Ayn Rand Kids

Just out of curiosity, and this is a very real question, where in the heck did all you Ayn Rand kids come from? How did you bump into her? What did she write that so resonates with you?

"Thirty years after her death in March 1982, Ayn Rand’s ideas have never been more important. Unfettered capitalism, unregulated business, bare-bones government providing no social services, glorification of selfishness, disdain for Judeo-Christian morality—these are the tenets of Rand’s harsh philosophy.

In Ayn Rand Nation, Gary Weiss explores the people and institutions that remain under the spell of the Russian-born novelist. He provides new insights into Rand’s inner circle in the last years of her life, with revelations of never-before-publicized predictions by Rand that still resonate today. Weiss charts Rand’s infiltration of the Tea Party and Libertarian movements, and provides an inside look at the radical belief system that has exerted a powerful influence on the Republican Party and its presidential candidates. It’s a fascinating cast of characters that ranges from Glenn Beck to Oliver Stone, and includes Rand’s most influential disciple, Alan Greenspan. Weiss describes in penetrating detail how Greenspan became a stalking horse for Rand—slashing and burning regulations with ideological zeal, and then seeking to conceal her influence on his life and thinking. Lastly, Weiss provides a strategy for a renewed national dialogue, an embrace of the nation’s core values that is needed to deal with Rand’s pervasive grip on society.

From The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged to Rand’s lesser-known and misunderstood nonfiction books, Gary Weiss examines the impact of Rand's thinking across our society."

Ayn Rand Nation: The Hidden Struggle for America's Soul: Gary Weiss: Amazon.com: Books

I'm not so much a child of Ayn Rand... more a child of Robert Heinlein...

but it all comes from the same place...

the urge to do whatever the fuck you wanna do... just so long as you don't directly fuck up anyone else's life...

I challenge anyone in here to tell me the fault in this way of thinking...

We need each other. Period.

I don't feel the need for anyone else's help to make it on my own...

not that I have a comfortable life, financially speaking...

'n I also never hesitate to give a li'l help to folks slightly less well off than me...

even when I'm behind on payin' my bills...
The highest tribute to Ayn Rand, is that her critics must distort everything that she stood for in order to attack her.
She advocated reason, not force; the individual’s rights to freedom of action, speech, and association; self-responsibility not self-indulgence, and a live-and-let-live society in which each individual is treated as an END, not the MEANS of others’ ends.
How many critics would dare to honestly state these ideas, & say “..and that’s what I reject?"

Prescience, thy name is Doubletap! :lol:

Ayn Rand was pro-choice but --

Ayn Rand is for children - Salon.com

Since I first met Objectivists (read: libertarians) in college, my Unified Theory of Rand Groupies posited that they all probably fit into at least one of three groups: those who 1) never grew out of the usual “the world is persecuting me and doesn’t see my true genius” phase that momentarily afflicts the typical high schooler 2) think saying “Ayn Rand” in any context makes them sound intelligent, even though they’ve never actually read her work or 3) have read Rand’s work, don’t genuinely believe in her ideology as evidenced by their lifestyle/politics, but still say they love her because it serves to make them feel good about their own avarice.

We need each other. Period.
Yes. We need each other to mind our own business.

And to maintain highways, schools, hospitals ...

Or do you have your own snowplow?

In England and in the US during the 1800's roads were private. So were schools and hospitals.

At any rate the power to tax was authorized . The same is now misused in order to soak the rich and force the people to buy health insurance.

I've got The Walking Dead on. I don't usually watch it because I think its kinda dumb, just the same story, over and over again. But, its an interesting parable for our time.

How long would any of you survive in your magical Ayn Rand world? No cooperation, no pooling of resources, just every person for themselves.

For starters, unless you've got your own electrical grid, you wouldn't be posting on this board.
Yes. We need each other to mind our own business.

And to maintain highways, schools, hospitals ...

Or do you have your own snowplow?

In England and in the US during the 1800's roads were private. So were schools and hospitals.

At any rate the power to tax was authorized . The same is now misused in order to soak the rich and force the people to buy health insurance.


amazing to me that some people (mostly ignorant libs) don't understand the difference between favorable locally-voted taxes that benefit the local folks and federally-inculcated fuck-you taxes that force the folks to simply bite the big one...
I've got The Walking Dead on. I don't usually watch it because I think its kinda dumb, just the same story, over and over again. But, its an interesting parable for our time.

How long would any of you survive in your magical Ayn Rand world? No cooperation, no pooling of resources, just every person for themselves.

For starters, unless you've got your own electrical grid, you wouldn't be posting on this board.

Excuse me dingle berry.

Where did she suggest that there be no cooperation or pooling of resources.

All she suggested was that those activities be VOLUNTARY, ie, NOT COERCED .

And to maintain highways, schools, hospitals ...

Or do you have your own snowplow?

In England and in the US during the 1800's roads were private. So were schools and hospitals.

