Back To School. Letters to trump

Ddn't the governor order nursing homes to take in obviously infected patients or lose their licenses? Doesn't that mean anything besides inane statistics?
What you can't seem to comprehend is that nursing homes are medical facilities. They are certified to handle infectious diseases. They isolate infectious patients all the time. Have you heard of C-dif, a common infectious agent in nursing homes.
The nursing homes in New York didn't get the coronavirus f rom patients they KNEW had the virus, and thusd were isolated. But from employees and staff who they didn't know had it.

New York. Bottom 80%
I didn't even hint at a number, and it certainly wouldn't be in the single digits. I'm asking you to do the cost benefit analysis with the benefit to children on one side.

Now i'm asking you how many deaths would be acceptable to you to balance it?

It's no different than when FDR or Truman balanced estimated casualties against various military actions.

I didn't even hint at a number, and it certainly wouldn't be in the single digits. I'm asking you to do the cost benefit analysis with the benefit to children on one side.

Now i'm asking you how many deaths would be acceptable to you to balance it?

It's no different than when FDR or Truman balanced estimated casualties against various military actions.
I would expect the death numbers to be similar to the flu. So what is that maybe in the low hundreds? You can't turn the country upside down hiding from a virus that is no more deadly than the flu to kids. And like I said, you can't ignore the very serious consequences THAT ALSO INCLUDE DEATH from keeping kids out of school.
If you think the governor of New York did something wrong, you would be able to show the effect with the numbers. Only in this case New Yorks nursing home numbers (deaths per 1,000 residents) are in the bottom 80% and at half the national average in nursing home death percentage.
You almost gotta laugh that the "numbers" compiled by New York State only indicate around 6,200 bodies actually hauled out of nursing homes while the number of nursing home patients who died in hospitals is ignored. The NY Times estimates that 40% of the Covid deaths were in nursing homes and that comes out to over 10,000 bodies. The bottom line is that while other states might have underestimated the impact of the virus on nursing home patients, Andrew Cuomo was apparently aware of it and he was the only governor to issue an executive order forcing nursing homes to admit infected patients. Why he did it is puzzling but it seems that his rants about a shortage of ventilators indicated a mental breakdown Maybe he thought nursing home deaths would promote federal money.
Point 1: Children have fewer receptors. They're children they have fewer or smaller of everything. Yet they are just as susceptible to cancer.

Point 2: They have a stronger immune system. This is true and false. At birth they inherit the immune system from their mothers. But that fades over time, which is why babies have to be vaccinated. Adults through exposure or vaccination actually have stronger immune response.

Are Children's Immune Systems Stronger than Adults ...

Research shows that young people do NOT have immune systems as efficient as adults. Children may be prone to contact a viral infection, and take more time to ...

at a very young age children have inexperienced immune systems which leaves them prone to infections

To Point 1: Cancers are sometimes genetic in nature, not always acquired through the environment.
I don't have the citation at my fingertips but someone posted that the schools are at "half capacity" They leave every other desk empty, the kids wash their hands before entering class, and frequently throughout the day. They eat "at their desks", and of course, wear masks, AND socially distance using markings on the floor.

All it takes is wearing a mask and washing hands regularly. That renders the distancing measures moot.
I watched this video and just cried.

For all that has been lost. All that will be lost and all that suffering could have been prevented.

Children need to go back to school. However it shouldn't be a death sentence.

Nor should it force a child to live the rest of their life knowing they bright that virus home and it killed their dad or someone they loved.

That is just way too much to force on a child. No matter what age they are.

One of my best friends and I were out of town the beginning of the month. Her 18 year old son was told he had a low grade fever at work. He was sent home. He had the test for the virus a day later. I told my friend if he has it, I won't take her home until it's safe. I didn't want that boy I helped to grow into a wonderful adult to have to spend the rest of his life knowing that his mom died because of a virus he brought home. She agreed with me. Luckily, the test came back negative.

No one should force a child to have to live with that for the rest of their lives.

On the positive side you were already crying before you saw the video...dumbass.
They company had put out an add in June requesting applicants for bus drivers. They called back all the previous drivers, and not one decided to come back. There are zero drivers for whenever kids go back. Zero.
The NY Times estimates that 40% of the Covid deaths were in nursing homes and that comes out to over 10,000 bodies.
40% is near the national average. New York was at almost half that. Hence why the number was nowhere near 10,000
The bottom line is that while other states might have underestimated the impact of the virus on nursing home patients, Andrew Cuomo was apparently aware of it and he was the only governor to issue an executive order forcing nursing homes to admit infected patients.
Yet New York by the numbers was in the bottom 80%.

