Ocasio-Cortez floats 70 percent tax on rich to pay for 'Green New Deal'

Its like she wants people to be poor.
Thats way to soon.
Then again, she is a short sighted dummy.
I told you all she would be fun and provide hours of laughs and lots of frustration for establishment Democrats.
She can say this stuff all she wants the majority of the Democratic party can pretend to agree with her if they want but the majority of Democrats get most of their campaign money from the rich same as Republicans and neither is going to do anything to risk losing that.
Sometimes I really wonder if she isn’t a plant. Is she really this dumb?!?
Sometimes I really wonder if she isn’t a plant. Is she really this dumb?!?
Honestly I think she is just very naive and is someone who has had very little real life experience and has not figured out the real world works very differently from what she was told in college.
Stupid shits on the left never stop to think there may be dire consequences to taxing the crap out of the job producers. God they are dumb.

It was at 70% before Reagan started the Republican give aways to the rich. .

When did Reagan give money to the rich?

Tax breaks, fool. Why play dumb?

Give a serious response if you can.

Look who's talking about making serious comments. You're the one claiming a tax cut is a give away when it is in fact no such thing, but you already know that. However, you frame it that way on purpose as an appeal to emotion because it's sounds so much more palatable to the takers to say the government is giving money away to rich people as opposed to the truth which is they are confiscating less of the money people rightfully earned through their labor or smart investment. 70% income tax rates have no place in a nation that holds itself up as the pillar of free market capitalism and it's unconscionable that such rates were ever implemented. That is an economic policy based on envy, jealousy, and greed to placate people like you despite the fact you'll never see any personal benefit from it.

Still nothing? I knew you couldn't speak to it.

The tax rates for the highest earners were at 70% or above for most of the 20th century. Certainly during the period of prosperity after WWII when America was the world standard
of "free market capitalism". Tax rates have nothing to do with free markets.
Braindead commie Cortez seems to think people making over $600,000 a year should pay their "fair share", which is 70%. If she and her fellow commie leftists get their way, people would lose their homes and businesses because they wouldn't have enough money left to maintain their property.

She also wants to make it law that we are only using renewable energy in 12 years. Keep in mind, this has yet to be discovered/invented so I guess we would likely freeze to death and have no vehicles to drive to work because it would be illegal to use anything other than this yet-to-be-invented energy source.

Scary part is that she has supporters and even the leftist media treat her as if she should be taken seriously.

And when the rich decide to just retire because it's not worth working for a small percent of what they make, what will happen then? You guessed it, the money runs out. Then it's time for a real dictatorship, where they confiscate all the money in the banks and properties. If feds take 70% and states continue to take more, there won't be much left for the people who actually earned the money.

And, of course, no intent for government to cut spending. At least not their spending. The people will be forced to cut spending because they won't have any money to spend. Many wouldn't have enough to keep up the lifestyle they earned for themselves.

This is the new Dem party, folks. The extremists took over and the remaining ones are going along with this shit.

Add to that the fact that they want to eliminate electoral voting and we are headed straight for tyranny.

Ocasio-Cortez floats 70 percent tax on rich to pay for 'Green New Deal'

I hope she is able to do it! Just think. Revenue will dry up as the wealthy leave, and then the whole system will come crashing down on her head. Go for it!
George Romney didn’t leave the country when his taxes were that high. Neither did millions of other wealthy.
She can say this stuff all she wants the majority of the Democratic party can pretend to agree with her if they want but the majority of Democrats get most of their campaign money from the rich same as Republicans and neither is going to do anything to risk losing that.
Maybe you haven't noticed but the majority of Dems do NOT agree with her...but it's a discussion we need to have...and THAT is the point
Sometimes I really wonder if she isn’t a plant. Is she really this dumb?!?
Honestly I think she is just very naive and is someone who has had very little real life experience and has not figured out the real world works very differently from what she was told in college.

Tell us about the real world, professor.

Can you show us the gains made for everyday Americans as a result of tax cuts for the wealthiest over the last forty years?
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and Georgetown TX is going broke......recent news item posted multiple times here


Sometimes I really wonder if she isn’t a plant. Is she really this dumb?!?
Honestly I think she is just very naive and is someone who has had very little real life experience and has not figured out the real world works very differently from what she was told in college.

Tell us about the real world, professor.

Can you show us the gains made for everyday Americans as a result of tax cuts for the wealthiest over the last forty years?
Take a look at current economy as compared to the one we had for the last eight years under the lets tax the rich more that fixes everything mindset proffesor.
Braindead commie Cortez seems to think people making over $600,000 a year should pay their "fair share", which is 70%. If she and her fellow commie leftists get their way, people would lose their homes and businesses because they wouldn't have enough money left to maintain their property.

She also wants to make it law that we are only using renewable energy in 12 years. Keep in mind, this has yet to be discovered/invented so I guess we would likely freeze to death and have no vehicles to drive to work because it would be illegal to use anything other than this yet-to-be-invented energy source.

Scary part is that she has supporters and even the leftist media treat her as if she should be taken seriously.

And when the rich decide to just retire because it's not worth working for a small percent of what they make, what will happen then? You guessed it, the money runs out. Then it's time for a real dictatorship, where they confiscate all the money in the banks and properties. If feds take 70% and states continue to take more, there won't be much left for the people who actually earned the money.

And, of course, no intent for government to cut spending. At least not their spending. The people will be forced to cut spending because they won't have any money to spend. Many wouldn't have enough to keep up the lifestyle they earned for themselves.

This is the new Dem party, folks. The extremists took over and the remaining ones are going along with this shit.

Add to that the fact that they want to eliminate electoral voting and we are headed straight for tyranny.

Ocasio-Cortez floats 70 percent tax on rich to pay for 'Green New Deal'
Crazy eyes has zero credibility
Braindead commie Cortez seems to think people making over $600,000 a year should pay their "fair share", which is 70%. If she and her fellow commie leftists get their way, people would lose their homes and businesses because they wouldn't have enough money left to maintain their property.

She also wants to make it law that we are only using renewable energy in 12 years. Keep in mind, this has yet to be discovered/invented so I guess we would likely freeze to death and have no vehicles to drive to work because it would be illegal to use anything other than this yet-to-be-invented energy source.

Scary part is that she has supporters and even the leftist media treat her as if she should be taken seriously.

And when the rich decide to just retire because it's not worth working for a small percent of what they make, what will happen then? You guessed it, the money runs out. Then it's time for a real dictatorship, where they confiscate all the money in the banks and properties. If feds take 70% and states continue to take more, there won't be much left for the people who actually earned the money.

And, of course, no intent for government to cut spending. At least not their spending. The people will be forced to cut spending because they won't have any money to spend. Many wouldn't have enough to keep up the lifestyle they earned for themselves.

This is the new Dem party, folks. The extremists took over and the remaining ones are going along with this shit.

Add to that the fact that they want to eliminate electoral voting and we are headed straight for tyranny.

Ocasio-Cortez floats 70 percent tax on rich to pay for 'Green New Deal'

I hope she is able to do it! Just think. Revenue will dry up as the wealthy leave, and then the whole system will come crashing down on her head. Go for it!
George Romney didn’t leave the country when his taxes were that high. Neither did millions of other wealthy.

You seem to forget (or maybe ignore) the fact there were so many loopholes built into that system that no one paid near the rates they were "supposed" to. Why do you ignore commonly known facts like that? Are you just completely dishonest?
France already tried that with nearly comical results. Einstein's definition of madness is to keep repeating the same action while expecting a different result.

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