Australian teen shoots Australian police officer...but they don't have guns, right?

Australia doesn't take too kindly to crazy Islamist jihadist scum.

Nope. We love Oz!:clap2:
Yeah, the world is falling apart all right.
What I am seeing is a bunch of overtly paranoid nuts who are so concerned about guns that they can't even offer comfort to the families who lost loved ones.

Now those families... they're the one's that had their loved one's murdered by the product of the ideas you espouse, promote and for which you otherwise advocate?

Your ideas violently stole the lives of the family members, whose loved one's you're here to project our lack of concern... because we're here, day in and out pointing out that your ideas end exclusively in Chaos, Calamity and Catastrophe.

Here's a clue scamp: Mass-murder falls into the "Catastrophe" column.
Do not worry....Jihadist scum will never feel at home in OZ

they are not welcome. :clap2: who wants scum?
I always enjoy seeing leftards say we have no sympathy for the victims and their families since we don't troll for praise for showing sympathy for the victims and their families on an internet site....

While their anti gun politicians step over the bodies and throught the still cooling pools of blood to get to cameras to call for more gun control....
Wow...didn't hear about this during obama's press conference..of course it happened after he made a fool of himself...but bad timing. did the Iranian teen not realize that obama just told everyone that Australian gun laws kept shootings from happening....I mean..if the teen, suspected of terrorism, can shoot one police officer, then he could have shot more people........right?

But....How did a teenager get a gun in extreme gun controlled Australia?

the kid is 15 years did he get a gun in extreme gun controlled Australia....I thought you anti gun extremists said they solved this...and here we have a 15 year old killing a police officer...

See...I have oointed out in post after post that criminals and mass shooters can get guns easily in any country.

Britain just caught a 19 year old planning on shooting up the university that kicked him got a pistol and over 90 rounds with extended well as pipe bombs...and he said geting the weapon and bombs was as easy as buying chocolates....

so how did a 19 year old get a gun in extreme gun controlled Britain?

Europe and Australia are behind the U.S. In mass shootimgs...but as it was pointed out...they have crazy people too....and with the media attention and fame our mass shooters get...that is going to travel over seas...and their crazies are going to start shooting people too....

and like this Iranian kid in Austtalia.....they also have terrorists...

Teen's Slaying Of Australian Police Worker 'Linked To Terror'
Homicides by firearm per 1 million people (according to UN data)

Australia 1.4
New Zealand 1.6
Germany 1.9
Austria 2.2
Denmark 2.7
Sweden 4.1
Ireland 4.8
Canada 5.1
Luxembourg 6.2
Belgium 6.8
Switzerland 7.7
United States 29.7

Your thread is pointless and meaningless. The incident you cite is something that would be a very rare occurence in Australia, especially compared to gun violence in the US.

None of those other countries listed have anywhere near the negro or Latino populations of the US. You'll find that criminal violence, including "gun violence" is closely associated with those particular groups.



Yes, it is obvious when you look at DoJ statistics and demographics of high crime areas and prison populations. You know, actual data, not internet memes.
Wow...didn't hear about this during obama's press conference..of course it happened after he made a fool of himself...but bad timing. did the Iranian teen not realize that obama just told everyone that Australian gun laws kept shootings from happening....I mean..if the teen, suspected of terrorism, can shoot one police officer, then he could have shot more people........right?

But....How did a teenager get a gun in extreme gun controlled Australia?

the kid is 15 years did he get a gun in extreme gun controlled Australia....I thought you anti gun extremists said they solved this...and here we have a 15 year old killing a police officer...

See...I have oointed out in post after post that criminals and mass shooters can get guns easily in any country.

Britain just caught a 19 year old planning on shooting up the university that kicked him got a pistol and over 90 rounds with extended well as pipe bombs...and he said geting the weapon and bombs was as easy as buying chocolates....

so how did a 19 year old get a gun in extreme gun controlled Britain?

Europe and Australia are behind the U.S. In mass shootimgs...but as it was pointed out...they have crazy people too....and with the media attention and fame our mass shooters get...that is going to travel over seas...and their crazies are going to start shooting people too....

and like this Iranian kid in Austtalia.....they also have terrorists...

