Bachmann's husband got $137,000 in Medicaid funds

HUH damn funny I could swear it was me asking if the left now thinks poorly of people have to use Medicaid.

Just as we are asking the left why they are so determined to screw over the poor and working people of this nation through the left unabashed insane spending and debt level for which our children will be forced to pay for.

One of the aspects of Critical thinking requires a person to look past their believes and look at the future consequence of action that you might take.

Its safe to say that neither you or many on the left are willing to look past merely defending this administration despite the future consequence of its actions now.

Who's defending the administration? I'm defending the left... not the administration. The administration isn't left. It always was a centrist administration that is now leaning right from it's original position. You're just so far right that EVERYTHING looks left to you.

What's the "future Consequences" of cutting hundreds of millions of people off of services that they have already paid for? What's the future consequences of giving even more power and control over to the big business and banking monopolies?

You're side won't compromise... ours does to a fault. You're the one with blinders on, but because of those blinders you can't tell.
seems bachman has more trouble than stealing petty's music

While Rep. Michelle Bachmann, R-Minn., has forcefully denounced the Medicaid program for swelling the "welfare rolls," the mental health clinic run by her husband has been collecting annual Medicaid payments totaling over $137,000 for the treatment of patients since 2005, according to new figures obtained by NBC News.

blah blah blah

"She's giving hypocrisy a bad name," said Ron Pollock, executive director of Families USA, a consumer health care advocacy group, when asked about the Medicaid payments to Bachmann & Associates. "It's clear when it feathers her nest she's happy for Medicaid expenditures. But people that really need it — folks with disabilities and seniors — she's turning their backs on them."

Bachmann's husband got $137,000 in Medicaid funds - politics - Decision 2012 -

Are you suggesting they turn away people using medicaid?
No, just that she should stop bashing it for everyone else, and show a bit of honesty.
newbie the fact that she condemns this type of thing for everyone else...does put her in a bad light now doesnt it......again we have the do as i say not as i do mentality.....that is rampant among all much longer will the american people allow partisan mal to blind them to what is going on?


As for taking the Funds... What was her Husband supposed to do?...

Turn away the Patients?...

The Law is what the Law is...

Wanting to Change while NOT Denying those who are Afforded it is not Inconsistent...

Not to Mention, it's her Husband, NOT her.

Is her Husband Running as VP?


She personally benefits from her husband's income, which is supplemented by taxpayer handouts.
seems bachman has more trouble than stealing petty's music

While Rep. Michelle Bachmann, R-Minn., has forcefully denounced the Medicaid program for swelling the "welfare rolls," the mental health clinic run by her husband has been collecting annual Medicaid payments totaling over $137,000 for the treatment of patients since 2005, according to new figures obtained by NBC News.

blah blah blah

"She's giving hypocrisy a bad name," said Ron Pollock, executive director of Families USA, a consumer health care advocacy group, when asked about the Medicaid payments to Bachmann & Associates. "It's clear when it feathers her nest she's happy for Medicaid expenditures. But people that really need it — folks with disabilities and seniors — she's turning their backs on them."

Bachmann's husband got $137,000 in Medicaid funds - politics - Decision 2012 -

Are you suggesting they turn away people using medicaid?

Then they'd have made that a headline. Damned if they do, damned if they don't. The rationale of the left.

People really need to learn to think critically about media reports and take their partisan opinion out of the equation to arrive at factually accurate, honest, opinions.... sadly, both sides are infected with party above country disease.

I thought you didn't broadbrush? :lol:

As for taking the Funds... What was her Husband supposed to do?...

Turn away the Patients?...

The Law is what the Law is...

Wanting to Change while NOT Denying those who are Afforded it is not Inconsistent...

Not to Mention, it's her Husband, NOT her.

Is her Husband Running as VP?



No doubt they'll go after her for taking government funding.... to care for her foster children too.

Oh it won't be long and the left will be attacking the foster children as well just as they have done with every other Female candidate
Some families take in foster children for the government money.
HUH damn funny I could swear it was me asking if the left now thinks poorly of people have to use Medicaid.

