Australian gun grabbers still aren't happy, they want more control over gun owners....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yes....gun grabbers will never be happy with the gun laws they get.....just look at Australia.....they want more gun tracking...of law abiding gun owners. As the article points out....they have a huge gun smuggling problem...

And the gun grabbers in Australia lie as much as the gun grabbers in the States do....

Australian Gun Grab Goes to the Next Level - The Truth About Guns

by recommending a new electronic database that contains information on all firearms owners as well attempting to track the life of all firearms and associated parts . . .

A report by the Law, Crime and Community Safety Council recommended that the new National Firearms Interface (NIF) be implemented and administered by government agency, CrimTrac. Crimtrac is also responsible for management and tracking of data on violent criminals and paedophiles. Apparently, law abiding firearms owners (“LAFO’s”) in Australia who have to pass a criminal background check, are on the same level as those two categories of subhuman.
Already, it’s not difficult to see why this is yet another colossal waste of time and money. But hey, it’s government and should we be surprised?

With sprawling coast lines, a small population and large freight traffic, Australia is a smuggler’s paradise. When you can get 220 Glocks in the post, criminals are making guns at home, guns are coming in through the post with ease, the AFP admit they have no idea how many illegal firearms are being smuggled into Australia and Australian Customs’ history of institutionalised and individual corruption, it’s not hard to see why.

Further, this new database is on top of the firearms registries already in place in Australia, which are essentially a taxpayer funded blackhole for no proven benefit, a security risk, and whose running costs are believed to be between $80-100 million a year. In a laughable attempt to sell the new database, the ABC’s Fact Check (not worth the name) deliberately tried to misquote Senator Bridget McKenzie and claim that stolen guns represented the majority of illegal firearms in Australia. Kind of inconvenient, when the Senate Inquiry unanimously found this to be completely untrue.
I went rabbit hunting in australia. It was around the Mildura area. Great tasting rabbit. We used 22's. This was 1970
Why would anyone WANT to be at the mercy of any 2 punks with fist sized rocks in each hand? Even Bruce Lee could not handle it if both threw each rock at him, as fast as they could switch hands, from 10 ft away. But when I point my gun at them, not only do they not assault me, they flee. :) All the cops are "good "for is preventing me from shooting them in the guts, as they flee.
You can just as easily kill someone with a knife, a candlestick, or a rope. See the game Clue for more details.

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