Teen's Slaying Of Australian Police Worker 'Linked To Terror'
So, by your logic, more guns equals a safer society?

Yes.....especially for the law abiding people carrying the guns...of course, the criminal, who runs away from the armed citizen will simply find and unarmed gun grabber to rape, rob and murder...but hey...they die as they lived..right?
So, why isn't the crime rate in the US much lower than that of Australia?
Wow...didn't hear about this during obama's press conference..of course it happened after he made a fool of himself...but bad timing. did the Iranian teen not realize that obama just told everyone that Australian gun laws kept shootings from happening....I mean..if the teen, suspected of terrorism, can shoot one police officer, then he could have shot more people........right?

But....How did a teenager get a gun in extreme gun controlled Australia?

the kid is 15 years did he get a gun in extreme gun controlled Australia....I thought you anti gun extremists said they solved this...and here we have a 15 year old killing a police officer...

See...I have oointed out in post after post that criminals and mass shooters can get guns easily in any country.

Britain just caught a 19 year old planning on shooting up the university that kicked him got a pistol and over 90 rounds with extended well as pipe bombs...and he said geting the weapon and bombs was as easy as buying chocolates....

so how did a 19 year old get a gun in extreme gun controlled Britain?

Europe and Australia are behind the U.S. In mass shootimgs...but as it was pointed out...they have crazy people too....and with the media attention and fame our mass shooters get...that is going to travel over seas...and their crazies are going to start shooting people too....

and like this Iranian kid in Austtalia.....they also have terrorists...

Teen's Slaying Of Australian Police Worker 'Linked To Terror'
So, by your logic, more guns equals a safer society?

Yes.....especially for the law abiding people carrying the guns...of course, the criminal, who runs away from the armed citizen will simply find and unarmed gun grabber to rape, rob and murder...but hey...they die as they lived..right?
So, why isn't the crime rate in the US much lower than that of Australia?

Because democrats control too many major cities. If you get out of the cities controlled by democrat law enforcement policies our gun murder rate is about the same as Europe....but democrats under fund the police, they don't hire enough police (because they spend their tax money on everyting but police) and then they attack the police like they did in Baltimore and undercut their ability to enforce the law... chicago..another shooting gallery, the democrat politicians are picked by the gangs in the gang controlled neighborhoods.....these aldermen then vote against hiring more police (chicago is down 2,000 police due to being down 1000 and another 1000 due to sick leave and vactations), and they vote to keep law enforcement resources out of their neighborhoods.

Then....gun criminals get light sentences. We just sentenced a major gun traficker in Chicago...he tried to sell 43 guns in Chicago...he was caught because of an informant.

How much time do you think this major gun criminal was sentenced to.....3 years....he will be out in under 2. and he isn't the only one.

Police Commissioner McCarthy said that they had 30 criminals last year, arrested on illegal gun possession charges who already had gun possession convictions.

The guy who shot the girl from obama's neighborhood her in chicago....Hidea Pendleton was the girl....he was arrested on gun possession in November of that Year and out in December or January....when he shot the girl.

So our problem is that prosecutors and judges are not sentencing gun criminals to long sentences to keep them from reoffending, and keeping other criminals from carrying guns.....

That is why.
Wow...didn't hear about this during obama's press conference..of course it happened after he made a fool of himself...but bad timing. did the Iranian teen not realize that obama just told everyone that Australian gun laws kept shootings from happening....I mean..if the teen, suspected of terrorism, can shoot one police officer, then he could have shot more people........right?

But....How did a teenager get a gun in extreme gun controlled Australia?

the kid is 15 years did he get a gun in extreme gun controlled Australia....I thought you anti gun extremists said they solved this...and here we have a 15 year old killing a police officer...

See...I have oointed out in post after post that criminals and mass shooters can get guns easily in any country.

