Average temperatures across the Northern Hemisphere have breached the 2 degrees Celsius above Normal

And you have repeatable lab experiments linking a 120PPM increase in CO2 to a 2C increase?

Yep, and we've shown then to you many times. You just pretend not to have seen it, so you can go happily pound sand now. At this point, we "win" this argument simply by pointing out you're a patholgocally dishonest cult drooler. Sucks to be you, but you shit your own bed, so enjoy sleeping in it now.

Remember, trolling is supposedly not allowed in the Environment folder. Hence, you should stop doing it. Quit trying to deflect every discussion with the same big lies. I know the lies are all you have, given that all the science says you're full of shit, but if you have nothing to say, then just don't say it here.
And you have repeatable lab experiments linking a 120PPM increase in CO2 to a 2C increase?

Yep, and we've shown then to you many times. You just pretend not to have seen it, so you can go happily pound sand now. At this point, we "win" this argument simply by pointing out you're a patholgocally dishonest cult drooler. Sucks to be you, but you shit your own bed, so enjoy sleeping in it now.

Remember, trolling is supposedly not allowed in the Environment folder. Hence, you should stop doing it. Quit trying to deflect every discussion with the same big lies. I know the lies are all you have, given that all the science says you're full of shit, but if you have nothing to say, then just don't say it here.

Show me one (1), just one that tests for a 120PPM increase
And you have repeatable lab experiments linking a 120PPM increase in CO2 to a 2C increase?

Yep, and we've shown then to you many times. You just pretend not to have seen it, so you can go happily pound sand now. At this point, we "win" this argument simply by pointing out you're a patholgocally dishonest cult drooler. Sucks to be you, but you shit your own bed, so enjoy sleeping in it now.

Remember, trolling is supposedly not allowed in the Environment folder. Hence, you should stop doing it. Quit trying to deflect every discussion with the same big lies. I know the lies are all you have, given that all the science says you're full of shit, but if you have nothing to say, then just don't say it here.

I think you're lying about the whole "we posted the experiment" narrative
Quick, build more windmills.....the planet is dying!!!!!
Oh, Toad-the-Parrot, you imagine that you are being funny, but you are just being very pathetic!

Pathetic, but much less expensive than pathetic windmill builders.
Nope! Wrong again, you poor retarded fool. Wind turbines produce valuable energy that allows them to pay for themselves fairly quickly.

You, on the other hand, are a pathetic denier cult imbecile, wasting your time posting bullshit and lies on two-bit Internet forums, living in your mother's basement and paying for nothing.

Nope! Wrong again, you poor retarded fool. Wind turbines produce valuable energy that allows them to pay for themselves fairly quickly.

Really? How long? 50 years? 60? Longer? Why don't you show me your calculations?
Use the actual output, not the theoretical, best case output. TIA

Actually, you poor brainwashed retard.....

Land-based wind farms are ahead when it comes to amortization, or in other words how long it takes a wind farm to produce the volume of energy that it consumes over its entire lifecycle. For an onshore facility, assuming an average wind speed of 8.5 meters per second, the amortization period is only 4.5 to 5.5 months. This figure also takes materials, production, construction, operation, maintenance, dismantling and recycling into account. Offshore wind farms, on the other hand, take a little longer – between 9.5 and 10.5 months – to offset their energy requirements. The study therefore shows that even though wind farms are supposedly energy-intensive to set up, they make up for their energy consumption within just a few months – out of a total expected service life of up to 25 years.
(source - PhysOrg)
Read more at: http://phys.org/news/2015-03-green-power.html#jCp

Land-based wind farms are ahead when it comes to amortization, or in other words how long it takes a wind farm to produce the volume of energy that it consumes over its entire lifecycle.

Average temperatures across the Northern Hemisphere
Based on how many data points? Over what period of time?
"Recorded history"....A hiccup in the grand scheme of things.
How many trillions are needed to stop the increase? You have that documented?
Great. How many trillions will stop the increase?
Uninhabitable? A few degrees will do that?
Chicago moves up and down more than that, people still manage to live here.
The dimwitted, anti-science ignorance of the denier cultists, plainly revealed for all to see.

