Ayn Rand Kids

Don't want to pay your share either.

You wanna use? You can get a job and pay for it.

How much is my "fair share"?
The single largest expense I have in life is federal income tax. In fact, I pay more in federal income tax every month than I pay for my mortgage. And come April 15th, I'll have to send them a check. I don't think that is fair at all.

I agree.

Some big corps get money back. MY money.

But, we're not big corps and don't get those perks.

THAT should change.

I'm a bit behind on payin' my bills...

'n my soon-to-be-ex-wife is ridin' my ass...

'n the IRS is on my case...

but other than that, life is good... :)
Their candidates in '12 were Randians :tinfoil:

most adults leave her novels behind in their early 20's. MOST do

No, they were establishment neoconservitives trying, very poorly if I do say so myself, to disguise themselves as Randians.

You may now return to your little meltdown thread. :lol:

o rlly :doubt: He was for it before he was against it (until it looked like he was going to lose the catholic vote) :lol:

he :up: threw her under the bus:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvvIEXQlQhc]Paul Ryan Rejects Ayn Rand In Face Of Catholic Criticism - YouTube[/ame]
Don't want to pay your share either.

You wanna use? You can get a job and pay for it.

How much is my "fair share"?
The single largest expense I have in life is federal income tax. In fact, I pay more in federal income tax every month than I pay for my mortgage. And come April 15th, I'll have to send them a check. I don't think that is fair at all.

I agree.

Some big corps get money back. MY money.

But, we're not big corps and don't get those perks.

THAT should change.


yep, rescinding their corporate welfare would solve alan1's *cough* problem but.....
Their candidates in '12 were Randians :tinfoil:

most adults leave her novels behind in their early 20's. MOST do

No, they were establishment neoconservitives trying, very poorly if I do say so myself, to disguise themselves as Randians.

You may now return to your little meltdown thread. :lol:

o rlly :doubt: He was for it before he was against it (until it looked like he was going to lose the catholic vote) :lol:

he :up: threw her under the bus:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvvIEXQlQhc]Paul Ryan Rejects Ayn Rand In Face Of Catholic Criticism - YouTube[/ame]

Like Mittens saying he was running for prez so he had to fire his illegal gardeners. LOL
Their candidates in '12 were Randians :tinfoil:

most adults leave her novels behind in their early 20's. MOST do

No, they were establishment neoconservitives trying, very poorly if I do say so myself, to disguise themselves as Randians.

You may now return to your little meltdown thread. :lol:

o rlly :doubt: He was for it before he was against it (until it looked like he was going to lose the catholic vote) :lol:

he :up: threw her under the bus:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvvIEXQlQhc]Paul Ryan Rejects Ayn Rand In Face Of Catholic Criticism - YouTube[/ame]
Were he not an establishment neoconservative, he would not have been on the ticket.

It really is just that simple.
No, they were establishment neoconservitives trying, very poorly if I do say so myself, to disguise themselves as Randians.

You may now return to your little meltdown thread. :lol:

o rlly :doubt: He was for it before he was against it (until it looked like he was going to lose the catholic vote) :lol:

he :up: threw her under the bus:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvvIEXQlQhc]Paul Ryan Rejects Ayn Rand In Face Of Catholic Criticism - YouTube[/ame]
Were he not an establishment neoconservative, he would not have been on the ticket.

It really is just that simple.

Virtually EVERY Repub relies on the Pentagon & their def contractors as their campaign slush fund. Tell me something I don't know.
Yes. We need each other to mind our own business.

And to maintain highways, schools, hospitals ...

Or do you have your own snowplow?
So, all those things can only be accomplished via compulsion?

Alan Greenspan parted with Ayn Rand's "invisible hand" objectivism at precisely this point. After outlining the objectivist idea that taxation was an evil, an act of theft by the government he said;

"Yet if taxation was wrong, how could you reliably finance the essential functions of government, including the protection of individuals' rights through police power? The Randian answer, that those who rationally saw the need for government would contribute voluntarily, was inadequate. People have free will; suppose they refused?"

