Baby Seriously Injured in Muslim Rock Ambush

No - 1500 is the total number of Palestinians killed - not 1500 children. Make sure your facts are correct before banding about the first number you see.

No, Tinmore is right - the number is the number of children. The title of the link is "Remember these children" - one would assume that the number represents children, not all Palestinians.

But, if still in doubt, here's another source: Statistics | B'Tselem

I don't think it's Tinmore that needs to check his facts.

A lot of children have been killed or suffered horrendous injuries on both sides, as this incident shows, but in terms of numbers many more Palestinian children have been killed or injured.

No, the link says the number of Palestinians, not children. Cleverly done but transparent and ignorant as all the pro-Palestinian sites are. Also B'Tselem's figures are disputed. 1,500 children were not killed. There are more credible sites than the ones you Israel haters drag up from the gutter, and the blogs which have agendas. I wish you people would get your facts straight.

They make up their own "facts"
Palestinian Woman Confronts Israelis Celebrating Freedom Flotilla Massacre - YouTube
LIAR !! They were celebrating the success of the IDF to divert the ship. LIAR LIAR ! If you think Israelis cheer on the street when innocent people are murdered, you obviously know nothing about Israelis. BTW, I almost spit my drink when I read flotilla "massacre" LOL !
Israel attacked the ship under the lie that they suspected weapons. Israel knew that there were no weapons.
Our honorable P F Tinmore found his own "Liberty", of course.
The Zionists imported foreign settlers to be cannon fodder in their Israel project.

Jerusalem has been majority Jewish since the mid 1800s idiot... Even before the current Zionists movement began ...Get your head out of your ass :cuckoo:

It may be true that Jerusalem was about half Jewish at the turn of the century but they were only about 5% or so throughout the country. Even after importing foreign settlers by the boatload for 20 years their numbers only increased to about 35%. And they only owned about 7% of Palestinian land.

These imported foreign settlers were the front lines of the military invasion and takeover of Palestine and are still the front lines in that war that continues today.
LIAR !! They were celebrating the success of the IDF to divert the ship.
LIAR LIAR ! If you think Israelis cheer on the street when innocent people are murdered, you obviously know nothing about Israelis.

BTW, I almost spit my drink when I read flotilla "massacre" LOL !

Israel attacked the ship under the lie that they suspected weapons.

Israel knew that there were no weapons.

Yeah? You know what they knew ?:doubt:

Sure, it was in the news.
It may be true that Jerusalem was about half Jewish at the turn of the century but they were only about 5% or so throughout the country. Even after importing foreign settlers by the boatload for 20 years their numbers only increased to about 35%. And they only owned about 7% of Palestinian land.
No doubt arabs firmly believe this idiocy, but as of 1947, 7% of the land of west palestine was owned by jews. 7-8% was owned by arabs. 16% was owned by absentee landlords, mostly churches. The remainder was state lands, owned first by the sultan and after that - by the british government of palestine, of course.
These imported foreign settlers were the front lines of the military invasion and takeover of Palestine and are still the front lines in that war that continues today.
"So far from being persecuted, the Arabs have crowded into the country and multiplied till their population has increased more than even all
world Jewry could lift up the Jewish population." Winnie Churchill.
Arab settlers, calling others settlers is funny.
It may be true that Jerusalem was about half Jewish at the turn of the century but they were only about 5% or so throughout the country. Even after importing foreign settlers by the boatload for 20 years their numbers only increased to about 35%. And they only owned about 7% of Palestinian land.
No doubt arabs firmly believe this idiocy, but as of 1947, 7% of the land of west palestine was owned by jews. 7-8% was owned by arabs. 16% was owned by absentee landlords, mostly churches. The remainder was state lands, owned first by the sultan and after that - by the british government of palestine, of course.
These imported foreign settlers were the front lines of the military invasion and takeover of Palestine and are still the front lines in that war that continues today.
"So far from being persecuted, the Arabs have crowded into the country and multiplied till their population has increased more than even all
world Jewry could lift up the Jewish population." Winnie Churchill.
Arab settlers, calling others settlers is funny.

The remainder was state lands, owned first by the sultan and after that - by the british government of palestine, of course.