Just as we are asking the left why they are so determined to screw over the poor and working people of this nation through the left unabashed insane spending and debt level for which our children will be forced to pay for.

One of the aspects of Critical thinking requires a person to look past their believes and look at the future consequence of action that you might take.

Its safe to say that neither you or many on the left are willing to look past merely defending this administration despite the future consequence of its actions now.

Who's defending the administration? I'm defending the left... not the administration. The administration isn't left. It always was a centrist administration that is now leaning right from it's original position. You're just so far right that EVERYTHING looks left to you.

What's the "future Consequences" of cutting hundreds of millions of people off of services that they have already paid for? What's the future consequences of giving even more power and control over to the big business and banking monopolies?

You're side won't compromise... ours does to a fault. You're the one with blinders on, but because of those blinders you can't tell.

LMAO!! Obamacare was centrist really? The administration is the Left which is the reason you say nothing about what it is doing to our Nation.

Your party attack's a women running for office through her husband when your not taking the time to attack her children. Her husband who has little or no choice in wither or not to accept medicaid payments making medicaid payments the issues not her Husband or for that matter her.

You and your Party are so extreme in your beliefs you rarely listen to what you are saying you lash out making outlandish statements and in generaly spew hate at those that you oppose and you wonder why this nation so resoundingly rejects your ideology.

No I don't believe either you or your party is capable of critical thought the budget issue is a classic example of that. Maybe the left simply has no understanding of the consequences of having uncontrolled spending maybe you just don't care so long as you can protect the one doing the spending we are 15 Trillion in debt and climbing the last "cut" was an absolute joke you remember... 1 billion boiled down to being less then 300 million and you expect us to take your party or administration seriously after that?

Still you defend that which is killing our nation. As was hashed through last night we've reached the level of being a thrid world nation if the left really cared about the people of this nation then the left would step up and start figuring ways of getting our nation back on top and putting people back to work......but no that kind of thinking can't be done because the ONE has deemed it to be bad and you are obligated to defend his actions.
Its been brutally apparent for some time now that the left is wholly incapable of thinking critically. The left speaks from talking points and nothing more I strongly doubt that many if any give any thought at all to what they are saying and post's like this are a very clear indication of that fact.

Personally, it's pretty apparent that this inability to think crosses political boundries. It's as prevalent on the right as it is on the left.

Observing the Obvious again, CG?...


It's about the only thing that she can comprehend!
seems bachman has more trouble than stealing petty's music

While Rep. Michelle Bachmann, R-Minn., has forcefully denounced the Medicaid program for swelling the "welfare rolls," the mental health clinic run by her husband has been collecting annual Medicaid payments totaling over $137,000 for the treatment of patients since 2005, according to new figures obtained by NBC News.

blah blah blah

"She's giving hypocrisy a bad name," said Ron Pollock, executive director of Families USA, a consumer health care advocacy group, when asked about the Medicaid payments to Bachmann & Associates. "It's clear when it feathers her nest she's happy for Medicaid expenditures. But people that really need it — folks with disabilities and seniors — she's turning their backs on them."

Bachmann's husband got $137,000 in Medicaid funds - politics - Decision 2012 -

Correction cause libruls never get it right. Michelle Bachman's husband did not get $137.000 dollars. A clinic he was running received it and I assume it was used for treating patients. You guys have entered your rabid dog summer.. go to the clinic.

A clinic he owned.

What were you saying about not getting it right? :lol:
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No doubt they'll go after her for taking government funding.... to care for her foster children too.

Oh it won't be long and the left will be attacking the foster children as well just as they have done with every other Female candidate
Some families take in foster children for the government money.

And some family's abandon and murder their children I realize in your extremist world view that because she is someone you might disagree with that obviously she is doing it for the money right?
Still haven't seen the 'denouncing statements' that she apparently made, it would be nice to have them in context to go with the op, since the op is making the claim it should provide the rest of the information.

Newby is a level headed and polite poster.

Would some one please produce some quotes showing Bachmann railing against medicare.

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