Aye Carumba! Economic prodigy Ocasio-Cortez wants to know how GOP are going to pay for the tax cuts

I think the point many are missing, is that no matter how much the government takes from the people, it will always spend way more. Is it greedy not wanting to throw your money down a rat hole? The republican's won't take on entitlements, and the dems want to expand them. Gator has a point here. As soon as anybody says hey, this entitlement spending is nuts and unsustainable, the voter will squeal like a stuck pig, and the media will squeal even louder. I don't see how this gives the government the right to seize an unlimited amount of American's income. That helps how exactly? The government would literally throw it in an oven and cook it.

Most brilliant and sensible thing I've read so far today.
Being ignorant of how things work does not change the fact that tax cuts do not, and cannot, "drive us further into debt".

anything that reduces revenue while not reducing spending drives us further into debt. It is a simple concept. If you are spending more than you make and then you get a pay cut and keep spending the same amount, you will go even further into debt.

What you are actually saying is that the government fully intends to spend far more than it can afford, and FAR, FAR more than it should, and rather than addressing that problem, you want to blame the American people for "selfishly" wanting to keep what they have earned instead of handing it over for you to play with.

The American people are the problem, they like you want your cake and to eat it too. The American people keep voting into power people that want expand and grow the size and expense of government. The GOP will run on cutting taxes without a word about spending and people will go "yeah, an extra 20 bucks a week", while we are adding another billion dollars a day to the debt so that our children can pay it for us. That is the very epitome of selfish.

Except that tax cuts don't reduce revenue, unless you're talking about some fantasy land dreamed up by 5th graders where the economy is a zero-sum game. In the real world, the fact that tax cuts increase revenue is so axiomatic, even dumbass leftist economists accept it . . . unless they're talking to three-toothed hicks who'll buy anything shiny for a nickel.

Tax cuts have never increased tax revenue, this is a lie your party masters tell you, but it is indeed a lie.

Since the tax cut was instituted 5 of the 7 months have had less revenue than the previous year. Through July 2018 is barely above 2017 thru July and that is only because April was a record setting month. April was so high because people were paying the remainder of their taxes owed from 2017 that were not covered by payroll deductions.

When the numbers come out for Aug we will be under 2017.

Also, spending from Jan to Sept stayed the same as it was from Oct to Jan since it is the same budget. Yet after the tax cuts kicked in we started adding more than 1 billion dollars to the debt per day...on top of what we were already adding.

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No its not a headline at the Onion.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez @Ocasio2018

US House candidate, NY-14

The House GOP wants to add *another* $2.4 trillion in tax cuts after already cutting $2 trillion in taxes on corporations & the very rich last December.

You ever notice how no one asks the GOP how *they’re* going to pay for it?

'Sit this one out, CLOWN'! Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez totally FACEPLANTS over GOP tax cuts

Have the GOP made reciprocal cuts in spending, genius?

Would the Democrats let them get away with it if they tried, moron?

Good question. Why haven't they tried?
We don't have "money", we have notes of debt. REAL money has an intrinsic value. Audit the foreign owned Federal Reserve, confiscate it's holdings and then nationalize it. Write off the debt by shutting down USA.INC and return to being a republic like our founders set it up to be.

It's time to stop dealing with the debt our leftist shitheads have rung up in the name of LBJ's "great society"...the $22T we're down is the exact amount spent on grievance and give aways since 1965. Default immediately while a good portion of our debt is owned by foreigners. We end the interest payments and cut taxes in half. Then we vow and codify that either a budget is balanced or can't be produced which immediately shuts down the government until it's balanced. Trump could initiate this...he's so hated already, it can't do any political damage and within a few years he'd be heralded as the greatest President of all time. We can't pay it off, it's too much to deal with so why wait?

That is incorrect.

FAR and away most of America's debt is owned by Americans.


Who owns America's debt?

Meant to include Tom Horn's post above.
Well, the good thing is that we'll see how supply side works. The deficit is ballooning. So, we should expect to see enough of an increase in tax receipts brought on by growth that they will more than "pay for" the tax cuts.

We're paying for this growth and laying it off on our kids, again. Let's see if it ends up paying for itself. If not...
Federal government has no claim to those taxes so it’s not theirs to begin its best to tell the fucking federal government to fuck off and die....motherfuckers
Yes they do

It’s in the Constitution
Taxation without representation
She has a point .

Is the government supposed to run on smiles and sunshine?
The federal government should be accountable, they are far from accountable You motherfucking piece of shit.