Britain never took possession of Palestine. The mandate was assigned to Palestine to render administrative assistance and advice.
It may be true that Jerusalem was about half Jewish at the turn of the century but they were only about 5% or so throughout the country. Even after importing foreign settlers by the boatload for 20 years their numbers only increased to about 35%. And they only owned about 7% of Palestinian land.
No doubt arabs firmly believe this idiocy, but as of 1947, 7% of the land of west palestine was owned by jews. 7-8% was owned by arabs. 16% was owned by absentee landlords, mostly churches. The remainder was state lands, owned first by the sultan and after that - by the british government of palestine, of course."So far from being persecuted, the Arabs have crowded into the country and multiplied till their population has increased more than even all
world Jewry could lift up the Jewish population." Winnie Churchill.
Arab settlers, calling others settlers is funny.
The remainder was state lands, owned first by the sultan and after that - by the british government of palestine, of course.
Britain never took possession of Palestine. The mandate was assigned to Palestine to render administrative assistance and advice.
So, it'll be no problem to prove that assertion by telling the eager readers who was that emir, pasha, sultan, effendi, shakh, president, prime-minister of that state to have state lands, will it?
No doubt arabs firmly believe this idiocy, but as of 1947, 7% of the land of west palestine was owned by jews. 7-8% was owned by arabs. 16% was owned by absentee landlords, mostly churches. The remainder was state lands, owned first by the sultan and after that - by the british government of palestine, of course."So far from being persecuted, the Arabs have crowded into the country and multiplied till their population has increased more than even all
world Jewry could lift up the Jewish population." Winnie Churchill.
Arab settlers, calling others settlers is funny.
The remainder was state lands, owned first by the sultan and after that - by the british government of palestine, of course.
Britain never took possession of Palestine. The mandate was assigned to Palestine to render administrative assistance and advice.
So, it'll be no problem to prove that assertion by telling the eager readers who was that emir, pasha, sultan, effendi, shakh, president, prime-minister of that state to have state lands, will it?

It is the people who are sovereign. Governments are sovereign by extension.
How would you like it if that baby you're holding had a rock thrown on her head, you piece of trash ?

You missed the point.

No. I believe you missed the point because your hatred is blocking the compassion you would otherwise have for this injured child, George. You have ask yourself an honest question here, George. Is there ever justification for harming an innocent child? A little 2 yr old baby? You know? It is alright to say that was a very evil thing that was done to that child. Because it was. - Jeri

Where's the compassion for all the children damaged in this conflict Jeri?
No, Tinmore is right - the number is the number of children. The title of the link is "Remember these children" - one would assume that the number represents children, not all Palestinians.

But, if still in doubt, here's another source: Statistics | B'Tselem

I don't think it's Tinmore that needs to check his facts.

A lot of children have been killed or suffered horrendous injuries on both sides, as this incident shows, but in terms of numbers many more Palestinian children have been killed or injured.

No, the link says the number of Palestinians, not children. Cleverly done but transparent and ignorant as all the pro-Palestinian sites are. Also B'Tselem's figures are disputed. 1,500 children were not killed. There are more credible sites than the ones you Israel haters drag up from the gutter, and the blogs which have agendas. I wish you people would get your facts straight.

They make up their own "facts"

Dispute the fact then instead of cowardly negging. You never seem to.
No - 1500 is the total number of Palestinians killed - not 1500 children. Make sure your facts are correct before banding about the first number you see.

No, Tinmore is right - the number is the number of children. The title of the link is "Remember these children" - one would assume that the number represents children, not all Palestinians.

But, if still in doubt, here's another source: Statistics | B'Tselem

I don't think it's Tinmore that needs to check his facts.

A lot of children have been killed or suffered horrendous injuries on both sides, as this incident shows, but in terms of numbers many more Palestinian children have been killed or injured.

No, the link says the number of Palestinians, not children. Cleverly done but transparent and ignorant as all the pro-Palestinian sites are.

Look at the source again Caroline. The number is NOT total Palestinians - it's children. The page contains a link for each year. Within that year is a total of children killed that year, and a break down by month with name and age and how they died. When you add up the totals since 2000 it comes to 1,500. All children.

