Australian baseball player murdered by 3 teens in the USA

Tourists please choose your destinations wisely and avoid shit holes like Chicago etc. There are a lot of great things to do here that don't include NYC or DC. If you want to meet real Americans then you need to head out into nature, the sticks. Rivers, mountain and crystal blue streams.

Stay as far away as you can from the police state apparatus that runs this country now.

Real Americans don't live in big cities?
I live near nature, and I visited NYC. They seemed just as American as me, and I very much enjoyed my trip. I even stayed in Harlem.

While I'm certain that there are many "real Americans" in these cities, I find it prudent to suggest that foreign visitors invest their time in our great national parks and along diners beside some forgotten road. They'll find more America there than in the suburbs or a megalopolis. If I were a tourist, I'd stick to small roads and visit off the wall locations on my way to places like Moab Utah.
Tourists please choose your destinations wisely and avoid shit holes like Chicago etc. There are a lot of great things to do here that don't include NYC or DC. If you want to meet real Americans then you need to head out into nature, the sticks. Rivers, mountain and crystal blue streams.

Stay as far away as you can from the police state apparatus that runs this country now.

That poor Australian was in Oklahoma. He didn't know he was running around in an area home to Crips.
Tourists please choose your destinations wisely and avoid shit holes like Chicago etc. There are a lot of great things to do here that don't include NYC or DC. If you want to meet real Americans then you need to head out into nature, the sticks. Rivers, mountain and crystal blue streams.

Stay as far away as you can from the police state apparatus that runs this country now.

That poor Australian was in Oklahoma. He didn't know he was running around in an area home to Crips.

I know Duncan a little bit. My wife's family lives there. She's Choctaw. Haven't been there in 20 years, but good God, growing up in a small town I'd have never conceived of killing some kid for fun.

The Aussies have every reason to be pissed. This is senseless, black popular culture influencing the minds of already lost youth. It's a damn shame.
And we will continue to attack your fucking gun laws. If guns were illegal, chances are these kids might not have had a gun in the first place.

Yup, just like making Heroin, cocaine and meth illegal has stopped people from possessing these drugs. Dumbass.

You can be arrested and taken off of the streets for possessing these drugs.

So what. She made the statement that if guns where illegal, the kid might not of had one.
Tourists please choose your destinations wisely and avoid shit holes like Chicago etc. There are a lot of great things to do here that don't include NYC or DC. If you want to meet real Americans then you need to head out into nature, the sticks. Rivers, mountain and crystal blue streams.

Stay as far away as you can from the police state apparatus that runs this country now.

Real Americans don't live in big cities?
I live near nature, and I visited NYC. They seemed just as American as me, and I very much enjoyed my trip. I even stayed in Harlem.

While I'm certain that there are many "real Americans" in these cities, I find it prudent to suggest that foreign visitors invest their time in our great national parks and along diners beside some forgotten road. They'll find more America there than in the suburbs or a megalopolis. If I were a tourist, I'd stick to small roads and visit off the wall locations on my way to places like Moab Utah.

Why not both? I have been to many national parks, and I enjoyed seeing historical land marks in NYC just as much.
Shit! I went to the Empire State Building and two weeks later I was at Mt Rushmore. I enjoyed both.
I would rather live in Washington, but I love trees and lakes. But I enjoy visiting big cities and national parks.
A small town doesn't make you more of an American.
And we will continue to attack your fucking gun laws. If guns were illegal, chances are these kids might not have had a gun in the first place.

you can continue until the Second Coming.

It is not up to you to decide what we do in OUR country

But it IS within our right to savage your country, which is responsible for the murder of one of our own citizens.

That's fine, Noomi...

The Australians have every right to 'savage' us (if one can be said to have been 'savaged' by being the recipient of harsh language)...

But should you (Australia) choose to blow this out of proportion sufficiently so as to actually damage relations between us...

The next time that the Japanese start encroaching again on your turf, or when the Chinese finally start to get feisty and start pushing you around, you're on your own...

You won't last long, with so many stepping-stone islands in close proximity to your northern shoreline, without us to keep the bad guys from overwhelming you...

The UK and the Commonwealth sure as hell isn't up to the task, if Crunch Time ever comes...

But, we can avoid all that drama, can't we?

With respect to this tragic shooting...