Britain just caught a 19 year old planning on shooting up the university that kicked him got a pistol and over 90 rounds with extended well as pipe bombs...and he said geting the weapon and bombs was as easy as buying chocolates....

so how did a 19 year old get a gun in extreme gun controlled Britain?

Europe and Australia are behind the U.S. In mass shootimgs...but as it was pointed out...they have crazy people too....and with the media attention and fame our mass shooters get...that is going to travel over seas...and their crazies are going to start shooting people too....

and like this Iranian kid in Austtalia.....they also have terrorists...

Teen's Slaying Of Australian Police Worker 'Linked To Terror'
So, by your logic, more guns equals a safer society?

Yes.....especially for the law abiding people carrying the guns...of course, the criminal, who runs away from the armed citizen will simply find and unarmed gun grabber to rape, rob and murder...but hey...they die as they lived..right?
So, why isn't the crime rate in the US much lower than that of Australia?

Because democrats control too many major cities. If you get out of the cities controlled by democrat law enforcement policies our gun murder rate is about the same as Europe....but democrats under fund the police, they don't hire enough police (because they spend their tax money on everyting but police) and then they attack the police like they did in Baltimore and undercut their ability to enforce the law... chicago..another shooting gallery, the democrat politicians are picked by the gangs in the gang controlled neighborhoods.....these aldermen then vote against hiring more police (chicago is down 2,000 police due to being down 1000 and another 1000 due to sick leave and vactations), and they vote to keep law enforcement resources out of their neighborhoods.

Then....gun criminals get light sentences. We just sentenced a major gun traficker in Chicago...he tried to sell 43 guns in Chicago...he was caught because of an informant.

How much time do you think this major gun criminal was sentenced to.....3 years....he will be out in under 2. and he isn't the only one.

Police Commissioner McCarthy said that they had 30 criminals last year, arrested on illegal gun possession charges who already had gun possession convictions.

The guy who shot the girl from obama's neighborhood her in chicago....Hidea Pendleton was the girl....he was arrested on gun possession in November of that Year and out in December or January....when he shot the girl.

So our problem is that prosecutors and judges are not sentencing gun criminals to long sentences to keep them from reoffending, and keeping other criminals from carrying guns.....

That is why.
But there're lots of why isn't crime lower?
Wow...didn't hear about this during obama's press conference..of course it happened after he made a fool of himself...but bad timing. did the Iranian teen not realize that obama just told everyone that Australian gun laws kept shootings from happening....I mean..if the teen, suspected of terrorism, can shoot one police officer, then he could have shot more people........right?

But....How did a teenager get a gun in extreme gun controlled Australia?

the kid is 15 years did he get a gun in extreme gun controlled Australia....I thought you anti gun extremists said they solved this...and here we have a 15 year old killing a police officer...

See...I have oointed out in post after post that criminals and mass shooters can get guns easily in any country.

Britain just caught a 19 year old planning on shooting up the university that kicked him got a pistol and over 90 rounds with extended well as pipe bombs...and he said geting the weapon and bombs was as easy as buying chocolates....

so how did a 19 year old get a gun in extreme gun controlled Britain?

Europe and Australia are behind the U.S. In mass shootimgs...but as it was pointed out...they have crazy people too....and with the media attention and fame our mass shooters get...that is going to travel over seas...and their crazies are going to start shooting people too....

and like this Iranian kid in Austtalia.....they also have terrorists...

Teen's Slaying Of Australian Police Worker 'Linked To Terror'
So, by your logic, more guns equals a safer society?

Yes.....especially for the law abiding people carrying the guns...of course, the criminal, who runs away from the armed citizen will simply find and unarmed gun grabber to rape, rob and murder...but hey...they die as they lived..right?
So, why isn't the crime rate in the US much lower than that of Australia?

Because democrats control too many major cities. If you get out of the cities controlled by democrat law enforcement policies our gun murder rate is about the same as Europe....but democrats under fund the police, they don't hire enough police (because they spend their tax money on everyting but police) and then they attack the police like they did in Baltimore and undercut their ability to enforce the law... chicago..another shooting gallery, the democrat politicians are picked by the gangs in the gang controlled neighborhoods.....these aldermen then vote against hiring more police (chicago is down 2,000 police due to being down 1000 and another 1000 due to sick leave and vactations), and they vote to keep law enforcement resources out of their neighborhoods.

