Baby Formula Stockpiled in Warehouses at The Southern Border while American Families in a panic to feed their Babies.

Maybe they were keeping the formula stored in case those illegals who entered and were being held needed it for their kids. I forget the number but there were many kids being held at one point.

The US government is required, by law, and by common decency, to maintain a supply of food for people, who are being detained and held in custody by the government. If border patrol stations detaining families don't maintain such supplies, they're breaking the law, and violating people's rights.

Why isn't Republican anger being directed at Abbott Nutrition executives who KNEW what the effect of closing that plant would be on their ability to fill orders? Why didn't THEY do something to avert this crisis, or propose a solution to re-open the plant before now? All that Abbott (the corporation) has done, is to deny responsibility for the contamination and the sickness and deaths it caused.

You can't fix a problem without firm acknowledging you have a problem. But Americans can't ever seem to do that any more.
Sorry bout that,

1. Biden Administration is going the get them babies somehow.
2. Can't get them in the womb, get them after they come out.
3. Don't take chances on them *BABIES* being Libtards, replace them with more assured voters from other countries.
4. Only crazy people like the Libtards dream of this crap.
5. They look at it as being thoughtful.
6. Educated Elitist.

We need to get off baby formula and change to renewable food sources for babies.

Can anyone think of another place where a baby can get food?
The US government is required, by law, and by common decency, to maintain a supply of food for people, who are being detained and held in custody by the government. If border patrol stations detaining families don't maintain such supplies, they're breaking the law, and violating people's rights.

Why isn't Republican anger being directed at Abbott Nutrition executives who KNEW what the effect of closing that plant would be on their ability to fill orders? Why didn't THEY do something to avert this crisis, or propose a solution to re-open the plant before now? All that Abbott (the corporation) has done, is to deny responsibility for the contamination and the sickness and deaths it caused.

You can't fix a problem without firm acknowledging you have a problem. But Americans can't ever seem to do that any more.

Remarkably rich and evidence of ones lack of self awareness to hear a Canadian giving a lecture to others about "violating people's rights".

This is why I remind American authorities why they should NOT be funding our system, as we spit on Canadian rights and American (and the West in general) Interests.
Joe Biden and the DemNazi Party's continued war on women and babies rages on. The Biden Administration has closed one major US Baby Formula Manufacturer and has at the same time rejected shipments of formula from overseas due to their Fascist Dictatorial Powers they granted themselves during a scam pandemic and refuse to relinquish.

While American Mothers struggle to find a way to feed their babies, The Biden Administration has millions of units of Baby Formula stockpiled at the border to give to illegal immigrants flooding in to the country unchecked, unvaccinated, and unvetted.

I guess if you can't outright murder American Babies at the Planned Parenthood Extermination Centers the next best thing is to starve them out, right Bloody Joe?

I bet that's where all the toilet paper went under trump. Those demofks are evil fkers. They do hate america.
The US government is required, by law, and by common decency, to maintain a supply of food for people, who are being detained and held in custody by the government. If border patrol stations detaining families don't maintain such supplies, they're breaking the law, and violating people's rights.

Why isn't Republican anger being directed at Abbott Nutrition executives who KNEW what the effect of closing that plant would be on their ability to fill orders? Why didn't THEY do something to avert this crisis, or propose a solution to re-open the plant before now? All that Abbott (the corporation) has done, is to deny responsibility for the contamination and the sickness and deaths it caused.

You can't fix a problem without firm acknowledging you have a problem. But Americans can't ever seem to do that any more.
take care of Canada.
The US government is required, by law, and by common decency, to maintain a supply of food for people, who are being detained and held in custody by the government. If border patrol stations detaining families don't maintain such supplies, they're breaking the law, and violating people's rights.

Why isn't Republican anger being directed at Abbott Nutrition executives who KNEW what the effect of closing that plant would be on their ability to fill orders? Why didn't THEY do something to avert this crisis, or propose a solution to re-open the plant before now? All that Abbott (the corporation) has done, is to deny responsibility for the contamination and the sickness and deaths it caused.

You can't fix a problem without firm acknowledging you have a problem. But Americans can't ever seem to do that any more.
Don't they enough babies to butcher in canada without you slithering over here with your lies?
Your story has been completely debunked but count on Republicans to exploit parents' fears for political gains, even if they have to lie to do it.