Blame the poor enforcement of existing laws pertaining to gun-acquisition and gun-possession...

Blame the feral black punks who did the deed...

But don't presume to dictate to us what our laws should be...

We weren't about to take that shit from the Mother Country, a couple of centuries ago...

And we sure-as-hell aren't about to take that shit from a pale copy, down under, today...

Just a friendly word to the wise, so that we (the US and Australia) understand each other a little better...
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And we will continue to attack your fucking gun laws. If guns were illegal, chances are these kids might not have had a gun in the first place.

you can continue until the Second Coming.

It is not up to you to decide what we do in OUR country

But it IS within our right to savage your country, which is responsible for the murder of one of our own citizens.

No one ever said you didn't have the right to say what you want about our country.

The country itself isn't responsible, the three shitbags that committed the crime are. I know you are a liberal and its hard for you to hold individuals to be responsible for their own actions, but it's worth a shot.

This murder was probably racially motivated too. These black kids hated white people, but I doubt you'll bring yourself to admit there is real racism against whites going on in the US. The media ignores the problem so its not on your radar.
And we will continue to attack your fucking gun laws. If guns were illegal, chances are these kids might not have had a gun in the first place.

you can continue until the Second Coming.

It is not up to you to decide what we do in OUR country

But it IS within our right to savage your country, which is responsible for the murder of one of our own citizens.

Sweetie....hate to break it to you but in America, nobody gives a rats ass what Australian's think......about anything. When Americans think about Australia they think about kangaroo's and Crocodile Dundee.....maybe that stupid looking pavilion in Sydney. Nothing else. The country is basically irrelevant on the world scene.:2up::eusa_dance::2up:
And we will continue to attack your fucking gun laws. If guns were illegal, chances are these kids might not have had a gun in the first place.

you can continue until the Second Coming.

It is not up to you to decide what we do in OUR country

But it IS within our right to savage your country, which is responsible for the murder of one of our own citizens.

OMG.. STFU already..
Tourists please choose your destinations wisely and avoid shit holes like Chicago etc. There are a lot of great things to do here that don't include NYC or DC. If you want to meet real Americans then you need to head out into nature, the sticks. Rivers, mountain and crystal blue streams.

Stay as far away as you can from the police state apparatus that runs this country now.

This is worth repeating. Middle America, where real Americans actually work hard and raise their families, is beautiful and not filled with violent cesspools of leftist thugz who have bought in to the propaganda machine be it Al Sharpton, Barack Obama, or any of the other pasty-azz RACE PIMPS in the DemoRacist party. All of the crime infested puke cities for the most part are inner cities where blacks run around rampant stealing,killing, dealing drugs, committing crimes in general all the while their race whores point fingers at whitey.. When America is ready to deal with the truth and not the librul propaganda machine, perhaps we can return our streets in those leftist shitholes back to some semblance of decency.. otherwise, take the posters advice.. Steer clear of Thugville. I can post statistic after statistic regarding the crime rate amongst the black community. We all know the facts and yet KOOKS continue to try to paint it white.
Liberals have soo brainwashed society now in political correctness that even calling out the truth is squawked as racism.. NO IT'S NOT and don't buy in to that shit. We have to turn our nation around and it has to start now.. not tomorrow, not next week. In order to do that it begins with attitudes. Speak the truth boldly. You're going to be labeled a racist simply being a conservative and who really gives a damn what these insane whacko's think anyhow? NO MORE PC.. The new slogan this year.. and we need to repeat it over and over and over. Let NY and NYers lie in their stupidity with things like removing stop and frisk.. until one their own is raped, murdered etc.. and the crime rate soars.. FUCK LIBERALS. Let's worry about our neighborhoods, our lives. NO MORE PC.
Tourists please choose your destinations wisely and avoid shit holes like Chicago etc. There are a lot of great things to do here that don't include NYC or DC. If you want to meet real Americans then you need to head out into nature, the sticks. Rivers, mountain and crystal blue streams.

Stay as far away as you can from the police state apparatus that runs this country now.

