AZ Secy of State - Obama lied about kenya birth to get into college


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Obozo didn't just lie to get into college but also to get a scholarship and that is the crime of fraud.

Elections chief: Obama ‘fibbing’ about Kenya birth

Elections chief: Obama 'fibbing' about Kenya birth

Arizona official says he suspects story made up for college admission
Published: 17 hours ago

Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett recently addressed a meeting of state Republicans and discussed the heat that was generated when he responded to a hypothetical question that Obama could be kept off the 2012 election ballot if his claim of a birth in Hawaii could not be verified

“I actually think he was fibbing about being born in Kenya when he was trying to get into college,” Bennett said.
That is absurd. I actually think Obama is an idiot but that doesn't keep him from runing for office. Take a look inside the best way, both parties. This birther thing is over.


I blame Bush for not making more of an issue of Obama's Kenyan birth, he should have congratulated our first Kenyan born Senator
Everything about Obama is a fraud, he gamed us and the system, and then he gamed you who voted for him..

how do you like being duped?
I blame Bush for not making more of an issue of Obama's Kenyan birth, he should have congratulated our first Kenyan born Senator

It's an experiment brewed up by Washington as a whole, dem and repub alike, that has gone horrendously wrong. Problem is they're all to heavily involved in it to open that can of worms, and the consequences of exposing the fraud would rock the nation. We'd probably have another Civil War. It'll all blow up sooner or later though. There's no way something of this magnitude can keep up the fraud forever. Just look at how all the lies obama has told is piling up. You have to be a complete IDIOT at this point to believe anything he says.

Looks like that "first black president" thingie is going to go down as the worst thing that ever happened to America. Just the opposite of what powers to be wanted. Experiment gone MASSIVELY WRONG. They FUCKED THE POOCH ON THIS ONE.
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Everything about Obama is a fraud, he gamed us and the system, and then he gamed you who voted for him..

And the establishment media helped him get away with this monstrous fraud. They refuse to investigate obozo because they are racists and have the policy "we never challenge a black president".

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