Author of Transgender hate bathroom bill LOSES to, get this, a Trans ha ha tee hee giggle (burp)

i think that you are correct BrokeLoser and RightWingers post is probably the reason it all went bad . After all , his Grandfather was a 'cool' guy who would'nt have cared .

My thoughts's Left is the result of years of child abuse, and deeply rooted daddy issues. Way too many have been raised by MTV, the Kardashians and Hollywood....sad.
-------------------------------------------------- and thats why i am comfortable being an older guy . i think of myself as one of the last Real Americans BLoser ,
You are so wrong and blind.
What would your grandfather think if he knew that one day there would be men in dresses that people would consider awesome, men in dresses would become elected officials, illegals would be protected by politicians, the U.S. flag and patriotism would be considered offensive to "citizens", "citizens" would be offended by our President proclaiming "American's First" and "Make America Great"
Who would have ever thought we'd get to this point in this nation? WTF went wrong?
Most people’s grandfather’s were uneducated racists that had very little access to information.
What would your grandfather think if he knew that one day there would be men in dresses that people would consider awesome, men in dresses would become elected officials, illegals would be protected by politicians, the U.S. flag and patriotism would be considered offensive to "citizens", "citizens" would be offended by our President proclaiming "American's First" and "Make America Great"
Who would have ever thought we'd get to this point in this nation? WTF went wrong?
Most people’s grandfather’s were uneducated racists that had very little access to information.

What does racism and or education have to do with this? This shit is rudimentary for anyone sane, without daddy issues and truly American. My teen daughter knows the Left is fucked up in the head.
As if they aren't already ruined...right?
As hard as it is to watch this shit and take it gotta believe this just furthers the divide between the Dirty Democratic Party and 2,623 counties (30 states)...right?
We might have to learn to embrace the madness, sit back, drink a beer and watch them hang themselves.
I do not care if they are transgendered, but I bet that was the only reason many on the far left voted for them and for no other reason!

so how long will it take you to go in a public restroom now ?

ya never know who or what is behind the sign on the door ...

A big cup of Nope. It is however beginning of the low points for Trumpettes.
What would your grandfather think if he knew that one day there would be men in dresses that people would consider awesome, men in dresses would become elected officials, illegals would be protected by politicians, the U.S. flag and patriotism would be considered offensive to "citizens", "citizens" would be offended by our President proclaiming "American's First" and "Make America Great"
Who would have ever thought we'd get to this point in this nation? WTF went wrong?
Most people’s grandfather’s were uneducated racists that had very little access to information.
Since when are men wearing dresses a race?
a chick with a dick beating a hard core conservative speaks volumes for conservatives.

a chick with a dick beating a hard core conservative speaks volumes for conservatives.

Not when that area has been flooded with illegal immigrants who were allowed to vote by the liberal Terry McAweful. Of course the MAN with boobs isn't going to do anything to prevent MS-13 from harming the illegals, so kinda self destructive voting, but then they are liberals..
"It takes every kind of people
To make what life's about, yeah
Every kind of people
To make the world go 'round"

rethuglican snowflakes FEEL so threatened by individual freedom! :eusa_clap:
The first openly transgender person elected and seated in a state legislature defeated her conservative Republican opponent in a closely watched Virginia election.

In a historic bid, Democrat Danica Roem beat Republican incumbent Bob Marshall, one of Virginia's most socially conservative lawmakers, in Tuesday's election in the northern Virginia district, according to The Associated Press.

Marshall has served in the House since 1992 and has been a lightning rod for controversy. He has often drawn the ire of even his own party.

Roem's gender identity wasn't a key part of her campaign.

Instead, she focused on jobs, schools and northern Virginia's traffic congestion.

Transgender Virginia candidate makes history and how other races to watch turned out
If you don’t like the way things are now, stick around another 25 years; they’ll get worse.
and the bar has been set to all time lows. May God forgive those who voted for it


Danica Roem defeated incumbent delegate Bob Marshall, who had been elected 13 times over 26 years, for a seat in the Virginia House of Delegates. When Roem takes office, she will be the first openly transgender candidate to be elected and serve in a state legislative body.

Elections bring wins for minority, LGBT candidates - CNN
Good for her! :2up:

"Good for him! :2up:"

There I fixed it for you :funnyface:
Its more about substance winning over bullying.
Its no wonder this happened considering Trump's record low approval.
Perhaps people have had enough of racism, enough of giveaways to the rich. rejection of anti-intellectualism, etc.

Mean ole bullies. I want my mamaa.... bawahaaaaaa

Where are the cry rooms and ponies for all!

Who started this whining thread?

It's not whining. I get tired of hearing bully talk. Very childish

Demoquacks vote on emotion, much like they comment on this forum. They feel warm and fuzzy embracing freaks and being inclusive

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