Austria to shut mosques, expel imams in crackdown against Islamist ideology...

Wow he is young....impressive guy......I mean this is a fantastic's time for nationalism again......worry about your own country, stop the wars and stupid stuff.....get rid of terrorists.

Get rid of terrorists? WTF? Who is against getting rid of terrorists?

Those Imams were not accused of terrorism.

Thankfully unlike in Austria, here in the United States religious freedom is protected by constitution and not subject to political whims.
Uh like ISIS and the ones blowing up airports in might have heard of a few terrorists in say the UK, France and Belgium........

We might not of course be able to eradicate all terrorism, but we can take measures to severely reduce it and protect our populations.
------------------------------------------------- totally eliminate the problem population by deporting them is my recommendation , they are easy to see Lucy .

Deport where? Many are citizens of Europe.
-------------------------------------------------------------------- ROADBLOCKS EH , roadblocks and difficulties . Well , start out with those that are easy to deport first and i imagine those that are easy to deport are noncitizens . Where there is a WILL , there is a WAY Coyote .
Islam: The Politically Incorrect Truth

The hate, intolerance, oppression and ultra violence of Islam seems to have a lot of the same characteristics of Nazism.
You say this with no sense of irony.

I guess it won't be long until you are calling for Muslims to be gassed and tossed into ovens.

The 7th Century Death Cult are a danger to Western Civilisation, they will be removed by any means necessary.
Are talking about genocide?

Genocide is what the 7th Century Death Cult want to do to Western Civilisation, they are not going to be allowed to they will be stopped in the Historical way, History is going to repeat itself for the last time anyone who thinks it's not needs to get their head out of the sands and smell the coffee.
by any means necessary...what does that mean Lucy?

They come UNINVITED to OUR beautiful nations, they HATE OUR nations, they HATE Western Civilisation, they preach HATE, they preach to KILL our peoples, they preach to BREED like the vermin they are so they can take over OUR nations, they blow up OUR peoples, they mow down OUR peoples with vehicles. This is NOT going to be tolerated ANYMORE, they are going to be rounded up and removed, they do NOT belong, we do NOT want them, we do NOT want this disruption of OUR Continent.

NOW the Cucked nations Britain, France etc we do not care what happens to them, they are happy to commit Cultural Suicide, they are CRIPPLED with Political Correctness that will be the death of them, they we do not care what happens to. WE now numbering 18 nations on this Continent, 18 populations have democratically voted and elected Patriotic Christian Governments, we now have the majority, the Cucks were ALWAYS in the minority, we have the numbers now, the gloves are coming off and nobody is going to stop it. The Commie UN get GTFO, the NGOs who are the Peoples Traffickers can GTFO, the EU Commission can GTFO, this is about survival now, the way it has been since 2015 this cannot continue, something was ALWAYS going to have to give and it has.
Wow he is young....impressive guy......I mean this is a fantastic's time for nationalism again......worry about your own country, stop the wars and stupid stuff.....get rid of terrorists.

Get rid of terrorists? WTF? Who is against getting rid of terrorists?

Those Imams were not accused of terrorism.

Thankfully unlike in Austria, here in the United States religious freedom is protected by constitution and not subject to political whims.
We are seeing a worrisome rise in rightwong populism, a decline in civil rights and an increase in authoritarianism in the west that should concern anyone who supports Democratic values.

I heard a quote that is very apt: the underpinnings of democracy are hope; the underpinnings of authoritarianism are fear.

Fear the other becomes hate the other becomes exterminate the other.

We have a similar problem here with the Left Wingers attacking freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the Press, the right to vote, equal civil rights and the right to bear arms
Lets far I still have my guns, I am free to speak, free to vote, free to worship the god of ny choice, my civil rights are intact and there thousands of media available to choose from. Looks like its just another lie designed to create fear.
Did I say ban?
Islam: The Politically Incorrect Truth

The hate, intolerance, oppression and ultra violence of Islam seems to have a lot of the same characteristics of Nazism.
You say this with no sense of irony.

I guess it won't be long until you are calling for Muslims to be gassed and tossed into ovens.

The 7th Century Death Cult are a danger to Western Civilisation, they will be removed by any means necessary.
Are talking about genocide?

Genocide is what the 7th Century Death Cult want to do to Western Civilisation, they are not going to be allowed to they will be stopped in the Historical way, History is going to repeat itself for the last time anyone who thinks it's not needs to get their head out of the sands and smell the coffee.

Yup. That's their plan and what better way to do it then to seed Europe with Muslims.

France and German are having problems with the refugee's they let in. Every European and Scandinavian country is having the same problem.

