Australian teen shoots Australian police officer...but they don't have guns, right?

Hey! Didn't Australian CONFISCATE guns from everyone? Clearly, they must have forgotten to put up the Effective and Essential Gun Free Zone Signs!

Yeah...50% uptick...16 year olds carrying the previous post.....


You have 10 crimes then suddenly you have 15 crimes and it's a 50% uptick and time to panic.

You guys are amazing, really.

Uh. If you want to argue MATH, more people were murdered in Chicago in the first six months of this year (200+) than were killed in Mass Shootings over the past few.

Graph of the day: Perhaps mass shootings aren’t becoming more common


My position is removing guns from public spaces.

Yours is the opposite.

This bolsters my position.

No moron...Chicago has strict gun control does Baltimore, New York, and D.C. and they have gun murder rates through the public spaces...the only ones who don't have abiding people.....
And this is from 2013...on the rise in drive by shootings in Australia....which of course we don't hear about over here...

Year of the gun: Sydney in grip of upswing in shooting crime

The killings are not related but they confirm perceptions that drive-by shootings and gun crime have become an entrenched part of Australian lowlife.

A volatile mix of bikie gangs, drugs, ethnic rivalries and a 265 per cent rise in the number of handgun thefts threatens to turn Sydney into the East LA on the western side of the Pacific.

NSW Police Commissioner Andrew Scipione told a news conference on Tuesday: ''A lot of these young men are living the lives of wannabe gangsters and when you live the life of a wannabe gangster, unfortunately the reality is sometimes you will lose your life.''

Bassil Hijazi, 18, was shot dead in a public car park at Bexley on Monday night.

Only last year, Sydney's drive-bys seemed mainly crimes against property. Da Boyz would cruise by in the dead of night and spray a house in south-western and western Sydney. Somehow TV always managed to have some distraught neighbour saying it was only a matter of time before somebody was killed.

Now they are. They are using the guns against people. This year there have been 72 shootings in public places. Eight people have died in such incidents. On 28 other occasions at least one person has been wounded. I have pointed out....gun crimes are increasing in Australia...and this is after they confiscated all their handguns.....

Wow...didn't hear about this during obama's press conference..of course it happened after he made a fool of himself...but bad timing. did the Iranian teen not realize that obama just told everyone that Australian gun laws kept shootings from happening....I mean..if the teen, suspected of terrorism, can shoot one police officer, then he could have shot more people........right?

But....How did a teenager get a gun in extreme gun controlled Australia?

the kid is 15 years did he get a gun in extreme gun controlled Australia....I thought you anti gun extremists said they solved this...and here we have a 15 year old killing a police officer...

See...I have oointed out in post after post that criminals and mass shooters can get guns easily in any country.

Britain just caught a 19 year old planning on shooting up the university that kicked him got a pistol and over 90 rounds with extended well as pipe bombs...and he said geting the weapon and bombs was as easy as buying chocolates....

so how did a 19 year old get a gun in extreme gun controlled Britain?

Europe and Australia are behind the U.S. In mass shootimgs...but as it was pointed out...they have crazy people too....and with the media attention and fame our mass shooters get...that is going to travel over seas...and their crazies are going to start shooting people too....

and like this Iranian kid in Austtalia.....they also have terrorists...

Teen's Slaying Of Australian Police Worker 'Linked To Terror'
Before you posted this, did you check how often gun violence occurs in Australia? Because if this is an isolated incident, and I suspect it is, your post is meaningless...MEANINGLESS.

Gun crime is increasing in Australia...

Gun found every two days in Melbourne s red zone

Police are discovering guns in cars every two days in Melbourne's north-west, which has been dubbed the "red zone" by officers concerned about a growing gangster culture in the region.

The alarming figure, obtained from The Police Association, follows anecdotal and statistical evidence of a burgeoning gun culture among young men in the city's north-western fringe.

Police working in the large region, which includes Broadmeadows, Sunshine and Werribee, have reported:

  • Firearm-related incidents, such as drive-by shootings, every six days.
  • An increasing trend of children as young as 16 carrying guns.
  • Regularly finding guns in cars, including sawn-off shotguns and an automatic machine gun, during routine car intercepts.
  • Guns stolen from rural homes being used in violent crime in the north-west. Some 530 guns were stolen in rural Victoria in 2013.
It comes as the Crime Statistics Agency released figures on Thursday showing an almost threefold jump in firearm offences in the north-west over the past five years, from 581 in the year to March 2011 to 1332 in the 12 months to April 2015.

