Austria-Hungary thinking hardcore

...Idiot, the whole thing will be The Holy Roman Empire...
You're the one babbling-on and drooling-over the resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire, and I'm the idiot, eh?

tumblr_inline_nn0m86XBiy1sclma0_500.gif obviously no knowing about history, not that I'm surprised you don't...
I know how to construct a complete sentence in English, anyway.

I am better-read in World History - including European History - than most hobbyist-caliber history readers and amateurs, and have a serviceable knowledge in such areas.

...Oh, Mr. Lucy is a psychiatrist...
That's great, Hermann... maybe your homosexual lover will give you a Family Discount on desperately-needed counseling services.

...I NOTICE you DON'T think Traitor Bitch Merkel needs a psychiatrist having done what she has....
She doesn't need a psychriatrist.

She needs a retirement party.

Your Teutonic Brethren elected her and keep her party in power with her in the leadership role.

Your problem, not ours.

Elections have consequences.

Enjoy yours.

...but you of course think she's done WONDERFUL thing by trying to DESTROY peoples and nations...

I think she's been a disaster, in relation to failed multiculturalism, relationships with Islam and Muslims, bending Germany and Europe over a barrel for Syrian refugees, etc.

In those respects, I consider her poison, a failure, and very bad news, and wish that she would be defeated, in her leadership role, or her party at large.

It's just that I think that you, and those like you, are a joke - a bad joke, at that, and that you are far more dangerous than clowns like Merkel, if left un-checked.

Hope that helps to clear things up for you, Hermann.

...Also you continue to consistently post idiocy....all the way from Illinois, wading into discussions that you haven't a CLUE about.
You presume far too much, given your dogmatic foolishness and obvious intellectual shortcomings.

You have lost Europe, fool... you and your kind lack the balls to throw-out the enemy in your midst, or even to stop more from coming in... all talk and no action... but it's amusing, watching you pretend otherwise.

But here's a little video clip of your TRUE hero - three matinee shows every day in Hell - so that everyone is clear on just what we're dealing with, in dealing with you...


Next Euro-Trash contestant, please.

Invoking Godwin's Law doesn't enhance the discussion.
...What a lunatic idiot you are...
Back under your rock, little Nazi troll.

...Why are you calling me Hermann? Also a homosexual?...

It pleases me to do so, and it vexes you.

...I'm female...
Doubtful, but so were they...


...I have History and Politics Degree from Oxford University and Heidelberg University....

Oxford would never graduate someone with English grammar as horrible as yours.

You... you're just a Euro-Trash Nazi troll... a braggart and blowhard without the basis for such a condition... and a failed suppressor of opposition.

International students | University of Oxford

Germany is on the list, dufus!! You are indeed MISTAKEN!!!

Crikey: they even allow in Yanks!!!! Godwin's Law...YOU LOST!!

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Thanks, of course they must be a Leftist, only a Leftist could make such a foolish comment.

I am currently in England.

No, Objectivist Libertarians can sound pretty stupid also. They support Open Borders and actually insist that there should be no borders.
...Idiot, the whole thing will be The Holy Roman Empire...
You're the one babbling-on and drooling-over the resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire, and I'm the idiot, eh?

tumblr_inline_nn0m86XBiy1sclma0_500.gif obviously no knowing about history, not that I'm surprised you don't...
I know how to construct a complete sentence in English, anyway.

I am better-read in World History - including European History - than most hobbyist-caliber history readers and amateurs, and have a serviceable knowledge in such areas.

...Oh, Mr. Lucy is a psychiatrist...
That's great, Hermann... maybe your homosexual lover will give you a Family Discount on desperately-needed counseling services.

...I NOTICE you DON'T think Traitor Bitch Merkel needs a psychiatrist having done what she has....
She doesn't need a psychriatrist.

She needs a retirement party.

Your Teutonic Brethren elected her and keep her party in power with her in the leadership role.