It's warmer than it was when we came out of the Little Ice Age, quick, let's waste trillions on windmills. Durr.
Your ignorant stupidity only impresses your fellow denier cult retards, ToadtheParrot.

Quick, build more windmills.....the planet is dying!!!!!
As a matter of fact, more windmills and solar farms being built every day.

Yes, when we waste billions in taxpayer funds, a lot of stupid things get built.
Well, for sure we will find out just how fine that is. And people in power will be held responsible for there present actions on this issue.
For Christ's sake humans have survived far worse conditions with far less in terms of resources and technology it's how we became the dominant species. I'm pretty confident we can handle the earth being a little bit warmer
You are "pretty confident" based only on your abject ignorance and utter stupidity, EmptySkull. You have no idea what you are talking about, moron.
Oh, Toad-the-Parrot, you imagine that you are being funny, but you are just being very pathetic!

Pathetic, but much less expensive than pathetic windmill builders.
Nope! Wrong again, you poor retarded fool. Wind turbines produce valuable energy that allows them to pay for themselves fairly quickly.

You, on the other hand, are a pathetic denier cult imbecile, wasting your time posting bullshit and lies on two-bit Internet forums, living in your mother's basement and paying for nothing.

Nope! Wrong again, you poor retarded fool. Wind turbines produce valuable energy that allows them to pay for themselves fairly quickly.

Really? How long? 50 years? 60? Longer? Why don't you show me your calculations?
Use the actual output, not the theoretical, best case output. TIA

Actually, you poor brainwashed retard.....

Land-based wind farms are ahead when it comes to amortization, or in other words how long it takes a wind farm to produce the volume of energy that it consumes over its entire lifecycle. For an onshore facility, assuming an average wind speed of 8.5 meters per second, the amortization period is only 4.5 to 5.5 months. This figure also takes materials, production, construction, operation, maintenance, dismantling and recycling into account. Offshore wind farms, on the other hand, take a little longer – between 9.5 and 10.5 months – to offset their energy requirements. The study therefore shows that even though wind farms are supposedly energy-intensive to set up, they make up for their energy consumption within just a few months – out of a total expected service life of up to 25 years.
(source - PhysOrg)
Read more at: http://phys.org/news/2015-03-green-power.html#jCp

Land-based wind farms are ahead when it comes to amortization, or in other words how long it takes a wind farm to produce the volume of energy that it consumes over its entire lifecycle.

Land-based wind farms are ahead when it comes to amortization, or in other words how long it takes a wind farm to produce the volume of energy that it consumes over its entire lifecycle. For an onshore facility, assuming an average wind speed of 8.5 meters per second, the amortization period is only 4.5 to 5.5 months. This figure also takes materials, production, construction, operation, maintenance, dismantling and recycling into account. Offshore wind farms, on the other hand, take a little longer – between 9.5 and 10.5 months – to offset their energy requirements. The study therefore shows that even though wind farms are supposedly energy-intensive to set up, they make up for their energy consumption within just a few months – out of a total expected service life of up to 25 years.
(source - PhysOrg)
Read more at: http://phys.org/news/2015-03-green-power.html#jCp

You were given the amount right here for the totality of the energy that the turbine consumes in it's lifetime. Are you just playing dumb, or is that actually the case?
Pathetic, but much less expensive than pathetic windmill builders.
Nope! Wrong again, you poor retarded fool. Wind turbines produce valuable energy that allows them to pay for themselves fairly quickly.

You, on the other hand, are a pathetic denier cult imbecile, wasting your time posting bullshit and lies on two-bit Internet forums, living in your mother's basement and paying for nothing.

Nope! Wrong again, you poor retarded fool. Wind turbines produce valuable energy that allows them to pay for themselves fairly quickly.

Really? How long? 50 years? 60? Longer? Why don't you show me your calculations?
Use the actual output, not the theoretical, best case output. TIA

Actually, you poor brainwashed retard.....