A similar trend was reported statewide, with firearm offences rising more than 50 per cent to 13,626.

The figures follow recent high-profile shootings in which two men have been killed - one in Keysborough, the other in Altona Meadows - and significant gun seizures by police. In March, an automatic machine gun was found during a car intercept in Sunbury, and in February, an M16 assault rifle and Thureon machine gun were seized in raids on homes in the city's west.

news video on increasing gun crime...shows robbery and injured...

Gun crime red zone
You do understand tha a firearm offense in Australia includes violating their strict gun laws, right? Wouldn't you expect an increase in gun offenses if the law makes most possessions of a gun a crime?

Isn't it Adorable when Leftists Pretend to be Americans?


Says the guy who when it came his turn to actually use a gun?

Ran away.

How Thomas Jefferson's Wartime Record Shaped His Life

In his defense, Jefferson made a blunt admission. With Virginia under invasion by a "powerful army," Jefferson felt he was unprepared by his "life and education for the command of armies." As a result, Jefferson wrote that he "believed it right not to stand in the way of talents better fitted than his own to the circumstances under which the country was placed.” - See more at: How Thomas Jefferson's Wartime Record Shaped His Life

Brave Sir Jefferson, ran.

Yes....when someone says something that is guys think it is a weakness. Sadly....obama did not listen to Jefferson and ran for President anyway....

Jefferson also changed his mind.

Something you folks have no idea about.

He saw the violence of the French Revolution as something to be avoided, not embraced.
Hey! Didn't Australian CONFISCATE guns from everyone? Clearly, they must have forgotten to put up the Effective and Essential Gun Free Zone Signs!

Yeah...50% uptick...16 year olds carrying the previous post.....


You have 10 crimes then suddenly you have 15 crimes and it's a 50% uptick and time to panic.

You guys are amazing, really.

Uh. If you want to argue MATH, more people were murdered in Chicago in the first six months of this year (200+) than were killed in Mass Shootings over the past few.

Graph of the day: Perhaps mass shootings aren’t becoming more common

More people were killed in Chicago last week-end, than were killed in Afghanistan last Week.
Hey! Didn't Australian CONFISCATE guns from everyone? Clearly, they must have forgotten to put up the Effective and Essential Gun Free Zone Signs!

Yeah...50% uptick...16 year olds carrying the previous post.....


You have 10 crimes then suddenly you have 15 crimes and it's a 50% uptick and time to panic.

You guys are amazing, really.

Uh. If you want to argue MATH, more people were murdered in Chicago in the first six months of this year (200+) than were killed in Mass Shootings over the past few.

Graph of the day: Perhaps mass shootings aren’t becoming more common

More people were killed in Chicago last week-end, than were killed in Afghanistan last Week.

Which is another reason for strict gun control.

Isn't it Adorable when Leftists Pretend to be Americans?


Says the guy who when it came his turn to actually use a gun?

Ran away.

How Thomas Jefferson's Wartime Record Shaped His Life

In his defense, Jefferson made a blunt admission. With Virginia under invasion by a "powerful army," Jefferson felt he was unprepared by his "life and education for the command of armies." As a result, Jefferson wrote that he "believed it right not to stand in the way of talents better fitted than his own to the circumstances under which the country was placed.” - See more at: How Thomas Jefferson's Wartime Record Shaped His Life

Brave Sir Jefferson, ran.

Yes....when someone says something that is guys think it is a weakness. Sadly....obama did not listen to Jefferson and ran for President anyway....

Jefferson also changed his mind.

Something you folks have no idea about.

He saw the violence of the French Revolution as something to be avoided, not embraced.


And the French Revolution was what? It was the uprising of what we know today to be "The Ideological Left".

And you're referring to what was known as "The Terrors"... wherein the French "Socialists", murdered more people in the year AFTER the French Revolution, than did the Catholics in 400 years of the Inquisition. And with that, the Left was the FIRST group to introduce "Terrorism" into Western Civilization, since the Islam was beat out of it; and the FIRST TIME EVER that Westerners practiced it.
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Look scamp... this is very simple.

The problem is not The Gun... or The Law.

The PROBLEM is the strain of deviancy which perverts the individuals means to understand the laws of nature that govern human behavior. Wherein the RESPECT for one's OWN RIGHT SUSTAINING RESPONSIBILITIES precludes one from behaving in such a way, that they infringe upon the rights of another, because they know that in so doing, they forfeit their own rights.