Also B'Tselem's figures are disputed. 1,500 children were not killed. There are more credible sites than the ones you Israel haters drag up from the gutter, and the blogs which have agendas. I wish you people would get your facts straight.

Then show me figures from credible sites - not some crap sites you "Pali haters" dig up from the pro-Israel outhouse. Seriously - do you think I don't get that you too have an agenda?

B'Tselem's figures might be in dispute but they are far more credible than anything else I've seen so far (which is zip). What is not in dispute is far more Palestinian children have been killed than Israeli children in this conflict. They are all innocent you know. Just children. Whether they're Jewish, Palestinian, Syrian, Congolese - they have nothing to do with the conflict around them. The toddler in the OP has no say in where she lives, made no government policies, hasn't even learned to hate anyone yet - no one has the right to attempt deprive of her of her life. Yet - people blame her parents, just like you blame the Palestinian parents for the deaths of their children. Way to go.
Britain never took possession of Palestine. The mandate was assigned to Palestine to render administrative assistance and advice.
So, it'll be no problem to prove that assertion by telling the eager readers who was that emir, pasha, sultan, effendi, shakh, president, prime-minister of that state to have state lands, will it?
It is the people who are sovereign. Governments are sovereign by extension.
Ah, squatter sovereignty. Figures. No land and no borders.
B'Tselem's figures might be in dispute but they are far more credible than anything else I've seen so far (which is zip).
That's a cool admission, considering that's a leftozoid outfit with 0 credibility, of course.
What is not in dispute is far more Palestinian children have been killed than Israeli children in this conflict.
Well, the religion of death and "liberation of palestine" demands child sacrifices, can do nothing about it, and they look good dead on TV too, and on school walls, "martyr blah-blah, who gave his life for blah-blah", of course. They serve the purpose.
You need to see where and how a lot of those Palestinian children died. They weren't all sitting at home doing their school work at the time of their death.
No, Tinmore is right - the number is the number of children. The title of the link is "Remember these children" - one would assume that the number represents children, not all Palestinians.

But, if still in doubt, here's another source: Statistics | B'Tselem

I don't think it's Tinmore that needs to check his facts.

A lot of children have been killed or suffered horrendous injuries on both sides, as this incident shows, but in terms of numbers many more Palestinian children have been killed or injured.

No, the link says the number of Palestinians, not children. Cleverly done but transparent and ignorant as all the pro-Palestinian sites are.

Look at the source again Caroline. The number is NOT total Palestinians - it's children. The page contains a link for each year. Within that year is a total of children killed that year, and a break down by month with name and age and how they died. When you add up the totals since 2000 it comes to 1,500. All children.

Also B'Tselem's figures are disputed. 1,500 children were not killed. There are more credible sites than the ones you Israel haters drag up from the gutter, and the blogs which have agendas. I wish you people would get your facts straight.

Then show me figures from credible sites - not some crap sites you "Pali haters" dig up from the pro-Israel outhouse. Seriously - do you think I don't get that you too have an agenda?

B'Tselem's figures might be in dispute but they are far more credible than anything else I've seen so far (which is zip). What is not in dispute is far more Palestinian children have been killed than Israeli children in this conflict. They are all innocent you know. Just children. Whether they're Jewish, Palestinian, Syrian, Congolese - they have nothing to do with the conflict around them. The toddler in the OP has no say in where she lives, made no government policies, hasn't even learned to hate anyone yet - no one has the right to attempt deprive of her of her life. Yet - people blame her parents, just like you blame the Palestinian parents for the deaths of their children. Way to go.

You moral equivalency people are a joke. You cant even call suicide bombers terrorist which is what they are :cuckoo:..Israel takes extra care to minimize civil casualties. not so on the other side, but you are what you are which is why I neg you.
No, the link says the number of Palestinians, not children. Cleverly done but transparent and ignorant as all the pro-Palestinian sites are.

Look at the source again Caroline. The number is NOT total Palestinians - it's children. The page contains a link for each year. Within that year is a total of children killed that year, and a break down by month with name and age and how they died. When you add up the totals since 2000 it comes to 1,500. All children.

