Australian baseball player murdered by 3 teens in the USA

Why would right wing news outlets, like Fox, keep saying that the three were black? One was white, one was half black, and one was black.

One was black, one had some white in his ancestry and one had a black father and a white mother. Like obama, who is black.
you can continue until the Second Coming.

It is not up to you to decide what we do in OUR country

But it IS within our right to savage your country, which is responsible for the murder of one of our own citizens.

So now you're going to blame all of America for the actions of 3 punks? Pathetic.

Any time Noomi brings up this shit hit her with her own serial killer the Back Pack Murders.

Oh and refresh her memory on his grand nephew killing souls as well.

bianco man from Australia has walked right into a hornet's nest here in the first thread he's reading. ;)

I should say that;

The ANZUS Treaty/Alliance, and the good friendship between very similar Peoples in Americans and Australians has not, and will not, be damaged in any way by this very unfortunate murder of the young Australian college baseball player in the US.

There are 300+ million people in America.
3 teenage people are allegedly involved in this murder.

3 people.

The very vast majority of people in Australia can see clearly exactly what happened with this murder, and exactly who is to blame...3 people.

This was well-said, and much appreciated, by a great many Americans, I'm sure.
Why would right wing news outlets, like Fox, keep saying that the three were black? One was white, one was half black, and one was black.

I guess for the same reason liberal media called Zimmerman white and calls our half breed sambo president black.
The more the left condones this = the more of this is going to happen. Making whites the enemy and lying causes more problems.

It sure does.
On my Sydney no1 radio station news at 3pm yesterday [broadcast nationally, and worldwide on the internet], it was announced that people in the town where the Aussie was gunned down, shot in the back, the residents are now going out and buying more guns and basically arming themselves to the teeth.

Not sure if Oklahoma has 'stand your ground' laws, but people in the town seem determined that they are not going to become shooting/murder victims as well.

Seems they are totally shocked and horrified at what happened, and at what the suspects have said and written...and realise that in their lovely 'sleepy hollow' they could easily have been the victims and not the visitor.
On my 6pm Sat tv news just now was shown the open air memorial service for Chris Lane by the good people of Duncan.

Their town will never be the same that this cold-blooded gun murder so called "thrill killing" has happened there.

It's a nice gesture, from nice people, that they've held such a lovely memorial service for a visitor.
This is a racial killing and that is that.
Let the libs circle the wagons. It doesn't matter. These bastards are going to fry.

Frying convicteds makes us/the state the same as them.
If convicted of first degree murder they should be locked away for life in prison no parole, and death chambers abolished.
This is a racial killing and that is that.
Let the libs circle the wagons. It doesn't matter. These bastards are going to fry.

Frying convicteds makes us/the state the same as them.
If convicted of first degree murder they should be locked away for life in prison no parole, and death chambers abolished.
I might agree with that, depending on how well they would be treated in prison. It would have to be real cheap, and they should have to earn their keep. If they don't work, they don't eat.
The more the left condones this = the more of this is going to happen. Making whites the enemy and lying causes more problems.

It sure does.
On my Sydney no1 radio station news at 3pm yesterday [broadcast nationally, and worldwide on the internet], it was announced that people in the town where the Aussie was gunned down, shot in the back, the residents are now going out and buying more guns and basically arming themselves to the teeth.

Not sure if Oklahoma has 'stand your ground' laws, but people in the town seem determined that they are not going to become shooting/murder victims as well.

Seems they are totally shocked and horrified at what happened, and at what the suspects have said and written...and realise that in their lovely 'sleepy hollow' they could easily have been the victims and not the visitor.

So they go out and in typical Yank fashion, buy more guns, because more guns is the solution to gun crime.

Good grief.
The more the left condones this = the more of this is going to happen. Making whites the enemy and lying causes more problems.

It sure does.
On my Sydney no1 radio station news at 3pm yesterday [broadcast nationally, and worldwide on the internet], it was announced that people in the town where the Aussie was gunned down, shot in the back, the residents are now going out and buying more guns and basically arming themselves to the teeth.

Not sure if Oklahoma has 'stand your ground' laws, but people in the town seem determined that they are not going to become shooting/murder victims as well.

Seems they are totally shocked and horrified at what happened, and at what the suspects have said and written...and realise that in their lovely 'sleepy hollow' they could easily have been the victims and not the visitor.

So they go out and in typical Yank fashion, buy more guns, because more guns is the solution to gun crime.

Good grief.

What is your solution because if we take all the legal guns out of the system, all we will have is illegal guns.
The more the left condones this = the more of this is going to happen. Making whites the enemy and lying causes more problems.

It sure does.
On my Sydney no1 radio station news at 3pm yesterday [broadcast nationally, and worldwide on the internet], it was announced that people in the town where the Aussie was gunned down, shot in the back, the residents are now going out and buying more guns and basically arming themselves to the teeth.

Not sure if Oklahoma has 'stand your ground' laws, but people in the town seem determined that they are not going to become shooting/murder victims as well.

Seems they are totally shocked and horrified at what happened, and at what the suspects have said and written...and realise that in their lovely 'sleepy hollow' they could easily have been the victims and not the visitor.

So they go out and in typical Yank fashion, buy more guns, because more guns is the solution to gun crime.

Good grief.

Yes, whilever the bad people are armed to the teeth. so should the good poeple be too...or be at a disadvantage.
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"...What is your solution because if we take all the legal guns out of the system, all we will have is illegal guns."


Yes, Noomi.

What would such a solution look like?

One that will keep folks alive, and that has an immediate and positive effect in defending the lives and health of Good Folk against the occasional very Bad Guy(s)...

Anytime... at your discretion...
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