Some people think Ayn Rand was immoral or amoral, she really wasn't. She had a kind of a "trickle down" theory of ethics. A person acting in his own best interest would end up naturally moral, an "invisible hand" like force at work in a community of like minded individuals. A pretty subjective idea in my book, one that may sound great philosophically but tends to get mired in Gekkoian self centered greed from what I've observed lo these many years.
o rlly :doubt: He was for it before he was against it (until it looked like he was going to lose the catholic vote) :lol:

he :up: threw her under the bus:

Paul Ryan Rejects Ayn Rand In Face Of Catholic Criticism - YouTube
Were he not an establishment neoconservative, he would not have been on the ticket.

It really is just that simple.

Virtually EVERY Repub relies on the Pentagon & their def contractors as their campaign slush fund. Tell me something I don't know.

Virtually EVERY dumb-shit lib parrots crap like this... as if the Dems aren't guilty of the same thing...
o rlly :doubt: He was for it before he was against it (until it looked like he was going to lose the catholic vote) :lol:

he :up: threw her under the bus:

Paul Ryan Rejects Ayn Rand In Face Of Catholic Criticism - YouTube
Were he not an establishment neoconservative, he would not have been on the ticket.

It really is just that simple.

Virtually EVERY Repub relies on the Pentagon & their def contractors as their campaign slush fund. Tell me something I don't know.

That is true.

The Military industrial complex depends on parasitism to survive.

How much is my "fair share"?
The single largest expense I have in life is federal income tax. In fact, I pay more in federal income tax every month than I pay for my mortgage. And come April 15th, I'll have to send them a check. I don't think that is fair at all.

I agree.

Some big corps get money back. MY money.

But, we're not big corps and don't get those perks.

THAT should change.


yep, rescinding their corporate welfare would solve alan1's *cough* problem but.....

How much the government taxes my income has nothing to do with corporations other than the fact that it is a corporation that pays my salary.
But yes, I am all for rescinding government determined welfare, of every type.
And to maintain highways, schools, hospitals ...

Or do you have your own snowplow?
So, all those things can only be accomplished via compulsion?

Alan Greenspan parted with Ayn Rand's "invisible hand" objectivism at precisely this point. After outlining the objectivist idea that taxation was an evil, an act of theft by the government he said;

"Yet if taxation was wrong, how could you reliably finance the essential functions of government, including the protection of individuals' rights through police power? The Randian answer, that those who rationally saw the need for government would contribute voluntarily, was inadequate. People have free will; suppose they refused?"

Some people think Ayn Rand was immoral or amoral, she really wasn't. She had a kind of a "trickle down" theory of ethics. A person acting in his own best interest would end up naturally moral, an "invisible hand" like force at work in a community of like minded individuals. A pretty subjective idea in my book, one that may sound great philosophically but tends to get mired in Gekkoian self centered greed from what I've observed lo these many years.
There is a great difference between user fee taxes (i.e. the gasoline tax) and plain old confiscation like the income tax. Of course, property taxes, which primarily fund local police power, are another animal altogether.

BTW, you do realize that most of the fire departments in America are staffed by volunteers, don't you?
I'm not so much a child of Ayn Rand... more a child of Robert Heinlein...

but it all comes from the same place...

the urge to do whatever the fuck you wanna do... just so long as you don't directly fuck up anyone else's life...

I challenge anyone in here to tell me the fault in this way of thinking...
That way of thinking is wrong because Ayn Rand expressed a philosophy that does not care if anyone else's life gets fucked up. The richest people on Earth have made their fortunes by fucking the world up. They do what they wanna do, regardless of whether a rainforest disappears, a river becomes flammable, the oceans fill with trash, or the pollution from their Chinese factories can be seen from space.

They also start wars over lies to get at more fossil fuels which make the 1% richer while polluting the planet more.

