Autopsy Shows Israel Neglected Prisoner

So funny, watching Christ rejectors accuse others of worshipping Satan!

I find it quite hilarious that Sherri constantly bashes Christ her friends over Gaza reject Christ and worship another God that has nothing to do with Christianity hahha

Keep it up Sherri !

YOUR post makes no sense, but I am happy to see you still spreading The Gospel!
I am sure Frau Sherri is ecstatic that this ex Muslim is spreading the Gospel. Her horns must be twitching over this.

Palestinian ex-Muslim hosts Evangelical TV program - Israel Today | Israel News
For the record none of the citations provided by the
islamo nazi sluts in this thread contained even the most
REMOTE EVIDENCE of medical neglect in the case of
the terrorist pig dead of throat cancer.

is one of the most idiotic statements anything remotely
connected to the practice of medicine could possible

In the USA----medical malpractice cases are not at all
difficult to bring before a court of law----but ALL
ARE REVIEWED after filing----and the really idiotic
ones simply rejected ----this one would have been
in the garbage can the day it was received

-------that sherri claims she is a lawyer is scary
I find it quite hilarious that Sherri constantly bashes Christ her friends over Gaza reject Christ and worship another God that has nothing to do with Christianity hahha

Keep it up Sherri !

YOUR post makes no sense, but I am happy to see you still spreading The Gospel!
I am sure Frau Sherri is ecstatic that this ex Muslim is spreading the Gospel. Her horns must be twitching over this.

Palestinian ex-Muslim hosts Evangelical TV program - Israel Today | Israel News

Who cares? LOL.
YOUR post makes no sense, but I am happy to see you still spreading The Gospel!
I am sure Frau Sherri is ecstatic that this ex Muslim is spreading the Gospel. Her horns must be twitching over this.

Palestinian ex-Muslim hosts Evangelical TV program - Israel Today | Israel News

Who cares? LOL.
We know that you, as a Muslim, could care less about Christianity, but Frau Sherri is always dragging up Jesus so she should be happy that this man is spreading the Gospel. Now go in the corner and sing "Give me that old time religion." After you finish singing, you can LOL all day long for all we care.

[ame=]Johnny Cash - Give Me That Old Time Religion - YouTube[/ame]
Ironically enough, Motek, is that the same "insult" was about you pushing Christianity to every argument. That's exactly the point...

No, it was not, it was all about him trying to divert attention from the thread! And it his him who spreads Christianity in every post, telling all of us about Jesus in every post he puts up here. But I have no problem with that, just your Hypocrisy in ignoring his proselytizing posts while accusing me of proselytizing. Now, Jesus, He certainly was one to point out Hypocrisy!

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YOUR post makes no sense, but I am happy to see you still spreading The Gospel!
I am sure Frau Sherri is ecstatic that this ex Muslim is spreading the Gospel. Her horns must be twitching over this.

Palestinian ex-Muslim hosts Evangelical TV program - Israel Today | Israel News

Who cares? LOL.


The man is an American Christian, why should that bother me?

And what is this about twitching horns, do horns twitch?

Have you been spending too much time in the deer woods with your animal buddies?

My dad used to make deer stands, but he went from a gun to using a bow and arrow many years ago, he said a gun was not a challenge, and I do not think he even hunts anymore. Sad, the challenge of the kill motivating the hunt! He even went on trips to Colorado and Canada to hunt.

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I am sure Frau Sherri is ecstatic that this ex Muslim is spreading the Gospel. Her horns must be twitching over this.

Palestinian ex-Muslim hosts Evangelical TV program - Israel Today | Israel News

Who cares? LOL.


The man is an American Christian, why should that bother me?

And what is this about twitching horns, do horns twitch?

Have you been spending too much time in the deer woods with your animal buddies?

My dad used to make deer stands, but he went from a gun to using a bow and arrow many years ago, he said a gun was not a challenge, and I do not think he even hunts anymore. Sad, the challenge of the kill motivating the hunt! He even went on trips to Colorado and Canada to hunt.