Now... who are you people?

You're people who reject THE LAW.

Your own president rejects THE LAW, then comes to a television camera to preach ADHERENCE to The Law...

Your representatives on the US SUPREME COURT, just told the nation "FUCK THE LAW, WE WILL MAKE NEW LAW!"

And that is precisely what the Mass-murderer in Oregon did... he walked on the campus, and created for himself and those he murdered: HIS OWN LAW.

Anything gettin' through here, sonny-jim?

Yeah...50% uptick...16 year olds carrying the previous post.....


You have 10 crimes then suddenly you have 15 crimes and it's a 50% uptick and time to panic.

You guys are amazing, really.

Uh. If you want to argue MATH, more people were murdered in Chicago in the first six months of this year (200+) than were killed in Mass Shootings over the past few.

Graph of the day: Perhaps mass shootings aren’t becoming more common

More people were killed in Chicago last week-end, than were killed in Afghanistan last Week.

Which is another reason for strict gun control.

Do you understand that Chicago has strict gun control...and that they are still fighting to keep people from getting guns even after the court decisions?
Yeah...50% uptick...16 year olds carrying the previous post.....


You have 10 crimes then suddenly you have 15 crimes and it's a 50% uptick and time to panic.

You guys are amazing, really.

Uh. If you want to argue MATH, more people were murdered in Chicago in the first six months of this year (200+) than were killed in Mass Shootings over the past few.

Graph of the day: Perhaps mass shootings aren’t becoming more common

More people were killed in Chicago last week-end, than were killed in Afghanistan last Week.

Which is another reason for strict gun control.

Do you understand that Chicago has strict gun control...and that they are still fighting to keep people from getting guns even after the court decisions?

Of course he doesn't. Reality doesn't pierce his bubble.
Just as all taxes go to politicians.

The only reason for gun control is gain control over people you don't agree with... History shows this to be so.

20 trillion in debt

And mr hope and change wants to focus on more gun control... His ideas like usual meaningless political correctness.

Yeah...50% uptick...16 year olds carrying the previous post.....


You have 10 crimes then suddenly you have 15 crimes and it's a 50% uptick and time to panic.

You guys are amazing, really.

Uh. If you want to argue MATH, more people were murdered in Chicago in the first six months of this year (200+) than were killed in Mass Shootings over the past few.

Graph of the day: Perhaps mass shootings aren’t becoming more common

More people were killed in Chicago last week-end, than were killed in Afghanistan last Week.

Which is another reason for strict gun control.

Chicago has among the most stringent Gun Control LAWS in the Country. Chicago also has the most virulent strain of Left-think in the country... with generations of Communists running around with the mindset that "SOMEONE ELSE OWES THEM SOMETHING".

So in THAT we see that THE PROBLEM is not Gun Control... the problem is Leftist-Control.

Americans created this problem through our tolerance of Left-think. Our forefathers should have killed it dead every time and in every place that it popped up. But to have done so would have required that they kill most of the populations of Wisconsin, Minnesota and Illinois... as that is where the European Progs tended to herd.

So... being a tolerant people, they let those cranks do their thing in their state and live and let live.

They didn't realize; I guess... that Left-think is a virulent perversion of human reasoning that spreads by contact and would inevitably infect the entire Northeast and Northwest and that it would do so through the concentration of infected individuals that moved to the Cities... .

The cure remains the same... as does the penalty for failing to apply the cure. It's just a much bigger, vastly more destructive cure now.
All of this can be brought back the the break down of the American family... No it does not take a village.

Mass failure getting the federal government involved.
Yeah...50% uptick...16 year olds carrying the previous post.....


You have 10 crimes then suddenly you have 15 crimes and it's a 50% uptick and time to panic.

You guys are amazing, really.

Uh. If you want to argue MATH, more people were murdered in Chicago in the first six months of this year (200+) than were killed in Mass Shootings over the past few.

Graph of the day: Perhaps mass shootings aren’t becoming more common

More people were killed in Chicago last week-end, than were killed in Afghanistan last Week.

Which is another reason for strict gun control.

Chicago has among the most stringent Gun Control LAWS in the Country. Chicago also has the most virulent strain of Left-think in the country... with generations of Communists running around with the mindset that "SOMEONE ELSE OWES THEM SOMETHING".

So in THAT we see that THE PROBLEM is not Gun Control... the problem is Leftist-Control.

