Ayn Rand Kids

I'm not so much a child of Ayn Rand... more a child of Robert Heinlein...

but it all comes from the same place...

the urge to do whatever the fuck you wanna do... just so long as you don't directly fuck up anyone else's life...

I challenge anyone in here to tell me the fault in this way of thinking...
That way of thinking is wrong because Ayn Rand expressed a philosophy that does not care if anyone else's life gets fucked up. The richest people on Earth have made their fortunes by fucking the world up. They do what they wanna do, regardless of whether a rainforest disappears, a river becomes flammable, the oceans fill with trash, or the pollution from their Chinese factories can be seen from space.

They also start wars over lies to get at more fossil fuels which make the 1% richer while polluting the planet more.

Fuck Ayn Rand and anyone who believes her shit.

The way it's supposed to work in a free society is that I can do whatever I wanna do as long as it doesn't fuck up someone else's life and/or property... including air, water, noise, etc...

'n if I do fuck up someone else's life and/or property in those terms, I'll stand to get sued 'n called before the court system...

tell me how this wouldn't work...
Ayn Rand didn't believe any of that shit. She was all for contamination and misery if it turned a profit for herself. She was not an intellectual, a trailblazer, or a brilliant writer. She was an opportunistic twat who died on welfare. Fuck Ayn Rand. She couldn't get a following in Russia because she was a moron, so she found an audience in anti-Russia, pro-free-rein capitalist America.

I know how some of you Conservatives on this forum love Mencken quotes. This is my favorite:

"No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the public."

That describes Ayn Rand, and the GOP.

That describes Ayn Rand, and the GOP.


Yo K, what is your favorite pastime?

Is it counting the hairs in Karl Marx's beard?

That way of thinking is wrong because Ayn Rand expressed a philosophy that does not care if anyone else's life gets fucked up. The richest people on Earth have made their fortunes by fucking the world up. They do what they wanna do, regardless of whether a rainforest disappears, a river becomes flammable, the oceans fill with trash, or the pollution from their Chinese factories can be seen from space.

They also start wars over lies to get at more fossil fuels which make the 1% richer while polluting the planet more.

Fuck Ayn Rand and anyone who believes her shit.

The way it's supposed to work in a free society is that I can do whatever I wanna do as long as it doesn't fuck up someone else's life and/or property... including air, water, noise, etc...

'n if I do fuck up someone else's life and/or property in those terms, I'll stand to get sued 'n called before the court system...

tell me how this wouldn't work...
Ayn Rand didn't believe any of that shit. She was all for contamination and misery if it turned a profit for herself. She was not an intellectual, a trailblazer, or a brilliant writer. She was an opportunistic twat who died on welfare. Fuck Ayn Rand. She couldn't get a following in Russia because she was a moron, so she found an audience in anti-Russia, pro-free-rein capitalist America.

I know how some of you Conservatives on this forum love Mencken quotes. This is my favorite:

"No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the public."

That describes Ayn Rand, and the GOP.

ain't it funny 'bout the way dumb-fuck libs broad-brush the right like that...?
I'm not so much a child of Ayn Rand... more a child of Robert Heinlein...

but it all comes from the same place...

the urge to do whatever the fuck you wanna do... just so long as you don't directly fuck up anyone else's life...

I challenge anyone in here to tell me the fault in this way of thinking...

We need each other. Period.
Yes. We need each other to mind our own business.

Agreed... Time and time again collectivism has been proven as a fraudulent failure, in fact it is nothing but chaff. Their flaccid and egregious ideas spring from their utopian desires... they are incapable of ratiocinating.
No wonder Repubs, like Ryan for instance are Randians.

Ayn Rand - RationalWiki
There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old's life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs.
—John Rogers
Ayn Rand was a Russian atheist,[2] the author of vast doorstop-sized tomes like Atlas Shrugged and the ripped-off biography The Fountainhead, and other thick, boring books espousing, essentially, psychotic libertarian themes and ideology
No wonder Repubs, like Ryan for instance are Randians.

Ayn Rand - RationalWiki
There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old's life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs.
—John Rogers
Ayn Rand was a Russian atheist,[2] the author of vast doorstop-sized tomes like Atlas Shrugged and the ripped-off biography The Fountainhead, and other thick, boring books espousing, essentially, psychotic libertarian themes and ideology

Ryan maybe familiar with Ayn Rand but he is not a Randian.

