Bachmann's husband got $137,000 in Medicaid funds

Most doctors I know work for free. What in the hell was he thinking? Get reimbursed for treating patients. The audacity!
seems bachman has more trouble than stealing petty's music


frankly, I think Petty is being really petty here..

While Rep. Michelle Bachmann, R-Minn., has forcefully denounced the Medicaid program for swelling the "welfare rolls," the mental health clinic run by her husband has been collecting annual Medicaid payments totaling over $137,000 for the treatment of patients since 2005, according to new figures obtained by NBC News.

blah blah blah

"She's giving hypocrisy a bad name," said Ron Pollock, executive director of Families USA, a consumer health care advocacy group, when asked about the Medicaid payments to Bachmann & Associates. "It's clear when it feathers her nest she's happy for Medicaid expenditures. But people that really need it — folks with disabilities and seniors — she's turning their backs on them."

Bachmann's husband got $137,000 in Medicaid funds - politics - Decision 2012 -
Still haven't seen the 'denouncing statements' that she apparently made, it would be nice to have them in context to go with the op, since the op is making the claim it should provide the rest of the information.

Newby is a level headed and polite poster.

Would some one please produce some quotes showing Bachmann railing against medicare.

Umm the thread is about medicaid, not medicare.
Not the same thing.

Nice diversion attempt though.
LMAO!! Obamacare was centrist really? The administration is the Left which is the reason you say nothing about what it is doing to our Nation.

No, the healthcare reform bill was downright conservative. It was pretty much a blueprint of the Republican plan circa 1994, has many of the components of a plan endorsed by Heritage in the 1990's and is quite similar to a plan endorsed and passed by the leading Republican candidate for president.

A liberal bill would have had a public program of delivery and a public method of funding the whole system.
Still haven't seen the 'denouncing statements' that she apparently made, it would be nice to have them in context to go with the op, since the op is making the claim it should provide the rest of the information.

Newby is a level headed and polite poster.

Would some one please produce some quotes showing Bachmann railing against medicare.

Umm the thread is about medicaid, not medicare.
Not the same thing.

Nice diversion attempt though.

You knew what he meant, yet you could not provide any sort of applicable quote. Pathetic diversion attempt.

The article itself only ever says that Bachmann is critical of expanding and changing the Medicaid system under the new health care law. So lets spell this out simply.

1. Bachmann's husband took patients under the old law thereby indicating at least a modicum of support for the old law.

2. Bachmann denounces changing the program thereby indicating at least a modicum of support for maintaining the old law.

3. Bachmann is a hypocrite.

Her husband operated under the old law, and she argued for maintaining the old law. But she's a hypocrite. You people are dumber than dirt.
Newby is a level headed and polite poster.

Would some one please produce some quotes showing Bachmann railing against medicare.

Umm the thread is about medicaid, not medicare.
Not the same thing.

Nice diversion attempt though.

You knew what he meant, yet you could not provide any sort of applicable quote. Pathetic diversion attempt.

The article itself only ever says that Bachmann is critical of expanding and changing the Medicaid system under the new health care law. So lets spell this out simply.

1. Bachmann's husband took patients under the old law thereby indicating at least a modicum of support for the old law.

2. Bachmann denounces changing the program thereby indicating at least a modicum of support for maintaining the old law.

3. Bachmann is a hypocrite.

Her husband operated under the old law, and she argued for maintaining the old law. But she's a hypocrite. You people are dumber than dirt.

Bachman's husband is running for president to?
Of course this obfuscates the real fact:

Government should not be involved in medical insurance or payments. Then, surprise surprise! This type of corruption (If it happened AND was actually corrupt OR illegal) couldn't happen! After all, we are talking MSLSD here so their standards aren't exactly what you'd call professional grade for accuracy in reporting.

Strange how that works, now, isn't it? No Medicare or Medicade, no Medicare or Medicaid FRAUD! Wow!
Still haven't seen the 'denouncing statements' that she apparently made, it would be nice to have them in context to go with the op, since the op is making the claim it should provide the rest of the information.

Newby is a level headed and polite poster.

Would some one please produce some quotes showing Bachmann railing against medicare.

Umm the thread is about medicaid, not medicare.
Not the same thing.

Nice diversion attempt though.

Okay, then what did she say about Medicaid then? What denouncing statements?
Much ado about nothing.

This is becoming a stock response about all the slip ups Bachman has been having. At what point do all those become "something" ? I mean, shit, Obama gets tired and says "57 states" and you guys want to bring that up to the end of time. But yet, Bachman screams and yells about the evils of Medicare, while at the same time, her family is benefiting from Medicare, and we're supposed to just drop it? Because it's "nothing" ?

Hypocrite much?
Oh, and something else I noticed. This whole scandal is a fucking farce and maliciously untrue as a scandal.

the mental health clinic run by her husband has been collecting annual Medicaid payments totaling over $137,000 for the treatment of patients since 2005, according to new figures obtained by NBC News.
Note something very specific. FOR THE TREATMENT OF PATIENTS. What does that mean? It means people who could not afford treatment who needed it, came in AND WERE TREATED!!!!!! Oh my GAWD! How COULD they serve the populace who was afforded treatment by YOUR gubmint tax dollars at work in an approved method!???! Is there something illegal or unethical about doing this?

1. I know what Clinic this is (I know people who have used them for help). Didn't realize it was her husbands.
2. They do a LOT of work with the poor for mental health issues and is a very fine establishment and do much 'sliding scale' and work for patients who have only government assistance.
3. They work closely with many churches in the area in helping provided needed services for the congregations.
4. They get donations and government money so they can provide their services on a sliding scale according to income!

