Author of Transgender hate bathroom bill LOSES to, get this, a Trans ha ha tee hee giggle (burp)

Like the dems do on Civil Rights...which they voted against in 1964
This old chestnut. The parties have swapped constituencies since then. The northerners voted for civil rights and the southerners voted against. Same ol' same ol'.

Roem is a transgender former journalist who focused her race on the terrible traffic in the district, while Marshall is a longtime extreme culture warrior who sponsored the states bathroom bill, banning transgender people from using the bathroom that applies to their gender identity.



Good for her.

Seems GOP racism and hatred is energizing the Democrats. It looks like blacks and Hispanics are putting people over the top.

Transgender bathroom bill could cost Texas $3 billion a year, study says | Texas Legislature | Dallas News

North Carolina's 'bathroom bill' will cost the state $3.76 billion

Hate is expensive. Republicans are about to discover that.
We can only hope that this rejection of the hate and bigotry propagated by most on the right is likewise rejected by the American people in coming elections.
The2ndAmendment, post: 18540777
I really hope you Dems keep importing Muslims.

What's wrong with Muslims?

" Islam is Peace."

" When we think of Islam we think of a faith that brings comfort to a billion people around the world. Billions of people find comfort and solace and peace. And that's made brothers and sisters out of every race -- out of every race.

America counts millions of Muslims amongst our citizens, and Muslims make an incredibly valuable contribution to our country. Muslims are doctors, lawyers, law professors, members of the military, entrepreneurs, shopkeepers, moms and dads. And they need to be treated with respect. In our anger and emotion, our fellow Americans must treat each other with respect." GW Bush.

"Islam is Peace" Says President

Bush is still a Republican as far as I know.

We know you deplorables don't care much for more than high school educated people, but rejecting members of the military is something new.
Islam isn't peace. Islam is submission.

We know muslims are in the military. Maj. Nidal Hassan was an officer.

Roem is a transgender former journalist who focused her race on the terrible traffic in the district, while Marshall is a longtime extreme culture warrior who sponsored the states bathroom bill, banning transgender people from using the bathroom that applies to their gender identity.



Good for her.

Seems GOP racism and hatred is energizing the Democrats. It looks like blacks and Hispanics are putting people over the top.

Transgender bathroom bill could cost Texas $3 billion a year, study says | Texas Legislature | Dallas News

North Carolina's 'bathroom bill' will cost the state $3.76 billion

Hate is expensive. Republicans are about to discover that.
Absolutely Fabulous
TroglocratsRdumb, post: 18540809
wait, the dems elected a man in a dress and you call that "normal"

A Democrat (Lee Carter) and former US Marine defeated the GOP House Majority Whip Jackson Miller in Northern Virginia’s 50th District.

"The electoral wave lifted the fortunes of even very left-wing candidates, including Democrat Lee Carter, a member of the Democratic Socialists of America and supporter of single-payer health care. He unseated GOP House Majority Whip Jackson Miller in Northern Virginia’s 50th District. Carter, a former Marine, failed to provide the state Democratic Party with daily updates about his campaign, prompting the party to deny him aid and go silent on his bid. The Washington, D.C., chapter of DSA stepped in to help with canvassing, and on Tuesday Carter won. "

Watch Out, Donald Trump. Here Come The Democrats. | HuffPost

Will you spew hate to military veterans who run and win as Democrats as well?
Yeah, leave it to liberals to glorify a mental illness with a 40% suicide rate. Because out of all the issues that go on in society, you choose to obsess over transsexualism. Newsflash: most Americans have far better things to worry about than your newest group of designated victims, with which you want to play your identity politics masturbations. Jesus, you people are out to lunch to prioritize something like that. If your cells have a row of Y-chromosomes you are male. Period. End of story. I don't have to indulge in someone's make-believe.

Danica Roem

Tuesday was a big night for Democrats.

