Author of immigration law is pals with noted neo-Nazi


Anti-Tea Party Member
Sep 7, 2008
Profiling Arizona legislator Russell Pearce: Author of immigration law is pals with noted neo-Nazi | Crooks and Liars

There are some things about state Sen. Russell Pearce, the author of Arizona's new police-state immigration law, that Greta Van Susteren and all the other Fox anchors who've had him on this past week aren't telling you.

Indeed, they let him just come on and spew misleading nonsense, as he did last night on On the Record, telling Van Susteren that the law only "takes the handcuffs off" for law enforcement officers and "allows" them to arrest suspected illegal immigrants. Actually, it requires them to.

Well, we mentioned previously that Pearce has a colorful background involving the white-supremacist far right, including dalliances -- like his close pal Sheriff Joe Arpaio -- with neo-Nazis.

Rachel Maddow discussed some of this in her segment last night, but it's worth discussing some more so that people can fully appreciate the nature of the police state just signed into law in Arizona. Byron York has proclaimed it "a very carefully crafted law" -- and he is quite correct about that. Crafted to what end, however, is quite another story.

Y'see, back in 2006, Pearce caught a lot of people's attention by forwarding to a bunch of his friends and associates an article on immigration from a neo-Nazi news source -- namely, the National Alliance, the folks who brought you The Turner Diaries. The article was about Jewish control of the media and how it supposedly creates a bias against whites and favors minorities and Israel. Pearce apologized, but never could explain why he was reading material from the National Alliance in the first place.
So now we are suppose to believe that the left gives a shit about who a person pals around with makes a difference.

but we are told the Obamas pals of Bill Ayers and Jeremiah Wright were no BIG FRIGGEN deal.

crack me up :lol:
Arizona is desperate to rid themselves of the overwhelming numbers of illegals, the crime, disease, and cost to the taxpayers that this invasion has inflicted on the state. Legal immigrants are by federal law are required to carry their green cards. Those Latinos who may be stopped and required to present ID have only to blame themselves for supporting the lawbreakers who come here. Good Americans abide by and support our laws. If they don't they suffer the consequences. Illegals know what the consequences of their actions are. If deported they are permitted to take family with them so the "we are separating families" is a crock.
So now we are suppose to believe that the left gives a shit about who a person pals around with makes a difference.

but we are told the Obamas pals of Bill Ayers and Jeremiah Wright were no BIG FRIGGEN deal.

crack me up :lol:

Bill Ayres and Wright have never influenced Obama's policies.

This neo-nazi has influenced the policy of an Arizona lawmaker.
Arizona is desperate to rid themselves of the overwhelming numbers of illegals, the crime, disease, and cost to the taxpayers that this invasion has inflicted on the state. Legal immigrants are by federal law are required to carry their green cards. Those Latinos who may be stopped and required to present ID have only to blame themselves for supporting the lawbreakers who come here. Good Americans abide by and support our laws. If they don't they suffer the consequences. Illegals know what the consequences of their actions are. If deported they are permitted to take family with them so the "we are separating families" is a crock.

Sieg Heil!!
So now we are suppose to believe that the left gives a shit about who a person pals around with makes a difference.

but we are told the Obamas pals of Bill Ayers and Jeremiah Wright were no BIG FRIGGEN deal.

crack me up :lol:

Bill Ayres and Wright have never influenced Obama's policies.

This neo-nazi has influenced the policy of an Arizona lawmaker.

Oh really, and you know all this how? you got an inside connection on things in the Obama administration or just a crystal ball. And this article you posted MUST be true because Rachel Madcow said it was.:lol:
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Obama spent 20 YEARS in Wrights church. Called him a close personal friend, a member of the family, he even dedicated a book to him. And you want us to believe he never listened to Wright, was never influenced by Wright. What flavor koolaid is it this month?
Profiling Arizona legislator Russell Pearce: Author of immigration law is pals with noted neo-Nazi | Crooks and Liars

There are some things about state Sen. Russell Pearce, the author of Arizona's new police-state immigration law, that Greta Van Susteren and all the other Fox anchors who've had him on this past week aren't telling you.

Indeed, they let him just come on and spew misleading nonsense, as he did last night on On the Record, telling Van Susteren that the law only "takes the handcuffs off" for law enforcement officers and "allows" them to arrest suspected illegal immigrants. Actually, it requires them to.

Well, we mentioned previously that Pearce has a colorful background involving the white-supremacist far right, including dalliances -- like his close pal Sheriff Joe Arpaio -- with neo-Nazis.

Rachel Maddow discussed some of this in her segment last night, but it's worth discussing some more so that people can fully appreciate the nature of the police state just signed into law in Arizona. Byron York has proclaimed it "a very carefully crafted law" -- and he is quite correct about that. Crafted to what end, however, is quite another story.

Y'see, back in 2006, Pearce caught a lot of people's attention by forwarding to a bunch of his friends and associates an article on immigration from a neo-Nazi news source -- namely, the National Alliance, the folks who brought you The Turner Diaries. The article was about Jewish control of the media and how it supposedly creates a bias against whites and favors minorities and Israel. Pearce apologized, but never could explain why he was reading material from the National Alliance in the first place.

Did Maddow tell you that this Arizona law mirriors the federal immigration law? This law will withstand any and all constitutional scrutiny. The Arizona bill simply enforces the laws already on the books. How stupid can you get? Oh nevermind, you listen to Maddow, enough said.
DavidS - prove those accusations. Anytime left-wing liberal extremists disagree with something, they bring out crap such as this. Prove it or shut up! The facts on Bill Ayers, Rev. Wright, etc., are well documented. Let's see YOUR documents of proof.

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