This is worth repeating. Middle America, where real Americans actually work hard and raise their families, is beautiful and not filled with violent cesspools of leftist thugz who have bought in to the propaganda machine be it Al Sharpton, Barack Obama, or any of the other pasty-azz RACE PIMPS in the DemoRacist party. All of the crime infested puke cities for the most part are inner cities where blacks run around rampant stealing,killing, dealing drugs, committing crimes in general all the while their race whores point fingers at whitey.. When America is ready to deal with the truth and not the librul propaganda machine, perhaps we can return our streets in those leftist shitholes back to some semblance of decency.. otherwise, take the posters advice.. Steer clear of Thugville. I can post statistic after statistic regarding the crime rate amongst the black community. We all know the facts and yet KOOKS continue to try to paint it white.

The problem is these thugs are now filtering into rural America now. I've been to Duncan and Lawton a few times. Plenty of blacks and Mexicans are flooding these small towns. Mainly because the urban shitholes are so bad that even they have to leave them.

This poor dude wasn't jogging through a black neighborhood, yet he got gunned down as if he was in Inglewood. The proof is in the pudding folks ---the entire country is turning into Detroit. The Obamification of America is underway, liberalism in full swing, and we're really just starting the reap the rewards.

My advice to Australians outraged by this would be to not fall for the same liberal multi-culturism bullshit the US fell for. Keep a strict immigration policy and be harsh to criminals. Don't let liberalism destroy your country and culture the way it is happening to America.
Australia irrelevent??...

... I think not...

Containing China...
How the US is encircling China with military bases
August 21, 2013 WASHINGTON — The U.S. military is encircling China with a chain of air bases and military ports. The latest link: a small airstrip on the tiny Pacific island of Saipan. The U.S. Air Force is planning to lease 33 acres of land on the island for the next 50 years to build a "divert airfield" on an old World War II airbase there. But the residents don't want it. And the Chinese are in no mood to be surrounded by Americans.
The Pentagon's big, new strategy for the 21st century is something called Air-Sea Battle, a concept that's nominally about combining air and naval forces to punch through the increasingly formidable defenses of nations like China or Iran. It may sound like an amorphous strategy — and truth be told, a lot of Air-Sea Battle is still in the conceptual phase. But a very concrete part of this concept is being put into place in the Pacific. An important but oft-overlooked part of Air-Sea Battle calls for the military to operate from small, bare bones bases in the Pacific that its forces can disperse to in case their main bases are targeted by Chinese ballistic missiles.

Saipan would be used by American jets in case access to the U.S. superbase at Guam "or other Western Pacific airfields is limited or denied," reads this Air Force document discussing the impact building such fields on Saipan and nearby Tinian would have on the environment there. (Residents of Saipan actually want the Air Force to use the historic airbases on Tinian that the U.S. Marines are already refurbishing and flying F/A-18 Hornet fighters out of on an occasional basis.) Specifically, the Air Force wants to expand the existing Saipan International Airport — built on the skeleton of a World War II base used by Japan, and later the United States — to accommodate cargo, fighter and tanker aircraft along with up to 700 support personnel for "periodic divert landings, joint military exercises, and joint and combined humanitarian assistance and disaster relief efforts," according to Air Force documents on the project.


An MC-130 aircraft flies over Tinian Island as it transports senior leaders of Guam's Andersen Air Force Base for an island tour

This means the service plans to build additional aircraft parking space, hangars, fuel storage tanks and ammunition storage facilities, in addition to other improvements to the historic airfield. And it's not the only facility getting an upgrade. In addition to the site on Saipan, the Air Force plans to send aircraft on regular deployments to bases ranging from Australia to India as part of its bulked up force in the Pacific. These plans include regular deployments to Royal Australian Air Force bases at Darwin and Tindal, Changi East air base in Singapore, Korat air base in Thailand, Trivandrum in India, and possibly bases at Cubi Point and Puerto Princesa in the Philippines and airfields in Indonesia and Malaysia, a top U.S. Air Force general revealed last month.

The Saipan announcement comes as Chinese defense minister, Gen. Chang Wanquan, visited Washington to talk with U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel. The specific topic of U.S. bases in the Pacific didn't come up during a joint press conference held by the two officials Wednesday, but Wanquan said in response to a question about the U.S. military's increased focus on the Pacific that "China is a peace-loving nation. And we hope that [America's] strategy does not target a specific country in the region."