Just out of curiosity, and this is a very real question, where in the heck did all you Ayn Rand kids come from? How did you bump into her? What did she write that so resonates with you?

Seeing the the United States Government bears no resemblance to Ayn Rand's ideology, I wonder why this question peaked your curiosity? There obviously can't be that many Ayn Rand's children out there.

Is the NSA an Ayn Rand philosophy?

Is the NDAA an Ayn Rand philosophy?

Is the Aiding and Abetting Al Qaeda in Syria based on an Ayn Rand philosophy?

Is the Obamacare an Ayn Rand philosophy?
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Just out of curiosity, and this is a very real question, where in the heck did all you Ayn Rand kids come from? How did you bump into her? What did she write that so resonates with you?

Seeing the the United States Government bears no resemblance to Ayn Rand's ideology, I wonder why this question peaked your curiosity? There obviously can't be that many Ayn Rand's children out there.

Is the NSA an Ayn Rand philosophy?

Is the NDAA an Ayn Rand philosophy?

Is the Aiding and Abetting Al Qaeda in Syria based on an Ayn Rand philosophy?

Is the Obamacare an Ayn Rand philosophy?
Yes to all of those because they all benefit the 1%.
Just out of curiosity, and this is a very real question, where in the heck did all you Ayn Rand kids come from? How did you bump into her? What did she write that so resonates with you?

Seeing the the United States Government bears no resemblance to Ayn Rand's ideology, I wonder why this question peaked your curiosity? There obviously can't be that many Ayn Rand's children out there.

Is the NSA an Ayn Rand philosophy?

Is the NDAA an Ayn Rand philosophy?

Is the Aiding and Abetting Al Qaeda in Syria based on an Ayn Rand philosophy?

Is the Obamacare an Ayn Rand philosophy?
Yes to all of those because they all benefit the 1%.

So do highways and railroads. Does that mean their based on Ayn Rand philosophies?

Also, since all these things happened under Obama's Reign, you claiming Obama is a devout follower of Ayn Rand?
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No wonder Repubs, like Ryan for instance are Randians.

Ayn Rand - RationalWiki
There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old's life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs.
—John Rogers
Ayn Rand was a Russian atheist,[2] the author of vast doorstop-sized tomes like Atlas Shrugged and the ripped-off biography The Fountainhead, and other thick, boring books espousing, essentially, psychotic libertarian themes and ideology

Ryan maybe familiar with Ayn Rand but he is not a Randian.


he REQUIRED his interns to read her novels smart guy. Tell me you weren't aware of this. Are you a Ryan man?

Paul Ryan and Ayn Rand - The Washington Post
Ryan has referenced Rand repeatedly over the course of her career, saying her writings got him into economics and policy. Ryan told the New Yorker recently that he has been reading Rand since high school; it was “Atlas Shrugged” that got him interested in economics. In March of 2003, Ryan told the Weekly Standard he was still a huge fan.

“I give out ‘Atlas Shrugged’ as Christmas presents, and I make all my interns read it,” he said. “Well... I try to make my interns read it.”

You were saying? :rofl:
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No wonder Repubs, like Ryan for instance are Randians.

Ayn Rand - RationalWiki

Ryan maybe familiar with Ayn Rand but he is not a Randian.


he REQUIRED his interns to read her novels smart guy. Tell me you weren't aware of this. Are you a Ryan man?

Paul Ryan and Ayn Rand - The Washington Post
Ryan has referenced Rand repeatedly over the course of her career, saying her writings got him into economics and policy. Ryan told the New Yorker recently that he has been reading Rand since high school; it was “Atlas Shrugged” that got him interested in economics. In March of 2003, Ryan told the Weekly Standard he was still a huge fan.

“I give out ‘Atlas Shrugged’ as Christmas presents, and I make all my interns read it,” he said. “Well... I try to make my interns read it.”

You were saying? :rofl:

I AM saying that Paul "TARP" Ryan is not a Randian.

Paul Ryan in 2008: ‘Heaven help us’ if TARP bailout package not approved


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