Autopsy Shows Israel Neglected Prisoner

I like this article describing the kingdom of God Jesus shows us. "This alternative political vision proved to be quite subversive. As people were invited to participate and form a community that sought to live according to this alternative politic, it challenged many of the norms of the current empire. It challenged those who responded to the invitation to be part of this community to imagine a different way of living in this world, a different way of interacting with one another. Rather than seeking dominion, this community was encouraged and taught to serve others. Rather than seeking mastery over others, they were taught to become servants of all. Rather than seeking wealth and comfort, Jesus challenged the economic system, teaching this community to share and distribute what they had so that everyone would have enough. Rather than hoarding what there was — living selfishly — Jesus taught to live selflessly. Rather than accepting violence and injustice as the norm, Jesus taught this community how to seek and make peace – shalom. Rather than accepting a system that creates and perpetuates violence and injustice, this community was taught ways to actively work at living rightly with one another. Put simply, the kingdom Jesus taught and the community of followers that were invited to participate in this kingdom challenged the basic assumptions of existing kingdoms of this world."
Since you are concerned with the way Christians are treated, why not give us a rundown of how Christians are treated in each Muslim country. However, let me give one article about what happened in our own country for the "will of Allah."
?The Will of Allah?: Ohio Church Service Turns Deadly After Man Reportedly Yells Islamic Rhetoric, Shoots His Father |
Since you are concerned with the way Christians are treated, why not give us a rundown of how Christians are treated in each Muslim country. However, let me give one article about what happened in our own country for the "will of Allah."
?The Will of Allah?: Ohio Church Service Turns Deadly After Man Reportedly Yells Islamic Rhetoric, Shoots His Father |

Wow, of course you would take a deranged guy to support your hateful agenda, there's already been a thread on that and someone like you tried to push their agenda and failed. There's a reason no one takes you seriously. You're not concerned about anything which most of what you see is non existent, you just use it to steam off your hatred. And it's even funnier when you keep telling us you're not a Christian, you're a crusader. Race bothers you, but what does it mean when those you cry about happen to be 'Ay-Rabs'.
Since you are concerned with the way Christians are treated, why not give us a rundown of how Christians are treated in each Muslim country. However, let me give one article about what happened in our own country for the "will of Allah."
?The Will of Allah?: Ohio Church Service Turns Deadly After Man Reportedly Yells Islamic Rhetoric, Shoots His Father |

Wow, of course you would take a deranged guy to support your hateful agenda, there's already been a thread on that and someone like you tried to push their agenda and failed. There's a reason no one takes you seriously. You're not concerned about anything which most of what you see is non existent, you just use it to steam off your hatred. And it's even funnier when you keep telling us you're not a Christian, you're a crusader. Race bothers you, but what does it mean when those you cry about happen to be 'Ay-Rabs'.
Why do you Hamas Islamic terrorist-loving pukes always come out with "Hossfly is a bigoted racist"? Give me an example. If my naked hatred for Islamic terrorists is bigoted racism, then sign me up. Otherwise keep yer lyin' trap shut.
AND I am reading The Third Intifada shall soon be starting, this from multiple sources! VIVA PALESTINA!


Just activist talk on Facebook, a student/photographer in Gaza, somebody in Hebron. Clashes in Hebron are going on for about three days straight now, two were killed in Hebron, I think. I hear Israel cut off water to multiple villages in the West Bank! Two prisoners killed by Israel in the past few months, one tortured to death, one died from medical negligence.
Satan is in your mirror. Stop pretending otherwise.

So funny, watching Christ rejectors accuse others of worshipping Satan!

I find it quite hilarious that Sherri constantly bashes Christ her friends over Gaza reject Christ and worship another God that has nothing to do with Christianity hahha

Keep it up Sherri !

YOUR post makes no sense, but I am happy to see you still spreading The Gospel!
It's getting anoying to see you pushing Christianity (And fake one, that is) to every hole like some desparate JW.

You should seriously stop that. That is low style kind of discussion.
I RESPOND to an insult I cannot even make any sense of and you accuse me of pushing Christianity?

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