Virginia elected its first openly transgender state lawmaker on Tuesday, voting Democrat Danica Roem into the state’s House of Delegates. She unseated Virginia Del. Bob Marshall, the Republican who introduced the “bathroom bill” that would have prohibited transgender students from using the bathroom of their choice.

“No matter what you look like, where you come from, how you worship, who you love, how you identify or any other inherent identifier that you have, you should be celebrated because of who you are, not despite it,” Roem said on MSNBC’s “The Last Word.”

More: Here's A List Of Historic Victories Democrats Had On Election Day

America inches forward in spite of NaziCon obstruction.
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Yeah, leave it to liberals to glorify a mental illness with a 40% suicide rate. Because out of all the issues that go on in society, you choose to obsess over transsexualism. Newsflash: most Americans have far better things to worry about than your newest group of designated victims, with which you want to play your identity politics masturbations. Jesus, you people are out to lunch to prioritize something like that. If your cells have a row of Y-chromosomes you are male. Period. End of story. I don't have to indulge in someone's make-believe.
Hate from folks like you causes the suicides.
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The2ndAmendment, post: 18540777
I really hope you Dems keep importing Muslims.

What's wrong with Muslims?

" Islam is Peace."

" When we think of Islam we think of a faith that brings comfort to a billion people around the world. Billions of people find comfort and solace and peace. And that's made brothers and sisters out of every race -- out of every race.

America counts millions of Muslims amongst our citizens, and Muslims make an incredibly valuable contribution to our country. Muslims are doctors, lawyers, law professors, members of the military, entrepreneurs, shopkeepers, moms and dads. And they need to be treated with respect. In our anger and emotion, our fellow Americans must treat each other with respect." GW Bush.

"Islam is Peace" Says President

Bush is still a Republican as far as I know.

We know you deplorables don't care much for more than high school educated people, but rejecting members of the military is something new.

Keep importing Muslims and we'll see how long your LGBT community lives in peace.
Keep importing Muslims and we'll see how long your LGBT community lives in peace.

So you are a liar too.

They are better for LBGT rights than the average redneck rightwing white evangelical conservative.

American Muslims growing more liberal, survey shows
By Daniel Burke, CNN Religion Editor
Updated 11:40 AM EDT, Wed July 26, 2017

(CNN)American Muslims are growing more religiously and socially liberal, with the number who say society should accept homosexuality nearly doubling during the past decade, according to a major new survey.

American Muslims are also more likely to identify as political liberals and believe there are multiple ways to interpret the teachings of Islam, the survey found.

Conducted by the Pew Research Center, the survey of 1,001 American Muslims depicts a community in tumult, with the vast majority disapproving of President Donald Trump and worrying about the direction of the country. Even so, many remain hopeful about their future in the United States, the survey found, despite persistent anxiety about Islamic extremism and religious discrimination.

The wide-ranging survey, which was released on Wednesday, solicited opinions on everything from religious practices and politics to terrorism and social values. In addition, Pew found that the American Muslim population has been rising steadily for a decade, adding about 100,000 people per year. An estimated 3.35 million Muslims now live in the United States, just 1% of the overall population.

The survey interviews were conducted in English, as well as Arabic, Farsi and Urdu, between January 23 and May 2, 2017. The average margin of error is plus or minus 5.8 percentage points.

Some of the study's findings won't surprise people paying attention during the acrimonious 2016 presidential election, in which Trump repeatedly cast suspicion on American Muslims. Of the 44% of American Muslims who voted in the election, nearly 8 in 10 voted for Democrat Hillary Clinton. Just 8% voted for Trump.

The survey, conducted in the days and months following Trump's inauguration, portrays a Muslim community still largely wary of the President. Nearly 7 in 10 say Trump makes them feel worried, and 45% say he makes them angry. Nearly three in four Muslims say Trump is "unfriendly" toward members of their faith, and nearly two-thirds are dissatisfied with the direction of the country.

That's a stark contrast from 2011, when Barack Obama was President. Then, 64% of Muslim-Americans told Pew researchers that Obama was friendly toward Muslims and more than half were satisfied with the direction of the country.

