Australian teen shoots Australian police officer...but they don't have guns, right?

And another may just be a cultural issue....mass murder didn't stop in Australia when they confiscated guns....they just used fire and blunt objects..their arson attacks kill as many people as our mass shooters do...usually more....

List of massacres in Australia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If you look at the arson attacks...they are killing 10 and 15 at a time with that better than killing them with guns...and there was a stabbing attack that killed 8 children...and another 5 people were killed with a blunt instrument....

Of course, you don't know about these mass murders in Australia because they are not covered by our media....upsets the whole anti gun thing...
Good Article on The Australia "Gun Free" Myth...

"The massacre in Charleston, South Carolina of nine members of a Bible study at a historic African-American church has horrified the entire country. Dylann Roof, a 21-year-old avowed white supremacist, has confessed to the shooting. As news of this cold-blooded murder spread, attention turned, as it inevitably (and understandably) does after such incidents, to the subject of the presence of guns in American society.

Yet it quickly became apparent that America’s moribund gun control debate would remain moribund. President Obama’s declaration that the country “needs a change in attitude” had a rote quality to it, as did Hillary Clinton’s ringing endorsement of “common-sense gun reforms.” As for Rep. Carolyn Maloney’s (D-New York) exhortation to pass legislation she recently introduced to require gun owners to obtain liability insurance on the grounds that “f you want to buy that Uzi, the thinking goes, you should also have to pay for the risk that gun poses to society as a result,” the less said the better."


"Yet when American gun control advocates and politicians praise Australia’s gun laws, that’s just what they’re doing. Charles Cooke of the National Review shredded the rhetorical conceit of bellowing “Australia!” last year after President Obama expressed his admiration for gun control à la Oz:

You simply cannot praise Australia’s gun-laws without praising the country’s mass confiscation program. That is Australia’s law. When the Left says that we should respond to shootings as Australia did, they don’t mean that we should institute background checks on private sales; they mean that they we should ban and confiscate guns. No amount of wooly words can change this. Again, one doesn’t bring up countries that have confiscated firearms as a shining example unless one wishes to push the conversation toward confiscation.

Cooke, of course, is right. When gun control advocates say they want Australian gun control laws in the United States, what they are really saying is that they want gun confiscation in the United States.

Democrat Leaders Support Gun Confiscation..."

The Australia Gun Control Fallacy
The problem is some people in this country don't want to be like these other country's. The freedom here has been on it's way out a long time ago... Europe and other places just don't have any freedom at all any more.

Isn't it Adorable when Leftists Pretend to be Americans?


Says the guy who when it came his turn to actually use a gun?

Ran away.

How Thomas Jefferson's Wartime Record Shaped His Life

In his defense, Jefferson made a blunt admission. With Virginia under invasion by a "powerful army," Jefferson felt he was unprepared by his "life and education for the command of armies." As a result, Jefferson wrote that he "believed it right not to stand in the way of talents better fitted than his own to the circumstances under which the country was placed.” - See more at: How Thomas Jefferson's Wartime Record Shaped His Life

Brave Sir Jefferson, ran.


Isn't it Adorable when Leftists Pretend to be Americans?


Says the guy who when it came his turn to actually use a gun?

Ran away.

How Thomas Jefferson's Wartime Record Shaped His Life

In his defense, Jefferson made a blunt admission. With Virginia under invasion by a "powerful army," Jefferson felt he was unprepared by his "life and education for the command of armies." As a result, Jefferson wrote that he "believed it right not to stand in the way of talents better fitted than his own to the circumstances under which the country was placed.” - See more at: How Thomas Jefferson's Wartime Record Shaped His Life

Brave Sir Jefferson, ran.

Yes....when someone says something that is guys think it is a weakness. Sadly....obama did not listen to Jefferson and ran for President anyway....
Wow...didn't hear about this during obama's press conference..of course it happened after he made a fool of himself...but bad timing. did the Iranian teen not realize that obama just told everyone that Australian gun laws kept shootings from happening....I mean..if the teen, suspected of terrorism, can shoot one police officer, then he could have shot more people........right?

But....How did a teenager get a gun in extreme gun controlled Australia?

the kid is 15 years did he get a gun in extreme gun controlled Australia....I thought you anti gun extremists said they solved this...and here we have a 15 year old killing a police officer...

See...I have oointed out in post after post that criminals and mass shooters can get guns easily in any country.

Britain just caught a 19 year old planning on shooting up the university that kicked him got a pistol and over 90 rounds with extended well as pipe bombs...and he said geting the weapon and bombs was as easy as buying chocolates....

so how did a 19 year old get a gun in extreme gun controlled Britain?

Europe and Australia are behind the U.S. In mass shootimgs...but as it was pointed out...they have crazy people too....and with the media attention and fame our mass shooters get...that is going to travel over seas...and their crazies are going to start shooting people too....

and like this Iranian kid in Austtalia.....they also have terrorists...

Teen's Slaying Of Australian Police Worker 'Linked To Terror'
What's the score between Australia and the US?
Hey! Didn't Australian CONFISCATE guns from everyone? Clearly, they must have forgotten to put up the Effective and Essential Gun Free Zone Signs!

Yeah...50% uptick...16 year olds carrying the previous post.....


You have 10 crimes then suddenly you have 15 crimes and it's a 50% uptick and time to panic.

You guys are amazing, really.

Uh. If you want to argue MATH, more people were murdered in Chicago in the first six months of this year (200+) than were killed in Mass Shootings over the past few.

Graph of the day: Perhaps mass shootings aren’t becoming more common

Healthcare is not in the Constitution...we are talking Constitutionally guaranteed rights asswipe.

Neither is hunting.
Neither is self defense.
Neither are guns.
Neither is sport shooting.
Neither is an individual right to own a gun.

Wanna go on?

Shitstain? must have missed that whole "The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed," part of that thing we call....The Bill of Rights.....
The sad thing is our commander in chief has very little common sense if any.


(A Homer Simpson... DUH!!!)
Hey! Didn't Australian CONFISCATE guns from everyone? Clearly, they must have forgotten to put up the Effective and Essential Gun Free Zone Signs!

Yeah...50% uptick...16 year olds carrying the previous post.....


You have 10 crimes then suddenly you have 15 crimes and it's a 50% uptick and time to panic.

You guys are amazing, really.

Uh. If you want to argue MATH, more people were murdered in Chicago in the first six months of this year (200+) than were killed in Mass Shootings over the past few.

Graph of the day: Perhaps mass shootings aren’t becoming more common

Anti gunners don't care about those shootings...there are more than enough minorities to vote for democrats on election day even with all of those shootings...and the rich, white, democrat areas of those cities have more than enough police protection to keep the minorities out of their neighborhoods......
Hey! Didn't Australian CONFISCATE guns from everyone? Clearly, they must have forgotten to put up the Effective and Essential Gun Free Zone Signs!

Yeah...50% uptick...16 year olds carrying the previous post.....


You have 10 crimes then suddenly you have 15 crimes and it's a 50% uptick and time to panic.

You guys are amazing, really.

Uh. If you want to argue MATH, more people were murdered in Chicago in the first six months of this year (200+) than were killed in Mass Shootings over the past few.

Graph of the day: Perhaps mass shootings aren’t becoming more common


My position is removing guns from public spaces.

Yours is the opposite.

This bolsters my position.
The Difference between Americans and Leftists?




America was started by Liberals.

Conservatives wanted to stick with the King.

By the way? Conservatives fought tooth and nail against banning DDT, which was wiping out the American Bald Eagle.

You folks have no real stake in this country.

You are parasites.

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