Quit falling down the well

They are not accountable because people like you keep voting for the same people, never holding them accountable

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I’ve never voted for a career politician you stupid ass motherfucker

No its not a headline at the Onion.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez @Ocasio2018

US House candidate, NY-14

The House GOP wants to add *another* $2.4 trillion in tax cuts after already cutting $2 trillion in taxes on corporations & the very rich last December.

You ever notice how no one asks the GOP how *they’re* going to pay for it?

'Sit this one out, CLOWN'! Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez totally FACEPLANTS over GOP tax cuts
$7 tickets for permiso to climb thr wall. Simple verdad ?

No its not a headline at the Onion.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez @Ocasio2018

US House candidate, NY-14

The House GOP wants to add *another* $2.4 trillion in tax cuts after already cutting $2 trillion in taxes on corporations & the very rich last December.

You ever notice how no one asks the GOP how *they’re* going to pay for it?

'Sit this one out, CLOWN'! Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez totally FACEPLANTS over GOP tax cuts

There's no such thing as a stupid question. Only stupid people who jump up and down and shout "WHAT A STUPID QUESTION!!" because they don't have an answer.

Yeah, sorry. Googly-Eyes just made that cliche obsolete. Turns out there IS such a thing as a stupid question, and that was it.

As stupid as she is, this is a pretty mundane question.

No, it's common, because there are a lot of economically-ignorant, brainwashed people in this country. However, SHE is not just some face-in-the-herd voter; she's a prospective member of Congress.

How commonly this question is asked does not make it mundane; if anything, it highlights just how egregious it is.

It's a semantics argument, at best. And an ill advised one at that.

No its not a headline at the Onion.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez @Ocasio2018

US House candidate, NY-14

The House GOP wants to add *another* $2.4 trillion in tax cuts after already cutting $2 trillion in taxes on corporations & the very rich last December.

You ever notice how no one asks the GOP how *they’re* going to pay for it?

'Sit this one out, CLOWN'! Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez totally FACEPLANTS over GOP tax cuts

There's no such thing as a stupid question. Only stupid people who jump up and down and shout "WHAT A STUPID QUESTION!!" because they don't have an answer.

Yeah, sorry. Googly-Eyes just made that cliche obsolete. Turns out there IS such a thing as a stupid question, and that was it.

As stupid as she is, this is a pretty mundane question.

No, it's common, because there are a lot of economically-ignorant, brainwashed people in this country. However, SHE is not just some face-in-the-herd voter; she's a prospective member of Congress.

How commonly this question is asked does not make it mundane; if anything, it highlights just how egregious it is.

It's a semantics argument, at best. And an ill advised one at that.

Nope. Sorry. You don't get to just wave it away and demand that a flawed worldview be accepted without challenge.
It’s their money. Left wingers let you keep some.

Gubmint owns you if you are a left winger.
She has a point .

Is the government supposed to run on smiles and sunshine?

It's a great question. Considering the fact that the Dems will control the money after the midterms. And since the compromise spending bill just passed, dotard and the MAGAmites in the House now have no choice except shut down the government ahead of the mid terms, or except whatever deal the Dems give Trump next year.

Nice tax scam you got there. Be a real shame if something happened to it.
She has a point .

Is the government supposed to run on smiles and sunshine?
The federal government should be accountable, they are far from accountable You motherfucking piece of shit.

Quit falling down the well

They are not accountable because people like you keep voting for the same people, never holding them accountable

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I’ve never voted for a career politician you stupid ass motherfucker

Yeah right! You know you vote straight line party

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
She has a point .

Is the government supposed to run on smiles and sunshine?
The federal government should be accountable, they are far from accountable You motherfucking piece of shit.

Quit falling down the well

They are not accountable because people like you keep voting for the same people, never holding them accountable

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
I’ve never voted for a career politician you stupid ass motherfucker

Yeah right! You know you vote straight line party

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Like I said I’ve never voted for career politician in my life, because none of them suit my interests
It's 'caramba', not 'carumba', but point made. OP doesn't much like a Latina getting so much publicity. Especially a liberal who doesn't believe most of the gains made in our economy need to go the the major corporations and top half of one percenters like most conservatives on this board seem to believe. Let's do something for the average person and the outright down and out folks. Decent and affordable health care and higher education for starters, if we ever expect to catch up with more modern first world countries.

The problem is, you people want / need to stay trapped in a never ending perpetual cycle...you love poverty stricken filth...for every one “average person” or person “down and out” you want to help you want to move in three more illegal Mexicans...It wouldn’t make any sense to stop fostering illegal Mexicans whom bring the averages way down would it?

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