Your problem, not ours.

Elections have consequences.

Enjoy yours.

...but you of course think she's done WONDERFUL thing by trying to DESTROY peoples and nations...

I think she's been a disaster, in relation to failed multiculturalism, relationships with Islam and Muslims, bending Germany and Europe over a barrel for Syrian refugees, etc.

In those respects, I consider her poison, a failure, and very bad news, and wish that she would be defeated, in her leadership role, or her party at large.

It's just that I think that you, and those like you, are a joke - a bad joke, at that, and that you are far more dangerous than clowns like Merkel, if left un-checked.

Hope that helps to clear things up for you, Hermann.

...Also you continue to consistently post idiocy....all the way from Illinois, wading into discussions that you haven't a CLUE about.
You presume far too much, given your dogmatic foolishness and obvious intellectual shortcomings.

You have lost Europe, fool... you and your kind lack the balls to throw-out the enemy in your midst, or even to stop more from coming in... all talk and no action... but it's amusing, watching you pretend otherwise.

But here's a little video clip of your TRUE hero - three matinee shows every day in Hell - so that everyone is clear on just what we're dealing with, in dealing with you...


Next Euro-Trash contestant, please.
One does not have to be a Nazi to advocate the control of one's national borders, dude.
Thanks, of course they must be a Leftist, only a Leftist could make such a foolish comment.

I am currently in England.

No, Objectivist Libertarians can sound pretty stupid also. They support Open Borders and actually insist that there should be no borders.

Just really DUMB!! Open Borders within the EU; by all means, but only for Europeans OR properly processed foreigners. If they happen to be refugees and properly vetted then fine; the problem is they aren't.

...Why are you calling me Hermann? Also a homosexual?...

It pleases me to do so, and it vexes you.

In other words Kondor is being a troll because he shits his pants every time someone advocates tight borders and protecting middle class workers from the dregs of Third World shit holes.
What seems to be the main problem here??...
The Nationalistic bent of your friend.

...It is of course the Syrian refugee crisis and the ISIS infiltrators who are hiding among the legitimate refugees...
Nolo contendere.

...It is also the usual flow of those economic refugees who really should NOT be allowed into Europe without due process...
Nolo contendere.

...The hysteria surrounding the mass migration of ME refugees is a part of the problem and frankly it is a MAJOR problem...
Nolo contendere.

...The solution is NOT some sort of over-reaction against all in need; it is a PROCESS that weeds out the scum ISIS and other assorted criminal element finding their way to Europe...
Nolo contendere.

...Europe hasn't got such a process and is desperate to find one...
Nolo contendere.

...Until then a climate of fear exists and that is perfectly understandable...
Nolo contendere.

Until one begins manifesting as your friend has; who is acting-out very much like a proto- or neo-Nazi; bragging on how 'they' are just waiting for the right moment, and then all the bad-guy multiculturalists will be brought to heel; and getting sexually aroused at the idea of a revived Austro-Hungarian or Holy Roman Empire. A bad, nightmarish joke.

And that is NOT 'perfectly understandable'... nor acceptable to those across the globe who place an extremely high value on Liberty.

"Those who fail to remember the past are doomed to repeat it"

...It is not racist at all; just a desire to disallow the Islamic scum from getting in with Muslims who have need of security from danger. It IS a temporary problem and one which the authorities seem NOT to be handling well...
Nolo contendere.

We merely need to remain on-guard against the proto- or neo-Nazi extremists and similar Euro-Trash skinhead-types who misinterpret both the underlying message and the degree of firmness required to be applied against both invaders and the fools in leadership positions who don't give a damn about cultural suicide.

There is a fine line between Cultural Defense and proto-fascist behaviors and your friend crossed that line in his-her-its postings a long time ago.

...As for the degeneration into name calling and "nazi" shit; get a life, people...
"The price of Liberty is eternal vigilance" - and such vigilance is a small part of the life of every politically aware soul with an interest in speaking out against hyper-Nationalism.