If any of the Govts. of these country had a lick of sense they would boot all Muslims back to whatever shithole they crawled out of.

They all say they want a better life yet they bring Sharia Law and their 7th century death cult with them when they come.

They should all be booted out of the West.
Get rid of terrorists? WTF? Who is against getting rid of terrorists?

Those Imams were not accused of terrorism.

Thankfully unlike in Austria, here in the United States religious freedom is protected by constitution and not subject to political whims.
Uh like ISIS and the ones blowing up airports in might have heard of a few terrorists in say the UK, France and Belgium........

We might not of course be able to eradicate all terrorism, but we can take measures to severely reduce it and protect our populations.
------------------------------------------------- totally eliminate the problem population by deporting them is my recommendation , they are easy to see Lucy .

Deport where? Many are citizens of Europe.
-------------------------------------------------------------------- ROADBLOCKS EH , roadblocks and difficulties . Well , start out with those that are easy to deport first and i imagine those that are easy to deport are noncitizens . Where there is a WILL , there is a WAY Coyote .

As history has shown.

Statements by Leading Nazis on the "Jewish Question "

Speech by Hans Frank [Governor of occupied Poland], December 16 1941.
Documents on the Holocaust - Edited by Y. Arad, Y. Gutman, A. Margaliot, NY, Ktav Pub. House in Association with Yad-Vashem, 1981, p. 247, Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression - Washington, U.S Govt. Print. Off., 1946 Vol. II p. 634:

One way or another -- I will tell you quite openly -- we must finish off the Jews. The F�hrer put it into words once: should united Jewry again succeed in setting off a world war, then the blood sacrifice shall not be made only by the peoples driven into war, but then the Jew of Europe will have met his end....

But what should be done with the Jews? Can you believe that they will be accommodated in settlements in the Ostland? In Berlin we were told: why are you making all this trouble? We don't want them either, not in Ostland nor in the Reichskommissariat; liquidate them yourselves! Gentlemen, I must ask you to steel yourselves against all considerations of compassion. We must destroy the Jews wherever we find them, and wherever it is at all possible, in order to maintain the whole structure of the Reich...

The Jews represent for us also extraordinary malignant gluttons. We have now approximately 2,500,000 of them in the General Government [Nazi occupied Poland], perhaps with the Jewish mixtures and everything that goes with it, 3,500,000 Jews. We cannot shoot or poison those 3,500,000 Jews, but we shall nevertheless be able to take measures which will lead somehow to their annihilation, and this in connection with the gigantic measures to be determined in discussions with the Reich.
Islam: The Politically Incorrect Truth

The hate, intolerance, oppression and ultra violence of Islam seems to have a lot of the same characteristics of Nazism.
You say this with no sense of irony.

I guess it won't be long until you are calling for Muslims to be gassed and tossed into ovens.

The 7th Century Death Cult are a danger to Western Civilisation, they will be removed by any means necessary.
Are talking about genocide?

Genocide is what the 7th Century Death Cult want to do to Western Civilisation, they are not going to be allowed to they will be stopped in the Historical way, History is going to repeat itself for the last time anyone who thinks it's not needs to get their head out of the sands and smell the coffee.

Yup. That's their plan and what better way to do it then to seed Europe with Muslims.

France and German are having problems with the refugee's they let in. Every European and Scandinavian country is having the same problem.

If any of the Govts. of these country had a lick of sense they would boot all Muslims back to whatever shithole they crawled out of.

They all say they want a better life yet they bring Sharia Law and their 7th century death cult with them when they come.

They should all be booted out of the West.
but hey if murder and rape have to occur for diversification to happen....then the left is all for it...any means justify their ends.
Wow he is young....impressive guy......I mean this is a fantastic's time for nationalism again......worry about your own country, stop the wars and stupid stuff.....get rid of terrorists.

Get rid of terrorists? WTF? Who is against getting rid of terrorists?

Those Imams were not accused of terrorism.

Thankfully unlike in Austria, here in the United States religious freedom is protected by constitution and not subject to political whims.
Uh like ISIS and the ones blowing up airports in might have heard of a few terrorists in say the UK, France and Belgium........

We might not of course be able to eradicate all terrorism, but we can take measures to severely reduce it and protect our populations.
------------------------------------------------- totally eliminate the problem population by deporting them is my recommendation , they are easy to see Lucy .

Yes I agree.

