Author of Transgender hate bathroom bill LOSES to, get this, a Trans ha ha tee hee giggle (burp)

Virginia is filled with government employees who worship left. The election of the man pretending to be a woman is no different than handing the gay guy the title of prom queen. It's form over substance. If we saw an election map, the districts that voted for the perv were heavily government workers. Leftism is a disease, it settles in and spreads.
The Virginia and Maryland suburbs are crawling with Progressive Liberals and their main purpose is to screw up elections in both states.
and the bar has been set to all time lows. May God forgive those who voted for it


Danica Roem defeated incumbent delegate Bob Marshall, who had been elected 13 times over 26 years, for a seat in the Virginia House of Delegates. When Roem takes office, she will be the first openly transgender candidate to be elected and serve in a state legislative body.

Elections bring wins for minority, LGBT candidates - CNN
Good for her! :2up:
and the bar has been set to all time lows. May God forgive those who voted for it


Danica Roem defeated incumbent delegate Bob Marshall, who had been elected 13 times over 26 years, for a seat in the Virginia House of Delegates. When Roem takes office, she will be the first openly transgender candidate to be elected and serve in a state legislative body.

because clearly, how well she can represent people on civic matters is totally tied to her genitals.
and the bar has been set to all time lows. May God forgive those who voted for it


Danica Roem defeated incumbent delegate Bob Marshall, who had been elected 13 times over 26 years, for a seat in the Virginia House of Delegates. When Roem takes office, she will be the first openly transgender candidate to be elected and serve in a state legislative body.

Elections bring wins for minority, LGBT candidates - CNN
Good for her! :2up:

"Her" my aching butt! A guy with a swinging dick can't be a "her."
My Grandfather was a cool guy

I doubt he would have cared
Its more about substance winning over bullying.
Its no wonder this happened considering Trump's record low approval.
Perhaps people have had enough of racism, enough of giveaways to the rich. rejection of anti-intellectualism, etc.
Lol, liberals talking points for years.
and the bar has been set to all time lows. May God forgive those who voted for it


Danica Roem defeated incumbent delegate Bob Marshall, who had been elected 13 times over 26 years, for a seat in the Virginia House of Delegates. When Roem takes office, she will be the first openly transgender candidate to be elected and serve in a state legislative body.

Elections bring wins for minority, LGBT candidates - CNN
i’m glad it sticks in your craw
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and the bar has been set to all time lows. May God forgive those who voted for it


Danica Roem defeated incumbent delegate Bob Marshall, who had been elected 13 times over 26 years, for a seat in the Virginia House of Delegates. When Roem takes office, she will be the first openly transgender candidate to be elected and serve in a state legislative body.

Elections bring wins for minority, LGBT candidates - CNN
It's not really about the fact that it is not what it pretends to be. For me it's the fact that someone who is emotionally disturbed is given that kind of power over others.
Virginia is filled with government employees who worship left. The election of the man pretending to be a woman is no different than handing the gay guy the title of prom queen. It's form over substance. If we saw an election map, the districts that voted for the perv were heavily government workers. Leftism is a disease, it settles in and spreads.

Well besides you, I'm sure the old white men in the GOP will treat her like scum.
and the bar has been set to all time lows. May God forgive those who voted for it


Danica Roem defeated incumbent delegate Bob Marshall, who had been elected 13 times over 26 years, for a seat in the Virginia House of Delegates. When Roem takes office, she will be the first openly transgender candidate to be elected and serve in a state legislative body.

Elections bring wins for minority, LGBT candidates - CNN
It's not really about the fact that it is not what it pretends to be. For me it's the fact that someone who is emotionally disturbed is given that kind of power over others.

You mean DT.
and the bar has been set to all time lows. May God forgive those who voted for it


Danica Roem defeated incumbent delegate Bob Marshall, who had been elected 13 times over 26 years, for a seat in the Virginia House of Delegates. When Roem takes office, she will be the first openly transgender candidate to be elected and serve in a state legislative body.

Elections bring wins for minority, LGBT candidates - CNN
Good for her! :2up:

"Her" my aching butt! A guy with a swinging dick can't be a "her."

So you seen her naked? Interesting.
and the bar has been set to all time lows. May God forgive those who voted for it


Danica Roem defeated incumbent delegate Bob Marshall, who had been elected 13 times over 26 years, for a seat in the Virginia House of Delegates. When Roem takes office, she will be the first openly transgender candidate to be elected and serve in a state legislative body.

Elections bring wins for minority, LGBT candidates - CNN
It's not really about the fact that it is not what it pretends to be. For me it's the fact that someone who is emotionally disturbed is given that kind of power over others.

You mean DT.
I ment exactly what I said. Sorry it confused you.

A person with a SERIOUS mental problem was just elected.
i think that you are correct BrokeLoser and RightWingers post is probably the reason it all went bad . After all , his Grandfather was a 'cool' guy who would'nt have cared .
as for ME , both my Parents are gone at old age and natural causes so thats how human life naturally goes . But i have thought many times that i am happy that they , especially my Mother doesn't have to see what the USA is becoming !!
i think that you are correct BrokeLoser and RightWingers post is probably the reason it all went bad . After all , his Grandfather was a 'cool' guy who would'nt have cared .

My thoughts's Left is the result of years of child abuse, and deeply rooted daddy issues. Way too many have been raised by MTV, the Kardashians and Hollywood....sad.
Voters want to here about issues, "transgender" isn't one. She won on TRANSPORTATION ideas.

yeah, but you gotta admit the irony of a trans beatng a Reublitard Trumpdrone deserves some blowback on the " GRAND OLD BOYS CLUB PARTY"

What would your grandfather think if he knew that one day there would be men in dresses that people would consider awesome, men in dresses would become elected officials, illegals would be protected by politicians, the U.S. flag and patriotism would be considered offensive to "citizens", "citizens" would be offended by our President proclaiming "American's First" and "Make America Great"
Who would have ever thought we'd get to this point in this nation? WTF went wrong?
Most people’s grandfather’s were uneducated racists that had very little access to information.
I do not care if they are transgendered, but I bet that was the only reason many on the far left voted for them and for no other reason!

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