B-O-M-B-S-H-E-L-L: Democrat Shaheen Conspired on White House I R S Scandal

the ironic thing is rather than implicating the senator as a conspirator it shows that she was in favor of easily understood unambiguous rules about 501c3's and the activities they can engage in - frankly the type of thing that should have been done from the beginning.
And still has not been done.

Maybe that was the purpose of working up the rubes into hysterics all along. To make any further discussion about the matter a political third rail to ensure that bright line never gets drawn.
the ironic thing is rather than implicating the senator as a conspirator it shows that she was in favor of easily understood unambiguous rules about 501c3's and the activities they can engage in - frankly the type of thing that should have been done from the beginning.
And still has not been done.

Maybe that was the purpose of all the right wing hysterics. To ensure that line never gets drawn.
probably. they have to know that if it was a lot of those tea party groups would not pass muster and would be denied tax exempt status.
the ironic thing is rather than implicating the senator as a conspirator it shows that she was in favor of easily understood unambiguous rules about 501c3's and the activities they can engage in - frankly the type of thing that should have been done from the beginning.

What I find "ironic" is the fact Barry the Fairy tried to embarrass the entire USSC in that state of the nation rant about 501s being the devil's workshop when in FACT, the democrat donors outspend the GOP every time by any means necessary including foreign contributions which are clearly illegal. Barry took in MILLION$ from the middle east in bundled, untraceable money in 2008. He and the rest of the Rats will CHEAT in every arena, every precinct, every polling place they can to gain advantage. One only needs to look at what Franken did in Minnesota to get a Senate seat....if was so obviously fraud that he should be sitting in Leavenworth instead of being the ugliest idiot in that Chamber doing Harry Reid's (another unelected fraudster) dirty work.
the ironic thing is rather than implicating the senator as a conspirator it shows that she was in favor of easily understood unambiguous rules about 501c3's and the activities they can engage in - frankly the type of thing that should have been done from the beginning.

What I find "ironic" is the fact Barry the Fairy tried to embarrass the entire USSC in that state of the nation rant about 501s being the devil's workshop when in FACT, the democrat donors outspend the GOP every time by any means necessary including foreign contributions which are clearly illegal. Barry took in MILLION$ from the middle east in bundled, untraceable money in 2008. He and the rest of the Rats will CHEAT in every arena, every precinct, every polling place they can to gain advantage. One only needs to look at what Franken did in Minnesota to get a Senate seat....if was so obviously fraud that he should be sitting in Leavenworth instead of being the ugliest idiot in that Chamber doing Harry Reid's (another unelected fraudster) dirty work.
I have no doubt that left wing non-profits are crossing the fuzzy line as much as right wing non-profits.

Unfortunately, the useful idiot rubes are too numerous and thus hypocrisy and corruption win out once again. The opening poster is proof of just how useful these idiots are to their manipulators.

The fuzzy line will stay fuzzy, and the corruption of the process will continue.
the ironic thing is rather than implicating the senator as a conspirator it shows that she was in favor of easily understood unambiguous rules about 501c3's and the activities they can engage in - frankly the type of thing that should have been done from the beginning.

What I find "ironic" is the fact Barry the Fairy tried to embarrass the entire USSC in that state of the nation rant about 501s being the devil's workshop when in FACT, the democrat donors outspend the GOP every time by any means necessary including foreign contributions which are clearly illegal. Barry took in MILLION$ from the middle east in bundled, untraceable money in 2008. He and the rest of the Rats will CHEAT in every arena, every precinct, every polling place they can to gain advantage. One only needs to look at what Franken did in Minnesota to get a Senate seat....if was so obviously fraud that he should be sitting in Leavenworth instead of being the ugliest idiot in that Chamber doing Harry Reid's (another unelected fraudster) dirty work.
I have no doubt that left wing non-profits are crossing the fuzzy line as much as right wing non-profits.

Unfortunately, the useful idiot rubes are too numerous and thus hypocrisy and corruption win out once again. The opening poster is proof of just how useful these idiots are to their manipulators.

The fuzzy line will stay fuzzy, and the corruption of the process will continue.

Ironically, the reform party may have the best platform on campaign finance reform.
I have no doubt that left wing non-profits are crossing the fuzzy line as much as right wing non-profits.

Unfortunately, the useful idiot rubes are too numerous and thus hypocrisy and corruption win out once again. The opening poster is proof of just how useful these idiots are to their manipulators.

