Bachmann - Candidate without a church

What makes Bob Barr more qualified than a John McCain?

Virtually everything. To start with the market economics that Barr supports. McCain is another fuzzy Keynesian. I don't think he would have pushed it as far as Obama did, but the economic policies promoted by McCain were the same as those of Obama - fool hardy stimulus funded by massive debt. Barr alone promoted a market economy where the invisible hand rather than the federal government determined the winners and losers. Why did Bush/Obama bail out Goldman Sachs, but not Lehman Bros? The answer is "pull." GS has huge pull - whether based on contributions or more overt bribes is up to the reader to decide.

Barr was the ONLY candidate running in 2008 who offered an alternative to the disastrous policies that put us into the mess of 2008. guys will go to all lengths to discredit a conservative woman.
You mean the bitch? LMAO! She did that to herself you ignorant fool!!
Next we will see a post saying that Bachmann has changed supermarkets and now shops at Stop and Shop......likely becuase she found out that the owner of Waldbaums supermarkets is Jewish.
Next we will be seeing the bitch dying of a migrain headache condition and flopping on the whorehouse floor.

Suggestion...if you really care about ensuring we have the right person in the white house, spend time analyzing the virtues of a candidate and stop- seeking unwarranted criticisms.

Or do what you do....

LMAO!! The bitch is your pick?? What a fool you are............:lol:
The Bitch? Really Gracie? SHE is far more qualified than yer boyking Messiah Obama.

But you continue to be a tool for the ONE and the unions...please cease thinking and be the parrot that you are. You are performing admirably in their eyes.
So you vote for only those that "have a chance to win"?
I vote for the most qualified person. Not ideologues.

The most qualified based on what? Business expertise? Political expertise? Foreign policy expertise? Legal expertise? Social policy expertise? The person most qualified in all of those could be a leftwing psycho nut who preached Lenin's philosophy and admired Ghengis Khan.

What makes Bob Barr more qualified than a John McCain? Or a Newt Gingrich? Or a Michelle Bachmann? Or a Gary Johnson? Or a Mitt Romney? Or a Barack Obama?

If you don't judge qualifcations by who fits your personal belief system, values, principles (i.e. ideology), please lay out what you see as qualifications for a candidate.

If you do not know then you need to stay home next election.
I admit I fall back on my days as a defensive end. When you cross that line you are not judged by your beliefs or values. I was judged by if I got THE JOB DONE.
Bob Barr has got the job done everywhere he has ever been. CIA, Congress, US Attorney and Harvard University professor just to name a few.
If you can not see that we need someone that CAN GET THE JOB DONE then you are ignoring the massive failures the last 3 Presidents, including Obama.
Clinton, Bush and Obama: all failures.
And you want more of the same because "they have a chance to win."
No maam. In my world of business that is not how it has ever worked. Same as the gridiron. Getting the job done is #1 priority. I could care less if the President had a bone through their nose, worse high top Chuck Connors green canvas All Stars, tattoos up and down and all around. We need a LEADER that gets the damn job done.
We have had enough of the pretty boys.

If you cannot see that voting for an unelectable person can take votes away from the better person who otherwise would be electable, we might as well call it quits here. I don't care if Bob Barr is Ghandi, Superman, Mighty Mouse, Wonder Dog and God himself all rolled into one, if he can't get people to contribute to his campaign, if he can't inspire people to vote for him, he can't be elected.

Those who vote for a candidate who has no chance to get more than 1 or 2% of the vote ahead of one who is electable are voting on pure ideology or personal loyalty and nothing else. And they are throwing their vote away.
If you cannot see that voting for an unelectable person can take votes away from the better person who otherwise would be electable, we might as well call it quits here.

We should vote for people we want to be elected. I wanted Bob Barr to be elected, I did not want John McCain nor Barack Obama to be elected.

I don't care if Bob Barr is Ghandi, Superman, Mighty Mouse, Wonder Dog and God himself all rolled into one, if he can't get people to contribute to his campaign, if he can't inspire people to vote for him, he can't be elected.

It doesn't alter the fact that he represents the kind of nation I promote - McCain and Obama don't.

What you are banking on is the idea that Libertarians should be willing to sacrifice principles because we would prefer McCain to Obama. But that presupposes that we actually WOULD prefer McCain to Obama - which for me, isn't the case.

Looking at the economic proposals of both, it was clear that the programs they promoted would lead to complete disaster - which they have. Better that Obama fail and put us through 4 years of recession, than McCain fail and put someone even further left in for 8 years after his miserable 4 years.

Obama's failure has allowed actual fiscal conservatives to take the house and to change the dynamic of the executive race so that a capitalist like Herman Cain actually is considered - an actual capitalist!

I could see nothing positive coming out of a McCain presidency - nothing at all.
What makes Bob Barr more qualified than a John McCain?