Also B'Tselem's figures are disputed. 1,500 children were not killed. There are more credible sites than the ones you Israel haters drag up from the gutter, and the blogs which have agendas. I wish you people would get your facts straight.

Then show me figures from credible sites - not some crap sites you "Pali haters" dig up from the pro-Israel outhouse. Seriously - do you think I don't get that you too have an agenda?

B'Tselem's figures might be in dispute but they are far more credible than anything else I've seen so far (which is zip). What is not in dispute is far more Palestinian children have been killed than Israeli children in this conflict. They are all innocent you know. Just children. Whether they're Jewish, Palestinian, Syrian, Congolese - they have nothing to do with the conflict around them. The toddler in the OP has no say in where she lives, made no government policies, hasn't even learned to hate anyone yet - no one has the right to attempt deprive of her of her life. Yet - people blame her parents, just like you blame the Palestinian parents for the deaths of their children. Way to go.

You moral equivalency people are a joke. You cant even call suicide bombers terrorist which is what they are :cuckoo:..Israel takes extra care to minimize civil casualties. not so on the other side, but you are what you are which is why I neg you.

Yeah, but they suck at it big time.
Look at the source again Caroline. The number is NOT total Palestinians - it's children. The page contains a link for each year. Within that year is a total of children killed that year, and a break down by month with name and age and how they died. When you add up the totals since 2000 it comes to 1,500. All children.

Then show me figures from credible sites - not some crap sites you "Pali haters" dig up from the pro-Israel outhouse. Seriously - do you think I don't get that you too have an agenda?

B'Tselem's figures might be in dispute but they are far more credible than anything else I've seen so far (which is zip). What is not in dispute is far more Palestinian children have been killed than Israeli children in this conflict. They are all innocent you know. Just children. Whether they're Jewish, Palestinian, Syrian, Congolese - they have nothing to do with the conflict around them. The toddler in the OP has no say in where she lives, made no government policies, hasn't even learned to hate anyone yet - no one has the right to attempt deprive of her of her life. Yet - people blame her parents, just like you blame the Palestinian parents for the deaths of their children. Way to go.

You moral equivalency people are a joke. You cant even call suicide bombers terrorist which is what they are :cuckoo:..Israel takes extra care to minimize civil casualties. not so on the other side, but you are what you are which is why I neg you.

Yeah, but they suck at it big time.

Perhaps because Israel's enemies prefer death. They do their best to excel at it.

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You moral equivalency people are a joke. You cant even call suicide bombers terrorist which is what they are :cuckoo:..Israel takes extra care to minimize civil casualties. not so on the other side, but you are what you are which is why I neg you.
Oh really? Then how do you explain the following?

On 21 November 2012, his 13-year-old son Mahmoud was killed when he was struck by a missile fired by an Israeli drone as he walked to a shop down the road from his home in the al-Manara area of Gaza City. He was carrying nothing but a coin in his hand to buy a pen for his little sister.

The missile struck Mahmoud on a wide road with good visibility from above. Israeli aerial surveillance should have been able to see that he was a child. Witnesses said there were no evident military targets in the vicinity at the time.
On a wide road with clear visibility, an Israeli piece of shit, sitting behind some Gameboy joy stick, pulls the trigger and bombs a kid on his way to the store.

How is that taking care to minimize civilian casualties?

Here's another example...

Eight-year-old Muhammed Ibrahim ‘Ashour was cut into pieces when a missile fired by an Israeli drone hit him as he played in his garden in al-Zaytoun, Gaza City, on 20 November 2012.

Five other children and his 80-year-old grandfather were injured by shrapnel from the missile.

There was no evidence that the premises had been used for any military purposes, and even if the Israeli military presumed that the garden had been used for military purposes at some point, the children playing there should have been visible to Israeli surveillance aircraft.

"There was no one there except the children and their grandfather," Muhammed Rizq ‘Ashour, the uncle of the boy who was killed, told Amnesty International. "What did these children do? What was their crime? They were just playing in the garden. Even during a war, children want to play. They should have been visible to the Israeli [surveillance] drones in the sky above. We want to know why a missile was fired at these children."
Care to tell why the Israeli's deliberately target Palestinian children, in order to limit civilian casualties?

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