WE didn't invite them, WE never were asked is it okay with the majority of this Continents population for this crowd to arrive to squat, they were FORCED on this Continent but the beginning of the process of removing them off this Continent is happening, this can be arranged peacefully or not peacefully, to do this peacefully we would prefer but IF they give us trouble IF they start trouble and resist then we can very soon do exactly as the Israeli IDF do, so it is in THEIR interest that they agree to peaceful deportation.
Uh like ISIS and the ones blowing up airports in might have heard of a few terrorists in say the UK, France and Belgium........

We might not of course be able to eradicate all terrorism, but we can take measures to severely reduce it and protect our populations.
------------------------------------------------- totally eliminate the problem population by deporting them is my recommendation , they are easy to see Lucy .

Deport where? Many are citizens of Europe.
-------------------------------------------------------------------- ROADBLOCKS EH , roadblocks and difficulties . Well , start out with those that are easy to deport first and i imagine those that are easy to deport are noncitizens . Where there is a WILL , there is a WAY Coyote .

As history has shown.

Statements by Leading Nazis on the "Jewish Question "

Speech by Hans Frank [Governor of occupied Poland], December 16 1941.
Documents on the Holocaust - Edited by Y. Arad, Y. Gutman, A. Margaliot, NY, Ktav Pub. House in Association with Yad-Vashem, 1981, p. 247, Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression - Washington, U.S Govt. Print. Off., 1946 Vol. II p. 634:

One way or another -- I will tell you quite openly -- we must finish off the Jews. The F�hrer put it into words once: should united Jewry again succeed in setting off a world war, then the blood sacrifice shall not be made only by the peoples driven into war, but then the Jew of Europe will have met his end....

But what should be done with the Jews? Can you believe that they will be accommodated in settlements in the Ostland? In Berlin we were told: why are you making all this trouble? We don't want them either, not in Ostland nor in the Reichskommissariat; liquidate them yourselves! Gentlemen, I must ask you to steel yourselves against all considerations of compassion. We must destroy the Jews wherever we find them, and wherever it is at all possible, in order to maintain the whole structure of the Reich...

The Jews represent for us also extraordinary malignant gluttons. We have now approximately 2,500,000 of them in the General Government [Nazi occupied Poland], perhaps with the Jewish mixtures and everything that goes with it, 3,500,000 Jews. We cannot shoot or poison those 3,500,000 Jews, but we shall nevertheless be able to take measures which will lead somehow to their annihilation, and this in connection with the gigantic measures to be determined in discussions with the Reich.
you post all this anti semite stuff...yet you support an ideology with Jess Jackson, Louis Farrakhan, and Al Sharpton........they would agree with all of these posts.
Wow he is young....impressive guy......I mean this is a fantastic's time for nationalism again......worry about your own country, stop the wars and stupid stuff.....get rid of terrorists.

Get rid of terrorists? WTF? Who is against getting rid of terrorists?

Those Imams were not accused of terrorism.

Thankfully unlike in Austria, here in the United States religious freedom is protected by constitution and not subject to political whims.
We are seeing a worrisome rise in rightwong populism, a decline in civil rights and an increase in authoritarianism in the west that should concern anyone who supports Democratic values.

I heard a quote that is very apt: the underpinnings of democracy are hope; the underpinnings of authoritarianism are fear.

Fear the other becomes hate the other becomes exterminate the other.

We have a similar problem here with the Left Wingers attacking freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the Press, the right to vote, equal civil rights and the right to bear arms

Lets far I still have my guns, I am free to speak, free to vote, free to worship the god of ny choice, my civil rights are intact and there thousands of media available to choose from. Looks like its just another lie designed to create fear.

Errr . . . . ???

[We are seeing a worrisome rise in rightwong populism, a decline in civil rights and an increase in authoritarianism in the west that should concern anyone who supports Democratic values.

I heard a quote that is very apt: the underpinnings of democracy are hope; the underpinnings of authoritarianism are fear.

Fear the other becomes hate the other becomes exterminate the other.

What about this Coyote? You clearly miss your own hypocrisy It's not as if you are trying to "alleviate" fear by creating your own hyperbole about those who you disagree with.
Bout time some of the European Governments grew a set of balls and started checking the mosques and started kicked members of the death cult out of their country.

I'm sure just like France, they will find the mosque's full of weapons and explosives.
Yeah Austria, Poland and Hungary are all in great's the Western ones (including Scandinavia) that a lefty and in horrible shape

I agree. Poland and Hungary along with Japan are smart. They don't let any of the death cult into their countries.
Wow he is young....impressive guy......I mean this is a fantastic's time for nationalism again......worry about your own country, stop the wars and stupid stuff.....get rid of terrorists.

Get rid of terrorists? WTF? Who is against getting rid of terrorists?