Land-based wind farms are ahead when it comes to amortization, or in other words how long it takes a wind farm to produce the volume of energy that it consumes over its entire lifecycle. For an onshore facility, assuming an average wind speed of 8.5 meters per second, the amortization period is only 4.5 to 5.5 months. This figure also takes materials, production, construction, operation, maintenance, dismantling and recycling into account. Offshore wind farms, on the other hand, take a little longer – between 9.5 and 10.5 months – to offset their energy requirements. The study therefore shows that even though wind farms are supposedly energy-intensive to set up, they make up for their energy consumption within just a few months – out of a total expected service life of up to 25 years.
(source - PhysOrg)
Read more at: http://phys.org/news/2015-03-green-power.html#jCp

Land-based wind farms are ahead when it comes to amortization, or in other words how long it takes a wind farm to produce the volume of energy that it consumes over its entire lifecycle.

Land-based wind farms are ahead when it comes to amortization, or in other words how long it takes a wind farm to produce the volume of energy that it consumes over its entire lifecycle. For an onshore facility, assuming an average wind speed of 8.5 meters per second, the amortization period is only 4.5 to 5.5 months. This figure also takes materials, production, construction, operation, maintenance, dismantling and recycling into account. Offshore wind farms, on the other hand, take a little longer – between 9.5 and 10.5 months – to offset their energy requirements. The study therefore shows that even though wind farms are supposedly energy-intensive to set up, they make up for their energy consumption within just a few months – out of a total expected service life of up to 25 years.
(source - PhysOrg)
Read more at: http://phys.org/news/2015-03-green-power.html#jCp

You were given the amount right here for the totality of the energy that the turbine consumes in it's lifetime. Are you just playing dumb, or is that actually the case?

the volume of energy that it consumes over its entire lifecycle.

Nobody cares about that. The important figure is amortization: to pay off (as a mortgage) gradually usually by periodic payments of principal and interest or by payments to a sinking fund.

Get it? You fucking twit.
Money, not energy.
Having trouble reading Todd?

"This figure also takes materials, production, construction, operation, maintenance, dismantling and recycling into account"
Nope! Wrong again, you poor retarded fool. Wind turbines produce valuable energy that allows them to pay for themselves fairly quickly.

You, on the other hand, are a pathetic denier cult imbecile, wasting your time posting bullshit and lies on two-bit Internet forums, living in your mother's basement and paying for nothing.

Nope! Wrong again, you poor retarded fool. Wind turbines produce valuable energy that allows them to pay for themselves fairly quickly.

Really? How long? 50 years? 60? Longer? Why don't you show me your calculations?
Use the actual output, not the theoretical, best case output. TIA

Actually, you poor brainwashed retard.....

Land-based wind farms are ahead when it comes to amortization, or in other words how long it takes a wind farm to produce the volume of energy that it consumes over its entire lifecycle. For an onshore facility, assuming an average wind speed of 8.5 meters per second, the amortization period is only 4.5 to 5.5 months. This figure also takes materials, production, construction, operation, maintenance, dismantling and recycling into account. Offshore wind farms, on the other hand, take a little longer – between 9.5 and 10.5 months – to offset their energy requirements. The study therefore shows that even though wind farms are supposedly energy-intensive to set up, they make up for their energy consumption within just a few months – out of a total expected service life of up to 25 years.
(source - PhysOrg)
Read more at: http://phys.org/news/2015-03-green-power.html#jCp
Land-based wind farms are ahead when it comes to amortization, or in other words how long it takes a wind farm to produce the volume of energy that it consumes over its entire lifecycle. For an onshore facility, assuming an average wind speed of 8.5 meters per second, the amortization period is only 4.5 to 5.5 months. This figure also takes materials, production, construction, operation, maintenance, dismantling and recycling into account. Offshore wind farms, on the other hand, take a little longer – between 9.5 and 10.5 months – to offset their energy requirements. The study therefore shows that even though wind farms are supposedly energy-intensive to set up, they make up for their energy consumption within just a few months – out of a total expected service life of up to 25 years.
(source - PhysOrg)
What?....too many big words for you to understand, Toad-the-Parrot?