You can shout about it all day, but the numbers prove you absolutely wrong. The only thing you can do is claim the numbers are fake news, claiming that residents of nursing homes aren't counted if sent to the ER.
They didn't want people running around wearing masks until there was an actual need for them to do so. They didn't want them grabbing up the short supply of masks they knew would be needed by the medical community.

Putting on a mask in early March was like putting a band-aid on your chin, in anticipation of cutting yourself shaving weeks later.

All your citations said is you don't need to put on a band-aid

What the hell are you talking about you mental midget? If masks actually worked they should have recommended them from the get-go. What fuck-all sense does it make to wear masks AFTER everyone is infected?

There are multiple examples in that post stating masks weren't necessary because they are ineffective and you're conveniently ignoring them. Maybe too many pictures overload your peabrain so try this article released by the University of Minnesota Center For Infectious Disease and Research Policy, authored by a Doctorate and a PhD with FIFTY-TWO references:


"Cloth masks are ineffective as source control and PPE, surgical masks have some role to play in preventing emissions from infected patients, and respirators are the best choice for protecting healthcare and other frontline workers, but not recommended for source control. These recommendations apply to pandemic and non-pandemic situations.

Leaving aside the fact that they are ineffective, telling the public to wear cloth or surgical masks could be interpreted by some to mean that people are safe to stop isolating at home. It's too late now for anything but stopping as much person-to-person interaction as possible.

Masks may confuse that message and give people a false sense of security. If masks had been the solution in Asia, shouldn't they have stopped the pandemic before it spread elsewhere?

Notice the addendum added yesterday because a bunch of leftist control freaks started whining that it didn't fit the narrative? It still didn't change their conclusions. Quote:

"In summary, though we support mask wearing by the general public, we continue to conclude that cloth masks and face coverings are likely to have limited impact on lowering COVID-19 transmission, because they have minimal ability to prevent the emission of small particles, offer limited personal protection with respect to small particle inhalation, and should not be recommended as a replacement for physical distancing or reducing time in enclosed spaces with many potentially infectious people. "

Nevertheless, here's the original:

You are being led by the nose and falling for it because you're a weak & gullible little sheep. Baaaaa for me.
All it takes is wearing a mask and washing hands regularly. That renders the distancing measures moot.

I can go one step further. Universal mask wearing would also cut the need for washing hands or cleaning surfaces dramatically.

It's because some people don't wear masks, and thus shed virus loads everywhere they go, that we have to clean the surfaces they touched, or breathed on.
40% is near the national average. New York was at almost half that. Hence why the number was nowhere near 10,000
Half of that? Not according to the NY times. Apparently NY might have been above the national average before Cuomo's statistic rangers fudged the numbers. The point is that apparently no other governor in the United States ever issued an order to force nursing homes to admit infected patients. If Cuomo was aware that nursing home patients were the most vulnerable in society at the time it makes him criminally liable for one or a hundred or 3,000 or ten thousand deaths.
You far right radical extremists are pathetic.

You want to send kids to school so they will die or they bring the virus home to kill their families.

You are so far beyond sick.

It's a terrible story, but I don't recommend trying to appeal to the emotions of Cult45 trash. They don't have emotions. They are like rats. Only fit for extermination.
What the hell are you talking about you mental midget? If masks actually worked they should have recommended them from the get-go. What fuck-all sense does it make to wear masks AFTER everyone is infected?

Doctors didn't say people needed to wear masks because the number of cases in the entire country was just hitting double digits.

It's no different than the captain of a ship telling the passengers they don't need to put their life jackets on while they're in port.
Half of that? Not according to the NY times. Apparently NY might have been above the national average before Cuomo's statistic rangers fudged the numbers. The point is that apparently no other governor in the United States ever issued an order to force nursing homes to admit infected patients. If Cuomo was aware that nursing home patients were the most vulnerable in society at the time it makes him criminally liable for one or a hundred or 3,000 or ten thousand deaths.
Yet his numbers show the opposite. His numbers were half the national average and in the bottom 80%. You can scream and stamp your feet that the death rate should have been higher, but they ended up lower than in almost a dozen other states.

The Nursing Home COVID-19 Public File includes data reported by nursing homes to the CDC’s National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) system COVID-19 Long Term Care Facility Module, including Resident Impact, Facility Capacity, Staff & Personnel, and Supplies & Personal Protective Equipment, and Ventilator Capacity and Supplies Data Elements.

Data quality checks were performed on the following resident and staff data fields: 1) number of resident admissions/readmissions; 2) number of COVID-19 confirmed cases; 3) number of COVID-19 suspected cases; 4) number of COVID-19 deaths; and 5) total resident deaths.
Doctors didn't say people needed to wear masks because the number of cases in the entire country was just hitting double digits.

It's no different than the captain of a ship telling the passengers they don't need to put their life jackets on while they're in port.

And here you are again, completely ignoring data that doesn't fit the narrative being spoonfed to you by CNN.


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