Virtually everything. To start with the market economics that Barr supports. McCain is another fuzzy Keynesian. I don't think he would have pushed it as far as Obama did, but the economic policies promoted by McCain were the same as those of Obama - fool hardy stimulus funded by massive debt. Barr alone promoted a market economy where the invisible hand rather than the federal government determined the winners and losers. Why did Bush/Obama bail out Goldman Sachs, but not Lehman Bros? The answer is "pull." GS has huge pull - whether based on contributions or more overt bribes is up to the reader to decide.

Barr was the ONLY candidate running in 2008 who offered an alternative to the disastrous policies that put us into the mess of 2008.

But Barr's perspective on finances is not 'experience' or 'qualifications' because he has zero experience with it. Barr's point of view and beliefs on that are ideology, not experience or qualifications. I agree with him that Keynesian economics won't work and I am a huge laizzez faire capitalist so I am very much on the same page with Barr re that. I disagree that McCain is a Keynesian at heart, but he is far more big government than I can swallow and was soft on too many issues important to me which is why I strongly opposed him getting the GOP nomination.

But again Barr was polling in the low single digits for the last several months of the 2008 campaign and his favoribility was actually dropping the last weeks before the election. He simply was unable to get any traction or inspire confidence in himself enough to persuade people to vote for him. And he got less than 1% of the vote.

A vote for Barr was a wasted vote.
What makes Bob Barr more qualified than a John McCain?

Virtually everything. To start with the market economics that Barr supports. McCain is another fuzzy Keynesian. I don't think he would have pushed it as far as Obama did, but the economic policies promoted by McCain were the same as those of Obama - fool hardy stimulus funded by massive debt. Barr alone promoted a market economy where the invisible hand rather than the federal government determined the winners and losers. Why did Bush/Obama bail out Goldman Sachs, but not Lehman Bros? The answer is "pull." GS has huge pull - whether based on contributions or more overt bribes is up to the reader to decide.

Barr was the ONLY candidate running in 2008 who offered an alternative to the disastrous policies that put us into the mess of 2008.

Could not agree more. guys will go to all lengths to discredit a conservative woman.
Next we will see a post saying that Bachmann has changed supermarkets and now shops at Stop and Shop......likely becuase she found out that the owner of Waldbaums supermarkets is Jewish.

Suggestion...if you really care about ensuring we have the right person in the white house, spend time analyzing the virtues of a candidate and stop- seeking unwarranted criticisms.

Or do what you do....

LMAO!! The bitch is your pick?? What a fool you are............:lol:
The Bitch? Really Gracie? SHE is far more qualified than yer boyking Messiah Obama.

But you continue to be a tool for the ONE and the unions...please cease thinking and be the parrot that you are. You are performing admirably in their eyes.
Her gawwd told her to run for president. LMAO!!! Why don't you go live in Gawwwd phantasy land with the bitch. You are such a fool........:lol:
The most qualified based on what? Business expertise? Political expertise? Foreign policy expertise? Legal expertise? Social policy expertise? The person most qualified in all of those could be a leftwing psycho nut who preached Lenin's philosophy and admired Ghengis Khan.

What makes Bob Barr more qualified than a John McCain? Or a Newt Gingrich? Or a Michelle Bachmann? Or a Gary Johnson? Or a Mitt Romney? Or a Barack Obama?

If you don't judge qualifcations by who fits your personal belief system, values, principles (i.e. ideology), please lay out what you see as qualifications for a candidate.

If you do not know then you need to stay home next election.
I admit I fall back on my days as a defensive end. When you cross that line you are not judged by your beliefs or values. I was judged by if I got THE JOB DONE.
Bob Barr has got the job done everywhere he has ever been. CIA, Congress, US Attorney and Harvard University professor just to name a few.
If you can not see that we need someone that CAN GET THE JOB DONE then you are ignoring the massive failures the last 3 Presidents, including Obama.
Clinton, Bush and Obama: all failures.
And you want more of the same because "they have a chance to win."
No maam. In my world of business that is not how it has ever worked. Same as the gridiron. Getting the job done is #1 priority. I could care less if the President had a bone through their nose, worse high top Chuck Connors green canvas All Stars, tattoos up and down and all around. We need a LEADER that gets the damn job done.
We have had enough of the pretty boys.

If you cannot see that voting for an unelectable person can take votes away from the better person who otherwise would be electable, we might as well call it quits here. I don't care if Bob Barr is Ghandi, Superman, Mighty Mouse, Wonder Dog and God himself all rolled into one, if he can't get people to contribute to his campaign, if he can't inspire people to vote for him, he can't be elected.

Those who vote for a candidate who has no chance to get more than 1 or 2% of the vote ahead of one who is electable are voting on pure ideology or personal loyalty and nothing else. And they are throwing their vote away.