Then....gun criminals get light sentences. We just sentenced a major gun traficker in Chicago...he tried to sell 43 guns in Chicago...he was caught because of an informant.

How much time do you think this major gun criminal was sentenced to.....3 years....he will be out in under 2. and he isn't the only one.

Police Commissioner McCarthy said that they had 30 criminals last year, arrested on illegal gun possession charges who already had gun possession convictions.

The guy who shot the girl from obama's neighborhood her in chicago....Hidea Pendleton was the girl....he was arrested on gun possession in November of that Year and out in December or January....when he shot the girl.

So our problem is that prosecutors and judges are not sentencing gun criminals to long sentences to keep them from reoffending, and keeping other criminals from carrying guns.....

That is why.
But there're lots of why isn't crime lower?

Actually...our gun murder rate is going 2013 the gun murder rate was 8, the latest CDC report in 2014 the gun murder rate was 8,145.

Our gun murder rate outside of small, multi block areas in democrat controlled cities is as low as Europe....American gang culture uses guns more than the criminals in Europe or Australia do...for now, that is changing.

For example...criminals in Europe and Australia can get guns just as easily as American Criminals can..they just don't use them as often, but that is changing. In fact....gun crime in Australia was low before the gun confiscation...and now it is going up.
Wow...didn't hear about this during obama's press conference..of course it happened after he made a fool of himself...but bad timing. did the Iranian teen not realize that obama just told everyone that Australian gun laws kept shootings from happening....I mean..if the teen, suspected of terrorism, can shoot one police officer, then he could have shot more people........right?

But....How did a teenager get a gun in extreme gun controlled Australia?

the kid is 15 years did he get a gun in extreme gun controlled Australia....I thought you anti gun extremists said they solved this...and here we have a 15 year old killing a police officer...

See...I have oointed out in post after post that criminals and mass shooters can get guns easily in any country.

Britain just caught a 19 year old planning on shooting up the university that kicked him got a pistol and over 90 rounds with extended well as pipe bombs...and he said geting the weapon and bombs was as easy as buying chocolates....

so how did a 19 year old get a gun in extreme gun controlled Britain?

Europe and Australia are behind the U.S. In mass shootimgs...but as it was pointed out...they have crazy people too....and with the media attention and fame our mass shooters get...that is going to travel over seas...and their crazies are going to start shooting people too....

and like this Iranian kid in Austtalia.....they also have terrorists...

Teen's Slaying Of Australian Police Worker 'Linked To Terror'
So, by your logic, more guns equals a safer society?
Or Dodge City, take your pick.
So, by your logic, more guns equals a safer society?

Yes.....especially for the law abiding people carrying the guns...of course, the criminal, who runs away from the armed citizen will simply find and unarmed gun grabber to rape, rob and murder...but hey...they die as they lived..right?
So, why isn't the crime rate in the US much lower than that of Australia?

Because democrats control too many major cities. If you get out of the cities controlled by democrat law enforcement policies our gun murder rate is about the same as Europe....but democrats under fund the police, they don't hire enough police (because they spend their tax money on everyting but police) and then they attack the police like they did in Baltimore and undercut their ability to enforce the law... chicago..another shooting gallery, the democrat politicians are picked by the gangs in the gang controlled neighborhoods.....these aldermen then vote against hiring more police (chicago is down 2,000 police due to being down 1000 and another 1000 due to sick leave and vactations), and they vote to keep law enforcement resources out of their neighborhoods.

Then....gun criminals get light sentences. We just sentenced a major gun traficker in Chicago...he tried to sell 43 guns in Chicago...he was caught because of an informant.

How much time do you think this major gun criminal was sentenced to.....3 years....he will be out in under 2. and he isn't the only one.

Police Commissioner McCarthy said that they had 30 criminals last year, arrested on illegal gun possession charges who already had gun possession convictions.

