Back To School. Letters to trump

And here you are again, completely ignoring data that doesn't fit the narrative being spoonfed to you by CNN.


What's so hard to understand. That nobody was recommending the general public start wearing masks when there were less than a dozen cases in the US.

And when the pandemic reached the community spread point in early match, they changed their recommendation.
What's so hard to understand. That nobody was recommending the general public start wearing masks when there were less than a dozen cases in the US.

And when the pandemic reached the community spread point in early match, they changed their recommendation.

I posted you a detailed & heavily referenced article from CIDRAP. Stop ignoring the facts like a goddamn 12 year old and read it.
All reports are that children are being harmed the most by this and keeping them home benefits them the least. Their death rate is almost zero and they are very low carriers of the disease. You didn't mention that. Children can't sit on a computer all day and replace in class learning. They just can't. But sacrifice them at the altar. Orange man bad. Any price, huh?

And that’s a flat out lie that Trump is using to try to force kids back to school. This is about forcing low income workers back to work. They can’t go back unless their children are back in school because the USA has no other child care program.

Even the American Paediatric Society has said children should NOTunder any circumstances, return to classrooms until the virus is under control and walked back their Guidelines published at the end of June.

You completely made that up. Sheesh. Don't leftists read your own links ever before you post them? They didn't say any of that. They just said that the government should also be concerned about educators. The rest you just made up what you wanted it to say

Trump doesn’t care about his own grandkids, much less yours. Children and dogs hate him. I have never known an animal to be wrong about a person

Yes the kids miss their friends and their classes. But they need to feel safe. My grandkids haven’t been allowed in stores until this week. They’re learning to wear masks and socially distance.

The schools can’t keep kids safe from head lice. How are they going to keep them safe from Covid19?

Well, according to the American Pediatric Society, children are asymptomatic and don't transmit the disease, so why are you scaring the shit out of them?
What's so hard to understand. That nobody was recommending the general public start wearing masks when there were less than a dozen cases in the US.

And when the pandemic reached the community spread point in early match, they changed their recommendation.

I posted you a detailed & heavily referenced article from CIDRAP. Stop ignoring the facts like a goddamn 12 year old and read it.

meaner gene has no manhood. I provided him a link yesterday proving him wrong on this subject and he wouldn't man up to it.

meaner green argued that children going to school would kill their grandparents. I gave him an article from the American Pediatric association showing that's not true. Children have a virtually zero death rate and don't effectively carry the disease.

His response? He was right because the article didn't say it couldn't happen. So his argument is seriously we can't send kids back to school because it could happen one kid gets it or transmits it.

I just call him no nuts now. Leftists never man up to links proving them wrong. They are not people of honor. I guess people who want government to rob others on their behalf wouldn't be honorable
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