In short words then, you poor retard....a land based wind turbine produces enough energy in about the first five months of its operation to pay for all of the energy it takes to manufacture and operate the wind turbine. After that, for the next 25 years, the energy it produces is virtually free. And, as the article states..."This figure also takes materials, production, construction, operation, maintenance, dismantling and recycling into account."
The mills are producing power for as low as 3.7 cents per kilowatt. They are not selling that power for less than what the other methods of production are. Therefore, their amortization rate is far faster than the other methods, such as coal and gas. The only infrastructure needed is a grid. Unlike coal and natural gas.
Well, for sure we will find out just how fine that is. And people in power will be held responsible for there present actions on this issue.
For Christ's sake humans have survived far worse conditions with far less in terms of resources and technology it's how we became the dominant species. I'm pretty confident we can handle the earth being a little bit warmer
You are "pretty confident" based only on your abject ignorance and utter stupidity, EmptySkull. You have no idea what you are talking about, moron.

Yes I know we're all gonna die.

What's it like to live in fear?
Each and everyone of us is going to die. That is the circle of life. What we do in our lives that make it better or worse for our children will be the measure of our value to society.
Well, for sure we will find out just how fine that is. And people in power will be held responsible for there present actions on this issue.
For Christ's sake humans have survived far worse conditions with far less in terms of resources and technology it's how we became the dominant species. I'm pretty confident we can handle the earth being a little bit warmer
You are "pretty confident" based only on your abject ignorance and utter stupidity, EmptySkull. You have no idea what you are talking about, moron.
Yes I know we're all gonna die.
What's it like to live in fear?

What is it like to live as an ignorant brainless retard, EmptySkull? You are obviously the expert in that area.

Did the facts about wind turbines ever manage to penetrate that empty skull of yours? Like...this fact....a land based wind turbine produces enough energy in about the first five months of its operation to pay for all of the energy it takes to manufacture and operate the wind turbine. After that, for the next 25 years, the energy it produces is virtually free. And, as the article states..."This figure also takes materials, production, construction, operation, maintenance, dismantling and recycling into account."
Well, for sure we will find out just how fine that is. And people in power will be held responsible for there present actions on this issue.
For Christ's sake humans have survived far worse conditions with far less in terms of resources and technology it's how we became the dominant species. I'm pretty confident we can handle the earth being a little bit warmer
You are "pretty confident" based only on your abject ignorance and utter stupidity, EmptySkull. You have no idea what you are talking about, moron.
Yes I know we're all gonna die.
What's it like to live in fear?

What is it like to live as an ignorant brainless retard, EmptySkull? You are obviously the expert in that area.

Did the facts about wind turbines ever manage to penetrate that empty skull of yours? Like...this fact....a land based wind turbine produces enough energy in about the first five months of its operation to pay for all of the energy it takes to manufacture and operate the wind turbine. After that, for the next 25 years, the energy it produces is virtually free. And, as the article states..."This figure also takes materials, production, construction, operation, maintenance, dismantling and recycling into account."

You do realize that wind turbines only produce on average 30% or less of their nominal rating don't you? And the life of a turbine is less than 25 years

So if you want to to use real world numbers then you have to first more than triple the number of windmills to actually see the output used in calculations
Each and everyone of us is going to die. That is the circle of life. What we do in our lives that make it better or worse for our children will be the measure of our value to society.
I don't have any kids and could give a fuck about society.

The facts are that there is no possible way wind and solar will meet our current and future demands for power

A fact you all want to ignore
Well now, when they produce power 33% of the time at half the cost of the other sources of power, then they are still doing well. And when the do produce power, here in the northwest, that is water that we have in reserve for hydro-power later in the year. You see, you are trying to pretend like we are going to replace all our power with windmills, when that is just one part of the power formula. And a very good part.
Each and everyone of us is going to die. That is the circle of life. What we do in our lives that make it better or worse for our children will be the measure of our value to society.
I don't have any kids and could give a fuck about society.

The facts are that there is no possible way wind and solar will meet our current and future demands for power

A fact you all want to ignore
Then why should any body give a fuck about you, or anything you say or think? You just as well be a cow out in a field. On second thought, the cow is more useful.

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