Jesus considered hunting animals and killing them with bows and arrows to be
a gross and vile and disgusting sin. For those who read the bible----there
are a few lines which describe "eating the limb of the living"----it is an allusion
to the filth of which which the kith and kin of sherri are guilty
Well now, if that is true about Jesus it certainly is something that was left out of The Gospels. You seem to have this conception that the people who lived in Palestine were vegetarians, I do not think that was true.
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Well now, if that is true about Jesus it certainly is something that was left out of The Gospels. You seem to have this conception that the people who lived in Palestine were vegetarians, I do not think that was true.
Well I certainly hope that when Jesus visits Frau Sherri, she has a nice brisket for him bought at a Kosher meat market. No doubt she will have some Manischewitz wine on hand that he can enjoy with his meal. Hide the pork chops, Frau Sherri. You don't want to shock him.
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Well now, if that is true about Jesus it certainly is something that was left out of The Gospels. You seem to have this conception that the people who lived in Palestine were vegetarians, I do not think that was true.

No, you ignorant idiot. Meat from animals which have been hunted is tainted by the animal's fear and pain: it has been forbidden to Jews since Sinai at least. The people like Jesus who lived in Judea (as it was known in his day) were Jews and would never have touched 'hunted' meat.
Who cares? LOL.


The man is an American Christian, why should that bother me?

And what is this about twitching horns, do horns twitch?

Have you been spending too much time in the deer woods with your animal buddies?

My dad used to make deer stands, but he went from a gun to using a bow and arrow many years ago, he said a gun was not a challenge, and I do not think he even hunts anymore. Sad, the challenge of the kill motivating the hunt! He even went on trips to Colorado and Canada to hunt.


Jesus considered hunting animals and killing them with bows and arrows to be
a gross and vile and disgusting sin.
For those who read the bible----there
are a few lines which describe "eating the limb of the living"----it is an allusion
to the filth of which which the kith and kin of sherri are guilty

This is absolutely true. The ONLY way that any flesh is acceptable is if it has been killed so quickly the animal had no time to feel pain OR fear before it was dead - even if it were of the acceptable species to consume.

The man is an American Christian, why should that bother me?

And what is this about twitching horns, do horns twitch?

Have you been spending too much time in the deer woods with your animal buddies?

My dad used to make deer stands, but he went from a gun to using a bow and arrow many years ago, he said a gun was not a challenge, and I do not think he even hunts anymore. Sad, the challenge of the kill motivating the hunt! He even went on trips to Colorado and Canada to hunt.


Jesus considered hunting animals and killing them with bows and arrows to be
a gross and vile and disgusting sin.
For those who read the bible----there
are a few lines which describe "eating the limb of the living"----it is an allusion
to the filth of which which the kith and kin of sherri are guilty

This is absolutely true. The ONLY way that any flesh is acceptable is if it has been killed so quickly the animal had no time to feel pain OR fear before it was dead - even if it were of the acceptable species to consume.

Marge poor sherri actually seems to believe she knows what she is reading ---
when she reads the bible -------I have to admit-----before I learned a bit of hebrew --
read some bits and pieces of talmud (not in aramaic---uhm --in english) some
hebrew literature and most of all became acquainted with law and custom etc----
and figured out some of the poetic allusions----I had no idea either. The sad
news is that SHE attends a bible class------she needs a different teacher----like
someone with a clue------every time she tells us what a verse in the bible means----
I GAG. She just uses some sort of standard sunday school for toddlers
For sherri----since you titled this thread "AUTOPSY SHOWS MEDICAL
NEGLECT"-----how about you tell us ----just what the finding in the autopsy
was or WERE ---that revealed "MEDICAL NEGLECT" I am fascinated ---
I certainly hope you do not conduct yourself in court regarding evidence ---in
the same idiotic manner in which you conduct yourself here.
Well now, if that is true about Jesus it certainly is something that was left out of The Gospels. You seem to have this conception that the people who lived in Palestine were vegetarians, I do not think that was true.

sherri-----forget what I said about reading the bible-----you have no idea what
it says In fact the NT is very very clear on the fact that jesus et al----were
adherents of torah law which prohibits hunting animals by killing them on the run
with bows and arrows Try to find a new "bible teacher" for your sunday bible
class In order to read the new testament -----you have to have some background
in the language usages and poetic allusions and symbolism employed by the
people of that time and place ----your situation is hopeless
I wonder if the ever mendacious sherri is going to tell
us just what about that autopsy revealed "medical neglect"
---for those interested in reality-----and not her racist filth

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