Author of DOJ Report on Chris Christie has history of political smears


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2010
The Daily Caller has learned that the author behind the recent report from the Department of Justice that targeted five former U.S. [COLOR=green !important][COLOR=green !important]attorneys[/color] for excessive travel expenses has had, according to our sources, a troubled history in the DOJ and attempted in the past to use her position to smear conservatives.​

Tom Fitton, the president of [COLOR=green !important][COLOR=green !important]DOJ[/color] watchdog organization Judicial Watch, agreed with that sentiment, telling TheDC that his first instinct was that the report was nothing more than a hit job from an “ideological and hostile Justice Department that leaked the report.”​

New information obtained by TheDC shows that that narrative may be true.​

The report’s author, Maura Lee, began her DOJ career in the civil rights division, but now works in the DOJ Office of Inspector General. Hans von Spakovsky, former counsel to the assistant attorney general for civil rights, supervised Lee and told TheDC that he was “astonished” when he found out she was the author of the report.​

According to von Spakovsky, Lee was “one of the most belligerent, unprofessional lawyers” he encountered during his time at the DOJ. “Because of her,” he said, “we had to completely change our security protocol.”​

Another former senior DOJ official who asked not to be named confirmed Lee’s involvement in strategizing to leak [COLOR=green !important][COLOR=green !important]information[/color][/color] to the Washington Post, saying that she was not a trustworthy person and had major political motivations.​

Von Spakovsky described one case where Lee was caught breaking into the e-mail of a colleague, Joshua Rogers, specifically because Rogers was conservative and Christian. “Lee was radically left. She made it plain that she didn’t like Rogers,” von Spakovsky said.​

He went on to call Lee’s efforts at DOJ a “major security breach.”​

Read more: Author of DOJ report targeting NJ Governor Chris Christie has history of using position for political purposes, sources say | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment[/color]

Next! Lee's sordid history at the DOJ!

The former coworker also alleges that Lee sent out e-mails to the more “left-leaning DOJ employees,” suggesting that they leak sensitive information to the Washington Post. According to this former DOJ employee, once Lee was found out, the entire security system within the Voters Rights Division had to be revamped.

Not only that, but according to this source, Lee’s superiors – including von Spakovsky – were authorized by the DOJ’s Office

of Professional Responsibility to search her e-mails. They found evidence of Lee’s attempts to leak information to the Washington Post on, among other things, the Texas redistricting issue in 2005 when a handful of DOJ attorneys argued the new plan was unconstitutional because it unfairly favored Republicans.​

“There is absolutely no logical explanation for why this report [for the five general] would get leaked and the one about internal employees was kept confidential,” said von Spakovsky.​

It's quite obvious they are trying to Joe the Plumber Chris Christie. He's a thread to Obama and just like Joe the Plumber they will use "leaks" and hyper partisans to do Obama's dirty work.

The long knives are out for Christie. He better be ready to fight back against this stuff.

Read it all at the links above.


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By the time Christie runs, if he runs, the people are going to be looking for somebody who is the antithesis of Obama in terms of resume, or in other words, a non-phoney record of accomplishment. Particularly the independents who will elect the next president. They'll be looking for somebody with balls.......which will also be a theme in 2012. Folks wont be taking any chances on another Wizard of Oz character........
Perhaps it was just me, but I found TPS's post a bit confusing. A bit of clarity:

Power Line - Political Hit-Job from Obama's DOJ

Political Hit-Job from Obama's DOJ
November 16, 2010 Posted by John at 8:31 PM

The politicizing of the Department of Justice under President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder is one of the scandals of the administration's first two years. Last week, the DOJ released a rather weird report on five U. S. Attorneys who stayed in hotels that were more expensive than generally permitted by Department guidelines between 2007 and 2009. The point of the report would be difficult to grasp without the additional information, readily supplied by reporters, that New Jersey Governor Chris Christie was "U.S. Attorney C." Sort of like Client Number 9, except that the total amount of Christie's alleged budget-busting added up to a whopping $2,176. Most of this was because Christie stayed at hotels where he was to deliver a speech the next day.

