Ayn Rand Kids

Ah, the aggressive arrogance of the protection racketeer.

Bravo. :thup:

Sidestepping, as usual.

Answer the question:

do you use and benefit any, some, most, all of those so-called "socialist" amenities?

Go outside and cut the power lines to your home.


Sidestepping nothing.

Your attitude is that because those things are done by compulsion, that they must be done done that way. And you are all to happy to carry on like the protection racketeer thug that you are.

It's like we ordered you from the pages of "The Fountainhead" or "Atlas Shrugged", as though they were catalogs. :lol:

I don't want to pay for your share.

Deal with it.

I read Ayn Rand. And then I grew up.

There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old's life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs.
Sidestepping, as usual.

Answer the question:

do you use and benefit any, some, most, all of those so-called "socialist" amenities?

Go outside and cut the power lines to your home.


Sidestepping nothing.

Your attitude is that because those things are done by compulsion, that they must be done done that way. And you are all to happy to carry on like the protection racketeer thug that you are.

It's like we ordered you from the pages of "The Fountainhead" or "Atlas Shrugged", as though they were catalogs. :lol:

I don't want to pay for your share.

Deal with it.

I read Ayn Rand. And then I grew up.

There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old's life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs.
Once again, with the ad hominem attack on that which you do not understand.

Buzz off, child.
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NOT suitable reading for The Ayn Rand Kids:

Ayn Rand - RationalWiki

Ayn Rand was a Russian atheist,[2] the author of vast doorstop-sized tomes like Atlas Shrugged and the ripped-off biography The Fountainhead, and other thick, boring books espousing, essentially, psychotic libertarian themes and ideology.

Rand claimed to be a philosopher, though preferring the title "Objectivist." In fact, her simplistic versions of philosophy were misunderstandings of Aristotelian metaphysical notions formulated thousands of years ago. Whether that makes a philosophy or an excuse for being greedy and selfish is, ironically, subjective.

The Objectivist movement is a movement based on Ayn Rand's philosophy of objectivism personality cult.

Jonathan Chait on Ayn Rand ? The Fly Bottle
Sidestepping nothing.

Your attitude is that because those things are done by compulsion, that they must be done done that way. And you are all to happy to carry on like the protection racketeer thug that you are.

It's like we ordered you from the pages of "The Fountainhead" or "Atlas Shrugged", as though they were catalogs. :lol:

I don't want to pay for your share.

Deal with it.

I read Ayn Rand. And then I grew up.

There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old's life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs.
Once again, with the ad hominem attack on that which you do not understand.

Buzz off, child.

Pretty funny and very hypocritical to accuse me of an ad hominum attack by using an ad hominum attack. LOL

And you still didn't answer the question.

Not that I expected you to.
Romancing the Stone-Cold Killer: Ayn Rand and William Hickman | Michael Prescott

At the time, she was planning a novel that was to be titled The Little Street, the projected hero of which was named Danny Renahan.According to Rand scholar Chris Matthew Sciabarra, she deliberately modeled Renahan - intended to be her first sketch of her ideal man - after this same William Edward Hickman. Renahan, she enthuses in another journal entry, "is born with a wonderful, free, light consciousness -- [resulting from] the absolute lack of social instinct or herd feeling. He does not understand, because he has no organ for understanding, the necessity, meaning, or importance of other people ... Other people do not exist for him and he does not understand why they should." (Journals, pp. 27, 21-22; emphasis hers.)

"A wonderful, free, light consciousness" born of the utter absence of any understanding of "the necessity, meaning, or importance of other people." Obviously, Ayn Rand was most favorably impressed with Mr. Hickman. He was, at least at that stage of Rand's life, her kind of man.

So the question is, who exactly was he?

William Edward Hickman was one of the most famous men in America in 1928. But he came by his fame in a way that perhaps should have given pause to Ayn Rand before she decided that he was a "real man" worthy of enshrinement in her pantheon of fictional heroes.

You see, Hickman was a forger, an armed robber, a child kidnapper, and a multiple murderer.

Other than that, he was probably a swell guy.
I don't want to pay for your share.

Deal with it.

I read Ayn Rand. And then I grew up.
Once again, with the ad hominem attack on that which you do not understand.

Buzz off, child.

Pretty funny and very hypocritical to accuse me of an ad hominum attack by using an ad hominum attack. LOL

And you still didn't answer the question.

Not that I expected you to.
It's not when you act like a stereotypical Randian antagonist.

You are Wesley Mouch come to life.

BTW, I am given no choice as to whether I will pay for those "amenities", so your question carries no validity.
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Sidestepping, as usual.

Answer the question:

do you use and benefit any, some, most, all of those so-called "socialist" amenities?

Go outside and cut the power lines to your home.


Sidestepping nothing.

Your attitude is that because those things are done by compulsion, that they must be done done that way. And you are all to happy to carry on like the protection racketeer thug that you are.