How fucking socialist is that? From each according to their means to each according to their needs, right? I've heard of them giving 'free' care or charging poor people $50 a session based strictly on their income and type of treatment. And you now want to hoist her on YOUR OWN GODDAMN PETARD that suddenly you now decry?

Y'all are a bunch of ravening pathological hypocritical fucktards!

The $161,000 in payments from the Minnesota Department of Human Services to her husband's clinic appear to contradict some of Michelle Bachmann's public accounts this week when she was first asked about the extent to which her family has benefited from government aid.
So you want to lambaste her for her husband accepting Medicare payments and Minnesota Care payments for people who couldn't afford it? My GAWD! Are you people consistent in your own goddamn beliefs? If you want government healthcare, this is IT for you! Classic example. Her husband provides what you demand and you break out the torches and pitchforks because he is doing what you want.

But when she says we should end such things, you hue and cry that she's been benefitting from a system YOU created and should NEVER have existed in the first place!

Bunch of pathological liars, the lot of you. The only scandal here is that MSLSD is considered a news agency, and not whackjob yellow dog propagandist hitmen who should be sued for libel or defamation.

"My husband and I did not get the money," adding that it was "mental health training money that went to the employees."

She's telling the truth because that money goes to pay for the staff providing for those sessions. And yes, I have personal knowledge of this being the case as I've seen how they operate through churches and how they handle the money. Buncha fucking liars.
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Much ado about nothing.

This is becoming a stock response about all the slip ups Bachman has been having. At what point do all those become "something" ? I mean, shit, Obama gets tired and says "57 states" and you guys want to bring that up to the end of time. But yet, Bachman screams and yells about the evils of Medicare, while at the same time, her family is benefiting from Medicare, and we're supposed to just drop it? Because it's "nothing" ?

Hypocrite much?

OK...dontbestupid...please explain what Backmann or Bachmanns husband did wrong.
Now be careful....I dont want to hear that it is wrong to treat people that can only use medicare....i dont want to hear that a man should apply his politivcal views when deciding who to treat....and I certainly doint want to hear that the man should treat those people for free and refuse payment from their insurance company becuase he does not believe in the insuirance company.

I am, I am sure, hate insurance companies...those evil greedy villians........when you have an injury...I am sure you refuse to make a claim and collect from the insurance comapny what you laid out....right?
You're missing the point. It's not that she used them or her husband did. It's the hypocrisy of saying all that stuff is bad...then her actions saying the opposite.
You're missing the point. It's not that she used them or her husband did. It's the hypocrisy of saying all that stuff is bad...then her actions saying the opposite.

what actions are you referring to?
You're missing the point. It's not that she used them or her husband did. It's the hypocrisy of saying all that stuff is bad...then her actions saying the opposite.
You're missing the point too then. They ARE bad AND they are LEGAL. A horrible and currently active situation.

The fact that it is precisely what leftists wanted is what makes this "scandal" all the more hypocritical. It's not a scandal. It's being done tens of thousands of times yearly by those who choose to use an avenue in which to help the poor which the left created, and now decries as bad for their own political purposes.

This is why Michele Bachmann is right in saying they need to be ended. And since they do a ton of work through private charities as well to help the poor, they'd probably be more than happy to ditch the government 'help'.
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You can't say something needs to be ended and is illegal...then turn around and use it. WTF.

The two are separate issues. We're talking about Bachmann's hypocrisy. I'm all for discussing the merits/evils of the other...but let's stick to one discussion at a time and not deflect, shall we?
You can't say something needs to be ended and is illegal...then turn around and use it. WTF.

The two are separate issues. We're talking about Bachmann's hypocrisy. I'm all for discussing the merits/evils of the other...but let's stick to one discussion at a time and not deflect, shall we?
Sure you can. Drives the point home faster. Sorry but Alinsky tactics don't work when you know they're being applied. You want ideological purity, you first.

We are talking about a bunch of lies in an attempt to trump up a scandal that does not exist. There is no crime, there is no hypocrisy unless you are willing to go after EVER clinic that takes Medicare or Medicaid payments for low income patients. THAT'S partisan political and mendacious hypocrisy for you.
please explain what Backmann or Bachmanns husband did wrong.

Easy. She yelled about the evils of Medicare and how bad it is for the country, while at the same time her family was benefiting from it. That's like saying you morally object to capital punishment, but "Hey, as long as we can kill people, line 'em up!"

Someone already wrote in this thread that this would be a great opportunity for Bachman to talk about the REALITY of Medicare, which is that some people really need and some smaller clinics really benefit from it. It's not evil, it's a good thing for this country.
Deflection? This whole scandal is deflection from Brackets' falling polls and the fact that the GOP could put up a full NYC Dumpster to run against him and win in a walk.
please explain what Backmann or Bachmanns husband did wrong.

Easy. She yelled about the evils of Medicare and how bad it is for the country, while at the same time her family was benefiting from it. That's like saying you morally object to capital punishment, but "Hey, as long as we can kill people, line 'em up!"

Someone already wrote in this thread that this would be a great opportunity for Bachman to talk about the REALITY of Medicare, which is that some people really need and some smaller clinics really benefit from it. It's not evil, it's a good thing for this country.
So end it, and stop the 'corruption' you created and desire to expand through Obamacare. It's really pathetic. If her husband's medical practice (and it IS medical according to the law) accepts government payments for services rendered, she's a hypocrite. But if some dipshit leftist uses it, he's a saint.

Can we have some ethical consistency please?

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