At any rate the power to tax was authorized . The same is now misused in order to soak the rich and force the people to buy health insurance.


amazing to me that some people (mostly ignorant libs) don't understand the difference between favorable locally-voted taxes that benefit the local folks and federally-inculcated fuck-you taxes that force the folks to simply bite the big one...

Get your finger out of your nose and quit repeating silly crap you hear from Alex Jones - or whoever does your thinking for you.

It is stupid to live in a big country but not benefit from that.

The biggest reason no state actually goes for secession is that they could not exist without that tax base. How much military do your think Texasss, for example, could amass without federal support?
I've got The Walking Dead on. I don't usually watch it because I think its kinda dumb, just the same story, over and over again. But, its an interesting parable for our time.

How long would any of you survive in your magical Ayn Rand world? No cooperation, no pooling of resources, just every person for themselves.

For starters, unless you've got your own electrical grid, you wouldn't be posting on this board.

so... you assume that, just because we want to be left alone to do what we want to do, that we don't care about all the others around us...?

'scuse me... I've gotta assume that you're either young 'n dumb... or old 'n cynical... 'n dumb...
I'm not so much a child of Ayn Rand... more a child of Robert Heinlein...

but it all comes from the same place...

the urge to do whatever the fuck you wanna do... just so long as you don't directly fuck up anyone else's life...

I challenge anyone in here to tell me the fault in this way of thinking...

We need each other. Period.

I don't feel the need for anyone else's help to make it on my own...

not that I have a comfortable life, financially speaking...

'n I also never hesitate to give a li'l help to folks slightly less well off than me...

even when I'm behind on payin' my bills...

You are fooling yourself. If you were truly on your own, you'd not last very long.
So, all those things can only be accomplished via compulsion?

You're using and benefiting all those little conveniences, aren't you?

And no, you don't get to choose to benefit but not do your fair share, pay for your fair share.
Ah, the aggressive arrogance of the protection racketeer.

Bravo. :thup:

Sidestepping, as usual.

Answer the question:

do you use and benefit any, some, most, all of those so-called "socialist" amenities?

Go outside and cut the power lines to your home.


I've got The Walking Dead on. I don't usually watch it because I think its kinda dumb, just the same story, over and over again. But, its an interesting parable for our time.

How long would any of you survive in your magical Ayn Rand world? No cooperation, no pooling of resources, just every person for themselves.

For starters, unless you've got your own electrical grid, you wouldn't be posting on this board.

so... you assume that, just because we want to be left alone to do what we want to do, that we don't care about all the others around us...?

'scuse me... I've gotta assume that you're either young 'n dumb... or old 'n cynical... 'n dumb...

That's very convenient - that you want to left alone.

Walk across the room and flip a light switch.
In England and in the US during the 1800's roads were private. So were schools and hospitals.

At any rate the power to tax was authorized . The same is now misused in order to soak the rich and force the people to buy health insurance.


amazing to me that some people (mostly ignorant libs) don't understand the difference between favorable locally-voted taxes that benefit the local folks and federally-inculcated fuck-you taxes that force the folks to simply bite the big one...

Get your finger out of your nose and quit repeating silly crap you hear from Alex Jones - or whoever does your thinking for you.

It is stupid to live in a big country but not benefit from that.

The biggest reason no state actually goes for secession is that they could not exist without that tax base. How much military do your think Texasss, for example, could amass without federal support?

you wanna make yourself look even more stupid 'n dig your hole deeper, be my guest...
You're using and benefiting all those little conveniences, aren't you?

And no, you don't get to choose to benefit but not do your fair share, pay for your fair share.
Ah, the aggressive arrogance of the protection racketeer.

Bravo. :thup:

Sidestepping, as usual.

Answer the question:

do you use and benefit any, some, most, all of those so-called "socialist" amenities?

Go outside and cut the power lines to your home.


Sidestepping nothing.

Your attitude is that because those things are done by compulsion, that they must be done done that way. And you are all to happy to carry on like the protection racketeer thug that you are.

It's like we ordered you from the pages of "The Fountainhead" or "Atlas Shrugged", as though they were catalogs. :lol:
In England and in the US during the 1800's roads were private. So were schools and hospitals.

At any rate the power to tax was authorized . The same is now misused in order to soak the rich and force the people to buy health insurance.


amazing to me that some people (mostly ignorant libs) don't understand the difference between favorable locally-voted taxes that benefit the local folks and federally-inculcated fuck-you taxes that force the folks to simply bite the big one...

Get your finger out of your nose and quit repeating silly crap you hear from Alex Jones - or whoever does your thinking for you.

It is stupid to live in a big country but not benefit from that.

The biggest reason no state actually goes for secession is that they could not exist without that tax base. How much military do your think Texasss, for example, could amass without federal support?

The biggest reason no state goes for secession is that the last time around it was an expensive bloody mess where over 650,000 Southerners were slaughtered by the North.

Next time around Americans must copy the guerrilla type warfare used by the Afghans and Iraqis.


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