Author of Transgender hate bathroom bill LOSES to, get this, a Trans ha ha tee hee giggle (burp)

It looks like the people of that district got tired of voting for a career politician.

No. You are so wrong. No red blooded American would do such a thing ever. Kidding aside, a president Trump is just as weird as a freak tranny winning state office.

I'll just sit back with a fine bourbon and enjoy watching the circus continue. lol
What would your grandfather think if he knew that one day there would be men in dresses that people would consider awesome, men in dresses would become elected officials, illegals would be protected by politicians, the U.S. flag and patriotism would be considered offensive to "citizens", "citizens" would be offended by our President proclaiming "American's First" and "Make America Great"
Who would have ever thought we'd get to this point in this nation? WTF went wrong?

And free blacks! What in the tarnation!
Those free blacks were free by Republicans who fought against Southern White Democrats.. Yeah, what when wrong, is instead of shooting communists in this country we allowed them to take office for the past 8 years...
What would your grandfather think if he knew that one day there would be men in dresses that people would consider awesome, men in dresses would become elected officials, illegals would be protected by politicians, the U.S. flag and patriotism would be considered offensive to "citizens", "citizens" would be offended by our President proclaiming "American's First" and "Make America Great"
Who would have ever thought we'd get to this point in this nation? WTF went wrong?
You're right about my grandfather not approving, he was ignorant, racist, and a misogynist.
and the bar has been set to all time lows. May God forgive those who voted for it


Danica Roem defeated incumbent delegate Bob Marshall, who had been elected 13 times over 26 years, for a seat in the Virginia House of Delegates. When Roem takes office, she will be the first openly transgender candidate to be elected and serve in a state legislative body.

Elections bring wins for minority, LGBT candidates - CNN
It's not really about the fact that it is not what it pretends to be. For me it's the fact that someone who is emotionally disturbed is given that kind of power over others.

You mean DT.
I ment exactly what I said. Sorry it confused you.

A person with a SERIOUS mental problem was just elected.

Leftism itself is a mental illness.


Today Channel 7 approached and wanted to know what I thought about the 1st tranny elected. I told them that anyone who would vote for an insane person who self mutilates themselves, deserves all the misery that this elections is going to provide. The news anchor turned away without the interview... I gave them the truth, they didn't like it..

No one believes this actually happened, or happened the way you describe it.
What would your grandfather think if he knew that one day there would be men in dresses that people would consider awesome, men in dresses would become elected officials, illegals would be protected by politicians, the U.S. flag and patriotism would be considered offensive to "citizens", "citizens" would be offended by our President proclaiming "American's First" and "Make America Great"
Who would have ever thought we'd get to this point in this nation? WTF went wrong?

Communism and coercion in place of freedom and opportunity.

That sounds about right.
What would your grandfather think if he knew that one day there would be men in dresses that people would consider awesome, men in dresses would become elected officials, illegals would be protected by politicians, the U.S. flag and patriotism would be considered offensive to "citizens", "citizens" would be offended by our President proclaiming "American's First" and "Make America Great"
Who would have ever thought we'd get to this point in this nation? WTF went wrong?
You're right about my grandfather not approving, he was ignorant, racist, and a misogynist.

Oh I get it..he was logical, moral, patriotic and proud. How terrible. weird, you're located in Virginia...haha.
I'm sure you're totally mentally stable.
and the bar has been set to all time lows. May God forgive those who voted for it


Danica Roem defeated incumbent delegate Bob Marshall, who had been elected 13 times over 26 years, for a seat in the Virginia House of Delegates. When Roem takes office, she will be the first openly transgender candidate to be elected and serve in a state legislative body.

Elections bring wins for minority, LGBT candidates - CNN
It's not really about the fact that it is not what it pretends to be. For me it's the fact that someone who is emotionally disturbed is given that kind of power over others.

You mean DT.
I ment exactly what I said. Sorry it confused you.

A person with a SERIOUS mental problem was just elected.
And his name is trump.

for not caring about someone else's sexuality? for thinking that your need to discriminate against others and spew hate?

I'd say the undue focus makes YOU a pervert. but thanks for playing. do you feel threatened because they turn you on?
You people only like it because it is a tranny

no. I like it because it is making you screwed up bigots sad.
Nobody knew about that 10 years ago. What a dumb thing for you to say. :cuckoo:
There were people who knew, but instead of exposing the whole crooked liberal war on women, it was kept under wraps, like any other typical event.

View attachment 159296
Like how Dubya covered up that there weren’t any WMD’s but you rubes were too addicted to American flag draped caskets coming home to care much.
Like how Dubya covered up that there weren’t any WMD’s but you rubes were too addicted to American flag draped caskets coming home to care much.
If The Bush Administration Lied About WMD, So Did These People -- Version 3.0 | John Hawkins' Right Wing News
Since we haven’t found WMD in Iraq, a lot of the anti-war/anti-Bush crowd is saying that the Bush administration lied about Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction. Well, if they’re going to claim that the Bush administration lied, then there sure are a lot of other people, including quite a few prominent Democrats, who have told the same “lies” since the inspectors pulled out of Iraq in 1998. Here are just a few examples that prove that the Bush administration didn’t lie about weapons of mass destruction…

The Defense Department has tallied 1,987 deaths. What is more striking, though, is more U.S. soldiers have been killed and wounded during President Barack Obama’s first term in office than former President George W. Bush’s two terms.


Conservatove playbook: upon losing argument, completely change the topic
You put up the shit about Bush, I responded with TRUTH and now you run like the spoiled, petulant , baby that you are...
You put up shit about Weinstein. Expecting me to be psychic 10 years ago. That was when you ran from the topic.
and the bar has been set to all time lows. May God forgive those who voted for it


Danica Roem defeated incumbent delegate Bob Marshall, who had been elected 13 times over 26 years, for a seat in the Virginia House of Delegates. When Roem takes office, she will be the first openly transgender candidate to be elected and serve in a state legislative body.

Elections bring wins for minority, LGBT candidates - CNN
It's not really about the fact that it is not what it pretends to be. For me it's the fact that someone who is emotionally disturbed is given that kind of power over others.

You mean DT.
I ment exactly what I said. Sorry it confused you.

A person with a SERIOUS mental problem was just elected.

Leftism itself is a mental illness.

View attachment 159305

View attachment 159302

Lumberjacks and fishermen kill themselves most often, does that mean they shouldn’t be allowed to serve their country?
Today Channel 7 approached and wanted to know what I thought about the 1st tranny elected. I told them that anyone who would vote for an insane person who self mutilates themselves, deserves all the misery that this elections is going to provide. The news anchor turned away without the interview... I gave them the truth, they didn't like it...

Only about 20% of transgenders end up getting genital reassignment surgery. Are you certain she has?

Meh - you're another uneducated loony bird
a chick with a dick beating a hard core conservative speaks volumes for conservatives.


Nah. Just shows what gullible rubes the Democrats are.

pssssssssssssssttttt ..

gullible rubes just kicked your ASS six ways from sunday ...


In a Democrat state. Big whoop. Northam can be blocked by the Republican advantage in the Senate, as was McAuliffe.

Gullibility: "He says he's a woman. He has been medically and surgically altered to look like a woman. Therefore, he is a woman. It doesn't matter that science says he is a man."

I have no dog in this hunt myself, but that's plainly stupid.

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