...There is a massive problem; solutions are needed...
Nolo contendere.

...Australia has been successful but has been heavily criticised for being heartless. Tough; it worked...
Nolo contendere.

...You do the homework!!! Assess whether any would apply to Europe and if so then by all means; give it a go. As for ISIS scum and other deviants hiding among the legitimate refugees; weed the scum OUT!!! That seems to be what "the people" want!! Greg
Nolo contendere.

But Cultural Defense against alien invasion - military or otherwise - and against cultural suicidal types - does not warrant sliding into the degeneracy of Hyper-Nationalism.

For those capable of distinguishing between the two, and finding the proper balance, anyway.
Thanks, of course they must be a Leftist, only a Leftist could make such a foolish comment.

I am currently in England.

No, Objectivist Libertarians can sound pretty stupid also. They support Open Borders and actually insist that there should be no borders.

Just really DUMB!! Open Borders within the EU; by all means, but only for Europeans OR properly processed foreigners.

Dont fuck with me because I tell you what they think, dude.

If they happen to be refugees and properly vetted then fine; the problem is they aren't.


No, it is not fine just because they are 'properly vetted'. There are many other questions as well, such as 'Are they going to over supply labor in that sector of the economy that their trade is in?' or 'Are they carrying a communicable disease?' and no the governments dont always check for that as medical blood tests are expensive and they cut corners all the time.
...In other words Kondor is being a troll because he shits his pants every time someone advocates tight borders and protecting middle class workers from the dregs of Third World shit holes.
What the hell is wrong with you?

You've seen me post often enough - and approved of them often enough - to know better.

I routinely advocate for the creation of legal conditions in the US so hostile against Illegal Aliens (no jobs, housing, financial services, education, medical treatment, etc.) that they'll piss their pants and fall all over each other in a mad rush to the border... true, practical Self-Deportation... not the Self-Deportation Lite that Mittens stupidly advocated in 2012.

I, too, believe that an invasion of 11-12,000,000 Illegal Aliens have all but destroyed several trades and greatly harmed the blue collar side of Middle America and I want them gone.

I am also an extremely strong supporter of Israel.

I believe the Euros to have foolishly all-but-lost their homeland due to decades of an influx of Muslim (mostly Turkish, in the 1950s and 1960s and 1970s, to begin with) immigrants who supplied cheap labor with which to rebuild Europe, after they bled themselves dry twice in the 20th - an alien and inherently incompatible and hostile belief-system and sub-culture whose practitioners tend to lie low until their numbers reach 'critical mass' in any given location, such as Londonistan, and then start making life Hell for the natives.

I believe that Islam at large can live peaceably alongside Western Civilization but not amongst or within Western Civilization in any numbers worth mentioning.

Hardly the type that you insultingly reference above.

You have me confused with somebody else.

It's just that Cultural Defense ALSO tends to easily draw-in the skinheads, proto-Nazis, neo-Nazis, and other fascists and Hyper-Nationalists, who so easily misunderstand and mis-apply the general concept of Cultural Defense, and who oftentimes spoil Defensive Initiatives and poison the well with their wild-assed claims and dreams of faded glories past.

I do not suffer Hyper-Nationalists nor neo-Nazis and their fevered rantings lightly, and neither should you, nor any Liberty-loving American, or European, or Westerner.

There is no conflict between being a Cultural Defense advocate and remaining careful not to make that oh-so-easy slide into Hyper-Nationalism or fascism or the like.

Tighten the borders? Fine. Make it impossible at-law for Illegals to remain here? Marvelous idea. Limit the number of migrants allowed-in from countries dominated by Islam? Fine.

Just steer clear of the crazies that gravitate towards the honorable banner of Cultural Defense, eh? Crazies like the one in question.