Fuck Ayn Rand and anyone who believes her shit.
And to maintain highways, schools, hospitals ...

Or do you have your own snowplow?
So, all those things can only be accomplished via compulsion?

Alan Greenspan parted with Ayn Rand's "invisible hand" objectivism at precisely this point. After outlining the objectivist idea that taxation was an evil, an act of theft by the government he said;

"Yet if taxation was wrong, how could you reliably finance the essential functions of government, including the protection of individuals' rights through police power? The Randian answer, that those who rationally saw the need for government would contribute voluntarily, was inadequate. People have free will; suppose they refused?"

Some people think Ayn Rand was immoral or amoral, she really wasn't. She had a kind of a "trickle down" theory of ethics. A person acting in his own best interest would end up naturally moral, an "invisible hand" like force at work in a community of like minded individuals. A pretty subjective idea in my book, one that may sound great philosophically but tends to get mired in Gekkoian self centered greed from what I've observed lo these many years.

The Criminal Legacy of Alan Greenspan

By Ryan McMaken

June 15, 2010
I'm not so much a child of Ayn Rand... more a child of Robert Heinlein...

but it all comes from the same place...

the urge to do whatever the fuck you wanna do... just so long as you don't directly fuck up anyone else's life...

I challenge anyone in here to tell me the fault in this way of thinking...
That way of thinking is wrong because Ayn Rand expressed a philosophy that does not care if anyone else's life gets fucked up. The richest people on Earth have made their fortunes by fucking the world up. They do what they wanna do, regardless of whether a rainforest disappears, a river becomes flammable, the oceans fill with trash, or the pollution from their Chinese factories can be seen from space.

They also start wars over lies to get at more fossil fuels which make the 1% richer while polluting the planet more.

Fuck Ayn Rand and anyone who believes her shit.
And you believe all that happens as a product of Randian philosophy?

Wow. :lol:
I'm not so much a child of Ayn Rand... more a child of Robert Heinlein...

but it all comes from the same place...

the urge to do whatever the fuck you wanna do... just so long as you don't directly fuck up anyone else's life...

I challenge anyone in here to tell me the fault in this way of thinking...
That way of thinking is wrong because Ayn Rand expressed a philosophy that does not care if anyone else's life gets fucked up. The richest people on Earth have made their fortunes by fucking the world up. They do what they wanna do, regardless of whether a rainforest disappears, a river becomes flammable, the oceans fill with trash, or the pollution from their Chinese factories can be seen from space.

They also start wars over lies to get at more fossil fuels which make the 1% richer while polluting the planet more.

Fuck Ayn Rand and anyone who believes her shit.

The way it's supposed to work in a free society is that I can do whatever I wanna do as long as it doesn't fuck up someone else's life and/or property... including air, water, noise, etc...

'n if I do fuck up someone else's life and/or property in those terms, I'll stand to get sued 'n called before the court system...

tell me how this wouldn't work...
I'm not so much a child of Ayn Rand... more a child of Robert Heinlein...

but it all comes from the same place...

the urge to do whatever the fuck you wanna do... just so long as you don't directly fuck up anyone else's life...

I challenge anyone in here to tell me the fault in this way of thinking...
That way of thinking is wrong because Ayn Rand expressed a philosophy that does not care if anyone else's life gets fucked up. The richest people on Earth have made their fortunes by fucking the world up. They do what they wanna do, regardless of whether a rainforest disappears, a river becomes flammable, the oceans fill with trash, or the pollution from their Chinese factories can be seen from space.

They also start wars over lies to get at more fossil fuels which make the 1% richer while polluting the planet more.

Fuck Ayn Rand and anyone who believes her shit.

The way it's supposed to work in a free society is that I can do whatever I wanna do as long as it doesn't fuck up someone else's life and/or property... including air, water, noise, etc...

'n if I do fuck up someone else's life and/or property in those terms, I'll stand to get sued 'n called before the court system...

tell me how this wouldn't work...

The fascists, social engineers and elitists hate it.


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