You assume there is ALWAYS a better person available.
And those assumptions have us where we are NOW.
There is no such thing as "throwing their vote away" in a free society.
You take the right to vote for granted.
If you do not know then you need to stay home next election.
I admit I fall back on my days as a defensive end. When you cross that line you are not judged by your beliefs or values. I was judged by if I got THE JOB DONE.
Bob Barr has got the job done everywhere he has ever been. CIA, Congress, US Attorney and Harvard University professor just to name a few.
If you can not see that we need someone that CAN GET THE JOB DONE then you are ignoring the massive failures the last 3 Presidents, including Obama.
Clinton, Bush and Obama: all failures.
And you want more of the same because "they have a chance to win."
No maam. In my world of business that is not how it has ever worked. Same as the gridiron. Getting the job done is #1 priority. I could care less if the President had a bone through their nose, worse high top Chuck Connors green canvas All Stars, tattoos up and down and all around. We need a LEADER that gets the damn job done.
We have had enough of the pretty boys.

If you cannot see that voting for an unelectable person can take votes away from the better person who otherwise would be electable, we might as well call it quits here. I don't care if Bob Barr is Ghandi, Superman, Mighty Mouse, Wonder Dog and God himself all rolled into one, if he can't get people to contribute to his campaign, if he can't inspire people to vote for him, he can't be elected.

Those who vote for a candidate who has no chance to get more than 1 or 2% of the vote ahead of one who is electable are voting on pure ideology or personal loyalty and nothing else. And they are throwing their vote away.

You assume there is ALWAYS a better person available.
And those assumptions have us where we are NOW.
There is no such thing as "throwing their vote away" in a free society.
You take the right to vote for granted.

Well your reading comprehension problem seem to be worsening as you don't have a clue what I assume or what I take for granted. So as we cannot have a discussion on the concepts but you seem determined to make it about me, I will choose to wish you a nice day and move on.
If you cannot see that voting for an unelectable person can take votes away from the better person who otherwise would be electable, we might as well call it quits here. I don't care if Bob Barr is Ghandi, Superman, Mighty Mouse, Wonder Dog and God himself all rolled into one, if he can't get people to contribute to his campaign, if he can't inspire people to vote for him, he can't be elected.

Those who vote for a candidate who has no chance to get more than 1 or 2% of the vote ahead of one who is electable are voting on pure ideology or personal loyalty and nothing else. And they are throwing their vote away.

You assume there is ALWAYS a better person available.
And those assumptions have us where we are NOW.
There is no such thing as "throwing their vote away" in a free society.
You take the right to vote for granted.

Well your reading comprehension problem seem to be worsening as you don't have a clue what I assume or what I take for granted. So as we cannot have a discussion on the concepts but you seem determined to make it about me, I will choose to wish you a nice day and move on.
Good for you. Much admiration. I would have been quicker to slam the door.
Bachmann was smart to quit this church. They are well known to be anti-Catholic.

Although the timing makes it look more politically expedient than an honest abhorrence to the church's bigotry.

No doubt she left the church for political expediency......would you expect any less of any politician on either side?

I would not.

However, I would have preferred that Obama quit Wright's church once he started spouting racism and I would have preferred that Bachmann quit this church once it was clear they were anti-Catholic. Neither did until it became a political liability.

But whatcha gonna do? :dunno:

well said.
You assume there is ALWAYS a better person available.
And those assumptions have us where we are NOW.
There is no such thing as "throwing their vote away" in a free society.
You take the right to vote for granted.

Well your reading comprehension problem seem to be worsening as you don't have a clue what I assume or what I take for granted. So as we cannot have a discussion on the concepts but you seem determined to make it about me, I will choose to wish you a nice day and move on.
Good for you. Much admiration. I would have been quicker to slam the door.

I don't mind folks disagreeing with me. The board would be dull as mud (or something) if we didn't share different points of view. But once they go ad hominem, I know that any chance of coherant discussion is over and there's no point in continuing the discussion. I also know I won the argument/conflict/debate. :)
Well your reading comprehension problem seem to be worsening as you don't have a clue what I assume or what I take for granted. So as we cannot have a discussion on the concepts but you seem determined to make it about me, I will choose to wish you a nice day and move on.
Good for you. Much admiration. I would have been quicker to slam the door.

I don't mind folks disagreeing with me. The board would be dull as mud (or something) if we didn't share different points of view. But once they go ad hominem, I know that any chance of coherant discussion is over and there's no point in continuing the discussion. I also know I won the argument/conflict/debate. :)
I prefer to cut them off at the knees. They aren't here for cogent discussion. YOU have the patience of Job...I tip the fedora in your honor.
What's she a candidate for?
I doubt Sky even knows.

Bachmann is running for POTUS. Do you really go into a thread about Bachmann and have no idea who she is? Bachmann is a religious fanatic, a right wing extremist.
Practicing Religion, a God given right for all citizens as recognized BY the Declaration, and the Constitution is rightwing, and fanatical?


Get over yerself toots. She's more of a woman than you ever will be.

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