Those Imams were not accused of terrorism.

Thankfully unlike in Austria, here in the United States religious freedom is protected by constitution and not subject to political whims.
Uh like ISIS and the ones blowing up airports in might have heard of a few terrorists in say the UK, France and Belgium........

We might not of course be able to eradicate all terrorism, but we can take measures to severely reduce it and protect our populations.
------------------------------------------------- totally eliminate the problem population by deporting them is my recommendation , they are easy to see Lucy .

Yes I agree.

WE didn't invite them, WE never were asked is it okay with the majority of this Continents population for this crowd to arrive to squat, they were FORCED on this Continent but the beginning of the process of removing them off this Continent is happening, this can be arranged peacefully or not peacefully, to do this peacefully we would prefer but IF they give us trouble IF they start trouble and resist then we can very soon do exactly as the Israeli IDF do, so it is in THEIR interest that they agree to peaceful deportation.

haha that reminds me of this clip

Statements by Hitler and Senior Nazis Concerning Jews and Judaism

...For us, this is not a problem you can turn a blind eye to-one to be solved by small concessions. For us, it is a problem of whether our nation can ever recover its health, whether the Jewish spirit can ever really be eradicated. Don't be misled into thinking you can fight a disease without killing the carrier, without destroying the bacillus. Don't think you can fight racial tuberculosis without taking care to rid the nation of the carrier of that racial tuberculosis. This Jewish contamination will not subside, this poisoning of the nation will not end, until the carrier himself, the Jew, has been banished from our midst. (Applause)

What does this have to do with deporting the Islamists?
Statements by Hitler and Senior Nazis Concerning Jews and Judaism

...For us, this is not a problem you can turn a blind eye to-one to be solved by small concessions. For us, it is a problem of whether our nation can ever recover its health, whether the Jewish spirit can ever really be eradicated. Don't be misled into thinking you can fight a disease without killing the carrier, without destroying the bacillus. Don't think you can fight racial tuberculosis without taking care to rid the nation of the carrier of that racial tuberculosis. This Jewish contamination will not subside, this poisoning of the nation will not end, until the carrier himself, the Jew, has been banished from our midst. (Applause)
I love these how is that remotely what we're talking about?

Because, as she accuses others of fearmongering, she seems to be validated in doing her own fearmongering. :blahblah: Leftists seem to think that deporting people who are probably being deported for good reasons, like causing trouble in their HOST country, is equal to murder for some reason.
Sound familiar? Just change the target groups and dejas vous.

Deceiving the Public

Throughout the 1930s, Hitler portrayed Germany as a victimized nation, held in bondage by the chains of the post-World War I Versailles Treatyand denied the right of national self-determination.

Wartime propagandists universally justify the use of military violence by portraying it as morally defensible and necessary. To do otherwise would jeopardize public morale and faith in the government and its armed forces. Throughout World War II, Nazi propagandists disguised military aggression aimed at territorial conquest as righteous and necessary acts of self-defense. They cast Germany as a victim or potential victim of foreign aggressors, as a peace-loving nation forced to take up arms to protect its populace or defend European civilization against Communism.
Sound familiar? Just change the target groups and dejas vous.

Deceiving the Public

Throughout the 1930s, Hitler portrayed Germany as a victimized nation, held in bondage by the chains of the post-World War I Versailles Treatyand denied the right of national self-determination.

Wartime propagandists universally justify the use of military violence by portraying it as morally defensible and necessary. To do otherwise would jeopardize public morale and faith in the government and its armed forces. Throughout World War II, Nazi propagandists disguised military aggression aimed at territorial conquest as righteous and necessary acts of self-defense. They cast Germany as a victim or potential victim of foreign aggressors, as a peace-loving nation forced to take up arms to protect its populace or defend European civilization against Communism.

Except nobody is threatening to murder the Muslims. The Muslims threaten to murder the citizens of their host countries, and they are deported, kicked out, banned and you try to dishonestly equate that with Nazi principles.
You say this with no sense of irony.

I guess it won't be long until you are calling for Muslims to be gassed and tossed into ovens.

The 7th Century Death Cult are a danger to Western Civilisation, they will be removed by any means necessary.
Are talking about genocide?

Genocide is what the 7th Century Death Cult want to do to Western Civilisation, they are not going to be allowed to they will be stopped in the Historical way, History is going to repeat itself for the last time anyone who thinks it's not needs to get their head out of the sands and smell the coffee.
by any means necessary...what does that mean Lucy?