The mystery of how such a report came to be released has apparently been solved by the Daily Caller:

The Daily Caller has learned that the author behind the recent report from the Department of Justice that targeted five former U.S. attorneys for excessive travel expenses has had, according to our sources, a troubled history in the DOJ and attempted in the past to use her position to smear conservatives. ...

The report's author, Maura Lee, began her DOJ career in the civil rights division, but now works in the DOJ Office of Inspector General. Hans von Spakovsky, former counsel to the assistant attorney general for civil rights, supervised Lee and told TheDC that he was "astonished" when he found out she was the author of the report.

According to von Spakovsky, Lee was "one of the most belligerent, unprofessional lawyers" he encountered during his time at the DOJ. "Because of her," he said, "we had to completely change our security protocol."

Another former senior DOJ official who asked not to be named confirmed Lee's involvement in strategizing to leak information to the Washington Post, saying that she was not a trustworthy person and had major political motivations.

Von Spakovsky described one case where Lee was caught breaking into the e-mail of a colleague, Joshua Rogers, specifically because Rogers was conservative and Christian. "Lee was radically left. She made it plain that she didn't like Rogers," von Spakovsky said. ...​

"She was one of the most partisan career people I ever met," von Spakovsky told The DC. So partisan, in fact, that he describes Lee as someone who would encourage other DOJ lawyers not to pursue cases so that the Bush administration would not be able to take credit for being progressive on voter and civil rights issues. ...
According to another former DOJ employee who worked closely with Lee, Lee first got into trouble while working in the Voters Rights Division during the Bush administration. There, according to the former coworker, Lee was caught breaking into other employees' e-mail accounts and spreading around personal information.​

You get the picture. I assume that it takes more than the initiative of a single loose-cannon DOJ lawyer to publish an investigative report and coordinate with reporters to smear a popular Republican politician. Barack Obama and Eric Holder have done their best to turn the Department of Justice, America's premier law enforcement agency, into an arm of the Democratic Party. Their crudeness in doing so is perhaps not unintentional, but may rather be intended to serve as a warning to anyone who might be thinking of opposing their left-wing agenda.

Links at site
The Left is panicked about 2010 and even more so about 2012. THey must smear and destroy every potential candidate in any way possible, no matter how nugatory the matter.
Look at the posts here by lefty hacks. GOP STARVING MILLIONS says the headline and then you read how the hors d'ouvres were delayed at a fundraising event.
They're off a cliff.
By the time Christie runs, if he runs, the people are going to be looking for somebody who is the antithesis of Obama in terms of resume, or in other words, a non-phoney record of accomplishment. Particularly the independents who will elect the next president. They'll be looking for somebody with balls.......which will also be a theme in 2012. Folks wont be taking any chances on another Wizard of Oz character........

I sure hope you are right. The American electorate can sure be fickle.

One thing is clear. They are looking for someone who will cut spending.

I just wish they would learn, they are NEVER going to find that in a Democrat.
Wow, a DOJ that has political ideology at work sometimes.
Never thought that an appointed position would ever have that.
Has that ever happened under a Republican?
Perhaps it was just me, but I found TPS's post a bit confusing. A bit of clarity:

Power Line - Political Hit-Job from Obama's DOJ

Political Hit-Job from Obama's DOJ
November 16, 2010 Posted by John at 8:31 PM

The politicizing of the Department of Justice under President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder is one of the scandals of the administration's first two years. Last week, the DOJ released a rather weird report on five U. S. Attorneys who stayed in hotels that were more expensive than generally permitted by Department guidelines between 2007 and 2009. The point of the report would be difficult to grasp without the additional information, readily supplied by reporters, that New Jersey Governor Chris Christie was "U.S. Attorney C." Sort of like Client Number 9, except that the total amount of Christie's alleged budget-busting added up to a whopping $2,176. Most of this was because Christie stayed at hotels where he was to deliver a speech the next day.

The mystery of how such a report came to be released has apparently been solved by the Daily Caller:
The Daily Caller has learned that the author behind the recent report from the Department of Justice that targeted five former U.S. attorneys for excessive travel expenses has had, according to our sources, a troubled history in the DOJ and attempted in the past to use her position to smear conservatives. ...