I suggest you check the calibration on your Enemy Recognition gear, Jimbo; you engaged in Friendly Fire; your detection gear needs an overhaul.
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...Invoking Godwin's Law doesn't enhance the discussion.
True. But separating sane Cultural Defense folk from the crazies that also gravitate in that direction is absolutely essential to the success of any Cultural Defense sortie.

Which is exactly what has been going on here, for those with the perceptive ability to distinguish between Cultural Defense and insane, dangerous Hyper-Nationalism.
...Idiot, the whole thing will be The Holy Roman Empire...
You're the one babbling-on and drooling-over the resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire, and I'm the idiot, eh?

tumblr_inline_nn0m86XBiy1sclma0_500.gif obviously no knowing about history, not that I'm surprised you don't...
I know how to construct a complete sentence in English, anyway.

I am better-read in World History - including European History - than most hobbyist-caliber history readers and amateurs, and have a serviceable knowledge in such areas.

...Oh, Mr. Lucy is a psychiatrist...
That's great, Hermann... maybe your homosexual lover will give you a Family Discount on desperately-needed counseling services.

...I NOTICE you DON'T think Traitor Bitch Merkel needs a psychiatrist having done what she has....
She doesn't need a psychriatrist.

She needs a retirement party.

Your Teutonic Brethren elected her and keep her party in power with her in the leadership role.

Your problem, not ours.

Elections have consequences.

Enjoy yours.

...but you of course think she's done WONDERFUL thing by trying to DESTROY peoples and nations...

I think she's been a disaster, in relation to failed multiculturalism, relationships with Islam and Muslims, bending Germany and Europe over a barrel for Syrian refugees, etc.

In those respects, I consider her poison, a failure, and very bad news, and wish that she would be defeated, in her leadership role, or her party at large.

It's just that I think that you, and those like you, are a joke - a bad joke, at that, and that you are far more dangerous than clowns like Merkel, if left un-checked.

Hope that helps to clear things up for you, Hermann.

...Also you continue to consistently post idiocy....all the way from Illinois, wading into discussions that you haven't a CLUE about.
You presume far too much, given your dogmatic foolishness and obvious intellectual shortcomings.

You have lost Europe, fool... you and your kind lack the balls to throw-out the enemy in your midst, or even to stop more from coming in... all talk and no action... but it's amusing, watching you pretend otherwise.

But here's a little video clip of your TRUE hero - three matinee shows every day in Hell - so that everyone is clear on just what we're dealing with, in dealing with you...


Next Euro-Trash contestant, please.
The Holly Roman Empire had more integrity and more freedom than today's entente originated nation states of Europe. To illustrate, the Holly Roman Empire had many ethnic groups living in it, each doing their own business. But in today's European Union, no nation state tolerates except one ethnicity. A demonstration of leftist aggression. Just to clarify, I am talking about European ethnicities here that are white, not the immigration imports that the leftist want to use to loot you even more.
Now, all you need is a Time Machine, and you're all set...
Are you saying this because you think that your communist dictatorship will last forever?
What seems to be the main problem here??...
The Nationalistic bent of your friend.

There is nothing wrong with nationalism, dude.

Hyper-Nationalism... manifested as Fascism within Living Memory... is an entirely different matter.

Skinheads and New-Age (Neo) Nazis are Nationalists, too.

It's all a matter of degree.

Cultural Defense, which manifests as Nationalism, is a good thing.

Hyper-Nationalism, which manifests as Fascism, is a plague, and is to be called-out and avoided at all costs.

You don't support Skinheads and their sort, do you?

Of course not.

I rest my case.
It's just that Cultural Defense ALSO tends to easily draw-in the skinheads, proto-Nazis, neo-Nazis, and other fascists and Hyper-Nationalists, who so easily misunderstand and mis-apply the general concept of Cultural Defense, and who oftentimes spoil Defensive Initiatives and poison the well with their wild-assed claims and dreams of faded glories past.

