Baby Seriously Injured in Muslim Rock Ambush

It is a tragedy.

I was merely pointing out why things like this happen. I am doing my best to eliminate this problem.

No - there is no rhyme or reason to target unsuspecting road-users. Not at all, and not for any reason at all.

I can say the same thing about the 1500 Palestinian children killed by Israel.

Where was your outrage then?

Tinmore, can you not understand the difference between Israelis , who don't cheer when Palestinian civilians are killed, babies or adults and Gazans who have always celebrated and called Palestinian murderers heroes ?
Did you even know that? Did you know that when a PAlestinian kills Israeli civilians, they are heroes and looked upon as someone who did something good for 'Palestinians' . They throw parties for them There is NOTHING more disgusting then encouraging and cheering the death of civilians.
No - there is no rhyme or reason to target unsuspecting road-users. Not at all, and not for any reason at all.

I can say the same thing about the 1500 Palestinian children killed by Israel.

Where was your outrage then?

Tinmore, can you not understand the difference between Israelis , who don't cheer when Palestinian civilians are killed, babies or adults and Gazans who have always celebrated and called Palestinian murderers heroes ?
Did you even know that? Did you know that when a PAlestinian kills Israeli civilians, they are heroes and looked upon as someone who did something good for 'Palestinians' . They throw parties for them There is NOTHING more disgusting then encouraging and cheering the death of civilians.

[ame=]Palestinian Woman Confronts Israelis Celebrating Freedom Flotilla Massacre - YouTube[/ame]
I can say the same thing about the 1500 Palestinian children killed by Israel.

Where was your outrage then?

Tinmore, can you not understand the difference between Israelis , who don't cheer when Palestinian civilians are killed, babies or adults and Gazans who have always celebrated and called Palestinian murderers heroes ?
Did you even know that? Did you know that when a PAlestinian kills Israeli civilians, they are heroes and looked upon as someone who did something good for 'Palestinians' . They throw parties for them There is NOTHING more disgusting then encouraging and cheering the death of civilians.

[ame=]Palestinian Woman Confronts Israelis Celebrating Freedom Flotilla Massacre - YouTube[/ame]

Israel had every right to attack the ship, not simply board it. The ship was breaking the blockade and had no aid on it at all. That has been proved to you before. If you want to discuss the Mavi Marmara please start a thread search.

You pfftinmore are the master at diverting threads. Stop taking this off-topic. If you cannot discuss what a heinous crime happened today to the poor baby without taking this off-topic then how about starting your own thread.
Tinmore, can you not understand the difference between Israelis , who don't cheer when Palestinian civilians are killed, babies or adults and Gazans who have always celebrated and called Palestinian murderers heroes ?
Did you even know that? Did you know that when a PAlestinian kills Israeli civilians, they are heroes and looked upon as someone who did something good for 'Palestinians' . They throw parties for them There is NOTHING more disgusting then encouraging and cheering the death of civilians.

[ame=]Palestinian Woman Confronts Israelis Celebrating Freedom Flotilla Massacre - YouTube[/ame]

Israel had every right to attack the ship, not simply board it. The ship was breaking the blockade and had no aid on it at all. That has been proved to you before. If you want to discuss the Mavi Marmara please start a thread search.

You pfftinmore are the master at diverting threads. Stop taking this off-topic. If you cannot discuss what a heinous crime happened today to the poor baby without taking this off-topic then how about starting your own thread.

I was merely responding to a post.
Damn those terrorists who specifically target Jewish innocents. Damn them all to hell. Israel should find these culprits and kick them out, together with

And all the scum who target Jewish civilians. Damn them all to whatever the Israeli authorities have to give/take away from them.

Baby Seriously Injured in Muslim Rock Ambush

A 2-year-old baby suffered a serious head injury when the car she was in was pelted in southern Jerusalem.

By Gil Ronen
First Publish: 11/28/2013, 6:26 PM


Baby injured, 21.9.11

A two-year-old baby was seriously injured Thursday when Muslim terrorists hurled rocks at the car she was in, at the entrance to the Armon Hanatziv neighborhood in southern Jerusalem.

A Magen David Adom (MDA) team gave the baby initial medical care and took her to Hadassah Ein Kerem hospital. She suffered a serious head injury.

Security forces are combing the area in search of the terrorists.

Baby Seriously Injured in Muslim Rock Ambush - Defense/Security - News - Israel National News

Hoping and praying the toddler recuperates very soon from her head injury. :(
No child should ever be harmed-agree.

P.F., I think that I might know what you're insinuating. And I know from your previous posts that you understand the complex situation in Israel far better than I. Are you suggesting that maybe Muslims weren't the culprits? Visiting relatives targeted by one side or the other?

And before anyone gets worked up, all I know about this horrible incident, is from the link provided. No one has been apprehended, but everyone is certain that the attacker was Islamic?

I just want understand both points of view, objectively. Anyone who will harm a child, intentionally, has no soul.
I can say the same thing about the 1500 Palestinian children killed by Israel.

Where was your outrage then?

