then I remember this administration not liking international incidents like Benghazi.

bianco man from Australia has walked right into a hornet's nest here in the first thread he's reading. ;)

I should say that;

The ANZUS Treaty/Alliance, and the good friendship between very similar Peoples in Americans and Australians has not, and will not, be damaged in any way by this very unfortunate murder of the young Australian college baseball player in the US.

There are 300+ million people in America.
3 teenage people are allegedly involved in this murder.

3 people.

The very vast majority of people in Australia can see clearly exactly what happened with this murder, and exactly who is to blame...3 people.

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