The simple answer is relieving all major party candidates from having to BUY media time/space. Why the hell should the media outlets have a PROFIT BONANZA to showcase the candidates? They have a cash cow corner on the information market already with their FCC licenses. They should have to DONATE time and print space for major party candidates for a month every two years....then legislators can focus on legislation instead of non-stop fund raising. I'd also outlaw out-of-state funding by either side....ie why should Texas money be allowed to influence Michigan elections or New York money be allowed into a Florida election? It breeds corruption and a slanted playing field and should be stopped.
As I pointed out in another topic this morning, and many other times on this forum, the more power you concentrate in the federal government, the more incentive there is for buying the influence of that power.

I don't know why the same retards who constantly strive to give the federal government more power are the same retards who later whine about all the money that goes towards buying that power. They can't see they are the problem. They are the root cause.

You give a politican more power and it surprises you that he gets more money from people who want him to wield it in their favor? Really?

If a politician has power taken from him, what happens to the incentive to buy him?


Figure it out.

With ObamaCare, the tards gave the federal government a takeover of our health care in America. That is a whole new basket of goodies that will now be bought by special interests to control. When, oh when, will the tards ever make the connection?

Take away federal power. That is the only way you will ever reform campaign finance.

Figure it out!
I have no doubt that left wing non-profits are crossing the fuzzy line as much as right wing non-profits.

Unfortunately, the useful idiot rubes are too numerous and thus hypocrisy and corruption win out once again. The opening poster is proof of just how useful these idiots are to their manipulators.

The simple answer is relieving all major party candidates from having to BUY media time/space. Why the hell should the media outlets have a PROFIT BONANZA to showcase the candidates? They have a cash cow corner on the information market already with their FCC licenses. They should have to DONATE time and print space for major party candidates for a month every two years....then legislators can focus on legislation instead of non-stop fund raising. I'd also outlaw out-of-state funding by either side....ie why should Texas money be allowed to influence Michigan elections or New York money be allowed into a Florida election? It breeds corruption and a slanted playing field and should be stopped.

I like your following suggestion:

The simple answer is relieving all major party candidates from having to BUY media time/space.
I have no doubt that left wing non-profits are crossing the fuzzy line as much as right wing non-profits.

Unfortunately, the useful idiot rubes are too numerous and thus hypocrisy and corruption win out once again. The opening poster is proof of just how useful these idiots are to their manipulators.

The simple answer is relieving all major party candidates from having to BUY media time/space. Why the hell should the media outlets have a PROFIT BONANZA to showcase the candidates? They have a cash cow corner on the information market already with their FCC licenses. They should have to DONATE time and print space for major party candidates for a month every two years....then legislators can focus on legislation instead of non-stop fund raising. I'd also outlaw out-of-state funding by either side....ie why should Texas money be allowed to influence Michigan elections or New York money be allowed into a Florida election? It breeds corruption and a slanted playing field and should be stopped.

I like your following suggestion:

The simple answer is relieving all major party candidates from having to BUY media time/space.
There's a no go, because the Roberts Court will find that is unconstitutional to allow any one (or corp) to purchase literally all airtime in every media and market.
Just when I thought Democrats couldn't shock me again, KABOOM!

They do it again. Brazen. Just brazen. I hope to see Lerner in orange over this.
Just when I thought Democrats couldn't shock me again, KABOOM!

They do it again. Brazen. Just brazen. I hope to see Lerner in orange over this.
I don't believe you're ever really shocked so much as you convince yourself something is "shocking."
Well, you fell for the propaganda (lie) as did she, so I'd say you're at least tied with her.
Well, you fell for the propaganda (lie) as did she, so I'd say you're at least tied with her.

Sure I did, Benny.

Are you deflecting from the corruption we're talking about in this thread by any chance?
chick, you failed to even follow your own links. You fell for the ruse. Go the fkck away, please. Leave this fail of a thread to slowly die.
Here is the crux:

The Democratic senators’ publicly available March 9, 2012 letter asked the IRS to “immediately change the administrative framework for enforcement of the tax code as it applies to groups designated as ‘social welfare’ organizations” by introducing a new “bright line test” for how much a tax-exempt group can invest in political activity and by setting a new rule that at least 51 percent of a group’s activity must non-political.

Someone please explain what is scandalous about this.

thats.....really lame...A letter asking something.....A letter asking...This is fucking retarded why are these people wasting bandwidth on displaying this stupidity?
Here is the crux:

The Democratic senators’ publicly available March 9, 2012 letter asked the IRS to “immediately change the administrative framework for enforcement of the tax code as it applies to groups designated as ‘social welfare’ organizations” by introducing a new “bright line test” for how much a tax-exempt group can invest in political activity and by setting a new rule that at least 51 percent of a group’s activity must non-political.

Someone please explain what is scandalous about this.

thats.....really lame...A letter asking something.....A letter asking...This is fucking retarded why are these people wasting bandwidth on displaying this stupidity?
the 'story' did what it was supposed to. it got on fox news the day of the election. how true it is doesn't matter.

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