The Austro-Hungarians were a multi-cultural non racial monarchy in central Europe, dude. They were as far from Nazis as one can get.

You seem to be confusing the two, why, because both spoke German?

I do not suffer Hyper-Nationalists nor neo-Nazis and their fevered rantings lightly, and neither should you, nor any Liberty-loving American, or European, or Westerner.

I have not seen Hamilton advocate for Nazi groups of any type, i.e. anti-semitic, socialists who have a racial perspective on all questions from art to industry to war.

There is no conflict between being a Cultural Defense advocate and remaining careful not to make that oh-so-easy slide into Hyper-Nationalism or fascism or the like.

There is if your fear of being labeled a racist causes you to attack people that dont deserve it.

Tighten the borders? Fine. Make it impossible at-law for Illegals to remain here? Marvelous idea. Limit the number of migrants allowed-in from countries dominated by Islam? Fine.

Just steer clear of the crazies that gravitate towards the honorable banner of Cultural Defense, eh? Crazies like the one in question.

There is nothing wrong with Cultural Defense as long as one does not slide into racial defense. Big difference. American blacks, for example, by and large are culturally American as anyone else, though they are a separate race.

You were trolling Hamilton, presumably because yo are discombobulating her defense of European culture with racism.

Why dont you try a little more politeness and ask what the person means BEFORE treating them like shit?

Hyper-Nationalism... manifested as Fascism within Living Memory... is an entirely different matter.

Skinheads and New-Age (Neo) Nazis are Nationalists, too.

It's all a matter of degree.

Cultural Defense, which manifests as Nationalism, is a good thing.

Hyper-Nationalism, which manifests as Fascism, is a plague, and is to be called-out and avoided at all costs.

You don't support Skinheads and their sort, do you?

Of course not.

I rest my case.

I agree with this, but I fail to see where Hamilton was being 'hyper-nationalistic' with a taint of racism.

I think that is your knee speaking.
...The Austro-Hungarians were a multi-cultural non racial monarchy in central Europe, dude. They were as far from Nazis as one can get...
Yep. Nolo contendere. No contest. Go back and look at some of Hermann's (Lucy's) posts over time, and you'll find the clues you need, to correctly identify the mindset.

...You seem to be confusing the two, why, because both spoke German?...
I'm not confusing the two in the slightest.

...I have not seen Hamilton advocate for Nazi groups of any type, i.e. anti-semitic, socialists who have a racial perspective on all questions from art to industry to war...
I have seen this Creature brag that he-she-it and those who think like it are now waiting for a signal to begin a political uprising that will restore Europe back to its cultural roots.

I doubt that you will have to dig too far back in its posting history to find the clues you need - including its repeated Attack-First behaviors directed at those who question its positions.

Attempts at squashing Questioning or Opposing Voices - in the name of Restoration of Faded Glories - is a tactic seen in Italy in the 1920s and Germany in the 1930s.

Don't believe me, this this Creature has spoken in such a manner - something that you apparently missed, earlier? Go back and dig through its posting history. You'll find it.

Me... I've already seen it... and act accordingly.

...There is if your fear of being labeled a racist causes you to attack people that dont deserve it...
I'm not afraid of that in the slightest, in defense of my own culture - that of Christendom - or what passes for it, in our modern age of secularized Western Civilization.

...You were trolling Hamilton, presumably because yo are discombobulating her defense of European culture with racism...
I wasn't trolling anybody. I was calling-out a Closet Nazi. The fact that I've seen such behaviors (hyper-nationalism, attempts to belittle and silence questioners and opponents with attack-first tactics) and you have not, is not my burden, but yours; unless, of course, your Nazi-detection gears is as dysfunctional as your IFF (Friend-or-Foe) sensors.

...Why dont you try a little more politeness and ask what the person means BEFORE treating them like shit?
Because I already know, from several weeks of observation and lightweight interactions, and require no further proof, of what I already know.

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