Awesome News! Trump Administration To Send Migrant Children To Former Japanese Internment Camp

So whats your solution?
There are no ready solutions to a refugee crisis. You do the best you can with kindness in your heart. Whatever their ultimate fate these people are not criminals despite the way they are characterized by the right. They have been through more hardship than we could ever know and just need a safe place to be. They have done nothing to deserve the harsh treatment they are getting, especially the children.

If we are really serious about stopping central American migrants then we need a new Marshall plan that includes everything up to invasion and regime change to stabilize the banana republics.

Don't like that idea? I don't really like it either but it's what it would take.

So you want to invade mexico?
I'm all for it myself but liberals would have a shit fit and we both know it'll never happen.
The best plan of action at this point is to militarize the border.
But of course liberals would pitch a bitch about that as well.

In fact liberals dont want any controls on the border as they've proven over and over again.
It is quite possible to do everything Trump wants to do without being horrible dicks but apparently you people like that part best.

The idea of militarizing the border smells exactly like the security measures that went into effect after 9/11 and just never went away. I do not trust republicans to implement unprecedented security measures without costing us further liberty.

Yep, much better to wait for the Democrats security measures of 'do nothing'.
What you call nothing cost billions of dollars a year in border enforcement and is now as effective as it ever was. Democrats object to Trump using these people as a scare tactic and treating them like garbage. We are not mean people and do not like atrocity being committed in our name. Just make sure these people are housed humanely and treated well while their asylum applications are processed and a lot of this fuss will go away. Locking people in concentration camps with squalid conditions does not bother you but it is a national embarrassment.

Where were you when obama was putting children in the same place?
Cruelty is the Reason.
No it's not!
Yes it is, you would not accept any immigration policy that did not willfully treat these people horribly. You can even claim it's supposed to be a deterrent but we all know it's to feed your sadism you sicko.

So whats your solution?
There are no ready solutions to a refugee crisis. You do the best you can with kindness in your heart. Whatever their ultimate fate these people are not criminals despite the way they are characterized by the right. They have been through more hardship than we could ever know and just need a safe place to be. They have done nothing to deserve the harsh treatment they are getting, especially the children.

If we are really serious about stopping central American migrants then we need a new Marshall plan that includes everything up to invasion and regime change to stabilize the banana republics.

Don't like that idea? I don't really like it either but it's what it would take.

Or you know... instead of invading countries which has worked amazing every time it's been tried, we could just secure our borders... a radical idea. But that's a bit difficult to admit to you since you have opposed such measures on every turn possible.
Cruelty is the Reason.
No it's not!
Yes it is, you would not accept any immigration policy that did not willfully treat these people horribly. You can even claim it's supposed to be a deterrent but we all know it's to feed your sadism you sicko.

So whats your solution?
There are no ready solutions to a refugee crisis. You do the best you can with kindness in your heart. Whatever their ultimate fate these people are not criminals despite the way they are characterized by the right. They have been through more hardship than we could ever know and just need a safe place to be. They have done nothing to deserve the harsh treatment they are getting, especially the children.

If we are really serious about stopping central American migrants then we need a new Marshall plan that includes everything up to invasion and regime change to stabilize the banana republics.

Don't like that idea? I don't really like it either but it's what it would take.

Refugee crisis my ass.

The crisis is the fake asylum seekers at our borders and the illegals who come across our border by the thousands each year.

I couldn't care less about illegal kids. Those kids are the responsibility of their parents. Not the tax payers of the US.

We already have 20 million illegals in America and we sure don't need any more. They cost we tax payers billions each year.

They should all be booted back to Mexico.
Cruelty is the Reason.
No it's not!
Yes it is, you would not accept any immigration policy that did not willfully treat these people horribly. You can even claim it's supposed to be a deterrent but we all know it's to feed your sadism you sicko.

So whats your solution?
There are no ready solutions to a refugee crisis. You do the best you can with kindness in your heart. Whatever their ultimate fate these people are not criminals despite the way they are characterized by the right. They have been through more hardship than we could ever know and just need a safe place to be. They have done nothing to deserve the harsh treatment they are getting, especially the children.

If we are really serious about stopping central American migrants then we need a new Marshall plan that includes everything up to invasion and regime change to stabilize the banana republics.

Don't like that idea? I don't really like it either but it's what it would take.

Or you know... instead of invading countries which has worked amazing every time it's been tried, we could just secure our borders... a radical idea. But that's a bit difficult to admit to you since you have opposed such measures on every turn possible.

Yup. Build the wall so no more can get in then we can boot the 20 million who are hear right the hell out.

It will save we tax payers billions each year and protect Americans who are robbed, raped and murdered by illegals every year.
The Obama administration used Fort Sill from June to early August in 2014 to house unaccompanied child illegals during the border crisis of that year.

Here's the problem. Obama housed UNACCOMPANIED minors. Trump is taking kids away from their parents, and then losing track of them. Obama only used this stopgap measure for a few months. We are on year three of the Trump Concentration camps.
The Obama administration used Fort Sill from June to early August in 2014 to house unaccompanied child illegals during the border crisis of that year.

Here's the problem. Obama housed UNACCOMPANIED minors. Trump is taking kids away from their parents, and then losing track of them. Obama only used this stopgap measure for a few months. We are on year three of the Trump Concentration camps.

No, moron.....he is separating them from the criminals who are using them as cover........big difference....and if morons like you in congress would change the law, he could keep them with their families until their court cases were heard......
The Obama administration used Fort Sill from June to early August in 2014 to house unaccompanied child illegals during the border crisis of that year.

Here's the problem. Obama housed UNACCOMPANIED minors. Trump is taking kids away from their parents, and then losing track of them. Obama only used this stopgap measure for a few months. We are on year three of the Trump Concentration camps.

No, moron.....he is separating them from the criminals who are using them as cover........big difference....and if morons like you in congress would change the law, he could keep them with their families until their court cases were heard......
Joe believes the government should leave them in the hands of child molesters.
Can’t lock up the dangerous brown children fast enough.

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Stop with the skin color thing you guilt ridden freak.....they are illegal color matters not one bit....

Is that why we're all freaking out about our northern border as well? Because of all the white people crossing illegally?
I say it’s time to go Hitler 2.0 on the filthy wetbacks....
Can’t lock up the dangerous brown children fast enough.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Stop with the skin color thing you guilt ridden freak.....they are illegal color matters not one bit....

Is that why we're all freaking out about our northern border as well? Because of all the white people crossing illegally?
If we had thousands of Canadians marching across our norther border you bet your ass we would be doing something about it....and the libs wouldn't say shit because they would be see that is where racism comes in to play....its on your side bucko.....
Can’t lock up the dangerous brown children fast enough.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Stop with the skin color thing you guilt ridden freak.....they are illegal color matters not one bit....

Is that why we're all freaking out about our northern border as well? Because of all the white people crossing illegally?
If we had thousands of Canadians marching across our norther border you bet your ass we would be doing something about it....and the libs wouldn't say shit because they would be see that is where racism comes in to play....its on your side bucko.....

Highly unlikely.

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Can’t lock up the dangerous brown children fast enough.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Stop with the skin color thing you guilt ridden freak.....they are illegal color matters not one bit....

Is that why we're all freaking out about our northern border as well? Because of all the white people crossing illegally?
Nothing scares me more than educated Canadians roaming the suburbs.

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