Back Door To Europe, Syrian Refugees Reroute Via Brazil


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
After having made it to safety, I don't think these people should be granted asylum to go to Eutopr and claim refugee status. They should stay where they are, get a job, and settle in there.

Following the plan by the EU and Turkey to turn back refugees, many are looking for alternative ways to reach Europe. A new path to the continent starts on the
Back Door To Europe, Syrian Refugees Reroute Via Brazilother side of the Atlantic — in South America — and continues through far-flung French territories.
This is part of our series: Syria Crisis. Click here to read more.
Mohamad Khair Alhamwi (2016-04-24)
Tiete bus terminal, Sao Paulo, Brazil

CAYENNE — As Greece begins shipping migrants back to Turkey, Syrians are finding new alternatives to the increasingly difficult journey across the Mediterranean to Europe. One of these routes takes refugees to Brazil and into French Guiana, a French territory on the northeastern coast of South America, where refugees can more easily establish legal residency in a French territory while applying for asylum in Europe.

"I learned from friends who were living in Europe that many Africans travel to Europe this way," said Mohammed, a 27-year-old from Homs who had fled to Lebanon in 2012 as the war in Syria became increasingly violent. "One month after applying, I received my visa, and they gave me 90 days to enter Brazil."

Several months after arriving in Beirut, he walked into the Brazilian embassy and applied for a tourist visa. "I had never imagined the journey would be so easy," he said.

Read the full article: Back Door To Europe, Syrian Refugees Reroute Via Brazil

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