Bwahahaha!! PolitiFact?!? Really?
PolitiFact is owned by the Poynter Institute, a left-wing organization funded in part by George Soros. The primary purpose of Poynter and PolitiFact is to malign conservatives
GTFO here, clown. Anybody who turns to PolitiFact is either intentionally posting disinformation or extremely ignorant. Either way, that person has 0 credibility.
This is America last Biden in action. Hell, by the time they finally get it on the store shelves, gas prices will make it too expensive to drive to the store. Bidenomics suck.
I'm sick of blaming Biden for this

All these women should not have children to begin with, so let them pay for their carbon filth
Maybe you should have ended it at Planned Parenthood before you began. The we wouldn't have to listen to the filthy CO2 coming out of your sausage stuffed pie hole.
I know you are a baby murdering monster!

Once again, you attack a poster. When you have to lie about abortion to oppose it, it shows just how weak your arguments really are.

If you cared one white about "murdered babies", you wouldn't be opposed to gun control to keep AR weapons out of the hands of lunatics who really do "murder children." The USA has the highest rate of infant death in the first year of life, and maternal death in childbirth, in the first world. The highest rate of child poverty in the first world. And you're the only first world nation without universal health care.

You offer nothing to pregnant women - not even maternity leave or job security. Poor women who get pregnant, get fired, losing any health care they might have when they need it most. Your solution to this all of these issues is to ban abortion.

You focus on the unborn and then abandon these poor children the moment they take their first breath. Gun violence is now the leading cause of death for children under the age of 10 in the USA. I guess you want more children born so that you'll have lots of kids for target practice.

The Republican Party is now a Death Cult.
Once again, you attack a poster. When you have to lie about abortion to oppose it, it shows just how weak your arguments really are.

If you cared one white about "murdered babies", you wouldn't be opposed to gun control to keep AR weapons out of the hands of lunatics who really do "murder children." The USA has the highest rate of infant death in the first year of life, and maternal death in childbirth, in the first world. The highest rate of child poverty in the first world. And you're the only first world nation without universal health care.

You offer nothing to pregnant women - not even maternity leave or job security. Poor women who get pregnant, get fired, losing any health care they might have when they need it most. Your solution to this all of these issues is to ban abortion.

You focus on the unborn and then abandon these poor children the moment they take their first breath. Gun violence is now the leading cause of death for children under the age of 10 in the USA. I guess you want more children born so that you'll have lots of kids for target practice.

The Republican Party is now a Death Cult.
Guns save babies lives.

In fact, that is not bullshit. Legal gun ownership is responsible to stopping numerous crimes.

It is liberal policies like Alphabet Pedo grooming, Gender Dysphoria, and telling children they descended from apes and there is No God and No Hope that causes gun violence.
Once again, you attack a poster. When you have to lie about abortion to oppose it, it shows just how weak your arguments really are.

If you cared one white about "murdered babies", you wouldn't be opposed to gun control to keep AR weapons out of the hands of lunatics who really do "murder children." The USA has the highest rate of infant death in the first year of life, and maternal death in childbirth, in the first world. The highest rate of child poverty in the first world. And you're the only first world nation without universal health care.

You offer nothing to pregnant women - not even maternity leave or job security. Poor women who get pregnant, get fired, losing any health care they might have when they need it most. Your solution to this all of these issues is to ban abortion.

You focus on the unborn and then abandon these poor children the moment they take their first breath. Gun violence is now the leading cause of death for children under the age of 10 in the USA. I guess you want more children born so that you'll have lots of kids for target practice.

The Republican Party is now a Death Cult.
Hilarious as your lies are, there's this.

Once again, you attack a poster. When you have to lie about abortion to oppose it, it shows just how weak your arguments really are.

If you cared one white about "murdered babies", you wouldn't be opposed to gun control to keep AR weapons out of the hands of lunatics who really do "murder children." The USA has the highest rate of infant death in the first year of life, and maternal death in childbirth, in the first world. The highest rate of child poverty in the first world. And you're the only first world nation without universal health care.

You offer nothing to pregnant women - not even maternity leave or job security. Poor women who get pregnant, get fired, losing any health care they might have when they need it most. Your solution to this all of these issues is to ban abortion.

You focus on the unborn and then abandon these poor children the moment they take their first breath. Gun violence is now the leading cause of death for children under the age of 10 in the USA. I guess you want more children born so that you'll have lots of kids for target practice.

The Republican Party is now a Death Cult.
Democrat Party:

The McDonalds of Genocide

60 Million Minorities Murdered.

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