See also:

Growing US presence in Australia to include aircraft
August 21, 2013 — The U.S. is preparing to add aircraft to its military presence in Australia, which will include 2,500 Marines rotating through the northern port of Darwin starting in 2016.
This summer’s rotation has involved about 250 personnel, but that will increase to a 1,150-strong force next year, including an aviation support contingent at Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) Base Darwin, along with four heavy-lift helicopters, according to Australian officials. More than 300 Marines and sailors, along with 12 F/A-18 Hornets and a KC-130 Hercules from Marine Aircraft Group 12, are training Down Under this month as part of the Southern Frontier 2013 exercise, according to U.S. Marine Corps Pacific. Now the commander of Pacific Air Forces has signaled plans to rotate fixed-wing aircraft through Darwin and nearby RAAF Base Tindal.


Two F-16 Fighting Falcons conduct a training mission over Misawa Air Base, Japan, Feb. 14, 2013.

Gen. Herbert “Hawk” Carlisle said the U.S. and Australia are talking about rotating U.S. aircraft to the bases, according to a transcript of comments he made to a group of defense writers July 29. “The plan would be to rotate fighter and tanker capability initially, and then potentially long term, rotate bomber capability through, probably, Tindal,” he said. Forces heading to Australia could come from the continental U.S. or include F-16s from Misawa Air Base or F-15s from Kadena Air Base in Japan, he said.

The Air Force has already made a test run with a bomber from Andersen Air Base on Guam, Carlisle said. “We’ve landed it down at Darwin and turned around and took it off again,” he said. “So we’ve demonstrated it. We’ve brought tankers down there. And we do bring fighters down fairly often into Tindal and Darwin to exercise with the Australians.” Before the rotations can start, the Air Force needs to invest in ground infrastructure and deploy some equipment, he said. “I think over the next year, you’ll see it climb a little bit and then … based on budgets, it will start to increase in probably 2015,” Carlisle said.

Growing US presence in Australia to include aircraft - News - Stripes
Why do these thugs get the benefit of the doubt but Zimmerman didn't. Zimmerman had a solid case of self defense based on the scars and reliable witness.

These thugs blown this guy away for the hell of it.

If Zimmermann had posted the same kind of racial remarks on social sites, the media would have been talking about it 24/7, and calling for hate crime charges.
And we will continue to attack your fucking gun laws. If guns were illegal, chances are these kids might not have had a gun in the first place.

Noomi this has nothing to do with guns or gun laws.

Take a look in the mirror. Tourists in Australia from around the world have been murdered in your country by other means.

It doesn't take a gun to make someone a victim. Just recently there was this case.

Martial arts enthusiast pleads guilty over Irish backpacker murder

A MARTIAL arts enthusiast who stomped "like a crazy monster" on the heads of two unconscious Irish backpackers - killing one - was previously jailed for bashing and robbing a prostitute.

Luke James Wentholt admitted he murdered 30-year-old David Greene in the Supreme Court this morning, saying "guilty" after a long pause.

The 31-year-old also pleaded guilty to recklessly causing serious injury to Mr Greene's friend and fellow Irish traveller, David Byas.

Cookies must be enabled. | The Australian

And you had your world renowned Backpacker serial murders. And with a strange twist of fate a young relative of that killer committed a copy cat murder just recently.

Knives, guns, martial arts, and an axe were all used in these murders.

It's not the weapon. It's the evil heart of the individual who would take any of these instruments to commit murder.
Why do these thugs get the benefit of the doubt but Zimmerman didn't. Zimmerman had a solid case of self defense based on the scars and reliable witness.

These thugs blown this guy away for the hell of it.

If Zimmermann had posted the same kind of racial remarks on social sites, the media would have been talking about it 24/7, and calling for hate crime charges.

Well hell's bells think how crazy this is when the media goes into a feeding frenzy wanting the head of a rodeo clown who wore an Obama mask.

And the NAACP is calling for an investigation by the DOJ into the rodeo clown's actions but black teens chillingly murder a young white man in cold blood and this isn't a hate crime?

The rodeo clown has been skewered for his alleged "racist comedy routine" but the young black who blew away a white baby in it's stroller isn't charged with a hate crime?

Talk about whacked out.
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...............................^^^^^ Well of course the murder of the Australian by the feral black teens was Not a hate crime.

They were just "bored" and it had nothing to do with race.

Get with the program TD .. :cool:
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