The guy who shot the girl from obama's neighborhood her in chicago....Hidea Pendleton was the girl....he was arrested on gun possession in November of that Year and out in December or January....when he shot the girl.

So our problem is that prosecutors and judges are not sentencing gun criminals to long sentences to keep them from reoffending, and keeping other criminals from carrying guns.....

That is why.
But there're lots of why isn't crime lower?

Actually...our gun murder rate is going 2013 the gun murder rate was 8, the latest CDC report in 2014 the gun murder rate was 8,145.

Our gun murder rate outside of small, multi block areas in democrat controlled cities is as low as Europe....American gang culture uses guns more than the criminals in Europe or Australia do...for now, that is changing.

For example...criminals in Europe and Australia can get guns just as easily as American Criminals can..they just don't use them as often, but that is changing. In fact....gun crime in Australia was low before the gun confiscation...and now it is going up.

Such a short post, to contain so many lies.

30 State Houses have Governors who are GOP implants. There are no "democrat controlled cities" anymore than there are "republican controlled cities"

Europe has the same access to books, magazines, movies, music, etc.... that we have. There is no difference in the culture.

Finally, in Europe you can't run down to Dick's and walk out with a firearm. It simply cannot happen there.

3 up; 3 down.
Just as all taxes go to politicians.

The only reason for gun control is gain control over people you don't agree with... History shows this to be so.


No it absolutely is not.

First off the Constitution doesn't support violent rebellion or insurrection. It grants the Commander in Chief a huge amount of power to squash anything like that, including removing your "freedoms". Every conservative insurrection and rebellion has been squashed very quickly up until the civil war and beyond.

Additionally you'd never ever match the firepower of the government. The federal government has the firepower to vaporize cities in a flash. Even local police now have overwhelming firepower since the assault weapons ban was lifted.

So that leaves people who buy these sorts of guns pretty much with nothing to do with them except shoot cans or massacre people.
It is very sad that our commander in chief is so shallow to think any of his ideas would help anyone... Hope and change???

Should we look to places like Europe for a model for anything???

Roman Empire?
World war 1?
Euro zone?
Just to name a few of the highlights... Too many to list all.
Any credibility?? For the insane evil maybe.

This government borrows heavily from European ideas.

And France was a major ally during the American Revolution.

Additionally the Roman Empire and Napoleon were bad ass..
Yes.....especially for the law abiding people carrying the guns...of course, the criminal, who runs away from the armed citizen will simply find and unarmed gun grabber to rape, rob and murder...but hey...they die as they lived..right?
So, why isn't the crime rate in the US much lower than that of Australia?

Because democrats control too many major cities. If you get out of the cities controlled by democrat law enforcement policies our gun murder rate is about the same as Europe....but democrats under fund the police, they don't hire enough police (because they spend their tax money on everyting but police) and then they attack the police like they did in Baltimore and undercut their ability to enforce the law... chicago..another shooting gallery, the democrat politicians are picked by the gangs in the gang controlled neighborhoods.....these aldermen then vote against hiring more police (chicago is down 2,000 police due to being down 1000 and another 1000 due to sick leave and vactations), and they vote to keep law enforcement resources out of their neighborhoods.

Then....gun criminals get light sentences. We just sentenced a major gun traficker in Chicago...he tried to sell 43 guns in Chicago...he was caught because of an informant.

How much time do you think this major gun criminal was sentenced to.....3 years....he will be out in under 2. and he isn't the only one.

Police Commissioner McCarthy said that they had 30 criminals last year, arrested on illegal gun possession charges who already had gun possession convictions.

The guy who shot the girl from obama's neighborhood her in chicago....Hidea Pendleton was the girl....he was arrested on gun possession in November of that Year and out in December or January....when he shot the girl.

So our problem is that prosecutors and judges are not sentencing gun criminals to long sentences to keep them from reoffending, and keeping other criminals from carrying guns.....

That is why.
But there're lots of why isn't crime lower?

Actually...our gun murder rate is going 2013 the gun murder rate was 8, the latest CDC report in 2014 the gun murder rate was 8,145.

