Author of Transgender hate bathroom bill LOSES to, get this, a Trans ha ha tee hee giggle (burp)

MrClean and DFury got it correct , just for fun google up how taxpayer paid public school teacher are sexually messing with your kids , if that matters to you .
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It looks like the people of that district got tired of voting for a career politician.

But why now? Why not at any other point over the 25 years that guy served? What makes it special now?

Roem is a transgender former journalist who focused her race on the terrible traffic in the district, while Marshall is a longtime extreme culture warrior who sponsored the states bathroom bill, banning transgender people from using the bathroom that applies to their gender identity.



Good for her.

Seems GOP racism and hatred is energizing the Democrats. It looks like blacks and Hispanics are putting people over the top.

Transgender bathroom bill could cost Texas $3 billion a year, study says | Texas Legislature | Dallas News

North Carolina's 'bathroom bill' will cost the state $3.76 billion

Hate is expensive. Republicans are about to discover that.

Yeah, they got a seriously disturbed and confused man in an office of power. What could happen?
One year ago today.
As if they aren't already ruined...right?
As hard as it is to watch this shit and take it gotta believe this just furthers the divide between the Dirty Democratic Party and 2,623 counties (30 states)...right?
We might have to learn to embrace the madness, sit back, drink a beer and watch them hang themselves.

It's not helping them. They would be much better off speaking to the middle class.

er.... the dems won. :cuckoo:

and your repugs would do better not to speak to bigots.
After telling my Grandfather he did what he always did, ask me to roll him a cigarette...
My Papa was told and he cussed about it, but then again, he cussed at and about everything...
What would your grandfather think if he knew that one day there would be men in dresses that people would consider awesome, men in dresses would become elected officials, illegals would be protected by politicians, the U.S. flag and patriotism would be considered offensive to "citizens", "citizens" would be offended by our President proclaiming "American's First" and "Make America Great"
Who would have ever thought we'd get to this point in this nation? WTF went wrong?

he would still think America was "better than the tzar"....

why do you care? seems pretty screwed up.

and you seem to be ranting about this issue across multiple threads, nutter butter.
What would your grandfather think if he knew that one day there would be men in dresses that people would consider awesome, men in dresses would become elected officials, illegals would be protected by politicians, the U.S. flag and patriotism would be considered offensive to "citizens", "citizens" would be offended by our President proclaiming "American's First" and "Make America Great"
Who would have ever thought we'd get to this point in this nation? WTF went wrong?

he would still think America was "better than the tzar"....

why do you care? seems pretty screwed up.

and you seem to be ranting about this issue across multiple threads, nutter butter.
His indifference is wavering...
It looks like the people of that district got tired of voting for a career politician.

No. You are so wrong. No red blooded American would do such a thing ever. Kidding aside, a president Trump is just as weird as a freak tranny winning state office.
Demoquacks vote on emotion, much like they comment on this forum. They feel warm and fuzzy embracing freaks and being inclusive
Just like start an emotional or a whining thread.........complaining about Lefties emotions or whining......:lol:

Go away, you bring nothing but the same redundant shit, comment after comment.

You're a bore...and a fraud
Let us remember that the thread is not about's about the Dem win in Virginia and the delicious Irony of a trans woman beating the loser who was spending all his time thinking about naughty parts.
What would your grandfather think if he knew that one day there would be men in dresses that people would consider awesome, men in dresses would become elected officials, illegals would be protected by politicians, the U.S. flag and patriotism would be considered offensive to "citizens", "citizens" would be offended by our President proclaiming "American's First" and "Make America Great"
Who would have ever thought we'd get to this point in this nation? WTF went wrong?

And free blacks! What in the tarnation!
As if they aren't already ruined...right?
As hard as it is to watch this shit and take it gotta believe this just furthers the divide between the Dirty Democratic Party and 2,623 counties (30 states)...right?
We might have to learn to embrace the madness, sit back, drink a beer and watch them hang themselves.

It's not helping them. They would be much better off speaking to the middle class.

er.... the dems won. :cuckoo:

and your repugs would do better not to speak to bigots.

One small battle in one huge battle being fought among them selves. Hell, enjoy. Y'all needed to win at least on to justify all the fund raising. Doubt it keeps libtards in the game though. At least not the way you think it will.
Demoquacks vote on emotion, much like they comment on this forum. They feel warm and fuzzy embracing freaks and being inclusive
Just like start an emotional or a whining thread.........complaining about Lefties emotions or whining......:lol:

Go away, you bring nothing but the same redundant shit, comment after comment.

You're a bore...and a fraud
Let us remember that the thread is not about's about the Dem win in Virginia and the delicious Irony of a trans woman beating the loser who was spending all his time thinking about naughty parts.
I never win anything either thinking about naughty bits.....I am sure there will be no strapon administration movements..
The first openly transgender person elected and seated in a state legislature defeated her conservative Republican opponent in a closely watched Virginia election.

In a historic bid, Democrat Danica Roem beat Republican incumbent Bob Marshall, one of Virginia's most socially conservative lawmakers, in Tuesday's election in the northern Virginia district, according to The Associated Press.

Marshall has served in the House since 1992 and has been a lightning rod for controversy. He has often drawn the ire of even his own party.

Roem's gender identity wasn't a key part of her campaign.

Instead, she focused on jobs, schools and northern Virginia's traffic congestion.

Transgender Virginia candidate makes history and how other races to watch turned out
Today Channel 7 approached and wanted to know what I thought about the 1st tranny elected. I told them that anyone who would vote for an insane person who self mutilates themselves, deserves all the misery that this elections is going to provide. The news anchor turned away without the interview... I gave them the truth, they didn't like it...

As if they aren't already ruined...right?
As hard as it is to watch this shit and take it gotta believe this just furthers the divide between the Dirty Democratic Party and 2,623 counties (30 states)...right?
We might have to learn to embrace the madness, sit back, drink a beer and watch them hang themselves.

It's not helping them. They would be much better off speaking to the middle class.

er.... the dems won. :cuckoo:

and your repugs would do better not to speak to bigots.

One small battle in one huge battle being fought among them selves. Hell, enjoy. Y'all needed to win at least on to justify all the fund raising. Doubt it keeps libtards in the game though. At least not the way you think it will.

was that supposed to be a cogent thought?

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