Austria orders nationwide lockdown for the unvaccinated

By the way, it is quite possible that ancient Rome itself is related to Romania. It was founded undoubtedly by the Celts from the "Austro-Hungarian" Hallstadt culture, which spread to the West and became the basis of the La Tene culture. The royal period of Rome was the time of the military aristocracy. There is no doubt at all that it was founded by the same tribes, originally from the Danube.

Let me tell you now the real history: We were travelling with our generation spaceship "Noah" when our warp motor failed. So we brought our animals to this planet here. To Siebenbürgen - ah sorry: Transsylvania - in Romania we brought the vampires and to Palatinate we brought the Frankensteins. And after we had seddled down in Germany we brought the Russians to Russia. The problem with this species: they bite each other twice a day - minimum! And the same they do with all others.
But don't worry: When the bio-electronic accumulators of our generation space ship will be reloaded then we will take our friendly vampires and our lovely Frankensteins (an artificial lifeform) and we will continue our travel through the galaxy. But the Russians and all other Slaws don't have to come with us - we will let you back here. This species is anyway too loud, too stressful and often much too wrong. So think about history whatever you like to think about histroy - but do me the favor to tell your fantasies in this context to someone else. Soon we will restart again - I guess in less than a million years - and so I have to start to pack my luggage now so I don't will forget anything. This needs some time of high concentration. I don't like to miss some of my three Quarks on the travel. Have a nice millenium.

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we brought the Russians to Russia.
This is not far from the truth. At the court of the queens of the 18th century, there were a lot of Germans, it was they who wrote our history, in the main. These queens themselves come from somewhere in Holstein, from Prussia. And they even did not speak Russian well.

According to the chronicles, the people Ruses were from the nemets.

In the annals they are directly named the Germans.

And this is also not an alternative history. If it was invented, then present a claim to your compatriots.
The very names Prussia and Russia are cognate words, only an idiot can doubt it. The word "Russians" did not mean the Rus people, but the peoples subordinated to them (and this does not apply to the steppe and Volga regions of modern Russia). The word Rus has the same root as race. Most likely this is exactly the self-name of the Germans. This means just "people"
All this coincides with French history. The word France comes from the Franks, but in fact it is Celtica. Gothic first appeared in France.
And the word Yankees in the United States most likely came from the Prussian junkers, they also colonized America.
The word "vrag", "enemy" in Russian is a little changed from the name of the Varang, Varager. There even the forms of grammatical declensions coincide. There is also word "frag"
, it's all the variants of "frank".

And the Varangians are located exactly where the Old Russian State was


in fact, it is written here that these are Rus
There are duplicates of the Russian northwestern city names in the region of Warsaw and Minsk, this is just the region of South Prussia approximately. It has its own Muscovy (Mozovia), its own Kiev (Kuev), its own Polotsk (Plock) and something else. How it all moved east is not yet clear.

However, this may explain the absurdity of Oleg's capture of Kiev, then Sambat, which was probably well defended. It says that he captured it by sailing in a boat, and killing the knyaz. It is difficult to come up with a more ridiculous fairy tale. However, if we assume that it was Kuev, then this is quite possible.
And no one even knows when Sambat was first called Kiev and for what reasons.
Moreover, the Kiev archaeological culture was isolated from the Baltic one, therefore there was a different population than in the Old Russian State
There has never really been such a state as "Kievan Rus", this name appeared in the middle or end of the 19th century to designate the Russian principalities, but how correctly they drew the borders and whether they confused Kiev with Kuev is a question.
The campaigns of the Russian princes also cause great doubt. They are usually described as horsemen, but it is indicated that they did not carry provisions, ate and slept like homeless people. The question arises as to how they could keep the cavalry in such conditions, given that they lived in swampy forest places and did not carry grain.
The Mavicius Strategist describes the warfare of forest dwellers in a completely different way (although it is not clear who exactly he has in mind): they are lightly dressed, engaged in robbery and theft, adapted for battles in the cramped conditions of thickets, take refuge in swamps. They often lure into ambushes, avoid direct collisions, are not accustomed to field battles, try to intimidate the enemy with shouts, but if he is not afraid they run away themselves. Of the weapons,
short spears, heavy shields and bows with poison arrows

PS "warfare" here would probably be appropriate to write in quotes
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idea about how Nazis really see the world
Why was Mankampf excluded from the list of extremist literature in Germany?

It is also curious to know the essence of the current ruling party in Germany. Does Merkel's Christian corporatism have anything to do with fascism or National Socialism? Is there any connection with the legalization of Meinkampf?

In addition, there is concern over the fact that the German leftists say that the alliance of German technology and Russian resources will help resist the United States, do you support these statements?

according to wiki

"most of the leadership of the Center party with a part of the members of the German National People's Party formed 4 Christian Democratic unions"

Does this mean that the Christian Democrats have common roots with the Nazis, after all, former Nazis were part of this party?
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Moreover, this is just about Austro-Hungary, because the DNVP was under the protectorate of the Pan-German Union, and the Pan-German Union was engaged in imposing pro-German sentiments in Austro-Hungary.

Is this the reason for the banning of the Austrian Anschluss?
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mmmmaybe, but i know a control freak when i see, hear, or read one Zaang

and i know that never ends well


And how will end what after everyone in your family and all your friends and neighbors had been infected from the control freak Sars-Co-V2?

Perhaps it is good for you to visit a psychologust and to speak with her or him about your problems. History will perhaps not help you.
Perhaps it is good for you to visit a pschologust and to speak with her or him about your problems. History will perhaps not help you.
On the issue of the revival of Nazism, it is better to overestimate the danger than to underestimate.
Answer at least one question. Is it true that the Christian Democratic Union included members of German National People's Party?

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