Attitudes toward homosexuality

But the study's most significant findings may be religious and social, not political.

In 2007, just 27% of American Muslims said society should approve of homosexuality. This year, more than half (52%) said the same, a leap that surprised even scholars who study Islam in America. Likewise, 10 years ago, 57% of American Muslims said there is more than one way to interpret Islamic teachings. In 2017, 64% agreed.

American Muslims were also slightly more likely to identify as politically liberal (30% now vs. 24% in 2007). Nearly two-thirds identify as Democrats and a similar number believe in a bigger government that provides a host of services.

Asked about the essentials of the faith, an overwhelming percentage of Muslims, like Christians, said believing in God was most important. But issues like working for social justice (69%) and protecting the environment (62%) also scored high in the list of essentials for American Muslims.

There's some debate among scholars about whether American Muslims' increasing liberalism on issues like homosexuality is the result of recent immigrants' assimilation to mainstream American values or the rise of native-born millennials, who, like their non-Muslim peers, are more tolerant of the LGBT community.

But while millennial Muslims are more likely than foreign-born Muslims to say homosexuality should be accepted (60% vs. 49%), both groups saw an increase of more than 20 percentage points in the last decade, Pew found.

After a Muslim-American shot and killed 49 people at a gay nightclub in Orlando last year, American Muslims were forced to come to terms with gays and lesbians in their mosques and families, prompting conversations about homosexuality and Islamic teachings, said Zareena Grewal, who studies the American Muslim experience at Yale University.

"After the Pulse shooting, Muslims were coming out of the closet across the United States, and the Muslim community, in public and private, was grappling with the issue in a much more honest way," Grewal said.

But Ihsan Bagby, a professor of Islamic history at the University of Kentucky, cautioned about over-interpreting Muslim attitudes on homosexuality, saying many Muslims may be simply signaling support for another group often maligned in America.

"The struggle of the LGBT community has been very similar to the struggle of Muslims, and in fact the LGBT community has been very supportive of Muslims," Bagby said. But even while aligning politically, many Muslim organizations would not accept homosexualtity as an "acceptable lifestyle for Muslims," the scholar said.

The study

View on CNN
Keep importing Muslims and we'll see how long your LGBT community lives in peace.

So you are a liar too.

They are better for LBGT rights than the average redneck rightwing white evangelical conservative.

American Muslims growing more liberal, survey shows
By Daniel Burke, CNN Religion Editor
Updated 11:40 AM EDT, Wed July 26, 2017

(CNN)American Muslims are growing more religiously and socially liberal, with the number who say society should accept homosexuality nearly doubling during the past decade, according to a major new survey.

American Muslims are also more likely to identify as political liberals and believe there are multiple ways to interpret the teachings of Islam, the survey found.

Conducted by the Pew Research Center, the survey of 1,001 American Muslims depicts a community in tumult, with the vast majority disapproving of President Donald Trump and worrying about the direction of the country. Even so, many remain hopeful about their future in the United States, the survey found, despite persistent anxiety about Islamic extremism and religious discrimination.

The wide-ranging survey, which was released on Wednesday, solicited opinions on everything from religious practices and politics to terrorism and social values. In addition, Pew found that the American Muslim population has been rising steadily for a decade, adding about 100,000 people per year. An estimated 3.35 million Muslims now live in the United States, just 1% of the overall population.

The survey interviews were conducted in English, as well as Arabic, Farsi and Urdu, between January 23 and May 2, 2017. The average margin of error is plus or minus 5.8 percentage points.

Some of the study's findings won't surprise people paying attention during the acrimonious 2016 presidential election, in which Trump repeatedly cast suspicion on American Muslims. Of the 44% of American Muslims who voted in the election, nearly 8 in 10 voted for Democrat Hillary Clinton. Just 8% voted for Trump.