They come UNINVITED to OUR beautiful nations, they HATE OUR nations, they HATE Western Civilisation, they preach HATE, they preach to KILL our peoples, they preach to BREED like the vermin they are so they can take over OUR nations, they blow up OUR peoples, they mow down OUR peoples with vehicles. This is NOT going to be tolerated ANYMORE, they are going to be rounded up and removed, they do NOT belong, we do NOT want them, we do NOT want this disruption of OUR Continent.

NOW the Cucked nations Britain, France etc we do not care what happens to them, they are happy to commit Cultural Suicide, they are CRIPPLED with Political Correctness that will be the death of them, they we do not care what happens to. WE now numbering 18 nations on this Continent, 18 populations have democratically voted and elected Patriotic Christian Governments, we now have the majority, the Cucks were ALWAYS in the minority, we have the numbers now, the gloves are coming off and nobody is going to stop it. The Commie UN get GTFO, the NGOs who are the Peoples Traffickers can GTFO, the EU Commission can GTFO, this is about survival now, the way it has been since 2015 this cannot continue, something was ALWAYS going to have to give and it has.

You better believe that hate you. They hate anyone they see as an unbeliever. If you aren't a member of the death cult you are nothing.
Wow he is young....impressive guy......I mean this is a fantastic's time for nationalism again......worry about your own country, stop the wars and stupid stuff.....get rid of terrorists.

Get rid of terrorists? WTF? Who is against getting rid of terrorists?

Those Imams were not accused of terrorism.

Thankfully unlike in Austria, here in the United States religious freedom is protected by constitution and not subject to political whims.
Uh like ISIS and the ones blowing up airports in might have heard of a few terrorists in say the UK, France and Belgium........

We might not of course be able to eradicate all terrorism, but we can take measures to severely reduce it and protect our populations.
------------------------------------------------- totally eliminate the problem population by deporting them is my recommendation , they are easy to see Lucy .

Deport where? Many are citizens of Europe.

They will be deported back to their origins. EG. If Moroccan then Morocco, if Pakistan then Pakistan etc.
Sound familiar? Just change the target groups and dejas vous.

Deceiving the Public

Throughout the 1930s, Hitler portrayed Germany as a victimized nation, held in bondage by the chains of the post-World War I Versailles Treatyand denied the right of national self-determination.

Wartime propagandists universally justify the use of military violence by portraying it as morally defensible and necessary. To do otherwise would jeopardize public morale and faith in the government and its armed forces. Throughout World War II, Nazi propagandists disguised military aggression aimed at territorial conquest as righteous and necessary acts of self-defense. They cast Germany as a victim or potential victim of foreign aggressors, as a peace-loving nation forced to take up arms to protect its populace or defend European civilization against Communism.

Why don't you just come out and say whatever it is you are trying to insinuate?
Sound familiar? Just change the target groups and dejas vous.

Deceiving the Public

Throughout the 1930s, Hitler portrayed Germany as a victimized nation, held in bondage by the chains of the post-World War I Versailles Treatyand denied the right of national self-determination.

Wartime propagandists universally justify the use of military violence by portraying it as morally defensible and necessary. To do otherwise would jeopardize public morale and faith in the government and its armed forces. Throughout World War II, Nazi propagandists disguised military aggression aimed at territorial conquest as righteous and necessary acts of self-defense. They cast Germany as a victim or potential victim of foreign aggressors, as a peace-loving nation forced to take up arms to protect its populace or defend European civilization against Communism.

Nazis wanted to kill all Jews or enslave them all. THAT is genocide. Kicking some trouble making Muslims with 7th-century ideals is not genocide.
Statements by Hitler and Senior Nazis Concerning Jews and Judaism

...For us, this is not a problem you can turn a blind eye to-one to be solved by small concessions. For us, it is a problem of whether our nation can ever recover its health, whether the Jewish spirit can ever really be eradicated. Don't be misled into thinking you can fight a disease without killing the carrier, without destroying the bacillus. Don't think you can fight racial tuberculosis without taking care to rid the nation of the carrier of that racial tuberculosis. This Jewish contamination will not subside, this poisoning of the nation will not end, until the carrier himself, the Jew, has been banished from our midst. (Applause)
I love these how is that remotely what we're talking about?

Because, as she accuses others of fearmongering, she seems to be validated in doing her own fearmongering. :blahblah: Leftists seem to think that deporting people who are probably beistartWported for good reasons, like causing trouble in their HOST country, is equal to murder for some reason.
Being deported because you are on a country illegally is one thing. Being deported on the basis of religion as opposed to behavior strikes me as concerning. And there are certainly historical parallels. Not that you RNJ's care as long as you get rid of them all. One way or another right?

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