Tinmore, can you not understand the difference between Israelis , who don't cheer when Palestinian civilians are killed, babies or adults and Gazans who have always celebrated and called Palestinian murderers heroes ?
Did you even know that? Did you know that when a PAlestinian kills Israeli civilians, they are heroes and looked upon as someone who did something good for 'Palestinians' . They throw parties for them There is NOTHING more disgusting then encouraging and cheering the death of civilians.

[ame=]Palestinian Woman Confronts Israelis Celebrating Freedom Flotilla Massacre - YouTube[/ame]

LIAR !! They were celebrating the success of the IDF to divert the ship.
LIAR LIAR ! If you think Israelis cheer on the street when innocent people are murdered, you obviously know nothing about Israelis.

BTW, I almost spit my drink when I read flotilla "massacre" LOL !
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No-one celebreated the "massacre" of the flotilla.

Another Palestinian propaganda garbage.

We celebreated our soldiers' success in protecting our people, and that even though some were injured, non of them were killed.

I did, and there is no mention of 1,500 Palestinian children.


Remember These Children 2000 Memorial

No - 1500 is the total number of Palestinians killed - not 1500 children. Make sure your facts are correct before banding about the first number you see.

No, Tinmore is right - the number is the number of children. The title of the link is "Remember these children" - one would assume that the number represents children, not all Palestinians.

But, if still in doubt, here's another source: Statistics | B'Tselem

I don't think it's Tinmore that needs to check his facts.

A lot of children have been killed or suffered horrendous injuries on both sides, as this incident shows, but in terms of numbers many more Palestinian children have been killed or injured.
No - 1500 is the total number of Palestinians killed - not 1500 children. Make sure your facts are correct before banding about the first number you see.
No, Tinmore is right - the number is the number of children.
Palistanian martyrs, that is.
The title of the link is "Remember these children" - one would assume that the number represents children, not all Palestinians.
Indeed, it would be quite a burden for palistanians to get all of their kin killed.
But, if still in doubt, here's another source: Statistics | B'Tselem
And who would knowingly shill for a well-known leftista outfit?
I don't think it's Tinmore that needs to check his facts.
Oh, that he doesn't, of course. We see the results of it here all the time, indeed.
A lot of children have been killed or suffered horrendous injuries on both sides, as this incident shows, but in terms of numbers many more Palestinian children have been killed or injured.
Well, the religion of death and "liberation of palestine" demands child sacrifices, can do nothing about it, and they look good dead on TV too, and on school walls, "martyr blah-blah, who gave his life for blah-blah", of course.
The Zionists imported foreign settlers to be cannon fodder in their Israel project.

Jerusalem has been majority Jewish since the mid 1800s idiot... Even before the current Zionists movement began ...Get your head out of your ass :cuckoo:
Tinmore, can you not understand the difference between Israelis , who don't cheer when Palestinian civilians are killed, babies or adults and Gazans who have always celebrated and called Palestinian murderers heroes ?
Did you even know that? Did you know that when a PAlestinian kills Israeli civilians, they are heroes and looked upon as someone who did something good for 'Palestinians' . They throw parties for them There is NOTHING more disgusting then encouraging and cheering the death of civilians.

[ame=]Palestinian Woman Confronts Israelis Celebrating Freedom Flotilla Massacre - YouTube[/ame]

LIAR !! They were celebrating the success of the IDF to divert the ship.
LIAR LIAR ! If you think Israelis cheer on the street when innocent people are murdered, you obviously know nothing about Israelis.

BTW, I almost spit my drink when I read flotilla "massacre" LOL !

Israel attacked the ship under the lie that they suspected weapons.

Israel knew that there were no weapons.
The Zionists imported foreign settlers to be cannon fodder in their Israel project.

How would you like it if that baby you're holding had a rock thrown on her head, you piece of trash ?

You missed the point.

No. I believe you missed the point because your hatred is blocking the compassion you would otherwise have for this injured child, George. You have ask yourself an honest question here, George. Is there ever justification for harming an innocent child? A little 2 yr old baby? You know? It is alright to say that was a very evil thing that was done to that child. Because it was. - Jeri

LIAR !! They were celebrating the success of the IDF to divert the ship.
LIAR LIAR ! If you think Israelis cheer on the street when innocent people are murdered, you obviously know nothing about Israelis.

BTW, I almost spit my drink when I read flotilla "massacre" LOL !

Israel attacked the ship under the lie that they suspected weapons.

Israel knew that there were no weapons.

Yeah? You know what they knew ?:doubt:

No - 1500 is the total number of Palestinians killed - not 1500 children. Make sure your facts are correct before banding about the first number you see.

No, Tinmore is right - the number is the number of children. The title of the link is "Remember these children" - one would assume that the number represents children, not all Palestinians.

But, if still in doubt, here's another source: Statistics | B'Tselem

I don't think it's Tinmore that needs to check his facts.

A lot of children have been killed or suffered horrendous injuries on both sides, as this incident shows, but in terms of numbers many more Palestinian children have been killed or injured.

No, the link says the number of Palestinians, not children. Cleverly done but transparent and ignorant as all the pro-Palestinian sites are. Also B'Tselem's figures are disputed. 1,500 children were not killed. There are more credible sites than the ones you Israel haters drag up from the gutter, and the blogs which have agendas. I wish you people would get your facts straight.

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