The report's author, Maura Lee, began her DOJ career in the civil rights division, but now works in the DOJ Office of Inspector General. Hans von Spakovsky, former counsel to the assistant attorney general for civil rights, supervised Lee and told TheDC that he was "astonished" when he found out she was the author of the report.

According to von Spakovsky, Lee was "one of the most belligerent, unprofessional lawyers" he encountered during his time at the DOJ. "Because of her," he said, "we had to completely change our security protocol."

Another former senior DOJ official who asked not to be named confirmed Lee's involvement in strategizing to leak information to the Washington Post, saying that she was not a trustworthy person and had major political motivations.

Von Spakovsky described one case where Lee was caught breaking into the e-mail of a colleague, Joshua Rogers, specifically because Rogers was conservative and Christian. "Lee was radically left. She made it plain that she didn't like Rogers," von Spakovsky said. ...
"She was one of the most partisan career people I ever met," von Spakovsky told The DC. So partisan, in fact, that he describes Lee as someone who would encourage other DOJ lawyers not to pursue cases so that the Bush administration would not be able to take credit for being progressive on voter and civil rights issues. ...
According to another former DOJ employee who worked closely with Lee, Lee first got into trouble while working in the Voters Rights Division during the Bush administration. There, according to the former coworker, Lee was caught breaking into other employees' e-mail accounts and spreading around personal information.
You get the picture. I assume that it takes more than the initiative of a single loose-cannon DOJ lawyer to publish an investigative report and coordinate with reporters to smear a popular Republican politician. Barack Obama and Eric Holder have done their best to turn the Department of Justice, America's premier law enforcement agency, into an arm of the Democratic Party. Their crudeness in doing so is perhaps not unintentional, but may rather be intended to serve as a warning to anyone who might be thinking of opposing their left-wing agenda.

Links at site

Sorry. It's a very long article and I was trying to quote the salient parts without quoting the entire article (which the mod gods frown upon ;) )

If I failed, I'm sorry. Thank you for including something more informative. ;)
Wow, a DOJ that has political ideology at work sometimes.
Never thought that an appointed position would ever have that.
Has that ever happened under a Republican?

That's liberal for "everybody does it."

When liberals can't defend their own, they claim "everybody does it."

But does "everybody does it" really excuse ANYONE.

The point is, there is a pattern of smearing conservatives for political reasons.

It happened right here in Ohio, against Joe the Plumber for the "crime" of simply asking a question.

Is that what we want in government?

Then who cares who does it? It shouldn't be tolerated.
Wow, a DOJ that has political ideology at work sometimes.
Never thought that an appointed position would ever have that.
Has that ever happened under a Republican?

No, that has never happened under a Republican. Answer your question?
Wow, a DOJ that has political ideology at work sometimes.
Never thought that an appointed position would ever have that.
Has that ever happened under a Republican?

That's liberal for "everybody does it."

When liberals can't defend their own, they claim "everybody does it."

But does "everybody does it" really excuse ANYONE.

The point is, there is a pattern of smearing conservatives for political reasons.

It happened right here in Ohio, against Joe the Plumber for the "crime" of simply asking a question.

Is that what we want in government?

Then who cares who does it? It shouldn't be tolerated.

Under your theory Reagan was a liberal when his Justice Department prosecuted a Texas sherrif for waterboarding a prisoner.:cuckoo:
What was the Reagan, Ed Meece DOJ Commission on Poronography?
"Is that what we want in government?" LOL.
You tolerate it when it fits your agenda and ideology but then call others out and absurdly label them as "liberals" when they school you that Washington, Adams and Jefferson all dealt wth the same thing.
I was supporting Republicans before you were born.
Got to hand it to the Dimocrats for being truly consistent. Once some Republican starts to garner big national attention they start in with all sorts of allegations.
Wow, a DOJ that has political ideology at work sometimes.
Never thought that an appointed position would ever have that.
Has that ever happened under a Republican?

No, that has never happened under a Republican. Answer your question?

not correctly, but technically, yes, you answered it.

you must be very proud. :lol:
Would you like to post evidence I am wrong? Or will you just make smarmy unsubstantiated comments like you always do?

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