Our gun murder rate outside of small, multi block areas in democrat controlled cities is as low as Europe....American gang culture uses guns more than the criminals in Europe or Australia do...for now, that is changing.

For example...criminals in Europe and Australia can get guns just as easily as American Criminals can..they just don't use them as often, but that is changing. In fact....gun crime in Australia was low before the gun confiscation...and now it is going up.

Such a short post, to contain so many lies.

30 State Houses have Governors who are GOP implants. There are no "democrat controlled cities" anymore than there are "republican controlled cities"

Europe has the same access to books, magazines, movies, music, etc.... that we have. There is no difference in the culture.

Finally, in Europe you can't run down to Dick's and walk out with a firearm. It simply cannot happen there.

3 up; 3 down.

There is a complete difference in the culture....we did not experience feudalism and never had a king or queen in direct contact with our population...the countries with some of the strictest gun control all went through a feudal period....also, those countries also experienced direct contact with the destruction of World War 2, the United States didn't......those countries are more comfortable with a central, powerful government and obeying that government...we have a culture of opposing government at all levels.

That makes a big difference....

And before Britain and Australia confiscated their guns they had low gun they are experiencing more gun violence in both countries and Europe will see even more as they invite violent people from cultures alien to European culture.

Criminals in Europe can get guns just as easily as American criminals can......and they get fully automatic weapons and grenades as well...
Wow...didn't hear about this during obama's press conference..of course it happened after he made a fool of himself...but bad timing. did the Iranian teen not realize that obama just told everyone that Australian gun laws kept shootings from happening....I mean..if the teen, suspected of terrorism, can shoot one police officer, then he could have shot more people........right?

But....How did a teenager get a gun in extreme gun controlled Australia?

the kid is 15 years did he get a gun in extreme gun controlled Australia....I thought you anti gun extremists said they solved this...and here we have a 15 year old killing a police officer...

See...I have oointed out in post after post that criminals and mass shooters can get guns easily in any country.

Britain just caught a 19 year old planning on shooting up the university that kicked him got a pistol and over 90 rounds with extended well as pipe bombs...and he said geting the weapon and bombs was as easy as buying chocolates....

so how did a 19 year old get a gun in extreme gun controlled Britain?

Europe and Australia are behind the U.S. In mass shootimgs...but as it was pointed out...they have crazy people too....and with the media attention and fame our mass shooters get...that is going to travel over seas...and their crazies are going to start shooting people too....

and like this Iranian kid in Austtalia.....they also have terrorists...

Teen's Slaying Of Australian Police Worker 'Linked To Terror'
So, by your logic, more guns equals a safer society?
Or Dodge City, take your pick.

Dodge city wasn't as violent as the movies portray it...that is a myth.
Wow...didn't hear about this during obama's press conference..of course it happened after he made a fool of himself...but bad timing. did the Iranian teen not realize that obama just told everyone that Australian gun laws kept shootings from happening....I mean..if the teen, suspected of terrorism, can shoot one police officer, then he could have shot more people........right?

But....How did a teenager get a gun in extreme gun controlled Australia?

the kid is 15 years did he get a gun in extreme gun controlled Australia....I thought you anti gun extremists said they solved this...and here we have a 15 year old killing a police officer...

See...I have oointed out in post after post that criminals and mass shooters can get guns easily in any country.

Britain just caught a 19 year old planning on shooting up the university that kicked him got a pistol and over 90 rounds with extended well as pipe bombs...and he said geting the weapon and bombs was as easy as buying chocolates....

so how did a 19 year old get a gun in extreme gun controlled Britain?

Europe and Australia are behind the U.S. In mass shootimgs...but as it was pointed out...they have crazy people too....and with the media attention and fame our mass shooters get...that is going to travel over seas...and their crazies are going to start shooting people too....

and like this Iranian kid in Austtalia.....they also have terrorists...

Teen's Slaying Of Australian Police Worker 'Linked To Terror'

Who said Australians don't have guns? Didn't you see "Crocodile Dundee?" :)

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