Americans created this problem through our tolerance of Left-think. Our forefathers should have killed it dead every time and in every place that it popped up. But to have done so would have required that they kill most of the populations of Wisconsin, Minnesota and Illinois... as that is where the European Progs tended to herd.

So... being a tolerant people, they let those cranks do their thing in their state and live and let live.

They didn't realize; I guess... that Left-think is a virulent perversion of human reasoning that spreads by contact and would inevitably infect the entire Northeast and Northwest and that it would do so through the concentration of infected individuals that moved to the Cities... .

The cure remains the same... as does the penalty for failing to apply the cure. It's just a much bigger, vastly more destructive cure now.

IOW: Chicago is the realization of most Prog Policies...and is an Epic Fail of a City.
The left wackamoles always bring up killers go to nearby states with less gun control to get firearms.
Well, is that so?
Na, they steal their firearms from someone else or use someone else's. Anyway, where I live there are many, many more firearms than people... Decades since any firearm related deaths... Hell, I don't even lock my doors even on vacation.

So much for guns making people killers...

You have 10 crimes then suddenly you have 15 crimes and it's a 50% uptick and time to panic.

You guys are amazing, really.

Uh. If you want to argue MATH, more people were murdered in Chicago in the first six months of this year (200+) than were killed in Mass Shootings over the past few.

Graph of the day: Perhaps mass shootings aren’t becoming more common

More people were killed in Chicago last week-end, than were killed in Afghanistan last Week.

Which is another reason for strict gun control.

Chicago has among the most stringent Gun Control LAWS in the Country. Chicago also has the most virulent strain of Left-think in the country... with generations of Communists running around with the mindset that "SOMEONE ELSE OWES THEM SOMETHING".

So in THAT we see that THE PROBLEM is not Gun Control... the problem is Leftist-Control.

Americans created this problem through our tolerance of Left-think. Our forefathers should have killed it dead every time and in every place that it popped up. But to have done so would have required that they kill most of the populations of Wisconsin, Minnesota and Illinois... as that is where the European Progs tended to herd.

So... being a tolerant people, they let those cranks do their thing in their state and live and let live.

They didn't realize; I guess... that Left-think is a virulent perversion of human reasoning that spreads by contact and would inevitably infect the entire Northeast and Northwest and that it would do so through the concentration of infected individuals that moved to the Cities... .

The cure remains the same... as does the penalty for failing to apply the cure. It's just a much bigger, vastly more destructive cure now.

IOW: Chicago is the realization of most Prog Policies...and is an Epic Fail of a City.

Wait....I think D.C. has it all over chicago.....or perhaps baltimore......
Uh. If you want to argue MATH, more people were murdered in Chicago in the first six months of this year (200+) than were killed in Mass Shootings over the past few.

Graph of the day: Perhaps mass shootings aren’t becoming more common

More people were killed in Chicago last week-end, than were killed in Afghanistan last Week.

Which is another reason for strict gun control.

Chicago has among the most stringent Gun Control LAWS in the Country. Chicago also has the most virulent strain of Left-think in the country... with generations of Communists running around with the mindset that "SOMEONE ELSE OWES THEM SOMETHING".

So in THAT we see that THE PROBLEM is not Gun Control... the problem is Leftist-Control.

Americans created this problem through our tolerance of Left-think. Our forefathers should have killed it dead every time and in every place that it popped up. But to have done so would have required that they kill most of the populations of Wisconsin, Minnesota and Illinois... as that is where the European Progs tended to herd.

So... being a tolerant people, they let those cranks do their thing in their state and live and let live.

They didn't realize; I guess... that Left-think is a virulent perversion of human reasoning that spreads by contact and would inevitably infect the entire Northeast and Northwest and that it would do so through the concentration of infected individuals that moved to the Cities... .

The cure remains the same... as does the penalty for failing to apply the cure. It's just a much bigger, vastly more destructive cure now.

IOW: Chicago is the realization of most Prog Policies...and is an Epic Fail of a City.

Wait....I think D.C. has it all over chicago.....or perhaps baltimore......

Just lump the Blue-Dem-Prog controlled cities together. They are all F*cked Up.
It is very sad that our commander in chief is so shallow to think any of his ideas would help anyone... Hope and change???

Should we look to places like Europe for a model for anything???

Roman Empire?
World war 1?
Euro zone?
Just to name a few of the highlights... Too many to list all.
Any credibility?? For the insane evil maybe.

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