The survey, conducted in the days and months following Trump's inauguration, portrays a Muslim community still largely wary of the President. Nearly 7 in 10 say Trump makes them feel worried, and 45% say he makes them angry. Nearly three in four Muslims say Trump is "unfriendly" toward members of their faith, and nearly two-thirds are dissatisfied with the direction of the country.

That's a stark contrast from 2011, when Barack Obama was President. Then, 64% of Muslim-Americans told Pew researchers that Obama was friendly toward Muslims and more than half were satisfied with the direction of the country.

Attitudes toward homosexuality

But the study's most significant findings may be religious and social, not political.

In 2007, just 27% of American Muslims said society should approve of homosexuality. This year, more than half (52%) said the same, a leap that surprised even scholars who study Islam in America. Likewise, 10 years ago, 57% of American Muslims said there is more than one way to interpret Islamic teachings. In 2017, 64% agreed.

American Muslims were also slightly more likely to identify as politically liberal (30% now vs. 24% in 2007). Nearly two-thirds identify as Democrats and a similar number believe in a bigger government that provides a host of services.

Asked about the essentials of the faith, an overwhelming percentage of Muslims, like Christians, said believing in God was most important. But issues like working for social justice (69%) and protecting the environment (62%) also scored high in the list of essentials for American Muslims.

There's some debate among scholars about whether American Muslims' increasing liberalism on issues like homosexuality is the result of recent immigrants' assimilation to mainstream American values or the rise of native-born millennials, who, like their non-Muslim peers, are more tolerant of the LGBT community.

But while millennial Muslims are more likely than foreign-born Muslims to say homosexuality should be accepted (60% vs. 49%), both groups saw an increase of more than 20 percentage points in the last decade, Pew found.

After a Muslim-American shot and killed 49 people at a gay nightclub in Orlando last year, American Muslims were forced to come to terms with gays and lesbians in their mosques and families, prompting conversations about homosexuality and Islamic teachings, said Zareena Grewal, who studies the American Muslim experience at Yale University.

"After the Pulse shooting, Muslims were coming out of the closet across the United States, and the Muslim community, in public and private, was grappling with the issue in a much more honest way," Grewal said.

But Ihsan Bagby, a professor of Islamic history at the University of Kentucky, cautioned about over-interpreting Muslim attitudes on homosexuality, saying many Muslims may be simply signaling support for another group often maligned in America.

"The struggle of the LGBT community has been very similar to the struggle of Muslims, and in fact the LGBT community has been very supportive of Muslims," Bagby said. But even while aligning politically, many Muslim organizations would not accept homosexualtity as an "acceptable lifestyle for Muslims," the scholar said.

The study

View on CNN
Are you saying it would be wise for an openly gay man to go to the Middle East?

Roem is a transgender former journalist who focused her race on the terrible traffic in the district, while Marshall is a longtime extreme culture warrior who sponsored the states bathroom bill, banning transgender people from using the bathroom that applies to their gender identity.



Good for her.

Seems GOP racism and hatred is energizing the Democrats. It looks like blacks and Hispanics are putting people over the top.

Transgender bathroom bill could cost Texas $3 billion a year, study says | Texas Legislature | Dallas News

North Carolina's 'bathroom bill' will cost the state $3.76 billion

Hate is expensive. Republicans are about to discover that.
I believes that all public bathrooms should be banned. And turn into small portable potties that only can be occupied by one person. And if a child uses it, make it mandatory that the parents must accompany the child, or faces ten years imprisonment...

Roem is a transgender former journalist who focused her race on the terrible traffic in the district, while Marshall is a longtime extreme culture warrior who sponsored the states bathroom bill, banning transgender people from using the bathroom that applies to their gender identity.



Good for her.

Seems GOP racism and hatred is energizing the Democrats. It looks like blacks and Hispanics are putting people over the top.

Transgender bathroom bill could cost Texas $3 billion a year, study says | Texas Legislature | Dallas News

North Carolina's 'bathroom bill' will cost the state $3.76 billion

Hate is expensive. Republicans are about to discover that.
Transgender people are mentally unstable...

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