It's like we ordered you from the pages of "The Fountainhead" or "Atlas Shrugged", as though they were catalogs. :lol:

I don't want to pay for your share.

Deal with it.

I read Ayn Rand. And then I grew up.........

...........By which I mean to say that I am an unmotivated son of a bitch who finds it a lot easier to reject the work ethic and let my neighbor pay for my recreational marihuana......

Once again, with the ad hominem attack on that which you do not understand.

Buzz off, child.

Pretty funny and very hypocritical to accuse me of an ad hominum attack by using an ad hominum attack. LOL

And you still didn't answer the question.

Not that I expected you to.
It's not when you act like a stereotypical Randian antagonist.

You are Wesley Mouch come to life.

BTW, I am given no choice as to whether I will pay for those "amenities", so your question carries no validity.

Go cut the power lines and pull the plug on your computer.

Sidestepping nothing.

Your attitude is that because those things are done by compulsion, that they must be done done that way. And you are all to happy to carry on like the protection racketeer thug that you are.

It's like we ordered you from the pages of "The Fountainhead" or "Atlas Shrugged", as though they were catalogs. :lol:

I don't want to pay for your share.

Deal with it.

I read Ayn Rand. And then I grew up.........

...........By which I mean to say that I am an unmotivated son of a bitch who finds it a lot easier to reject the work ethic and let my neighbor pay for my recreational marihuana......


Don't want to pay your share either.

You wanna use? You can get a job and pay for it.
Romancing the Stone-Cold Killer: Ayn Rand and William Hickman | Michael Prescott

At the time, she was planning a novel that was to be titled The Little Street, the projected hero of which was named Danny Renahan.According to Rand scholar Chris Matthew Sciabarra, she deliberately modeled Renahan - intended to be her first sketch of her ideal man - after this same William Edward Hickman. Renahan, she enthuses in another journal entry, "is born with a wonderful, free, light consciousness -- [resulting from] the absolute lack of social instinct or herd feeling. He does not understand, because he has no organ for understanding, the necessity, meaning, or importance of other people ... Other people do not exist for him and he does not understand why they should." (Journals, pp. 27, 21-22; emphasis hers.)

"A wonderful, free, light consciousness" born of the utter absence of any understanding of "the necessity, meaning, or importance of other people." Obviously, Ayn Rand was most favorably impressed with Mr. Hickman. He was, at least at that stage of Rand's life, her kind of man.

So the question is, who exactly was he?

William Edward Hickman was one of the most famous men in America in 1928. But he came by his fame in a way that perhaps should have given pause to Ayn Rand before she decided that he was a "real man" worthy of enshrinement in her pantheon of fictional heroes.

You see, Hickman was a forger, an armed robber, a child kidnapper, and a multiple murderer.

Other than that, he was probably a swell guy.

If he lived off the hard work of others, if he benefited from their work without contributing to the "herd", he would-a been a real Ayn Rand kinda guy.

O' course, he would also have to have been a Nazi and pro-abortion.
Pretty funny and very hypocritical to accuse me of an ad hominum attack by using an ad hominum attack. LOL

And you still didn't answer the question.

Not that I expected you to.
It's not when you act like a stereotypical Randian antagonist.

You are Wesley Mouch come to life.

BTW, I am given no choice as to whether I will pay for those "amenities", so your question carries no validity.

Go cut the power lines and pull the plug on your computer.

You are in so far over your head. :rofl:
I don't want to pay for your share.

Deal with it.

I read Ayn Rand. And then I grew up.........

...........By which I mean to say that I am an unmotivated son of a bitch who finds it a lot easier to reject the work ethic and let my neighbor pay for my recreational marihuana......


Don't want to pay your share either.

You wanna use? You can get a job and pay for it.

define "fair share"...
I don't want to pay for your share.

Deal with it.

I read Ayn Rand. And then I grew up.........

...........By which I mean to say that I am an unmotivated son of a bitch who finds it a lot easier to reject the work ethic and let my neighbor pay for my recreational marihuana......


Don't want to pay your share either.

You wanna use? You can get a job and pay for it.

If you were REALLY a producer , a taxpayer, you would not be rejecting Ayn Rand or Capitalism.

You are a parasitic , tax consuming, moocher.

Their candidates in '12 were Randians :tinfoil:

most adults leave her novels behind in their early 20's. MOST do

...........By which I mean to say that I am an unmotivated son of a bitch who finds it a lot easier to reject the work ethic and let my neighbor pay for my recreational marihuana......


Don't want to pay your share either.

You wanna use? You can get a job and pay for it.

define "fair share"...

That amount of money necessary for him to continue to live in the style to which he has become accustomed.

Don't want to pay your share either.

You wanna use? You can get a job and pay for it.

How much is my "fair share"?
The single largest expense I have in life is federal income tax. In fact, I pay more in federal income tax every month than I pay for my mortgage. And come April 15th, I'll have to send them a check. I don't think that is fair at all.

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